I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 178: Tanuki Festival

The raccoon monsters led the way with lanterns in front, walking through the forest, and looked back at Dong Yeyu from time to time, fearing that he would lose him.

Dong Yeyu, who had returned to his original form, walked very fast, and just walked easily to keep up with the hurried pace of the raccoon monsters, and even had time to observe the surrounding woods.

After Yuanjun regained control of the fairyland, there were many more fireflies in the peach forest, and the hazy moonlight in the sky, as if through frosted glass, seemed brighter.

If the sky of the fairyland before was like the result of a highly myopic person without glasses trying to observe, then now, he has found a pair of suitable lenses.

The star-like flickering fireflies and the cold moonlight eliminated some of the gloomy atmosphere of the forest, bringing a little fairy tale fantasy.

After an unknown period of time, a large area of ​​fire appeared in front, and the raccoon monsters leading the way in front were all saying, "We are here! ’

Walking out of the woods, the view was suddenly clear. The fertile fields destroyed by the flood had not yet been restored. Some destroyed wooden structures belonging to houses were randomly placed in the fields.

The raccoons simply cleaned up the debris in the fields and collected the bodies of the raccoon monsters they could find. As for the bodies of the monsters.

Dong Yeyu jumped onto a peach tree with thick branches and stood at the crown of the tree and looked around. He did not find the monster bodies that were very valuable at first glance.

They were probably washed into this thousand-mile peach forest by the flood, and they would probably become fertilizer for the peach trees in the end.

Thinking of this, my heart, which was used to being frugal, couldn't help but ache, as if I had lost 10,000 yen on the street for nothing.

But I thought about it again, most of these monsters were not killed by me, and it seemed that I was not the one who suffered the loss, and I suddenly felt relieved.

The fire came from not far ahead, where a grand festival was being held, and monsters wearing masks or covered with white talismans kept walking towards the festival.

A newly built vermilion torii gate was used as the entrance, and a simple wooden bridge and plank road were built as the passage. Since the soil in the field was still very wet, the ground of the festival site was also paved with wood.

In the center of the festival site, there was a three-story corner tower like a watchtower. Each corner tower was placed with a Taiko drum. On the drum side, a strong raccoon monster was bare-chested and beat the drum hard. The rhythmic drum sound kept coming.

The four eaves of the corner tower were connected to the four corners of the festival with ropes. The ropes were connected to each other like spider webs. There were colorful lights hanging on it. From a distance, it looked like a roof made of lanterns with bright lights covering the festival.

Simple small shops with colorful flags were scattered around the corner tower, just like the mobile snack shops selling hot dogs in the mortal world.

There were signs on the roof of each shop, basically some Taiyaki, Teppanyaki Squid, etc., which were no different from the festivals of mortals.

However, it seems that many monsters like this. The snacks of mortals are probably quite popular in the monster world.

"Master Higashino, please follow us. Master Shuzo and others are at the cocktail party at the festival."

Why is there both a festival and a cocktail party?

Higashino Yu followed the raccoon cat monsters into the venue with some curiosity. He passed through the newly built torii gate in the field and went to the festival with a group of monsters.

Most of these monsters are not native monsters of the fairyland, but monsters from the outside world.

They are basically small monsters - such a big thing happened in the fairyland before, and probably no big monsters are willing to come.

Higashino Yu guessed that there were three reasons for holding this festival.

The first is to celebrate. No matter what, expelling demons and killing evil gods is a common victory for everyone this time, and it is time to celebrate.

The second is to pay tribute. More than half of the raccoons in the raccoon village have died, and most of those left are old, weak, sick and disabled. There are not many young and strong raccoons who are lucky enough to survive. A ceremony must be held to boost morale.

The third one probably also informed other monsters, "The Water God of Hishizawa is about to return, please respect the raccoon cats in Tanuki Village." This means that it plays a role in protecting the raccoon cat monsters.

The one who came up with this idea was very thoughtful and had the demeanor of a leader.

Dong Yeyu secretly admired in his heart, his eyes fell on the Torii behind him.

Was it Yuanjun's instruction?

After thinking about it, he shook his head.

The dragon was used to being a rotten dragon. She was probably too lazy to think of ideas, and probably wouldn't pay attention to the raccoon cat monsters in Tanuki Village - after all, they were the followers of the previous Water God of Hishizawa.

Although he rescued the raccoon cats before, it should be because he didn't want to leave them to die.

Sake storehouse?

This Tengu has a chivalrous heart, but he is quite arrogant, taciturn, and not good at socializing. He only interacts with monsters that he likes and doesn't meddle in other people's business.

Although he looks fierce, he likes to study various skills and doesn't like mundane affairs. Heihachi is kind, likes to eat and enjoy life, while Shichiro is alert and looks more like a scout than a leader.

As for Badger Chiyo?

He is a reckless man.

It is highly likely that he is qualified. Although he looks like an old bald farmer, he has a lot of wisdom in his mind, a sharp eye, and rich experience. It is not surprising that he can come up with such an idea.

The passing monsters saw Dong Yeyu approaching while thinking, and they all looked at him sideways.

Most monsters were stunned for a moment, and then they quickly dodged. Those who didn't have time to dodge knelt on the ground tremblingly to avoid offending the big monster.

After Dong Yeyu left, the monsters looked at the back of the white giant fox and whispered.

"Is that Master Ayu, one of the Seven Righteous Men? Such a powerful aura, he is worthy of being a big monster who can fight against gods!"

"Did the Seven Righteous Men really beat the gods?"

"Of course. Didn't you see that thunder two days ago? From a distance, my tongue feels numb just by looking at it. Even if you are a god, I don't believe that you can survive after being hit by such a thunder."

"They actually have such a spell. Does anyone know the details?"

"Chenghui has a penny, uh, a bowl of spiritual wine will do. Thank you, thank you! The boss has made a fortune, and his cultivation has reached the sky! When I drink this bowl of spiritual wine, it will be so refreshing!"

"Let's just say it. That day, dark clouds covered the sun and thunder rolled. Lord Zukan, Lord Jiuzou, and Lord Ayu all fought against the evil god. The fight was so dark that the sky was dark and the earth was dark. , lightning and thunder, when the evil god was full of bad ideas and wanted to flood the fairyland, then Hisizawa Masami came out."

This crow monster was wearing a little black hat and carrying a whistle stick with a baggage on it. He was talking to the surrounding little monsters about the news he had heard from hearsay. When he got excited, he jumped on a wooden box and started dancing. , probably drunk.

Dong Yeyu looked back and saw that a group of little monsters had surrounded the crow spirit inside and outside, listening attentively.

There was a tanuki monster shouting from the side, "Wrong, wrong!"

The monsters ignored him and were so anxious that the civet cat turned into a Bodhidharma on the spot. He yelled with his eyes wide open in anger, which scared the little monsters and fled in all directions. The crow monster staggered drunkenly on the box and subconsciously covered his head with his hands. Bright lights.


The smoke rose, and the young civet cat changed back to its original shape, standing there suffocating.

Quite lively. Dong Yeyu smiled and quickly arrived at the center of the festival despite the various looks of many little monsters at the festival.

There is a huge ukiyo-e screen to the north. Through the screen, a cocktail party is being held inside.

A group of monster musicians were playing, and Dong Yeyu saw the familiar monster Qingpan.

He was still wearing his cassock and Buddhist beads, sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes slightly, with an expression of enjoyment. The plectrum in his hand flew dexterously on the strings of the shamisen, and the sonorous music played smoothly and slowly.

I have to say that there is something about island country tunes. At first it sounds like sad music, but the more you listen to it, the more interesting it becomes.

As if aware of Dong Yeyu's arrival, Qingpan opened his eyes and looked over, smiled and bowed, and then continued to focus on playing music.

There were seven futons at the beginning of the reception, on which youkai such as Shu, Heihachi, and Badger Chiyo were sitting and drinking. Zukan and Shuazou were holding wine glasses and chatting with smiles. Shichiro was holding a wine glass and looking at the festival lights in a daze.

There were accompanying tanuki monsters around, all tanuki girls, wearing beautiful kimonos, golden hairpins, and green leaves on their heads. They looked like beautiful human girls.

There was an empty seat, which probably belonged to me. Kneeling next to it was a tanuki girl wearing a maple red kimono. Her long, shiny black hair was combed like an adult, and she was wearing a somewhat rustic Sakura-glazed ambush.

Unlike other tanuki girls, this one has a tanuki face from the neck up.

This girl Mootong. Dong Yeyu looked a little funny.

Zukan and Shuizang had already sensed Higashinoyu's aura. When they saw him coming here, they both turned their eyes. Zukan stood up and offered a toast.

"Your Excellency Ayu, please take a seat quickly. There is a delicious monkey wine tonight. I won't come home until I'm drunk."

Jiuzang also smiled and toasted from a distance.

The badger Chiyo, who was exchanging drinks with Shu and Heihachi, burped, looked at Higashino Yu in confusion, rubbed his eyes, stumbled under the fox, hugged his thick legs and raised the wine cup.

"I can't beat you in a fight, and you can't beat me in drinking. Do you dare to compete with me in terms of drinking capacity?"

Heihachi laughed and said, "Chiyo-nii is drunk."

"You're not drunk!" Badger Chiyo glared unconvinced, and both Shu and Qilang laughed, "Don't be rude." The two stood up and took Badger Chiyo back.

Taodong, who was slightly straightening up and looking around, sat in the distance and hesitated for a moment before getting up and running towards this side with small steps.

Go to Dong Yeyu and bow slightly.

"Lord Ayu, please take a seat with me."

"Is there a place to change clothes? It's not convenient for me to attend a cocktail party like this."

Dong Yeyu said softly, feeling a little helpless. Whenever he changed back to his original form, he would begin to long for the magical power of Xiao Ruyi.

The original form has strong combat power, but its size is too large, which is really inconvenient sometimes.

Hearing this, Taotong blinked and his eyes fell on Higashino Yu's huge body.

Looking at the white, slender and extremely dense fox fur, the civet girl's eyes were bright and she muttered softly: "There is plenty of space for the reception, there is nothing inconvenient about it."

She probably figured out Dong Yeyu's temperament and knew that he was not a cruel monster like Kashuo Xuan, so she became much bolder after getting to know him better.

But he just said that, and then turned around and walked towards the temporary residence of the civet cats that was newly built after the festival.

"Please come with me."

Higashino Yu said hello to the six big monsters, and followed Mootou to the temporary civet cat colony built after the festival.

The civet girl came to her own hut and took out her simple flower bundle from the simple tatami covered with wooden boards. When she opened it, she found all kinds of sundries inside.

There are jewelry, ribs, a slightly old gray kimono and a brand new black kimono.

She first looked at the gray suit, hesitated for a second, and took the black suit.

The whole set of clothes includes naga, haori and hakama. They look very new and the workmanship is quite good.

The girl looked at Yu Zhi in a daze, and after a moment, she looked at Higashino Yu with a smile.

"This is the clothes that my father made in the demon city before he died, but he didn't have time to wear them. I can't find better clothes for the time being, so please bear with it and wear this first!"

Dong Yeyu was silent for a second, looked at the raccoon girl, and asked: "Is it okay? This is a precious relic left to you by your father."

"If my father knew that you were wearing it, he would be very happy!" The raccoon girl said seriously.

Dong Yeyu was no longer shy after hearing this, nodded, turned back into human form, and went into the house to change clothes.

The raccoon girl stood outside the house with her back to the brightly lit festival below, a little dazed. The cool night breeze disturbed the girl's hair, and the rustling sound of changing clothes behind her disturbed her breathing.

Hearing the crisp footsteps of wooden clogs, she turned around and looked, her eyes lit up instantly, put her hands behind her back, brushed the hair flowing down from her temples behind her ears, and smiled brightly.

"It fits! Master Dongye is such a handsome monster!"

When there are no other monsters around, she still likes to call him by his real name.

"Momofuku will also become a very beautiful monster when he grows up."

Dongye Yu smiled and touched the raccoon girl's head, put his hands in his sleeves, and strode towards the cocktail party.

The raccoon girl looked at the back of the big monster, touched the green leaves on her head, and sighed a little discouraged.


"I'll be right there!"

The girl answered crisply, carefully straightened the green leaves, and followed in small steps.

The two returned to the cocktail party, and Badger Chiyo immediately pulled Dongye Yu up to play drinking games together.

"Come on, come on, it's boring to play with three people."

Higashino Yu glanced at Shichiro who was sitting alone on the edge, and pulled him up: "Since it's a festival drinking party, don't be sentimental, come and drink."

Seeing this, Zukan and Shuzo also came over with their wine jugs and smiled, "Count us in too."

"Okay, okay, let's get drunk tonight!" Heihachi laughed and poured himself a glass first.

Bang, bang, bang!

The festival began to set off fireworks, and the light spots like meteors rose slowly, breaking through the quiet night sky, like flowers scattered by the sky, dazzling and dazzling.

Colorful colors exploded in the sky, and the gorgeous lights and fires illuminated the fairyland. The monsters danced around the huge bonfire built in the shape of a well in the center of the festival, and the rhythmic drums accompanied the rhythm of the monsters.

Fireworks and silver flowers, a night of joy, until the late night when the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, the monsters participating in the festival gradually dispersed.

Jiuzang, Zukan and others were full of food and drink, and after a good laugh, they all picked up their bags and said goodbye to each other.

The departure came so suddenly that Dongye Yu was a little stunned, and looked at them: "Are you leaving now?"

Zukan smiled and patted Dongye Yu on the shoulder.

"Ayu, you have been in the mortal world for a long time, and you have also been infected with the sentimentality of mortals. You should know that we monsters are different from ordinary people. We have a long lifespan, and there will be many opportunities to meet in the future."

"After many years, we will all travel around the world, meet by chance, tell each other about our experiences, drink and laugh about the world, isn't it beautiful? Why worry?"

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