I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 172: Misery and blood everywhere

The demons turned into prototypes, including spiders the size of houses but with horns and heads, resentful ghosts dressed in white, multi-eyed ghosts holding lanterns, cyan-skinned ghosts wearing monk robes, etc.

They have different appearances, with a fishy wind lingering all over their bodies, and ferocious faces that want to choose people to devour. The formations are even more terrifying than the legendary Hundred Ghosts Walking at Night.

The centipede with a mane and a green face and fangs burst out of the white mist with a big smile, shaped like a train and with a sinuous body.


The giant transformed from a ghost punched a monster with one scarlet eye into the ground, and kicked the centipede monster into several pieces.


The centipede monster's body struggled wildly, and its head rolled down not far away, howling miserably.

call out!

Then he was hit in the forehead by Shichiro's feather arrow, which exploded on the spot, with pieces and slurry scattered everywhere.

Seeing this, the passing monster changed its target, squatted on the ground and began to devour the remains of the centipede monster.

Seeing this, the other demons fell silent one after another and patrolled not far away from the giant. Their original arrogance was immediately suppressed.

Jinguji Hiiragi protected his two sisters and always paid attention to the positions of the four big monsters to ensure that they would not be exposed to the overwhelming monsters because they failed to keep up with them.

At this moment, she suddenly noticed dozens of humans appearing on the left side of the battlefield, dressed like demon slayers from the Uda family.

These demon slayers all wore black feathers, both men and women, and stood together in an orderly manner.

The surging mana was linked together in a mysterious way, and a formation filled with golden halo appeared at the feet of Shu who transformed into a giant ghost.


Shu was restrained in the formation, and the white light burned him like a raging fire until green smoke came out.

He screamed in pain, glaring at the demon slayers of the Uda family, rushing left and right in the formation, seeing that the formation was about to collapse.

Holding a simple bronze mirror, Uda Hideki walked slowly to the front line of the Uda family's demon exterminators, looked around the battlefield, and sighed.

"It's a good fairyland, but it's turned into this, with monsters everywhere. It's really ugly."

After that, he bowed to the surrounding demon slayers and said very politely.

"Please hold on for a while longer. We will do justice for heaven and kill the evil god without mercy. We will have to clean up these ruined mountains and rivers before we can complete our merits."

Immediately afterwards, the bronze mirror in Uda Hideki's arms flashed with light, and the giant ghost in the distance disappeared suddenly.

Looking again, he didn't know when he was in the mirror, observing the surroundings, waving his fist from time to time, as if he wanted to smash the mirror.

Uda Hideki said with a smile: "No need to waste your efforts, this is an artifact left behind by the God of Water in Hisashi Ze. Not to mention you evil ghost, even if the demon fox is taken in, don't even think about getting out."

"Despicable!" Shu was furious in the mirror.

Uda Hideki was about to say something when he looked at an arrow shot towards him that was covered in white light. His expression changed drastically and he hurriedly blocked it with a mirror.


The bronze mirror made a dull sound and knocked the arrow away.

Uda Hideki took a quick look and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the bronze mirror was intact.

No longer paying attention to Shu who was trapped in the mirror, he held the mirror and backed away under the protection of the demon slayers.

After Shu was taken away, Heihachi brandished his big gun to repel the monsters on the side and rushed to the front.

It's just that although he is also tall and tall, he is still much inferior to Shu who can become a giant.

And there is only one demon, and it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, and cannot block all the demons.

"A little girl with tender skin and tender flesh!"

A demon floating in the air stared at Kaori and Shiori, its bloodshot eyes widened, and foul-smelling saliva flowed out of its rotten teeth.

This monster has only one head, about the size of a Japanese room, with all five senses.

He looked like an ugly middle-aged man with a thick beard and a greedy expression. He looked for an opening and rushed towards the two sisters.

Kaori and Shiori's charms were almost thrown around randomly when they were in the white mist, and they basically lost their combat effectiveness at this time.

Seeing the demon coming, they could only hug each other subconsciously, their pale little faces full of panic.

"Sister! Ayu!"



The sharp sword light struck the demon's face, creating a long and narrow bloody gash from the upper right side to the seat.


The flying-headed demon screamed and retreated a distance.

"Hide behind me."

Jinguji Hiiragi said in a deep voice, facing the demon with a knife, and at the same time observing the surroundings solemnly, the scattered paper talismans drove away the demons trying to get closer from time to time.

"How dare you scratch my face!"

"I'm going to peel your skin off!"

The flying-headed demon that was struck by the knife made a crazy sound and roared towards him.

Jinguji Hiiragi narrowed his eyes slightly and reached for his pocket with one hand.


There was a strange sound in the distance, the scream and explosion of flames as they streaked through the air.

The girl turned around and saw several raging golden-red fox fires.

The flames came like a comet, dragging a long flame tail, and one of them accurately hit the flying-headed demon.


The huge head suddenly burst into flames, the skin was burned to pieces, and a strange burnt aroma filled the air.


The flying-headed demon howled like a flying fireball and crashed around, seriously injuring many demons and even setting them on fire.

This relieved a lot of pressure on the demons present.

"It's Ayu!"

The two sisters, Kaori and Shiori, looked expectantly in the direction where the fox fire came from. Their cute little faces were suddenly stunned, and they murmured in a weak voice: "Sister, Ayu."

Jinguji Hiiragi heard the sound and turned around subconsciously.

In the center of the many buildings in Tanuki Village, behind the torii gate, there is the roof of the highest temple.

A huge white fox is surrounded by several golden-red flames, and it looks very imposing.

But compared with the huge waves that seem to destroy the world, it seems insignificant, and there is a sense of despair and powerlessness.

In fact, not only is the white fox in a desperate situation, but the current situation is not optimistic.

The four big monsters were able to suppress the monsters and protect the villagers of Tanuki Village from harm at first, but after many demon hunters of the Uda family joined the battlefield-

especially the bronze mirror in the hand of Uda Hideki, which directly took Shu into it.

Suddenly, there was one less big monster, and the fact that Chiyo Badger went deep into the enemy's territory alone and was besieged by dozens of monsters, the remaining Shichiro and Heihachi could not resist all the monsters even if they fought hard.

Tanuki monsters were constantly captured by monsters from the group, and the numbing chewing sound was looming in such a noisy battlefield.

"Don't eat me! Don't eat me!"

The raccoon monsters were in a panic, and many of them turned into their original forms and ran away.

"Don't run!"

The slightly bloated Tanuki Goro screamed in vain and looked around.

The land under his feet was still the land of Tanuki Village, but the scene in front of him was like a nightmare.

The sky, which was always bright, showed another face.

The dark clouds rolled, the thunder roared, and the surrounding was turbid demon clouds.

The constantly flashing pale lightning reflected the greedy grin of the demon hiding in the demon cloud.

What filled my ears was howling, screaming, roaring, and the chewing sound that followed me like a shadow.

This is not a fairyland, but hell.

It is a realistic picture scroll of hell.

Tanuki Goro's legs were shaking. In the eyes of his juniors, he has always been a calm and generous big raccoon cat, who always seems to have a way to deal with some problems.

But in fact, he is just an ordinary middle-aged raccoon cat.

The fat raccoon cat dressed like a farmer looked blankly at the scene around him, and then at the big monsters fighting against the demons.

Even the big monsters can't do anything.

Tanuki Goro felt a little discouraged for a while. He had lived in fear for so many years. How about being eaten?

"Goro, Elder Tanuki asked you to lead us. What should we do?"

"If we don't respond, our Tanuki Village will be destroyed!"

The raccoon cat monsters with seniority around him shouted loudly.

Tanuki Goro was startled and looked back at his fellow villagers and family members who were also panicked. His eyes fell on Taodong who was running towards this side not far away.

The raccoon cat girl was out of breath. There were already demons staring at her, but she was afraid of the fox demon aura on the famous sword in her arms and did not dare to step forward for the time being.

Tanuki Village cannot be destroyed.

Tanuki Goro had only this thought in his mind at this time. He threw down the heavy bag on his back and started running and shouting.

"Don't run around, let's protect our family together!"

Seeing that he had an idea, the senior civet cats responded one after another, and the civet cat monsters with the ability to cast spells began to gather quickly.

Among them, there were many civet cats with karma, probably helping the civet cat to lure mortals into the fairyland.

"Quick! Stop them!"

The civet cats turned into their original forms, huddled together, stepped on the shoulders of their companions, and instantly formed a civet cat wall like stacked arhats.

After the green spiritual light flashed, the thin flesh and blood barrier turned into a furious Vajra, wrapped in fairy clothes, holding a vajra in hand, with Buddha light behind his head, and faint Sanskrit sounds coming out, as if thousands of monks were chanting Buddhist scriptures.

This change scared a lot of demons.

But soon, the demons found that this Vajra was not aggressive, and they didn't feel the Vajra hitting them at all.

"This is an illusion, eat them!"

The demons laughed cruelly and rushed forward, using their claws and fangs to tear at the armored Vajra statue. Civet cats were constantly torn off the Vajra with screams.

The civet cats desperately tried to turn themselves into targets, so that the demons would turn their targets to themselves, rather than the old, weak, women and children.

The old, weak, women and children hiding behind the Vajra cried and wailed when they saw their families being eaten.

Master Higano

Momofuyu hid in the group of civet cats, shrank his little head, hugged Chengming Ichimonji Nagamitsu tightly in his arms, trembling all over, and looked at the white fox in the distance from time to time.

"Ha, this raccoon is so fat!"

A demon wearing monk's clothes and a Buddhist rosary made of skulls hung around his neck reached out and grabbed it. The Vajra statue flashed, and a fat civet cat was caught in his hand and kept struggling.

"Worang!" The Vajra statue was very anxious, but there were demons all around him, and he could not protect himself, but he could do nothing.

"Let me go, let me go--"

"Shut up!"

The demon stuffed Goro into the fang-filled mouth, chewed it easily, and blood flowed out from between the teeth.

Half of the raccoon cat's body was devoured, and the upper body fell to the ground in a bloody mess.

He opened his eyes and looked at the miserable raccoons, and felt his brain buzzing, and he could no longer feel the pain.

The scene in front of him gradually blurred, and in the haze, the sound of cicadas rang in his ears, and the wind chimes with ceramic fragments hung on them made a crisp tinkling sound in the hot wind.

Goro saw a small raccoon cat and a big raccoon cat with a burly body but a blurry face sitting on the edge of the ridge to cool off on a bright summer afternoon.

The little raccoon cat complained, "They all bully me, I don't want to stay in the raccoon village. Father, let's go."

Although the face of the big raccoon cat was blurred, his hearty voice was still clear. He heard the little raccoon cat's complaint, so he asked with a smile.

"Wulang, before we started practicing, we raccoons couldn't beat bears, tigers, jackals, and wolves, and even dogs could bully us."

"After practicing, we only know a few superficial illusions among the monsters, and there has never been any big monsters. Why can it be passed down with evil ghosts and demons around?"

Before the little raccoon cat could answer, the big raccoon cat went out because of an emergency and never came back.

He died in the hands of human hunters in order to save a few playful little raccoons.

Raccoon Goro closed his eyes, and vaguely, the voice seemed to have a follow-up, still a hearty laugh.

"Wulang, it seems that you understand, you did a good job!"


Did I do well?

In the peach forest not far away, there was a group of demon hunters hiding under the flowers. There were not many people, less than ten people, and several shikigami were following them.

It was the young demon hunters who had been with the demon hunter team before.

Compared to before entering the peach forest, there were fewer people, and everyone was injured. Fortunately, no one was missing an arm or a leg.

These demon hunters looked at the battlefield in the distance with surprise.

"Demons and demons are fighting?"

Holding a Zen stick, his cassock became a little tattered, and Renshu shook his head slightly with his eyes closed.

"It was demons and monsters fighting. Look at those monsters, the turbid air is rising to the sky, and the stench is unbearable. They must have eaten a lot of people. Look at the group of raccoons and those big monsters. Although they are monsters, they have no blood evil. They must be the people who practiced hard."

Kusaka Junpei pointed at the group of raccoons and was a little surprised.

"Isn't that the eldest daughter of Jinguji family? And those two twin sisters, why are they with the monsters? Where is that Higashino-kun?"

One demon hunter sighed and shook his head: "I'm afraid he has already."

The others fell silent after hearing this. Many elders tried their best to open the passage for themselves and others. After finally taking it out, they entered the fairyland of gods.

Now that the enemy is at hand and the monsters are rampant, there is one less combat power to be gained.

"Wait, Uda Hideki?! Bastard, give me back my uncle's life! Ming, help me get revenge!"

A young demon hunter found Uda Hideki and others, and was furious. In anger, he rushed to the battlefield with his own shikigami.

The remaining demon hunters frowned and cast their eyes on Renshu.

"Master Renshu, what should we do now?"

"I will exorcise the monster."

Renshu stood up, holding the Zen stick in his arms, clasped his hands together and said: "Namo Yaoshi Liuliguang Tathagata."

Ding Ding Ding!

The iron ring on the Zen stick made a crisp sound, and the tall monk raised the Zen stick, his whole body tensed like a big bow.

The exposed skin is jade-colored, with a faint golden glow. Under the heavy monk's robe, the muscles are taut, giving a reassuring sense of power.


The Zen staff is thrown out with unparalleled force, and the monk follows closely behind with big strides.

I'm so stuck. I've been writing from 10 am to now. I'll take a break. Tomorrow's update will basically finish this climax. With such foreshadowing, I'm thinking about how to kill the protagonist in a satisfying way. There are two ways to write it. I'm so entangled.

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