I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 137 Fox I don’t have any extra food

At the counter was a female monster who had completely transformed into a human. She was wearing a kimono and looked quite upright. She was calculating accounts with an abacus and chatting with Higashino Yu.

"Who are you, little tanuki?"


"Since you are a benefactor, do you want to buy a set of clothes from my house as a gift for the little raccoon cat? By the way-"

Having said this, the female monster looked at Higashino Yu: "Are you rich?"

Dong Yeyu was stunned and separated his tail. Why don't you stop looking at me, what kind of monster am I, what kind of monster are you, how dare you be rude?

The female monster was a little surprised now, looking back and forth between the monk, the wine seller, and the fox.

She thought that the power before came from the monk, but she didn't expect that the fox, who didn't even know how to transform, was actually a big monster.

But it was just surprise, and his behavior became more polite, but not afraid yet.

"I am weaving, and I have seen your Majesty."

She bowed slightly and said with a smile: "Although your Majesty is a big monster, in Hisizawa Demon City, even bigger monsters who are stronger than your master are not allowed to violate the rules. This is set by the god who created Hisizawa Demon City." "Laws."

"There was once an evil spirit who committed murder on the street and was cut in half by the divine sword that descended from the sky."

"Then you are not afraid that I will ambush you outside the Demon City?"

Dong Yeyu was a little curious, where did this female monster get her courage.

Zhi smiled and said: "When I was a child, I was lucky enough to get permission from the god who created the monster city. I can stay in the city forever and will not be driven away after dawn like other monsters."

"That's why I didn't leave after entering Fangshi. If you want to ambush me, it might be a little difficult for you."

Hearing this, Dong Yeyu was not angry at all, but instead asked: "I wonder who the god who created the city is?"

Zhi shook his head: "I don't know about this concubine. Although I have the permission of the Lord God, I have not seen that Lord with my own eyes."

She thought for a while and added: "Actually, not only me, but the monsters in the demon city have probably never seen him. Although that gentleman created Hisizawa Demon City, he has never been here. There are rumors that he is Went to live in Takamagahara.”

Dong Yeyu nodded thoughtfully and looked at Qingpan behind him.

The monk immediately understood, handed over a sacred coin, and clasped his hands together.

"Amitabha, benefactor, please help me. This distinguished sir wants to find that little civet cat to repay his kindness. He has good intentions."

"It can be seen that if those big monsters were violent and didn't know the rules of Hisizawa Demon City, they would get furious and be killed by the divine sword just now."

Zhi nodded, picked up the money and threw it into the cash box, then thought seriously for a moment.

"I have never seen the little raccoon cat described by Your Majesty. Your Majesty will probably give you the same answer if you ask other monsters."

"The monster market is quite large, with a radius of twenty to thirty miles. There are tens of thousands of monsters coming and going. Looking for a monster is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

"But recently I heard that a group of civet cat monsters came to Fangshi, blocking the monsters everywhere on the street, saying that they wanted to hire big monsters, causing a lot of noise. Maybe the little civet cat is related to those group of civet cats?"

"Your Majesty, you might as well go and find out."

"Where are those civet cats?"

"It seems that they settled in a wine shop to the east of Fangshi, which is close to Youkuo. It is said that those civet cat monsters enter Fangshi at night, waiting for the big monsters to stop them when they are prostitutes, and express their intention to hire them. They are very conspicuous ”

Dong Yeyu nodded and looked at the array of ready-made clothes in the store for a moment, thinking that if it was cheap, he would buy one for Miko as a souvenir gift.

As for Miss Moon Witch, she comes from a rich family and probably doesn't like this kind of clothes.

"How do you sell your clothes?" Dong Yeyu asked.

Your Majesty, you can’t do it, Your Majesty!

As soon as these words came out, Qingpan and Jiaogui behind him suddenly looked sad. This is Zhi's black-hearted tailor shop. If the king really wants to buy clothes, then his many years of savings will be lost.

Now I was like a caught toad, and my urine was about to be squeezed out.

Hearing that Dong Yeyu wanted to buy clothes, Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up, "I wonder if you want custom-made clothes or ready-made clothes?"

"Is custom-made more expensive?"

"It's natural. I don't know if your Majesty is custom-making it for myself or for someone else. Can you tell me your measurements?"

"It's a gift for a girl. Body size."

In his memory, Higashino Yu observed Miko's whole body from top to bottom, estimated a value, and then took a slightly larger size and told her.

Miko will always grow up, so a slightly larger size will not affect anything.

Zhi recorded these body size data, and then asked: "What materials do you want to use? What are the requirements for clothing patterns, etc.?"

"As for the decorations, Miko likes maple leaves, fish, and fireworks. Please look at the design. What are the raw materials?"

"There are silks from Liangxiang Mountain, which are as soft as autumn water and as strong as incomparable. There are spider silks from Yunzhong Mountain, which avoid water and fire and are as white as snow."

"There is also brocade from Fuchun Fairyland, which is invulnerable to water and fire, invulnerable to swords and guns, as light as a feather, and can even be exempted from curses. The treasure of our store is woven from this brocade."

"What about the price?"

Zhi smiled and said a few appalling figures, Qingpan closed his eyes tightly and kept chanting Buddhist chants in a low voice, and Jiaogui looked down at the wine jar in trance.

Dong Yeyu was silent and turned his attention to ready-made clothes, only to find that the cheapest ready-made clothes cost a hundred gold coins.

Even if Qingpan and Jiaogui invest all their wealth into it, they can't afford it.

The purchasing power of the divine money is very strong. Qing Pan's salary for playing the shamisen in a brothel for a month is two divine money.

According to Jiao Gui, he gets up every morning to clear the weeds, rats, ants and other monsters in the mountains in exchange for spiritual dew, and then goes to the mountains to pick spiritual medicine and spiritual fruit.

It takes five years just to collect materials.

The materials collected in such a long time can only brew less than ten jars of spiritual wine, which are sold for six divine coins per jar.

In addition, there may be changes within five years, such as rats and monkeys stealing food, etc. After all kinds of losses, it is considered good if six jars can be left out of ten jars.

In other words, if Jiao Gui wants to buy the cheapest set of clothes here, he has to save for at least fifteen years without eating or drinking.

In this way, it seems that his situation is better than that of a black slave.

Dong Yeyu calculated that he had robbed him of almost five years of income, and for a moment he couldn't bear to take his money.

He suppressed this reluctance in an instant. The economy is down these days, and I, a fox, don't have any surplus food.

Seeing that the fox monster was short of money, Zhi was quite patient and said, "With your ability, you will be able to save up the money soon. I can design the draft for you first, and then weave it when you have money."

"Then please."

Dongye Yu nodded slightly, walked out of Zhi's shop, looked up, and felt that the lights on the street were a bit dazzling.

I was a poor man in the mortal world, and I was not rich in the monster world.

Qingpan and Jiaogui felt like they had escaped death and kept comforting him.

"Don't worry, Zhi's skills are superb, and she is sought after by many big monsters. There are endless monsters who ask her to customize gorgeous clothes, so the price will naturally be much more expensive."

"If you want to buy clothes, there are a few cheap tailor shops in the market. I am not talented, but I am willing to lead the way for you."

"Forget it, let's go to Youkuo first."

Dongye Yu waved her fox tail in a bored manner, and came to Youkuo under the guidance of Qingpan and Jiaogui.

In ancient times, prostitutes in island countries were called "Yu-na", and the location of brothels was called "Yu-kaku" or "Yu-lang", and the gathering place of brothels was called "Yu-ri".

"Yu" means game or play in Japanese, and "Nyo-yu" means playing with women.

Yu-kaku is a district surrounded by walls, ditches, etc. where officially recognized Yu-na houses are concentrated. The purpose of concentrating them into one district is to facilitate the management of public security and discipline.

The predecessor of Tokyo's Kabuki Hall Ichibangai was probably a similar existence.

The wine shop mentioned by Origuchi is not far from the gate of Yu-kakufang. There are several blue warm curtains hanging at the door of the wine shop, and the Chinese characters for wine are written in white paint on each warm curtain.

Before the three monsters of Higashino Yu entered, they saw from a distance that there were indeed monsters on the roadside that were transformed into humans with leaves on their heads.

They looked at the monsters passing by, and when they met the stronger ones, they trotted up to ask if they wanted to accept the offerings.

The third update! Brother Meng, give me the monthly ticket.

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