I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 170 Heirloom Fox

"If I can get your help, even if the future situation is not optimistic, as the eldest daughter of the Jinguji family, I will remember your kindness."

Jinguji Hiiragi promised in a calm voice, with a serious look on his delicate and beautiful face. This is the vow of a practitioner.

This promise has little weight for a big monster who likes to stay in the mountains, but it is very useful if a big monster wants to integrate into human society.

Several big monsters present knew that Dong Yeyu was on the way to the world, so they didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

They came here to see injustice, and they came to help Lixiang slay the demons, not for the money or any favors.

It's only thirty coins. Which of the big monsters present is short of this little money?

Who cares about a mere favor from a demon slayer?

I met three young demon slayers by chance and saved them just for Higashi Yeyu's sake.

Without Higashi Yeyu, even if the big monsters would not take the initiative to kill these monster slayers, they would drive them out of here.

The so-called promises are actually worthless in their eyes.

I am a wild monster in the mountains, how can the world of mortals affect me?

What's more, who can cultivate to the stage of a great monster and not have some grudges with the monster slayer?

Qilang, who had always been silent, looked at Higashinoyu and said in a deep voice: "The demon slayer will always betray his trust and cannot be trusted."

Dong Yeyu turned to look at him. Qilang was ordinary in appearance, with a long face, many scars on his eyebrows, brown eyes like a pool of stagnant water with fallen leaves, and his expression was always gloomy.

There is a clear difference between the big monsters around him who are determined to practice. He seems to have no idea about the meaning of his practice and just lives like this.

He was dressed like a shabby wanderer, with bare feet, and his samurai uniform was patched without feathers, and his family crest had long been washed white and could not be seen clearly.

However, the whole body was neatly and tidy, and the hair was tied up with a small rope. There was not a trace of messy hair sticking out. He was smoked with something, and even Higashi Yeyu couldn't smell it.

Therefore, I still don't know what his true identity is, but seeing how resistant he is to the demon slayer, he must be a big monster with a story.

Jinguji Hiiragi lowered his eyebrows and did not explain, but Kaori and Shiori were anxious, fearing that the big fox would be persuaded by the ronin monster, so they knelt down next to the big fox and retorted in a crisp voice.

"The Jinguji family has been in the family for nearly a thousand years and has never betrayed anyone. How can you use the evil deeds of other demon slayers to doubt us?"

Shichiro snorted coldly and disdained to answer. Chiyo the badger sat loosely on the futon with a piece of dogtail grass in her mouth and rolled her eyes.

"What do you two yellow-haired girls know? Your master tricked and killed other monsters. Are you going to tell you? Or are your shikigami just willing to be mere cows and horses, captured by your master's so-called personality charm?"

"If little monsters are cunning, then humans are ghosts. Not only are they cunning, they also eat monsters."

After saying that, he noticed that Shu, who was looking at the broken wooden door of the shrine, turned to look at him. His green-faced and fanged face was full of questions. Badger Chiyo smiled awkwardly: "I'm not talking about you, Shu."

"You, you"

What you said makes sense.

Kaori and Shiori didn't know how to object, their porcelain-white faces turned red with anger, and they pulled Jinguji Hiiragi's sleeves: "Sister, please say something!"

If nothing else, Ah Yu would have been pried away by the monster.

Jinguji Hiiragi glared at them, then lowered his head and bowed slightly: "My sister-in-law's words were very offensive. I apologize to you on their behalf."

"Miss Kaori, Miss Shiori, this is not in the mortal world."

Dong Yeyu said pointedly.

Everyone present is a monster. As a monster exterminator, if you still want to ask others for help, then don’t worry so much. Just let them say whatever they say.

Kaori and Shiori's faces were slightly startled, their mouths pursed, and they were sitting and bowing to apologize. Just looking at their expressions, they probably felt that their family name had been insulted, and they were still feeling panicked.

This is normal, but it is rude to scold a son and his father, not to mention pointing at an entire family and saying that your family will be treacherous and no one else can stand it.

Of course, rebuttal also depends on the situation. In the current situation, smart people will retort in a tactful tone, rather than being confrontational like this.

It can only be said that these two girls grew up in a greenhouse. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. They don't know how big the storm is outside.

Or maybe caring leads to chaos?

Dong Yeyu could feel that they valued him, and he was probably afraid that he would abandon them.

People are always clutching at straws.

Dong Yeyu gently swept the heads of the two girls with his tail, winked at them, and then looked at Qilang: "Qilang's mature and prudent words, I will keep them in mind."

"It's just that our clan prefers to practice in the world, and we inevitably have to deal with mortals. Since we inevitably have to come into contact with mortals, it's better to find mortals who suit our needs. I have been with them for a while, and my intuition tells me that they are quite popular among humans. The kind-hearted ones should not betray their trust.”

At this point, the conversation changed: "Of course, if I am betrayed, let me recognize the true face of human beings. From now on, I will spend the rest of my life in the world, concentrate on cultivation and not care about the world, which is not a blessing."

When Jinguji Hiiragi heard this, he raised his head and glanced at Higashino Yu, and said seriously: "I will not betray you."

Kaori and Shiori simply hugged Higashino Yu’s tail.

Who knows, if I let you know that Higashino Yu is a fox demon, if I can't protect you, you will think about tricking me into signing a contract to work as a bully for you, and then I can only stay at Jinguji's house and weep behind bars.

Maybe it will become an heirloom fox - one fox passed down to three generations, even if people go away, the fox will still be there.

Dong Yeyu complained in his heart.

Concentrate on practicing? I'm afraid that by then there will be no opportunity to devote oneself to cultivation. Qilang sighed in his heart, lowered his head, and stopped trying to dissuade him.

"To put it bluntly, it's best not to discuss things in depth that haven't happened."

Zukan reconciled with a smile, sat cross-legged on the futon temporarily spread by the tanuki monsters on the dirt floor of the shrine, and drank the wine glass sent by the tanuki girl next to him who acted as a maid.

"You are here to kill monsters, not for money or promises. You just see monsters who live and work in peace and contentment being bullied and abused by monsters. You feel injustice and indignation in your heart, so you draw your sword in anger."

"Although it is limited to the bravery of an ordinary man, it is also a pure heart that cannot be insulted. Don't mention things like rewards again."

As he said that, he smiled at the old raccoon cat dressed as a priest: "The thirty coins agreed before are still necessary. Otherwise, there will be no monsters to help you in the future."

Zukan is quite prestigious among the big monsters. After he made the decision, Badger Chiyo and the others said nothing.

Jinguji Hiiragi also knew that his words were inappropriate, so he bowed and apologized again.

Zukan nodded slightly towards her, and then looked around: "I just thought about the next arrangements. How about you guys listen to it and check for any omissions?"

Seeing that the demons were silent and listening, they could ponder for two seconds.

"The barrier of the shrine was set up by the first-generation Hisizawa Water God. That god is so advanced and mysterious that it would be difficult for us to break the barrier together, let alone face the monsters waiting for work behind the barrier. It’s unwise.”

"My idea is that now that the demon has taken over the role of a god, and plans to digest the god's throne before going out to fight, we may be able to change the target."

"Originally, I wanted to kill the monster and restore peace to the Fairyland, but now it seems that it may be difficult to kill the monster. It is better to protect the many people in Lixiang from leaving the Fairyland and choosing another home while the monster's foothold is not stable. "

The tanuki monsters accompanying the big monster were all shocked when they heard this, and the elder Tanuki also fell silent.

Nowadays, human beings are driving the machines they created in the mortal world to carve out mountains and ground. In the past few years, Taoxiang Town developed a tourist area, and even Xianxiang was greatly affected.

If you leave Fairyland and go to the outside world, no matter how big the world is, where can there be a paradise that can accommodate so many civet cats in Lixiang?

Tanigoro was pushed up by the villagers. When he looked back, he saw the villagers looking at him eagerly, silently, and kneeling on the ground: "Sir, is there really no other way?"

Ashikan shook his head, "We are not sufficiently cultivated to be able to fight a god in his domain. Perhaps we can wait until we leave here and ask the three demon slayers to report the matter to Izumo Taisha Shrine, and wait until the demon is killed. God punishes you and kills you, come back again."

Elder Li Zhui stood at the foot of the steps of the worship hall and let out a long sigh.

Not to mention whether this fairyland can still be inhabited after being punished by the gods, the key point is that after the death of Hisizawa Water God, a new water god will inevitably be canonized. Will the new god accept the existence of Lixiang?

Many tanuki monsters are quite worried about this, but even the tanuki can't say anything about asking for a fight.

The big monster invited by Sanwen Wen wants to make people desperately try to become a horrible slave master.

"The demon is afraid that the news will spread, so he may not let us go easily."

Thinking of this, Dong Yeyu suddenly asked: "If he has initially replaced Hisizawa Water God, can Xianxiang still enter and exit normally?"

Jiuzang touched the silver-white beard like a steel needle on his chin: "It should be okay."

It was enough to see him stop here, so he explained.

"Generally speaking, when a new god takes over from an old god, it starts with refining the divine body, divine sword, and magatama, then the divine palace, and finally the fairyland."

"This can't be accomplished in a short time. It can take decades. There are even cases where it takes a decade to be completely refined."

Having said that, Zukan looked at Li Chui: "Elder Li Chui, please let all the civet monsters in Li Township get ready. Time is precious."

The words of the bald warrior were firm and irrefutable.

Hearing this, Li Zhui felt as if a pillar of his spine had been taken out, and his already stooped body became shorter.

He glanced blankly at the big monsters and tanuki monsters present, climbed up the stairs, knelt down in front of the worship hall and muttered to himself.

"Can't we save Lixiang after all?"

As he said that, he sat blankly for a while and suddenly waved his sleeves.

"Let's go, all civet cats, let's go."

As the most prestigious civet elder, he spoke. Even though the civet cats present were reluctant to leave, they did not dare to say anything. They left one by one and went home to pack their luggage.

At the same time, Kaori and Shiori were also struck by lightning. They had hoped that the arrival of these big monsters would bring some hope.

But he didn't expect that he could only run away in the end, and sat there on his knees in a daze for a while.

Dong Yeyu sighed in his heart, and the fox tail wrapped the two of them. After a moment, suppressed sobs could be heard.

Jinguji Hiiragi touched the handle of Kunimitsu Isshin's sword several times and put it down several times. A depressed look finally appeared on Lingran's little face.

Faced with this situation, even she had no idea.

Higashino Yu then stretched out the other tail, and Jinguji Hiiragi looked up at the big white tail in front of him.

"Want a hug? I don't mind." Dong Yeyu said softly. The girl just looked at him and said calmly: "Thank you."

After that, he did not pick him up, but took out a wooden comb from his backpack to comb Higashino Yu's tail, looking quite serious.

Dong Yeyu:?

What a quirk.

The tanuki monsters surrounding him dispersed like a tide, and the once bustling shrine suddenly became quiet.

The big monsters were sitting alone in the open space of the shrine, some were drinking alcohol with nonchalant expressions, some were wiping their swords, stringing their bows, and were already in preparation for war.

The old civet cat knelt down in front of the worship hall and was in a daze. The ever-bright sunshine in the fairyland fell on the wind chimes on the eaves of the worship hall, flashing golden light spots. A few pink petals floated from nowhere, and the wind chimes also jingled. Sound.

"Elder Li Chui is very long-lived. He has lived for five hundred years. All his relatives and friends have passed away, and he is the only one who is still alive. Li Xiang is very important to him, just like my father and brother are important to me."

Taotong came to Dongyeyu with a glass of spiritual wine. He looked at the two demon slayer girls who were so close to him with some envy. He raised the glass with some caution, with the intention of serving him a drink.

This damn remnant of the old society, with clothes on your hands and food on your hands, mouths open, is really depraved.

Dong Yeyu criticized in his heart and opened his mouth. The civet girl stepped on her feet and poured the spirit wine into the fox's mouth.

It seems to be brewed by mixing many kinds of spiritual fruits. The taste is very layered, fresh and sweet, with a slight taste of wine, but not too heavy. It is more like a fruity drink than wine, and it will probably make it a little thinner after drinking it. of aura.

But if you want to talk about the effect, it is just like wolfberry for middle-aged men, it is better than nothing.

After finishing his drink, Higashino Yu looked apologetically at the civet girl in front of him who was desperately trying to please him: "I'm sorry, Motofuji, I may not be able to avenge your father and brother for the time being."

"I know, Lord Ayu." Taodong said softly. She lowered her head and looked at Li Zhui's back with a complicated expression.

For about an hour or so, under the urging of Chiyo the Badger, who ran all over the village, the tanukis stood uneasily at the door of their houses carrying large and small bags, and each house carried a lantern.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Badger Chiyo raised his nodachi and pointed at the wall of white mist falling from the sky. The tanuki monsters followed step by step, looking into the distance from time to time.

The rice seedlings are half-planted in the fields, and the cattle are leisurely grazing around unattended. All kinds of farm tools are lying quietly in the rice fields. The muddy water soaks the farm tools and seems to have soaked the hearts of the monsters.

"Aren't you leaving?"

Dong Yeyu stood on the worship hall and looked at the monsters going away, and asked Tanuki who was still kneeling in front of the god.

Li Zhui shook his head: "I'm not leaving, Lord Ayu. I was born and raised here and have lived in this land for hundreds of years. I don't want to think about dying in a foreign land."

I just posted the draft, I just need to refresh it.

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