I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 146 The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish

This big monster doesn't seem to have any respect for Lord Water God.

Tanigoro swallowed, thinking in his mind, he didn't dare to say anything, and he didn't dare to ask anything.

Before Higashino Yu had time to look at the gratitude scores and rewards, he just glanced at the system album and was stunned for a moment when he found that the photo belonging to Motofu was still clear.

He just saved her life by fighting the monster, right?

Why can't I repay this kindness?

Is it because the dilemma has not been completely solved?

Dong Yeyu thought deeply, feeling a little happy in his heart. Isn't this equivalent to one benefactor and multiple rewards?

Thinking of this, a feeling of joy arose in my heart that I once had to play Chicken Leo.

In fact, if possible, Higashino Yu hopes that the kindness of his benefactors can be repaid more and more like a loan shark.

Of course, even if Miss Momofuyu's kindness has been repaid, Higashino Yu will still help these civet monsters.

Help people to the end and send Buddha to the West.

After making a decision in his mind, Dong Yeyu asked: "I heard that you have been looking for a big monster that is willing to accept sacrifices."

When Tanigoro heard this sentence, he obviously understood what it meant. He was surprised at first, but then hesitated for a second.

Fairyland is a fairyland created by Lord Water God. This Lord Higashino obviously does not respect Lord Water God very much. If he offends Him,

Tanukigoro couldn't imagine the consequences.

But now that the return date is approaching, there are really no other monsters to be found.

After thinking about it again and again, he sighed in his heart and explained with a smile on his face.

"Yes, Mr. Higashino, it's a pity that we don't have much money. Each big monster can only receive thirty pieces of sacred money as an offering, so there are not many big monsters willing to accept the offering."

This group of civet cat monsters are really able to spend money ruthlessly. They calculated in their hearts that if they included themselves, it would be two hundred and ten pieces of magic money.

This money is nothing to a big monster, but to a small monster like the tanuki youkai, it is already a huge amount of money.

Earlier, I saw that these civet cats were reluctant to buy anything to eat and drink in the wine shop. They only spent money to provide banquets for the six big monsters. They were able to squeeze out more than 200 pieces of magic money to hire them. It was indeed a general idea.

"Why do you find so many big monsters to worship?" Dong Yeyu was a little curious.

Tanukigoro pondered for two seconds and said: "The cause of the matter started more than ten years ago. The originally peaceful and peaceful Taoxiang paradise of gods gradually became troubled by monsters. At first, mortals who traveled into the forest frequently disappeared, which has nothing to do with us tanuki monsters. relation."

“Until recently, civet cats often disappeared in orchards and fields for no apparent reason, and most of the time their miserable corpses were suddenly found somewhere else—”

"Did the cassock hanging do it?" Dong Yeyu asked.

Tanigoro frowned and thought for a long time, then shook his head: "It's hard to say, but the disappearance of mortals started more than ten years ago, and Kasaya Xuan only came to Tonegawa in recent years."

"Opening the gate to Fairyland requires a special method. He, a foreign demon, cannot possibly know it. And if it was him who did it, there should be no corpses left behind."

Dong Yeyu nodded thoughtfully when he heard this.

After seeing the hanging cassock before, I thought that the disappearance of tourists in Momogo Town was all caused by this monster.

I didn’t expect that things in Lixiang were actually related to the case of mortal disappearances?

We also talked about Fairyland at last night’s meeting.

Dong Yeyu just listened and thought, and did not completely believe what the tanuki monster said. He nodded and motioned to continue.

Tanigoro then continued.

"The elder Tanuki in the village felt that this was not going to work, so he raised the savings of the tanukis in Xianxiang over the years and sent me out with some reliable tanukis to go to the monster market to look for big monsters with chivalrous spirit."

"We hope that we can use the sacred money to worship them, and return to Taoxiang together to kill the demons! Return peace to the fairyland."

"What kind of monster is it specifically?" Dong Yeyu asked.

"No tanuki has ever been seen with my own eyes. All the tanukis I have seen are dead." Tanukigoro shook his head.

Dong Yeyu felt a little strange when he heard this.

I originally thought that these tanuki monsters were just asking these big monsters for some protection, but I didn't expect that they were asked to deal with the monsters.

The monster that requires so many big monsters to deal with is definitely much stronger than Kasaya Xuan, and the risk is probably very high.

To make people work for their lives, a big monster only gives thirty pieces of god's money. What kind of price is this for a black slave?

Are they actually willing to go?

It takes a lot of chivalrous spirit to agree.

Dong Yeyu was a little suspicious of the purpose of the six big monsters for a while.

When things go wrong, there must be monsters, and those big monsters may not have simple purposes.

Do you want to go by yourself?

Dong Yeyu pondered, if there are so many big monsters to deal with together, what level of monsters must they be?

Maybe he has the combat power of the golden elixir realm.

However, since he had the wind chime protection gifted by Chunyuan and the demon thunder flag as a backup to hide his energy, it was not impossible for him to take risks.

Generally speaking, the greater the risk, the higher the score, and the greater the storm, the more expensive the fish!

The first time he got a Grade A rating, he risked his life to get it.

If I can repay the favor smoothly this time, I might be able to get a grade A rating.

Moreover, the disappearance of mortals in Momogo Town is also being investigated by the demon exterminators. Perhaps they can use their power to minimize the danger.

There is power in numbers. Although the demon slayer may not be as powerful as the big monsters, he is better in numbers and can sway people.

Even if I can't win, I can still escape with the wind chime and demon thunder flag given by Chunyuan.

Fortunes are sought in danger, and repaying a favor is never completely safe.

I finally got a chance to repay a favor with a high score, so I can't just let it go.

What if I'm unlucky and don't get such an opportunity for the next few hundred years?

Will I be stuck in the Qi Refining and Transforming Spirit for hundreds of years, and then turn into ashes under the heavenly calamity?

This possibility is not small. I am a born unlucky saint in my previous life and this life. The most expensive prize I have won is another bottle of iced black tea.

It's the level that even the non-chief himself will cry and give up the position of chief.

You can't gamble on luck, you should try your best to seize the opportunity you can seize!

Dongye Yu thought of this and said righteously: "In broad daylight, in the clear sky, there are such demons causing trouble?"

"Miss Taodong has done me a favor, and her hometown is in trouble. I have no choice but to let me join in."

Tanji Goro was stunned and asked quickly: "Are you really willing to accept our offerings?"

Although he was worried that Dongye Yu would offend the water god, he was still a little happy to see that he agreed to accept the offerings, and was about to pay.

"Offerings? No, Mr. Tanji Goro."

Dongye Yu shook his head slightly and said seriously: "I am willing to help you completely because of Miss Taodong's kindness and my hatred for demons."

"This is my repayment. If you give me money, it will become a job, which will tarnish my heart."

Tomorrow, I will post 2,000 per chapter during the day, and there may be 4,000 in the evening and early morning. I feel that it will be easier to maintain 6,000 a day. If it is feasible, it should be possible in the future.

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