I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 167 I bite, bite, bite, bite!

"You, the angel?"

The big fox looked around Xiao in the open space outside the worship hall, and said with some doubts while observing.

"I have been fortunate enough to meet Gozen Inari several times. Her appearance and manners are all top-notch, her words and deeds are quite lawful, and she is highly cultivated but she will not abuse the weak indiscriminately."

"In comparison, a monster like you actually has the nerve to call yourself an envoy. What kind of envoy are you?"

"Regardless of the reason, he just puts a general charge of offending the gods on others, and kills them if they have the slightest argument. How can an angel of the gods be so cruel?"

Dong Yeyu shook his head as he spoke.

"It looks like you have divine light all over your body, but in fact you are surrounded by karma. If you look more closely, it is just a water snake that relies on eating people to practice cultivation. I can smell the unique smell of poisonous snakes on your body from a distance. Accepting an evil spirit like you as a divine envoy , the so-called Lingze Water God is probably an evil god.”

Xiao Gang didn't care at first, with a smile on his face, but the eyes in his green vertical pupils became colder and colder.

But when he heard the following words, especially the word "water snake", he couldn't even keep the smile on his face, and his long and slender eyebrows trembled.


"How dare a shikigami show his teeth to the envoy of this god? It's just a wild fox, so unruly, it's really a monster."

Xiao Shen narrowed his eyes slightly and took out a bundle of exquisite blue ropes from his sleeves.

This rope is quite magical, and its entire body is made of clear light blue water.

The water flow is rapid, with golden light spots like fine sand flowing in it, and the two ends are embroidered with golden silk tassels.

"That's all. Since you are seeking death, this divine envoy will help you."

After he said that, he casually threw it in the direction of Dong Yeyu. The rope automatically stretched out in the air, like a slender water dragon that circled several times, locked onto Dong Yeyu, and slowly adjusted its posture in the air.

Dong Yeyu felt the aura of the gods permeating the air and cautiously took two steps back.


Almost instantly, at a speed that ordinary people could not react, like lightning, the rope was close at hand with a flash.

Dong Yeyu jumped up to avoid it, and at the same time, the blazing fox fire around him turned into several fire dragons, roaring to meet the enemy, trying to entangle the rope.

The rope seemed to have intelligence, and it temporarily changed its direction, bypassing the fire dragon, and surrounded Dong Yeyu in the air.

The rope didn't look very long when it was in Xiao's hand, but now with each breath, it instantly became dozens of times longer, tying Dong Yeyu, including his mouth and tail, into a rice dumpling.

The rope was tied very tightly, as if it was cutting into the flesh, and Dong Yeyu lost his balance in the air.

He fell to the ground with a thud and felt an inexplicable force begin to spread on the rope. The fox struggled hard.

This rope is not very strong but is composed of water. Dong Yeyu can occasionally break one or two of them, but it only causes a splash of water.

These splashes did not fall to the ground, but flew into the rope, and the broken parts were restored in the blink of an eye.

Not only that, but there is also the power of the gods in it, which seems to be sealing his own magic power.

Once the mana is suppressed and sealed, there will be no escape.

While Dong Yeyu was thinking about how to escape, he controlled the fox fire that had just been defeated to defend himself. At the same time, raging fire ignited around him.


Whether it was the flames igniting around him or the fire dragon, they seemed to have no great use except burning the rising steam on the rope.

"The mantis' arm is like a chariot."

Shino saw Higashinoyu observing the stretched rope around him, looking at him with eyes that looked like a monster.

He walked over leisurely, and with his right hand slowly pulled out the sword that was filled with the divine aura from his waist, and was about to chop off the fox's head with one blow.

All this happened in a blink of an eye, and the big fox who kept struggling was about to be killed by the knife.

Jinguji Hiiragi's stern face did not hesitate for even a second. He grasped the famous family sword, and his thin and thin figure silently ran towards the powerful being who claimed to be the envoy of God.

He turned his back to him and made no defensive movements, as if he was disdainful.

Faced with such a disregarding attitude, the girl just calmly looked for flaws. With the long knife in her hand steady, she naturally cut out with the technique she had practiced countless times.

"Spirit flow, arc light."


Xiao drew the sword cleanly, without looking back, or even with any skills, just a simple slash, but the speed and power of the sword were far beyond ordinary.


The swords collided, causing sparks to fly, but the sense of power from the collision was extremely weak, as if he was hitting the air. He narrowed his eyes slightly and was about to retreat.

The girl passed him by, and the sword in her hand cut like running water.


Glancing at the white clothes with an incision cut open and the white marks left on the skin below, Xiao showed an appreciative smile.

"A good sword. It looks like a famous sword with a good handle. It is worthy of being included in my collection. What is it called?"

The girl did not respond, but faced the angel with vigilance.

At the same time, he slowly retreated to Dong Yeyu and tried to cut the rope with a knife, but found that the sharp blade could pass through the rope turned by the flowing water, but it could not cut it.

So Jinguji Hiiragi decisively gave up cutting the rope, turned around, leaned against the fox, and faced the enemy with a knife, as if he was making a final struggle.

This girl is pretty good, and she hasn't left herself behind in this way.

Dong Yeyu looked at the girl's graceful back and thought in his heart.

It's a pity that he is a racist and discriminates against monsters. If she knew that she was a fox monster, she would probably fall out on the spot.

But after all, he was a benefactor, so he couldn't just watch her die.

A toothless fox is a toothless fox. Dong Yeyu sighed. At worst, he would just transform less in the future.

In a place where no one noticed, a hazy aura attached to the fox's fangs and claws.

"It's a futile effort. Nothing can cut off the water."

Shino walked slowly towards him, looking leisurely. He liked to play with some practitioners who practiced well before eating.

"Mortal, your sword skills are quite good, the Divine Mind Flow. I remember that I ate a demon hunter a hundred years ago, and he used the same technique."

"It's really nostalgic. I still remember that he said at the time that I would meet the demon hunter of the Jinguji family again one day, and I would be killed."

"Sure enough, he guessed it, but unfortunately, he only guessed the first half."

Shino shook his head slightly.

"You must have spent a lot of time practicing, right?"

"From the cold winter to the hot summer, the practice of demon hunters is always so boring and bitter, and the same goes for those stupid monsters. Monsters have to eat people. What kind of monsters are they if they don't eat people?"

"And I like to eat those practitioners who practice hard. No matter whether they are monsters or demon hunters, when I swallow them one by one, I will feel extreme despair and unwillingness, even resentment, which is the best seasoning."

"And the spiritual power they have gained through hard practice will be completely digested by me."

"The meaning of your existence and practice is to let me eat you at the right time and place to help me transform into a dragon."

Shino looked quite emotional, and threw away the knife in his hand. The white clothes and gray crotch he wore gradually merged into his skin, and metallic snake scales began to appear on his fair skin.

At the same time, the flesh and blood of the whole body began to reorganize, stretch, and change rapidly in a terrifying posture.

This is the real transformation.

In just a breath of time, he turned into a black giant snake more than 20 meters long and 3 meters wide in diameter, with two legs under his body and two bulges on his head, which seemed to be a sign of turning into a dragon.

He opened his mouth wide, and the huge mouth with two pairs of fangs was like an abyss that could swallow everything.


In an instant, a hurricane roared up, and the leaves, tiles on the buildings and even the buildings themselves were all shaky and all flew backwards into the abyss.

The strong suction pulled a man and a demon not far away, as if it wanted to swallow the fox demon and the mortal girl in front of him in one bite.

Looking at the changing colors of the wind and clouds in front of him, flying sand and rocks, it was a doomsday scene.

A moment of panic finally flashed across the seemingly eternally calm little face of Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami, and she struggled to insert the knife into the soil to resist the swallowing gravity of the snake demon.

But even the buildings of the shrine were shaky, how could human power resist it?

Seeing the blade sliding out of the gully in the mud and her body being dragged slowly towards the snake demon, the girl closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and prepared to fight to the death.

At this moment, a fox suddenly grabbed her and threw her behind her, and a solemn voice sounded.

"Stand behind me, Miss Jinguji."

She fell behind the fox, and was blocked by the big fox, so it seemed calm compared to the surroundings.

Jinguji Hiiragi looked up and saw the big white fox in front of her slowly stand up and block in front of her, standing still like a mountain in the hurricane.

Ah Yu.

The girl lifted her messy black hair and looked at the reliable big fox in front of her. She felt a sense of peace in her heart, and her clear eyes, as quiet as the night, flowed with an inexplicable brilliance.

The precious rope wrapped around the fox demon broke into several pieces at some point, and fell to the ground powerlessly, wetting the ground like ordinary water, and soon seeping into the soil, no longer magical.

Shino, who was swallowing with his mouth open, was stunned for a second, and even stopped swallowing.

After all, it was one of the magic weapons of the Water God of Hishizawa, how could it be bitten off?

The snake demon was stunned for a moment, but Dong Yeyu did not give him time to react, and turned into a white shadow and jumped up.


The sharp claws with a faint spiritual light easily pierced the snake scales that were harder than steel, and nailed into the flesh of the snake demon like a steel nail.

At the same time, the big mouth opened, and the sharp teeth with a hazy spiritual light pierced through the flesh and bones. With a strong pull, a snake foot was torn off, and the crystal jade-like blood fell like a waterfall, and the white bone stump was shocking.

"You dare to disrupt my practice!"

The snake demon let out a miserable howl and was furious.

He ate these two feet after nearly three hundred years of practice by eating countless people. It was the proof that he was about to turn into a dragon, and it was also the cornerstone of his enlightenment.

After this bite, he would have to spend another fifty years of practice to make up for it.

Thinking of this, Shino felt both pity and resentment in his heart. His body, which was more than 20 meters long, twisted and struggled violently, and his tail, which was like a steel pillar, whipped towards Dong Yeyu with monstrous anger.

The snake demon's tail whipped towards the fox demon's head like a steel pillar.


Dong Yeyu felt as if his head was hit by a train, and he felt dizzy, but he recovered quickly.

That's it?

Dong Yeyu found that his head could hold it, so he ignored it and immediately bit the other leg of the snake demon.

Want to grow legs and turn into a dragon?

I'll bite, bite, bite, bite, bite, bite, bite, bite it all off for you!

He bit the snake demon's leg and started to pull it hard.

"Fox demon, you dare!"

The snake demon was shocked and angry, and coiled up its strong and powerful body to strangle the fox demon.

However, the fox demon's sharp and weird teeth pierced his bones and flesh first.



The only leg left of the snake demon was also torn off by the fox demon, and the crystal blood rain gushed out like money.

"I want you to die--"

Seeing that he had become a legless snake again, the snake demon opened his mouth frantically, turned his head, and bit the fox with his fangs flashing a faint blue light.

"Don't even think about growing horns!"

Dong Yeyu had a bloody mouth, regardless of anything, and looked completely fearless. He stared at the two bulges on the snake demon's head and pounced on it, opening his mouth to bite.

Crazy, this fox is crazy.

Seeing that the fox demon was so stubborn and tried desperately to bite his still-gestating dragon horn, Shino finally felt terrified.

The sharp teeth on the fox demon's body were strange. They were extremely sharp and could easily break the law. If he was allowed to bite off his dragon horn, he might never have the chance to turn into a dragon again in this life.

If he used his fangs to bite the fox demon, he might not be able to keep his dragon horn!

Thinking of this, Shino looked at the fox demon with red eyes, blood in his mouth, and a ferocious and crazy look, and his heart and liver were about to burst.

"Get out, get out!"

The snake demon was horrified, and turned to open his mouth and sprayed a pool of purple venom at the fox demon.

This venom is the snake demon's innate talent. Most of his cultivation is in this poison. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most poisonous in the world.

If you are poisoned, you may have to call for help from the ancestors-unless you are lucky enough to get another Cao Huan Dan.

Dong Yeyu naturally did not intend to die with him.

Originally, he thought that when he bit him with his fangs, he would change back to human form to avoid the attack, and then change back to his original form to bite his head.

But now that the snake demon changed his moves, his original idea naturally had to change with him. If he changed back to human form as planned, he would be drenched from head to tail by this venom.

In a flash, Dong Yeyu made a decision in his heart, kicked the snake demon, and jumped in the opposite direction.


At the same time, dozens of paper figures formed a barrier beside him to resist the venom.

However, because he failed to change his moves in time, many of them still splashed on his side, and a corrosive sound that made people's scalps numb suddenly sounded.

Seeing that he was finally forced to retreat, Shino swung his tail and smashed the fox demon, and at the same time hurriedly summoned the clouds that enveloped his body.

He didn't dare to see the results of the battle, and he ran away without looking back and smashed through the paper figures that came to block him.

Jinguji Hiiragi Jing was alert for a while, released all the remaining talisman paper figures to be on guard, and then quickly came to the big fox.

"He escaped. Ah Yu, how are you?"

"It's okay, a little snake venom can't do anything to me,"

Xianxiang is someone else's territory. Dong Yeyu only glanced at the direction where the snake demon fled, and had no intention of chasing.

As he said, he turned his head to look at his side. The beautiful white fox fur was corroded by the snake venom and withered a small piece, and there was an obvious burning sensation on the skin there.

Feeling that the snake venom contained special magic power, he used magic power to ignite the blue fox fire.

Although his current fox fire is far inferior to those legendary divine fires, it is also a spiritual fire, not comparable to ordinary flames.

The blue fox fire uses magic power as fuel, and it burst into flames as soon as it touches the snake venom.

Although these snake venoms are powerful, they are just rootless water.

Moreover, it did not directly enter his body. Before it had time to corrode the skin barrier, it was submerged and refined by the fox fire, and soon turned into a piece of green smoke and dissipated.

However, the corroded fox hair will not grow back for a while.

Looking at the bald fur, Dong Yeyu sighed, did he have alopecia before he reached his age?

But thinking that his teeth and claws did not break after using the demon-slaying skill, he was somewhat comforted.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. Chengming Ichimonji Nagamitsu can use the demon-slaying skill after using magic power to warm it for a period of time. His body has been undergoing the cleansing of magic power every moment since he started practicing, so it is not surprising that he can use the demon-slaying skill.

Seeing this, Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he stood up and looked around. At this time, two girls, Kaori and Shiori, rushed out from the back of the worship hall and jumped behind Dongye Yu.

"Ayu! You were so powerful just now, even the messenger of God couldn't beat you!"

"Hehe, you are a traitor, not worth mentioning." The big fox snorted coldly and said coolly.

Kaori and Shiori looked at each other, their eyes smiled like crescent moons, and two pairs of delicate and slender little hands combed Dongye Yu's hair very carefully.

"Ayu, you are so powerful, will Dongye Nisan be more powerful?"

Dongye Yu said lightly: "Of course."

"Then Dongye Nisan must be able to kill demons without help from others, right?!" The two girls said in an admiring tone.

Dongye Yu thought about it and sighed: "For the time being, he is invincible in the world."

With the demon thunder flag on him, it should not be an exaggeration to say that he is temporarily invincible.

Kaori and Shiori smiled sweetly: "Since Higashino Nissan is so powerful, why don't you be our Shikigami in the future? We have a lot of delicious food at home!"

Higashino Yu: ???

I was wondering why you two are being so attentive, so this is your idea?

Even the rich loli Moon Witch who exploded a lot of gold coins can't be discussed, let alone you two?


The big fox said coldly, and the two girls immediately started to roll around.

Higashino Yu was too lazy to pay attention to them, but he didn't roll them off him in the end.


Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami scolded coldly, and the two girls just stopped, pouted their little mouths slightly, and got into the fox fur with some grievance.

The girl ignored her two sisters and turned to look in the direction they were running towards - the old tanuki monster dressed as a priest was walking over there.

Jinguji Hiiragi put his right hand on the handle of the knife and said in a warning tone: "Stop."

Seeing the girl's rather wary look, Tanuki looked at the big fox monster next to her, shrank his head in fear, and bowed down.

"Old Li Zhui is the elder of Li Xiang. I have no ill intentions in coming to see you two adults. I just want to thank you for driving away this monster from Li Xiang."

As he spoke, he stood upright and knelt down from a distance of dozens of meters.

"The snake demon threatened to eat up all the civets in Lixiang. Now that he has been defeated by the two adults, he will probably not dare to come back in a short time. I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the thousands of civet cats in Lixiang."

Saying this, he bowed down.

Seeing this, Kaori and Shiori whispered to the side: "Sister, it was this old tanuki monster who took us to hide just now. He doesn't look like a bad monster."

Hearing this, Jinguji Hiiragi slightly lowered his guard, but his hand was still where he could draw his sword at any time.

"We are leaving Fairyland, can we borrow the shrine's everlasting flame?"

"If you are an adult, of course it is okay."

Li Zhui slowly stood up and extended his hand towards the worship hall in a welcoming gesture.

Jinguji Hiiragi nodded slightly and walked towards the worship hall.

While paying attention to the situation at the worship hall, Higashino Yu looked at Tanuki Goi, "Aren't Tanuki Goro and the others back yet?"

"Never came back."

The old civet cat answered subconsciously, and then quickly raised his head to look at the fox demon in front of him. He was stunned for a second and asked quickly.

"Sir, you are like a god in the sky, how do you know about that kid Tanigoro?"

Higashino Yu explained: "Raccoon Goro and the others have found seven big monsters who are willing to help them, and I am one of them. We originally agreed to return home at night, but I came to Taolin in advance because of some things. Entering the fairyland."

"Is this so? Good, good!"

Li Zhui was overjoyed when he heard this. He turned around excitedly on the spot, his muddy old eyes filled with tears, and he made a fist with his right hand and lightly hit the palm of his left hand.

"Now Lixiang can be saved, Lixiang can be saved!"

Higashino Yu waited for him to calm down for a while and asked: "I heard from Tanuki Goro that you are the eldest person in Tanuki Township. You must know a lot about Xianxiang, right?"

"It's just that I'm old and can't do any more work. I'm just an old man guarding this shrine."

Li Zhui sighed and shook his head, then changed the topic: "But if it's old things about the fairyland, I remember it vaguely. Sir, just ask me whatever you want. I will tell you everything I know."

Dong Yeyu nodded slightly and asked.

"That snake demon claims to be the envoy of God, but he eats people with his mouth open and eats monsters with his mouth shut. He is personally granted the title by the Hishize Water God? But isn't the Hishize Water God the only earthly god?"

"My lord, I don't know. His Majesty Hisze Ze Water God was harmed by a demon. I'm afraid his throne has been taken away. That snake demon should be consecrated by the newly appointed Hisashi Ze Water God."

Dong Yeyu was a little surprised when he heard this. He had just seen the divine ritual of Hisizawa Water God in the Demon City a few days ago.

Could it be that the gods at that time were already demons?

Dong Yeyu pondered.

No, maybe it was even earlier. It had to be nearly twenty years ago when there were large-scale missing persons cases in Momogo Town, right?

What role did Hideki Uda play in it?

Or is it that the entire Uda family has turned to this demon god?

Higashino Yu thought of this and asked, "Do you know the Uda family, the local demon slayer family?"

When Tanuki heard the word Uda family, he jumped up as if he had been stepped on. His hair was all over his body, and even the few dry white hairs on his somewhat bald tail stood on end.

he yelled angrily.

"It was those demon slayers who conspired with the demons to murder Lord Hisizawa Water God! They are the main culprits that caused Xianxiang to become the smoky mess it is now! The demons deserve to be punished by heaven!"

Dong Yeyu nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that the entire Uda family has betrayed, and only the Uda family, which is the largest family in Inzai City, can block the trap here.

But the question that follows is, why did the Uda family do this?

You must know that although the Kokujin God and the Tianjin God are hostile to each other today, they both have the same attitude towards monsters and monsters, and they will basically kill them all if they see them.

If you support a demon as a god, once you are discovered, your whole family will die under the punishment of the god.

Unless they have a way to deceive them.

It’s a 6,000-word chapter. I was so stuck on one chapter that I finally finished it all night long. Please vote for me, brother. Iluvi is about to fall into a coma and provoke QAQ.

Thank you brother Meng for your reward for monthly subscription and recommendation tickets (ω)

Please give me a monthly pass, a subscription, a recommendation vote (╰╯)

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