I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 132: The Fox Spirit Leaves the Body

"Your cousin and I have just met each other. We are not familiar with each other. How can we talk about marriage from the beginning? What if I am an embroidered pillow with bad behavior?"

Wouldn't that be better?

Kaori and Shiori looked at each other, then looked at Higashino Yu a few times, their eyes shining brightly.

Let that winter drag the poor eleven-year-old girls out of their warm beds and force their evil cousin who is practicing in the cold dojo to marry a bad guy. She will be scolded every day, do housework every day, and be beaten if she is lazy!

It seemed that they had completely imagined Jinguji Hiiragi's miserable situation after their marriage in their minds, and the two girls let out an angry breath.

However, it seems that this Higashino Nissan is a well-dressed beast, not as shameless as imagined.

This won't work. My cousin won't take the initiative, so I have to let Higashino Nissan take the initiative.

Shiori Kaori looked at each other thoughtfully, occasionally looking at each other, like local area network interconnection and resource sharing. She thought quickly and immediately had preliminary ideas.

At this moment, someone in the tea room walked this way. When they heard the movement, they immediately let go of Higashino Yu's clothes and bowed slightly in a very polite manner: "We understand, goodbye Higashino Nissan."

After saying that, she ran away quickly with small steps. When passing by Higashino Yu, Kaori whispered: "We are going to take a bath later, and I will persuade my cousin to go with us. This is a good opportunity!"

"But you can't watch us take a shower."

After the two said this, they looked behind them and ran away in a hurry.

Dong Yeyu heard them still talking about themselves after they turned the corner.

"Shiori, why did you say that last sentence just now?"

"Nissan Higashino was staring at our backs in the tea room just now. He might be a perverted lolicon."

Dong Yeyu: How the hell could I accuse someone of innocence out of thin air!

"Higashino-kun, those two girls are crazy, please don't be angry or concerned."

Jinguji Rinko's gentle voice came from behind. Higashino Yu's face instantly became as pure as spring breeze, and he turned around and smiled: "Your love is smart, cute, and cute. She reminds me of my sister far away in Kyoto. How can I be angry?"

Jinguji Rinko was a little surprised when he heard this, "Is Higashino-kun originally from Kyoto? No wonder he has unfathomable cultivation at such a young age."

"You're very grateful. Compared with yours, my cultivation level is really the difference between a firefly and a bright moon. What's more, my daughter's cultivation level is also quite good. I can look forward to the future!"

"What's the future to look forward to? I'll be thankful that they don't cause any trouble for me."

The charming lady sighed softly, and then pointed towards the direction the two were leaving: "I have to go and see what they are going to do, so I'll excuse you now."

After bidding farewell to Jinguji Rinko, Higashino Yu left the tea room and went to the front desk.

I just caused misunderstandings among many demon slayers, and if I try to force a conversation now, I will probably only end up being hot-tempered and cold-hearted. Anyway, there will be more opportunities in the future.

In comparison, hot springs and hot spring cuisine are more worthy of attention and should not be missed.

After detailed inquiries at the front desk, I learned that meals are already included in the room rate and will be distributed starting at six o'clock. When you want to eat, you can select it on the tablet in the room and someone will deliver it to the room.

It's less than six o'clock now. I'll take a bath in the hot spring and go back to my room just in time to have dinner, and then go to Jinguji Hiiragi.

Higashino Yu made a timetable in his mind, asked about the location of the hot spring, and then returned to the room to find a dark blue yukata that fit his body shape.

The fabric of this yukata is quite comfortable. After putting it on, I simply tied up my long hair and stood in front of the full-length mirror. I saw a handsome young man with a wide robe and big sleeves, which gave him the free and easy charm of a ronin swordsman.

After changing his clothes, Higashino Yu went to the hot spring - naturally he brought the knife with him.

Although this will give people a strange feeling, this knife is really a bit too expensive, so it is strange. Dong Yeyu will not give the thief even the slightest chance.

On the way to the hot springs, I met many demon slayers who were traveling the same way. They all changed into yukata and seemed to be preparing to soak in the hot springs.

There were men, women, old and young, walking together in twos and threes.

But no matter who he is, he will look at Higashino Yu a few times.

Although his flamboyant behavior makes people subconsciously dislike him, his figure and appearance are really outstanding.

Just now, wearing a formal suit in the tea room was one kind of style, but now wearing a yukata gives people another feeling.

But no matter what style, he can control it perfectly.

But after seeing it for a few times, most people were murmuring in their hearts: Who is a good person who takes a hot spring and carries a sword?

Dong Yeyu didn't care about other people's opinions. He walked quickly and walked with wind, and quickly arrived outside the hot spring pool.

I happened to meet two little ones who also came to soak in the hot springs, but their mother Jinguji Rinko didn't come with them, and Jinguji Hiiragi wasn't there either.

When they saw Dong Yeyu from a distance, their crystal clear eyes suddenly lit up and they waved quickly.

"Shiori, Kaori, isn't your cousin here?"

Dong Yeyu put his hands in the sleeves of his yukata, walked over and asked.

When they talked about this, the two of them sighed, and Kaori was a little helpless: "My cousin wants to practice, so I won't come even if I say nothing."

"If we hadn't run so fast, we would have been left to be ascetics with her."

Shiori curled her lips and said, "She might as well go to the mountains and become a shugenja."

"Higashino Ni-san, do you think it's bad for your cousin to be like this?" Kaori smiled sweetly at Higashinoyu.

This is true, blindly practicing hard can sometimes be counterproductive. Dong Yeyu nodded slightly, "Perhaps the efficiency will be higher if we combine work and rest."

"Yes, right! But my mother and cousin don't think so. Nisan Tono, you can persuade them in the future."

Dongye Yu smiled and said, "I'll try my best. Let's take a hot spring bath first. If there are too many people later, the experience won't be very good."

When Kaori Shiori heard this, she immediately said goodbye to Dongye Yu and went into the women's locker room.

Dongye Yu also lifted the curtain of the men's locker room. At this time, there were not many people in the hot spring. She took off her yukata leisurely and entered the hot spring bath full of steam with her sword bag.

Several people were already soaking in the hot spring. They opened their eyes and looked at Dongye Yu and his sword, shook their heads slightly, and closed their eyes again to continue enjoying it.

It is said that this hot spring is a natural hot spring from the Xiashan Mountain in the forest, and it has various effects.

I don't know if it has any specific effect, but it looks very clear and there is no peculiar smell. It is estimated that the water is changed every day-some hot springs in the island country have not changed the water for decades. If it is dirty, some medicine is added to it, which is very amazing.


Hitano Yu put his sword on the shore beside him, immersed his whole body in the hot spring, feeling the warm spring water wrapping his whole body, and sighed. From the other side of the wall came the crisp and sweet voice of Kaori Shiori, and some other girls.

Hitano Yu could hear what they were saying very clearly, but after thinking about it, he slightly closed his ears and didn't eavesdrop.

The fox who repays gratitude is not a shrimp-headed fox.

After soaking in the hot spring, Hitano Yu walked out of the steamy hot spring pool, wiped his body and changed clothes in the locker room, walked out of the locker room and came to the corridor.

The glass shoji door of the corridor was pushed open by someone, and the late spring evening breeze came in. Then he took the free frozen milk in a glass bottle from the refrigerator next to him and drank it all in one breath, and suddenly he felt like he was floating in the air.

Hitano Yu didn't wait for Shiori Kaori to come out of the hot spring, and went back to the room by himself, picked up the tablet and looked at the dinner.

There are traditional Japanese cuisines such as kaiseki cuisine, sashimi seafood, sukiyaki, as well as Western cuisines such as steak and baked snails.

It seems to be worth the room rate of more than 20,000 yen a night.

In order to make up for the cost, Higashino Yu chose a Western set meal, and the main course was a steak fried with Kobe beef.

The dishes were served quickly. About 20 minutes later, someone knocked on the door. Higashino Yu opened the door, and a young male waiter came in with a dining cart and put the dishes on the square table in the room.

"Please enjoy, someone will come to collect these plates after the meal."

After the waiter said that, he pushed the dining cart away, and Higashino Yu took the knife and fork and began to enjoy.

The taste is not bad, but there is still some gap compared to the Duke of Kobayashi's residence, but after all, the latter is a professional Western restaurant. As a hot spring hotel, it is already amazing to be able to do this.

After finishing the meal in no time, Higashino Yu left the room and prepared to find Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami. Under her protection, he felt more at ease when he left his body.

Dong Yeyu didn't change his clothes. He wore a yukata and carried a sword bag. He found the room named Hongfeng, knocked on the door gently, and said in a low voice.

"Jinguji-san, open the door quickly, it's me."

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