I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 119 Grass Rejuvenating Pill

[Repaying the favor completed. ]

[This repayment score: C-medium. ]

Just being a mercenary for Arima is rated C-medium?

Dongye Yu pondered for a moment, guessing that this sword fight might affect his life trajectory. It is estimated that it is a big turning point in his life, otherwise the rating would not be so high.

Come to think of it, if he committed an offense against his superior and caused his two friends to be humiliated by their seniors, people with poor psychological tolerance might just go to the platform.

Arima is thick-skinned and won't jump off the platform, but he will probably be forced to quit the club, and in serious cases, he may transfer to another school.

Then look at the rewards below,

[Reward: One Cao Huan Dan. ]

Oh my, ginseng fruit?

The C-level reward is so super?

Dongye Yu was shocked at first, and then saw the quantifier behind it was "grain", and his fiery heart instantly cooled down.

It feels like it is some kind of elixir with the same name as ginseng fruit. Looking down at the item introduction, it is indeed the case.

【Cao Huan Dan: Hundred-year-old Huang Jing as the main ingredient, Baicao Lingyao as the auxiliary ingredient, Dongtian Linglu as the base, and the sun and moon as the guide. This kind of spiritual medicine can be obtained by refining it with true fire for 49 days. Practitioners can take it to help build the foundation of Taoism, or make up for the shortcomings of the foundation, or heal injuries with the essence of Yimu in the elixir. Mortals can feel light and healthy and clear their spirits after smelling a breath of elixir. Eating one pill can prevent all diseases, strengthen the body, strengthen the body, and prolong life. 】

It is not a heaven-defying treasure like ginseng fruit, but it is not bad. It is a panacea elixir that anyone can eat. It can cure diseases and strengthen the body when there is no disease. It can also assist practitioners in cultivation.

Dong Yeyu saw this and closed the system interface with a thought, and began to think about how to use this pill.

I have been building my foundation for so many years, and my foundation is deep. It is not very meaningful to eat this, and I have not found a benefactor who is dying of illness recently.

However, given the effect of Cao Huan Dan in strengthening the body and prolonging life, it can be used to repay the benefactor no matter which one it is given to.

There are not many benefactors who are close to me now.

Mr. Miyazaki, Mr. Iori, and Miss Moon Witch are all in good health, so eating this will help prolong their lives.

If Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami eats it, it can make up for her lack of foundation building and directly cultivate Yin God, and make up for the gratitude of Taoism foundation, and the score should be better than that given to other ordinary people.

However, after thinking about it, Dongye Yu still tends to give it to Miko. First, she is the closest to me, and the fox's gratitude also depends on the closeness of the relationship.

Secondly, gratitude cannot only be based on the score, and I am not a ruthless gratitude machine. Miko needs this pill the most.

This girl has congenital defects, her body is weak, her essence is insufficient, and her health is very poor. After taking this pill, she can make up for her congenital deficiency, and then learn the Daoyin technique to practice, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Otherwise, if she wants to embark on the Taoism with her thin body, she may not have built the Taoism foundation, but her essence will be refined first, so that the more she practices, the worse her body will be.

Dong Yeyu made up his mind and decided to deliver the medicine when he got home.

It was about five o'clock in the afternoon when he came out of the subway station and arrived at Duke Kobayashi's residence.

The bright glass windows of the commercial street hid the brilliance of the sunset. Through the windows, you can see that there are not many customers dining in the restaurant.

Entering the door, the melodious and soothing piano music whispered in people's ears in a non-overwhelming manner in the magnificent restaurant. The air was filled with a faint fragrance and the mouth-watering taste of food.

What kind of people in this world are the most terrible?

People who enjoy work!

The organs that enjoy work are not inferior.

At this time, Dong Yeyu's nose did not listen to the command of the brain. It was playing its role happily, analyzing the rich aroma of the food in the fragrant air.

Some people were eating charcoal-grilled king crabs and grouper in clear soup.

Wow, so tired!

It was at least M9 grade wagyu, fried to 70% done with premium butter, with a little pepper and coarse salt, and served like this. Just cut a small piece and put it in your mouth, the tender meat burst with salty and fresh juice.

Dongye Yu subconsciously imagined what it would feel like to eat such meat.

Working here for so many days, in addition to getting along with customers, most of the time I was thinking about how all kinds of food should taste when I was running around.

Well, I have to take a demon exorcist certificate quickly. Temporary workers get 200,000 yen, and regular employees must start at 400,000 yen?

I will eat a lot in the future!

As expected, there were other waiters arranged at the reception desk. Dongye Yu greeted him politely after entering the door, walked into the restaurant, and his eyes stayed on his favorite food for a moment.

Miss Miyamizu Chinatsu, the foreman, saw Dongye Yu when she passed by, and her expression was a little surprised. Seeing that he seemed to be looking for something, she came closer.

"Hitano-kun, are you okay now?"

She looked at Hitano Yu with some surprise, as he was fine. Yesterday, when he fainted, there was a lot of commotion.

"Thanks to you, I'm fine now."

Hitano Yu bowed slightly to express his gratitude. The person who sent him to the hospital yesterday seemed to have left a photo in the benefactors' album, but the strange thing was that there were only two people.

They were Miss Miyamizu Chinatsu and Miss Hashimoto Risa who had been coming to the restaurant in recent days.

It stands to reason that the staff should have helped to carry him. Isn't this a favor?

The system sometimes judges benefactors in a strange way. Hitano Yu hasn't figured it out completely in all these years. He suppressed his doubts and continued.

"But I still feel a little uncomfortable, so I want to take a few days off and stop by to get my salary for this week. I may not be able to go to work in time next week. I will call you to explain in advance when I feel better."

Inzai City is quite far from Tokyo, and I don’t know how many days it will take to go there, so Higashino Yu thought that he might as well take leave today.

"Work is indeed incomparable with your body. Higashino-kun must take care of your body."

Miyamizu Chinatsu smiled gently when she heard this, and the concern in her expression was not the kind of ceremonial concern.

She treats most people with sincerity and gentleness, like a big sister next door, so the employees in the restaurant also respect her very much.

As she spoke, she seemed to remember something and took out a business card from the pocket of her brown apron.

"Yesterday, the guest named Risa Hashimoto was the first to find you passed out, Higashino-kun, and followed you to the hospital. Do you want to call her to tell her that you are safe? This is her business card."

"Is that so? In this case, it's time to thank that lady properly."

Higashinoyu said as he took the business card, then said goodbye to Miss Miyamizu Chinatsu, and went to the manager's office to ask for leave and get his salary.

Kasahara Masato heard that Higashino Yu was in poor health and didn't say much. He just asked him to rest more with concern, and then took out the envelope he had prepared and handed it to Higashino Yu.

After thanking him, Higashino Yu received his salary, left the restaurant, opened the envelope and counted it. The total amount was a little more than 120,000 yen, which seemed to be four days' wages.

Were you paid enough for yesterday’s wages?

Higashino Yu stood at the door and looked through the restaurant window. Kasahara Masato was walking out of the manager's office. He met his gaze, moved his well-cut beard, said something silently, smiled, and bowed slightly.

Thank you so much to Higashino-kun, and I hope you will take good care of me in the future.

Dong Yeyu heard his whisper clearly, so he bowed in return.

Both Ms. Miyamizu Chinatsu and Mr. Kasahara Masato are pretty good people, but unfortunately, they won't be able to work here for too long.

Dong Yeyu walked some distance and looked back at Duke Xiaolin's residence.

There are many more customers coming and going in the commercial street. The golden and red afterglow of the setting sun is soaked in the coldness of the marble. Lights are starting to light up sporadically, and the prosperity of the night has begun to take shape.

The place chosen by Arima Nozomi for the dinner was a roasted bird restaurant in Koto District.

The roasted bird restaurants here in the island country are not really roasted birds, but yakitori restaurants, which are somewhat similar to barbecue, but unique.

Higashino Yu has wanted to try it for many years, but he has always been short of money and cannot afford the yakitori that costs several hundred yen a skewer.

By the time he arrived at the address given by Arima Norimune, the sun had gradually set and was embedded on the edge of the horizon. The afterglow had not dissipated, leaving some bright white. The sky was like a beautiful gradient curtain, and twilight blue began to gradually become the main color.

Starting from the Skytree, the spread of lights spread quickly, and the pace of people walking on the streets of Tokyo began to slow down.

This is a snack street, not wide, and a clean alley that can’t even accommodate a car. A few steps on both sides of the road, you can see the curtained front of a family, with vermilion Japanese lanterns lit up. Their respective signs or names are written in Chinese calligraphy with flying dragons and phoenixes.

There is a light sign hanging on the street, with black ink writing on it which shops are located on this street.

"Uogawa cuisine, ancient capital. Ishiyaki cuisine, Golden Moon. Izakaya, Raiden. Well, this name is a bit weird."

Before the advent of maps on smartphones, this kind of secret store was mostly a matter of fate.

But now we can see them on the map, so that the high-quality and cheap food will not be buried in this lonely alley.

Higashino Yu thought that Arima Norimune's personality usually went to fast food or brightly decorated Western restaurants, but he underestimated him.

Following his guidance, I came to a small house with blue curtains, opened the curtain and pushed open the glass shoji door.

The thick atmosphere of the bustling city came to my face, with warm lights, hot charcoal fires, rough barbecues, and the wine glass was filled with pure amber beer. Under the white wine foam, the surface of the frozen glass was quickly covered with a hazy layer. Water mist.

I'm so envious.

Dong Yeyu looked at the adults in suits and ties holding up their beer glasses and drank them all in one gulp, imagining the sweetness and coldness of the aroma of wheat in the mouth, and sighed in his heart.

As a human, I am underage, but as a fox, I am old enough. Why can't I drink?

Let's go to Iori's house and drink some plum wine after we get back from Inzai City.


The general behind the kitchen bar heard a loud voice when he saw a guest coming in.

Guo Ma Na Sai, overslept, this is the first chapter of 3,000 words. There is another chapter that will be released in the afternoon. Alas, every time an update is added, the update rhythm will be disrupted. I don’t know why.

Thank you brother Meng for your reward for monthly subscription and recommendation tickets (ω)

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