I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 141: Fox thief! I want to eat your flesh and sleep on your skin!

As the sturdy man spoke, a dark demon cloud covered his body, and in a moment, he turned into a brown bear nearly two stories high as the brothel.

The ferocious bloody mouth was filled with a strong smell of blood, and there was a diagonal scar on his chest, which looked like a giant bear wearing a cassock.

"You dare to take her out of here."

He shook his head, and the brown bear hair with a metallic luster shook like waves.

I don't know if it's because I drank too much wine or the people who ate it before haven't digested it yet, but I feel a little unhappy in my heart.

In addition, this demon fox repeatedly hindered his good deeds, and its strength was obviously not as good as his, and he dared to fart here.

Thinking of this, the evil fire suddenly rose up.

The cassock sneered: "When the demon market is cleared at dawn, I will eat you."

He said this with a smile, and his voice was a little excited, but there was no anger, only a fanatical appetite that made people feel cold in their bones.

"It is said that the four-tailed bear is qualified to become the Gozen Inari? You are only the two-tailed bear, and you are still far from it. I wonder which one is more delicious compared to humans."

Hitano Yu, who turned into a giant fox, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his heart was awed.

This bear demon must have cultivated by eating people all the way. I don't know how many people he has eaten. He is entangled in karma and has a dark demon cloud. I am afraid that he has eaten no less than a thousand people.

It is not quite appropriate to call it a monster. It should be called a demon.

The strength is close to the limit of human immortals. If he eats more people, he may reach the golden elixir realm.

Of course, it is impossible for such demons to cultivate into a flawless golden elixir. It is just that the strength is about this level, and it is actually still in the Yin God realm.

Although the combat power is strong, once the catastrophe comes, everything before is like a dream bubble.

Unless you can eat people to the Yin God Yin and pure Yang, and directly enter the Yang God realm-the law of the jungle is the law of nature, and it is also the way.

Eat 10 million people, spend some time practicing, and it is not a dream to become a land immortal.

But I'm afraid that only those famous monsters have such luck throughout the ages.

After all, in ancient times, mortals conquered each other and massacred cities at will. In the late Warring States period, the population of the island country increased, and there were wars with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people.

For monsters, the wars in the world and the obscurity of the secrets of heaven are simply the best time to practice, just like a fire dragon burning a warehouse, it is too easy to mix in and eat people.

However, this world is prosperous in humanity, and the karma of eating people is not small. The progress of cultivation is fast, but don't cry out when the disaster comes.

Although this bear spirit is strong, Dong Yeyu is not afraid. He stared at him and answered seriously: "I just received a precious sword not long ago. This time I will use you to test the sword."

I haven't even killed a monster with the new skills of beheading monsters, which is a bit unworthy of the name.

I have to kill a decent monster. The one in front of me is very good. It eats monsters and people, and is entangled with karma.

But I have to get my body here first. Although the Yin spirit has a form, it has no entity and can be touched.

But he could only grab a ball of air when he exerted force, which was impossible to use in a fight.

To have a physical body, completely the same as the original body, like the realm of an external incarnation, one must be a Yang God.

He had no weapons and was a Yin God. Facing the bear demon in front of him who called himself Jiashaxuan, he could only use the fox fire and the spells and incantations he had just learned.

The other party had a physical body and a fierce aura, which was extremely restraining to the Yin God. To be honest, he was at a disadvantage.


Hearing that he was going to test the knife on himself, the wound on Jiashaxuan's chest ached slightly. He couldn't stand the word knife.

His breathing became heavy, and his lantern-sized eyes were bloodshot: "Fox demon! You dare to fight with me outside the demon market now?!"

"Are you eager to die? As you wish, I will send you on your way after I settle the little raccoon cat."

"Then go to the demon market and fight me now?"

"Cherish the remaining time tonight, I will cut off your head with one knife at dawn."

"Ha, you dare not, you dare not! Fox thief! I want to taste your meat, chew your bones, and use your skin as a mat to sleep!"

"I heard that bear paws are extremely delicious and bear gall is a great medicine. This time I will take it back and let the chef in Tokyo cook it."

The two confronted each other and talked trash, but they tacitly did not directly fight. The sword left by the god who lived high in Takama-hara was very sharp.

Even Jiashaxuan did not dare to cross the line. He just remembered the breath of the demon fox in front of him, so as not to let him run away.

When the demon market was cleared at dawn, the real fighting began.

Girls' House,

"Taodong, are you really going to leave? Will your mother let you go?"

A monster who had completely transformed into a beautiful woman knelt in front of the dressing table and asked casually while putting on makeup.

"I'll just give her the money back. I came here to find the big monster, and now that I've found it, there's no point in keeping it."

Taodong answered casually, listening to the roar coming from the skylight, her body trembled, and she washed her face carefully at the same time.

"Yes, you have found a backer, so anything is fine. But since you know this big monster, why do you still become a prostitute? If I have such a good relationship with this big monster, I will cling to him and serve him, which is much better than being a prostitute?"

"I haven't known him for too long. I just saw him once some time ago. At that time, I thought he was a little fox-"

"Could it be-" The female monster was stunned for a second, quickly crawled to Tao Dong, and asked curiously: "Love at first sight?"

Tao Dong wiped his face and glanced at her calmly: "Do you think a little monster like me who can't even transform completely can make a big monster fall in love at first sight?"

The female demon looked at Taodong's raccoon face, which was quite strange, with human hair and raccoon fur.

She had long, smooth black hair on her head, beige raccoon fur on her face, and black fur around her eyes.

She looked at her body again, which was well transformed, with a petite figure, fair and delicate skin, and a slightly bulging chest, looking like a bud about to bloom.

Unfortunately, the head ruined everything, and it was completely a human-shaped raccoon with a girl's figure with long hair.

The female demon fell silent.

She was cute, but it was nonsense to say that a big demon would fall in love with her.

"Who knows, what if that fox master likes you like this?" The female demon said insincerely, and shrank back to continue to put on makeup.

Taodong packed her gifts in silence.

She had been thinking about why this master would do this for her, and with another big demon.

Because she saved him before?

How could it be possible? How could such a big man like him not know the rules of the gods' travel? He must be teasing me.


Did he really like me?

If so, maybe I could use him.

After this thought popped into her mind, she was stunned for a moment. After realizing what it meant, she was even a little scared.

Father, is Tao Dong going to become a bad raccoon cat?

She was a little confused, but what could she do? She was just a raccoon cat with shallow cultivation. Thinking of the tragic death of her father and brother, her expression became determined again.

I'm sorry, Mr. Fox.

All the good raccoons are dead.

I have to be a bad raccoon cat to take revenge.

Her slender and delicate hands touched the hairpins on her head and took them off. Her black hair fell down like a waterfall.

The lord didn't seem to like this kind of dress. If he dressed like before, maybe he would like it more.

Not long after,

Tao Dong ran over carefully from the corridor near the backyard, not much different from that day.

The pale face that was powdered was washed clean, revealing the original beige civet face, but the black teeth in the mouth could not be fully restored.

All the jewelry on the head was taken off, the complicated hairstyle was untied, and the long hair was tied up again in a right bun-like hairstyle, which was simply tied up with a green cloth belt.

She put on the shabby men's Wufu clothes again, took off the tall wooden clogs, and her body instantly became shorter. She carried a flowered cloth bag across her body, looking like a little girl fleeing from famine.

She held her breath, stared at the giant bear in front of her in horror, and slid over barefoot from the corridor.

Then she stuffed the twenty god coins strung with a golden string in her hand into the hands of the old procuress.

"I'll give it back to you--"

Tao Dong looked at the big fox confronting the giant bear not far away, with a little apology in her eyes, and said firmly: "I won't be a prostitute anymore."

Not? Hey, when your backer is eaten, you can't do it.

The madam hid behind the door, weighed the heavy divine money in her hand, and squinted at Taodong's back.

She looked at the fox demons who were evenly matched in the confrontation, but dared not go out to the demon market to fight now, and grinned.

She held Taodong tightly, not because this girl was so valuable.

She couldn't even transform completely. No matter how valuable she was, she had to wait for decades until she could completely transform into a human.

The main thing was not to let other prostitutes have other thoughts. Once their minds were scattered, it would be difficult to lead the team, and the brothel would fall.

"My lord, I'm done."

Taodong ran to Dongye Yu and snuggled up to him, her voice coquettish.

"Then let's go, let's go to Tanuki Goro and the others first."

Dongye Yu protected her, while looking at the giant bear not far away warily, urging Taodong to leave the brothel.

Just now, I heard from afar that there are already six big monsters willing to accept their offerings, and they are drinking in the wine shop.

Let Taodong go back to Tanuki Goro, and then show weakness and leave the monster market to return to the body, and rush back here before dawn to kill this monster.

There is still plenty of time.

Of course, I can also use the power of the big monsters offered by Tanuki Goro to force the bear monster to retreat.

But bears are very cunning and cruel animals, and bear monsters are even more heavyweight.

If you offend this man-eating monster but don't kill it, you will only lay a mine for yourself.

If he hides in the dark one day and finds his relatives and friends, I am afraid that something unbearable will happen.

When Taodong heard that he wanted to let him go, he grabbed the fox's white hair and said seriously: "Sir, I want to deal with this monster with you."

Dongye Yu said in a steady voice and shook his head.

"It's just a demon, nothing to be afraid of. I'm just worried that I can't protect you when the fight starts. Go find Li Wulang and the others, don't let me be distracted."

Feeling the confidence in his tone, Tao Dong felt a little relieved, and knew that it was useless for him to stay and would only hinder him, so he nodded slightly.

The two demons walked out of the brothel, and the thugs and eunuchs around them lowered their heads and dared not stop them.

"Are you scared, fox? The borrowed power is not your own after all. You don't dare to fight me?"

Jiasha Xuan saw that Dong Yeyu was unwilling to fight outside the demon market now, and now he was leaving again, knowing that he must be timid.

He didn't stop him, and laughed happily as he watched the fox demon leave the brothel.

"I'll wait for you outside the demon market. You can escape, but this little raccoon cat can't. I'll catch this little raccoon cat and let her serve me first, and then take her back to the cave as a midnight snack."

If a big demon of the same level wants to escape desperately, it is indeed difficult to catch.

Jiashaxuan knew this very well, and could only threaten the little civet cat to see if he would come back.

Seeing this, many monsters in the brothel sighed and shook their heads.

The fox demon was no match for him. Although he was not inferior in momentum, he did not dare to fight. He was obviously timid. He could escape, but the little civet cat could not.

Some prostitutes who knew Taodong lowered their heads. Thinking of what the girl would suffer in the future, they all showed expressions of pity and blamed the fox demon in their hearts.

If you don’t have enough cultivation, what can you do? Not only did he lose face, but he also killed Taodong’s sister.

The madam and the tortoise came closer with a smile and said flatteringly: "Master Jiashaxuan has great cultivation and unparalleled power. That fox demon is definitely not your opponent. We are waiting for your good news here."

"Warm up the wine for me. I will bring the fox head to you tomorrow night as payment for the wine——"

Jiashaxuan laughed loudly and turned into a blood-colored demon cloud, flying straight out of the demon market, causing the demons in the market to exclaim.

At the same time, rumors began to spread in the market at a very fast speed that a big demon would fight to the death outside the demon market at dawn tomorrow.

Most of these demons are old demons who have practiced for more than a hundred years. They rarely fight to the death. Most of them run away when they see that the situation is not good.

Therefore, this rumor has attracted the attention of many demons.

It has become a topic of conversation for many demons in the demon market after dinner, at the wine table and at the gambling table. Some people even opened a bet on this duel, and many gamblers responded.

"Have you heard? There are two big monsters, a bear and a fox, who have agreed to fight to the death at dawn because of a little raccoon cat in the Youkuofang, East City."

"Ah? Really fighting to the death?"

"I don't think so. I heard that the fox monster was at a disadvantage at the time and showed its cowardice. It didn't dare to fight to the death outside the Monster City immediately. It only said harsh words. I think the fox monster will escape after the fight."

"I think the fox monster might fight to the end. Let's bet?"

"Let's bet. I bet the fox monster will escape!"

In the bet, basically all the monsters bet on the cassock to win.

Among them, 90% bet on the fox monster to escape, and 10% bet on the fox monster to fight to the death.

This bear monster came from Hokkaido decades ago. As soon as he arrived, he drove away a big monster and occupied his cave. He has been eating people and killing monsters for decades.

I don't know why, the water god of Hishizawa doesn't care, and those mortal demon hunters don't come.

Later on, it was rumored that even the gods were afraid of him. He was notorious and was a well-known monster in Hishizawa.

The other fox monster was a little unknown and didn't dare to go out to the monster market to fight. He would probably lose. The only difference was whether he escaped or not.

In the corner of the wine shop,

"Momofuyu, will that sir really come back?"

Tanuki Goro and his group of raccoon cats huddled here and asked the raccoon girl.

I really have to write more tonight, write another chapter! I can't get stuck here, at least I have to fight.

Thank you brother Meng for your reward, subscription, monthly ticket and recommendation ticket (ω)

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