I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 159 God Falls

Dongye Yu and others were the last to get off the bus. After everyone got off, the driver took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket with a heavy breath, put it in his mouth, and leaned out of the cab and shouted vaguely: "Then I will leave first, and come back at the agreed time. Take care, everyone."

After that, he looked at the peach blossom sea in front of him, turned the front of the car on the not-so-wide road, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the clumsy bus roared like a war cry, driving with the momentum of a racing car.

However, thinking that donkey carts can drift, it seems that it is not so difficult to accept that buses can be used as racing cars.

This area is probably a disaster place that the locals cannot avoid now, so it is normal that they don't want to stay for long.

"Wow! Take a picture!"

When Kaori got off the car and saw the scenery in the distance, she quickly took out a small camera from her travel backpack. It was a Nikon camera with some cute stickers on it, but the specific model was not very clear.

Shiori looked at her sister who was looking for a suitable angle to take a photo with disdain: "Vulgar, I record it with my eyes, and when I recall it later-"

"It will be blurred."

Dongye Yu stretched and smiled beside him.

"Memory is an ancient painter, it will splash ink on clear and bright memories, and when you think about it, only a hazy thing will remain, with only the mood but no details."

"If it is something you like very much, I still recommend taking a photo, otherwise you will regret it later."

Dongye Yu stood by the guardrail of the highway and looked far away, taking in the peach forest all over the field.

The peach blossom forest covering the mountains and fields and the end of the field of vision is indeed beautiful to a magnificent degree, even more shocking than the Shunan Bamboo Sea that I had visited in my previous life.

There is a breath of gods settled in it, and the entrance to the fairyland should be here.

The water god probably saw this scenery and opened up the fairyland here.

Dongye Yu sighed, reaching into his trouser pocket and found nothing.

So he began to feel around anxiously, until everyone around him showed a surprised look, and Shiori also asked curiously.

"What did Higashino Nisan lose?"

Higashino Yu pondered for a second, then remembered that he didn't bring his mobile phone. He put his hands in his pockets awkwardly and smiled: "No, I was just about to take a photo with my mobile phone, but suddenly I forgot that I didn't bring my mobile phone."

Just like sometimes holding a mobile phone to find a mobile phone, even after practicing, humans can't avoid making such low-level mistakes occasionally.

Kashiro, who was holding a camera to look at the photos, was a little confused: "Why didn't Higashino Nisan bring a mobile phone? The demon hunter must bring a communication device when he is exorcising demons, otherwise he won't be able to ask for help if something unexpected happens."

"Sister, do you know?"

Jinguji Hiiragi Shizuka was observing the peach forest at this time. Hearing this, her eyes fell on Higashino Yu with a complicated look.

"He is afraid that his mobile phone will be lost."

"If you lose it, just buy another one." Kaori felt a little strange, it's just a mobile phone.

Buy? It's easy to say, of course a rich lady can lose her mobile phone casually, but a fox like me can't.

More than 100,000 yen, almost equivalent to my weekly salary, you just throw it away?

Damn rich kid, the life that we peasants strive for is just something that is within your reach in your eyes?

If you say this in Shenzhou, you will be laughed at for thousands of years, and you will be beheaded in France!

Higashino Yu gritted his teeth in his heart, and explained seriously: "It is something with special meaning."

Special meaning?

Jinguji Hiiragi Jing took a look at the cheap old clothes that Higashino Yu had changed into, and thought of his background. As a leader among young demon hunters, he had to rely on part-time jobs to make a living. He was silent for a while.

Was it because it was given by Asumi, or was it simply because he had no money?

Maybe it was both.

The group repaired for a few minutes on the spot, walked forward for ten minutes, and there was a vacant section of the highway guardrail. There was a sign saying that this was the entrance to the scenic area, and the road paved with bluestone slabs extended all the way in.

There were many fallen leaves on the road, and there were some houses of different styles built on both sides, and some were even Japanese-style bungalows.

There is a sign on it, xx souvenir shop, some of which have some unique names, but most of them are similar souvenir shops.

All the doors are closed and covered with dust. At first glance, they look like buildings abandoned by locals after a natural disaster. Walking in them, there is an inexplicable feeling of desolation and silence.

For humans, the demon disaster should also be considered a natural disaster.

The demon hunters, who were originally in a slightly relaxed atmosphere, became serious after walking into this abandoned souvenir shop street leading to Taolin.

The demon hunters with Shikigami following them whispered to the accompanying Shikigami to explore the way.

Most of these Shikigami look like humans, but they have a piece of white paper on their faces with some abstract symbols drawn on them, some like birds, and others like dogs.

Judging from the aura, they are not as good as monsters at the level of Jiaogui and Qingpan.

One of the Shikigami, Dong Yeyu, has an impression. She is the Shikigami of the previous Kusaka family master. She looks like an adult woman, with short black hair that is slightly curly, wearing a gray Wufu, a feather webbing, and a white paper with a spell on her face.

This shikigami's aura was stronger, probably only slightly weaker than the horned demon.

However, he himself did not come, and the team was led by another middle-aged demon hunter.

After receiving the order, the shikigami scattered and left. Suddenly, a strong wind blew up, and the leaves of the treetops intertwined together were swept away, making a rustling sound. Several gusts of demonic wind went to the peach forest.

The other demon hunters either held their swords or had their spiritual power flowing, ready to fight at any time.

Even Shiori and Kaori's cute and delicate faces were full of serious expressions.

Although these demon hunters had gone astray in their training, their combat skills were still good.

Higashino Yu observed for a while, and he and Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami protected the two little girls in the middle.

However, the demon hunters of the Uda family who were walking in the front did not seem to be too vigilant. Uda Hideki held his hands in the wide sleeves of the haori, and lagged behind Jinguji Nobuaki by one body length, with leisurely steps. Looking back, he saw many demon hunters waiting in full battle array, and smiled slightly.

"This section of the road is relatively safe. You may encounter danger when you enter the depths of the peach forest. You can rest assured."

The demon hunters nodded in response, but they did not let down their guard at all.

Human practitioners have been fighting demons for thousands of years. Whether they are lucky enough to walk on the main road or unlucky enough to take the side roads, they have been eaten alive by demons because of various negligence. The blood and tears shed are countless.

Even young demon hunters like Kusaka Maki now understand a simple truth - danger always appears when the spirit is relaxed.

Especially in this forest where peach blossoms are in full bloom, it is hard to see the danger. You should know that more than a thousand people have disappeared here one after another, and their bodies are gone.

Who dares to rest assured?

Seeing this, Ueda Hideki had to smile helplessly. The demon hunters of the Ueda family did not say anything, but just walked in front of him silently to lead the way.

After walking for half an hour, they arrived in the depths of the forest and encountered a thick old tree with a connecting rope hanging on it.

This is an old banyan tree, with a lush crown like a canopy, and branches with a gnarled beard, filled with the smell of incense. It seems to be worshipped as a god.

The island country has a special complex for ancient trees. Some old trees will be protected, tied with ropes, and worshiped as gods. There will also be such a sacred tree in the forest of some shrines.

However, the spirits in it have long disappeared. There are scars from knife cuts and fire in the middle of the trunk. Large pieces of bark have been torn off, revealing the moist tree body with the original wood color below.

Hundreds of birds stand on the tree trunk, constantly pecking at something on it. There are squirrels digging something with their claws, and their fluffy tails are swinging. There are frogs and toads under the tree that keep popping out their big tongues, and they can eat several insects and ants every time.

There are also other animals that do not eat insects and ants gathered here, such as foxes, deer, raccoons, lynxes, wild boars, etc.

So many animals gathered around a big banyan tree, and there were even predators like wolves, but they did not attack other animals, but just dug the soil frantically.

If you look closely, you will find that countless insects and ants are gathering here all the time, on the fallen leaves on the trunk, near the trunk, and even under your feet, as if the insects in the whole forest have smelled the fragrance of the sacred tree.

The dead sacred tree is a rare opportunity for insects and ants. Perhaps some lucky ones can take this opportunity to embark on the path of cultivation, so it is normal to attract these insects.

This should be a spiritual tree loved by mortals and monsters. Even if it is dead, there are so many animals trying to protect its corpse.

It's just that he has accumulated virtue and done good deeds. After hundreds of years of cultivation, he finally got the position of God, but was killed by the monster.

Higashino Yu looked up at the ancient tree, a little angry, and stroked the handle of the sword of the clear and bright Ichimonji Nagamitsu. It seems that he can feel the surging emotions of the owner. The spirit that has not yet taken shape in the famous sword becomes active, and the blade trembles slightly.

Kaori and Shiori also seem to feel something, showing sad expressions, and mist is lingering in their crystal eyes.

The birds standing on the tree trunks pecking at insects found someone coming and hurriedly called out in unison.

"Leave quickly, leave quickly, there is a barrier in the forest, the gods asked humans to go to Izumo Taisha to tell the gods that the great god Hishizawa is dead, the great god Hishizawa is dead!"

The frogs and toads under the tree croaked in response, the squirrels climbed up the tree trunks and squeaked, the foxes gathered together and called out foxes, and other animals also called out, the scene was extremely lively.

The old banyan tree was silent, and the green leaves on the crown swayed gently with the wind, just like countless years in the past.

Dong Yeyu, who understood the calls of the foxes in the animal group, was stunned at the time. I had just seen the water god Hishizawa not long ago. A god with the power of Jindan Perfection, can he die just like that?

The demon hunters could not understand the calls of the animals, and they were stunned when they saw this scene: "What are they calling?"

They just felt a little strange why the sacred tree was so damaged and attracted so many animals.

"Namo Amitabha."

With his eyes closed, the monk Renshu silently held his Zen stick in his arms, clasped his hands together, lowered his head slightly, and began to recite the sutra for salvation in a low voice: "Thus I have heard. Once the Buddha was in the country of Savatthi. In the Jetavana Grove."

Jinguji Hiiragi also found some clues and began to walk around the sacred tree until he came to the other side, raised his head, and frowned.

Other demon hunters followed and looked over, and only then did they find that the heart of the tree on the back seemed to have been chiseled by something, leaving a hollow, and realized something.

Jinguji Nobuaki frowned and walked forward, stroking the rough bark of the ancient tree, closing his eyes and feeling it carefully, and sighed: "It's dead."

Kusaka Maki first covered her mouth with a shocked look. This was the first time she witnessed the fall of a god with her own eyes - even a god without an orthodox position.

After a moment of silence, the girl clasped her hands together and bowed down to worship.

"Damn it."

Junpei Kusaka cursed angrily and took out a spell from his pocket. This was a fire spell, which could probably summon a raging fire.

The elder of the Kusaka family quickly snatched the spell: "Idiot, do you want to set the forest on fire?"

Junpei Kusaka tightly grasped the sword at his waist: "But, just watch those bugs eat him like this?"

"There are more than tens of millions of bugs. If the bugs in this forest are gone, there will be bugs in other forests. How can people stop them? We have more important tasks to do. Keep your magic power."

The elder of the Kusaka family scolded severely, and other demon hunters had a similar attitude.

When a whale falls, all things come to life. This is the law of nature. I guess the last wish of the sacred tree is to return itself to the forest.

Therefore, the demon hunters just mourned in silence and did not stop these bugs like animals.

Uda Hideki explained softly in the microphone.

"A few days ago, a villager said that when he came to the store here to get something in the evening, he found a hurricane sweeping through the forest, flames shooting into the sky, strange roars, and a gentle invisible wind pushing him away from there."

"When he went home and called the fire department, the fire department only found the sacred tree turned into this."

"Later, animals began to gather here one after another, probably to protect his body. Although stupid and ridiculous, it also makes people feel comforted. These beasts sometimes value friendship more than humans."

Uda Hideki said, clasping his hands together towards the big banyan tree and bowing slightly: "He protects the area and is loved by monsters and people. Compared with the incumbent Hishizawa Water God, he is an excellent god. It's a pity."

Why didn't you report this? You didn't tell us when we came? Did you grow up with Akashi?

After hearing this, Higashino Yu wanted to draw his sword and chop off the killing coin. As a family of demon hunters, how could they not know the seriousness of this matter?

Nobuaki Jinguji was so angry that he was shaking. He took a deep breath and was about to find Uda Eiki to argue.

Seeing this, Rinko Jinguji, who was beside him, put her hat on her husband's head and smiled.

It is not a good sign to have a conflict with the local snake here.

Other exorcists also glared at him, but the exorcists of the Uda family seemed to be blind.

After worshiping the gods, everyone calmed down and looked at Nobuaki Jinguji, waiting for his arrangement.

Do we still need to go inside in this situation?

Higashino Yu calmly found Nobuaki Jinguji and whispered: "Mr. Jinguji, we may not be able to go in anymore."

Nobuaki Jinguji did not change his expression when he heard this, and winked at the two clerks of the Ministry of Religion, Culture, and Science beside him, and they silently sent the exorcists of the Uda family away.

Then he made a seal in his hand and asked, "What? What else did Higashino-kun find?"

This seal seems to be able to prevent others from hearing your conversation. It is very useful. I have to trick Jinguji-san into giving me this spell next time.

Higashino-yu thought to himself and said with a very serious look.

"One of my spells can understand the language of animals. I just heard those animals say that the water god of Hishizawa died, and the last words of the banyan tree god were for us to go to Izumo Taisha to seek the help of the god of Kunitsu."

This chapter has 4,000 words, and there is another chapter with 2,000 words. I will write it and post it right away.

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