I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 175 Yuan Jun

"Then Uda Jingzheng was struck by a thunderbolt while holding your position as the god. The godhood of the water god of Hishizawa was probably destroyed. Where did the position of the god's messenger come from?"

Dongye Yu glanced at her and couldn't help but suspect that this old witch wanted to cheat him into working for nothing.

"Besides, do you really have the consciousness to become a god?"

"I have learned about it these two days. Although Uda Jingzheng is hypocritical to use his premature daughter as an excuse to cover up his ambition, his accusation against you is not false at all."

"As the water god of Hishizawa, you are indeed negligent in your duties. Decades ago, his ten-year-old daughter Takako was eaten by a demon-because you did not come forward to expel it."

The lady with a veil lowered her head, "I was in a deep sleep at the time and ignored the voices of the believers."

What a dead pig, sleeping for decades, and then waking up to find something wrong, showing the expression of Zhang Huaimin, right?

How can a god be like this? He never shows up, and doesn't manage the demons and monsters in his jurisdiction. He just sits there and eats for nothing. If it weren't for the development of tourism in the local area, the Hishizawa Shrine on Xiashan would have been abandoned eighty years ago.

Now you think of asking the cow and horse gods to work illegally?

Dong Yeyu was a little speechless, "Didn't you find one or two gods to assist you before?"

The lady pondered for a moment and recalled: "The demons here are different from you, sir. They don't know etiquette and are vulgar. What's the point of coming? But when I took office, there was a turtle prime minister sent by my grandfather, and civil and military officials followed to assist. But when I saw them quarreling all day, I drove them all back."

Dong Yeyu:

I seem to have heard something incredible. How come the turtle prime minister is here? You didn't come from the sea, did you?

Come to think of it, I don't even know her name - when this woman came to my door yesterday, she only called herself the water god of Hishizawa, and didn't tell her name.

Isn't her surname Ao?

This makes sense. It's like a rich lady from a city parachuting into management to mess up. The company is on the verge of bankruptcy. She dares not go home after making a mess and looks for someone to fill the hole.

However, if this is the case, how could the dragon girl be the water god in a small place like an island country? At least she can be a water god or He Bo in Shenzhou, right?

Dong Yeyu pondered for a moment, "Wait a minute, let me ask first, what is your name?"

I actually wanted to ask her what her true form is, but for monsters, it seems impolite to ask the true form directly.

"Sir, you are rude."

The lady frowned slightly when she heard this, looked at Dong Yeyu, and explained in a quiet and polite voice: "I haven't married yet, how can I easily tell the name of a man who is not my wife."

At this point, she stared at Dong Yeyu with her starry eyes and added very sincerely: "However, if you are willing to be my messenger, then you are not considered a man who is not my wife."

"Forget it then." Dong Yeyu turned around and was about to leave.

If she really has a history and status in the sea, she should be the God of Water in Shenzhou.

This woman looks noble and polite, like a royal lady in ancient Shenzhou.

But she was exiled to the island country and became the God of Water in Xiahu Lake, a small lake that is considered remote in the island country.

Although Xiahu Lake was a big lake in ancient times, it has shrunk to this extent now. The tourism industry is only developed by chance, and it is difficult to be called a good god.

I guess she came here because of something she did wrong.

What's more, this guy can sleep for decades, and he is probably a bad person. If I take over, I might have a lot of things to deal with every now and then. Where will I have time to practice and repay my gratitude?

Not right.

Seeing this, the lady hesitated for a moment and quickly chased after him: "Sir, you can call me Yuanjun."

Surname Yuan?

Dragon girl?

Dong Yeyu was thoughtful. She thought about what she said before. When she took office, she was followed by a turtle prime minister and hundreds of civil and military officials. It was very likely that she was a dragon.

However, judging from her surname, she might not be a sea dragon, but a river dragon.

The dragon family is not only Ao, but Yuan is also one of the dragon family surnames. There was a legend about Wei Dan releasing a turtle during the Tang Dynasty. The dragon in the legend was named Yuan.

The story is about a man named Wei Dan in the Tang Dynasty. When he was young, he lived in Luoyang. When he passed a bridge on a donkey, he saw many people gathered around the bridge and making noise.

When he got closer, he saw that a fisherman had caught a big turtle and was tying it to the bridge pillar.

It was probably a classic display of fishermen, and then they would sell it.

When the young Wei Dan saw this scene, he felt sorry for it, so he walked up and asked how much money he could redeem it.

The fisherman wanted five thousand coins, and Wei Dan didn't have that much money, so he had to exchange it with the donkey he was riding.

After getting the big turtle from the fisherman, Wei Dan went to the river and released it, but he didn't know that the big turtle was a dragon.

The dragon called himself Yuan Junzhi. In order to thank Wei Dan for saving his life, he went to heaven and fought for Wei Dan's lifelong wealth and glory.

Although this story is nonsense, there is indeed a saying that Jianghelong's surname is Yuan.

However, Yuanjun is probably not the full name of this dragon girl. Jun probably refers to her status as a water god. After all, water gods are generally called water gods.

"Yuanjun has an extraordinary origin. It shouldn't be difficult to find someone to assist you? Why do you want me, a wild fox, to be your messenger?" Dong Yeyu was a little curious.

"Can you summon a divine thunder and have the gods of the thunder department descend? Is it also a wild fox? Besides, you have a deep blessing. You were born as a wild fox, but you can be passed on to the great way. There must be something strange. Although I don't know why, I believe in the choice of the Heavenly Venerable."

Yuanjun said sincerely, and the expression under the veil could not be seen clearly, but the starry eyes contained some curiosity.

"It's just a method obtained by chance. I don't have a master. If Tianzun knows about it, there's a greater possibility that he will be exterminated."

Dong Yeyu sighed. He did have this worry occasionally.

What if the rewards of the system were all from the fire dragon burning the warehouse, and the elixirs were all leaked from the monkey's mouth - although this possibility is very small, what if it is?

Yuanjun heard this, and her eyes widened, and she smiled like a crescent moon.

"Sir, you are wrong. Tianzun's divine thoughts searched all over the ten directions and ten thousand worlds. Nothing can be hidden from him. Since you can practice peacefully until now, it must be Tianzun's tacit approval."

Does Tianzun know about the existence of the system?

Dong Yeyu was a little confused. According to Yuanjun, he practiced the righteous way, and he should have entered Tianzun's eyes long ago. The system is probably also discovered.

But since he didn't make a move to snatch it, it is estimated that in Tianzun's eyes, the system is probably just like that, right?

And according to Yuanjun, Tianzun tacitly approved his practice of the righteous way.

In this way, although I am not officially included in the sect, I am still considered to have someone above me, right?

Whether I can shake it or not is another matter, at least I will not be killed by the gods of the island country as a wild monster.

Thinking of this, Dong Yeyu felt much more relieved, as if he had pulled out a hidden thorn that had been stuck in his flesh for many years.

These words relieved Dong Yeyu's worries for many years. He looked at Yuanjun and his attitude improved a lot - after learning that it was because of this god's bad behavior that the demons ravaged the local area, he actually didn't like it very much.

No one likes gods who are idle and do nothing. If it were in Shenzhou, the statue of this Yuanjun might be dragged to the square and exposed to the sun for three days.

So he refused seriously.

"I am flattered by Yuanjun's invitation, but I have many ties in the mortal world and I really don't have time to serve as a divine messenger."

Yuanjun: "Don't worry, you can study first and come to serve after you finish your mortal affairs."

"If I do well, my father may transfer me back to Shenzhou to be the God of the River God. Then you can also go to Shenzhou to seek a divine post. I know you have already achieved enlightenment and just need to practice with all your heart. But the road to practice is long, and money, friends, and land are indispensable. If you can have a divine post, wouldn't it be wonderful?"

Yuanjun's words are indeed pertinent, and Dongye Yu was somewhat moved after listening to them.

However, if you take up a divine post, you must not be as lazy as she did. Will you really have time to repay your gratitude and make connections at that time?

"I'll think about it."

Yuanjun just smiled when he heard it, and waited patiently beside him, with a heart that was quite generous.

Dong Yeyu was struggling in his heart, and suddenly he saw that Zhi's clothing store was hanging red lanterns not far ahead, indicating that it was open for business. He temporarily put aside his struggle and walked over quickly.

The graceful woman sitting behind the counter was not surprised to see Dong Yeyu, and asked with a smile.

"Have you decided which dress you want to choose, sir?"

As he said that, he saw Yuanjun behind him, and his eyes fell on the girl's clothes, and his eyes lit up, "Who is this lady?"

"A friend." Dong Yeyu said simply, and then asked: "Can you show me the pattern?"

Seeing that he was unwilling to say more, Zhi did not ask any more questions. He took out a book with clothing patterns from under the counter and began to introduce it. Occasionally, he turned his eyes to look at the girl in extraordinary clothes, and his eyes seemed to be glued to the brocade embroidery.

Yuanjun ignored the owner's gaze, walked into the store on his own, looked around, and did not seem to be interested.

Dongye Yu looked at the patterns in the book, recalling the colors and styles that Miko and Asumi liked, "Just choose these two, but I'm not sure about the body size."

"It's okay, the fabric style you chose has a spell that can change the size according to the wearer's body shape."

After choosing the style of the clothes, Dongye Yu asked, "Will I come to pick them up after they are finished?"

Ori smiled and shook her head, "No, our store has a delivery service, and we will send a clerk to deliver the goods to your door."

The service industry is keeping up with the modern times.

Dongye Yu thought of the express delivery service that is difficult for mortals to evaluate on the island country, and suddenly had an idea for monster express delivery in his mind.

However, thinking that there are shrines and gods everywhere here, and there are many monsters, if he wants to expand his business, he probably has to contact them one by one.

Why do I do express delivery if I have that ability?

Shaking her head, she put the idea behind her and asked, "I live within the jurisdiction of the Inari Shrine, so it won't affect you, right?"

"No, I have a pass from the great god in my shop."

Hitomi Yu nodded, paid a deposit of one kan, and left. Seeing Yuanjun still following her, she asked, "Aren't you going back to deal with the mess in Lingze?"

"I started to recover after killing the demons in the territory the day before yesterday. I'll put aside all the affairs for now. You are more important."

"Didn't I say I'll think about it?"

Yuanjun blinked, "I'm just waiting for you to think about it."

Hitomi Yu was speechless and simply ignored her. She strolled around the street and bought a lot of cake gift boxes made of spiritual fruits - these were to be sent back to Kyoto.

Some were for Mr. Miyazaki, and some were for the children in the orphanage.

Originally, Hitomi Yu wanted to buy some beautiful jewelry, toys, etc., but after thinking about it, she gave up.

It's not that we can't afford the money, but the children in the orphanage are a vulnerable group in the school. If we buy them something that looks very expensive, they might be bullied and robbed by bad kids.

I can’t take care of it in Kyoto for a few days a year, so I just buy some cakes and spiritual objects, which are more practical than small ornaments and are also good for the body.

Before leaving, Dongye Yu remembered the brothel where the cassock was hung that day, and the old brothel owner was quite hateful.

Although it was difficult for him to kill them hiding in Lingze Monster City, he couldn’t just leave like that.

So he walked towards the East Market, ready to cause trouble.

Yuanjun followed behind him, with elegant steps and noble manners, like a princess outing, starry eyes observing Dongye Yu impartially, and a pile of packaged cakes and fruits floating behind him, probably bought back for her own enjoyment.

Occasionally, he would be attracted by the prosperous and lively scene around him, take a curious look, and then quickly return his sight.

He didn’t talk to Dongye Yu, just followed him, pretending that he would not leave unless you agreed.

It was not until she approached the tourist area of ​​the East Market that Yuanjun frowned slightly and stopped at a distance. Seeing that Dongye Yu did not wait for her, she felt that he did it on purpose. For a moment, her starry eyes glared at his back with some anger, and her voice became a little louder.

"I still have divine duties to attend to, so I will go back first. I hope you will consider the matter of the divine messenger more."

Are you leaving?

Dongye Yu waved at her. Seeing this, Yuanjun pursed her red lips and turned into a golden light and left. The monsters around seemed to be unable to see her and had no reaction to her departure.

Feeling the breath behind her disappear, she looked back, breathed a sigh of relief, and finally left.

This is actually just one of her Dharma bodies.

Although this woman is lazy by nature, her cultivation is a real Yang God.

However, because she was seriously injured by the Yang God monster who did not show up that day, she should be staying in the Hishizawa Shrine to heal her injuries.

Dongye Yu couldn't help shaking his head and sighing when he thought of this.

Some people were born in Rome, and they don't know if they have been practicing seriously for so many years, but they are almost immortal.

Some people are born to be cattle and horses, and they are still unknown monsters after practicing for more than 20 years. If they change to other protagonists, they will become gods in more than 20 years.

Fox was a little depressed for a while.

However, after all, how many people really got deer?

Isn't it good now?

Dong Yeyu comforted himself and walked into the West Market and found that many monsters gathered outside the square and stopped to watch something.

Looking over with some curiosity, I found that the brothels of the island country were preparing a classic event belonging to the red light willow alleys - the Oiran parade.

The monsters who turned into beautiful women were wearing geisha costumes and the Oiran wearing golden hairpins on their heads. They were about to parade on the streets in exaggeratedly high wooden clogs. The eunuchs, thugs and others of the brothels came out to ask the guests to make way.

The brothels on both sides of the street opened their doors and windows, and both guests and prostitutes looked out to watch the grand scene of the Oiran's parade.

There was a tortoise holding a lantern with the Chinese characters "武绯" written on it, shouting something in a rhythmic manner, and the musicians behind the procession were beating small drums.

Clang clang!

The shamisen was testing the sound, and the slightly stiff and sonorous music was mixed with the sorrowful shakuhachi that was blown later, playing the decadent music from ancient times. Winged bird monsters were scattering petals in the air, and there were also strange monsters like clouds holding large paper umbrellas and flying over the heads of the courtesans.

The show was much bigger than that of ordinary people, even a little over the standard, but no monster cared.

The monsters participating in the parade all had smiles on their faces, playing music hard, and shouting meaningless interjections from time to time to emphasize the rhythm of the music. Some monsters danced chaotic and funny dances.

The onlookers watched with interest, cheering from time to time.

Dong Yeyu stood among the monsters, feeling the atmosphere that was more lively and sincere than the mortal world. Although he could not appreciate the courtesan whose face was painted pale white, he also laughed.

At first, Dong Yeyu thought that these monsters were just acting like humans because they were too bored, but now it seems that perhaps human culture has blossomed another flower here.

They probably don't think they are acting like humans, but are indeed immersed in this paradise of monsters, or are they reminiscing about the grand scene of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons in the Edo period?

Dong Yeyu sighed, "The sky is long and eternal, and the moon is bright and beautiful in a day."

Turning around and walking towards the target in the square, the monsters felt the breath of the big monster and lowered their heads to avoid it.

After finding the brothel that day, it was unexpectedly discovered that the door seemed to be closed, and there were no prostitutes showing themselves in the cage house.

Think hiding will work?

Dong Yeyu looked up at the plaque of the brothel, Wenxiang? Today I will turn you into broken jade, and immediately smashed the plaque with a magic power


Kick the door of the brothel.

"Where is the madam?"

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