I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 113: Defeat, what you will face is

Chapter 113 Defeat, what you will face is——

Dong Yeyu nodded towards him, strode to his right side and sat down, placing the knife in his hand on the floor on the left, and then asked in a low voice.

"Who is Tetsuo Sugatani?"

Arima Norimune sat across from him in the middle, and the person facing him pouted and said, "The one in the middle."

Higashikata's eyes then fell on Sugatani Tetsuo.

He is not handsome, his appearance can only be considered as having regular features and neat appearance. Even the Imagawa cypress looks better than him.

But judging from the upper body alone, Sugatani Tetsuo's figure management is pretty good for a high school student.

His height surpasses Arima Nozune. At a rough glance, he is between 1.75 and 1.8 meters tall. It is an exaggeration to say that his arms are longer than his knees, but he is almost close to his knees.

It's the kind of length that can't be hit even if you press Arima Norimune's head and hit him casually.

The outlines of muscles can be faintly seen under the kendo uniform, holding up the loose white kendo uniform. No matter how tall or strong he is, Arima Nozune cannot compare.

Higashi Yeyu only glanced at him, a little speechless, and his eyes fell on Arima Nozune, who was less than 1.65 meters tall, his arms were much shorter than others, and his physique was also much worse.

I feel like Arima is a little impulsive, provoking someone who is extremely inconsistent with his level.

Even though a kendo duel is about fighting with swords and there are many rules, the size advantage is no less than in hand-to-hand combat.

Tetsuo Sugatani has a strong body, and his endurance far exceeds that of Arima Norimune. His long legs allow him to advance and retreat quickly, and it is also easy to dodge.

The longer the arm, the wider the attack range of the sword. Many times, someone will already hit you while your sword is still in the air.

With such a natural physical disadvantage, unless there is a huge gap in swordsmanship, there is little hope.

Dong Yeyu compared the combat prowess of both sides and sighed inwardly, he could only choose to believe it.

I was prepared to be embarrassed today, and I wasn't ready to leave - at least I was a friend, and I was treated to a meal.

The key point is that Arima is really unreasonable. Even if he wants to find a place for him, he will seem a little lacking in confidence.

However, the expression on his face did not change, so as not to affect Arima Zesong's morale.

Sugatani Tetsuo sat there, smiling and chatting with the people around him from time to time, looking relaxed and at ease, in sharp contrast to Arima Norimune, who was facing a formidable enemy.

Seeing Dong Yeyu's gaze, their eyes met, and they looked at each other for a moment, then looked a little more solemn.

He felt that just by looking at that person, his momentum was directly suppressed.

Then it fell on the sword wrapped in toilet paper next to Dong Yeyu. He couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

"What's that?"

Tetsuo Sugatani pointed at Higashino Yu and laughed with his friends around him.

"That kid didn't even have a sword pouch. He just brought it out wrapped in toilet paper. Isn't that just like running around without any clothes?"

The students from the kendo club around him had already seen the 'toilet paper sword' held by Higashino Yu in his hand. When they heard this, they immediately burst into laughter, and even the students standing around the dojo watching the battle couldn't hold it back.

Only a few female students laughed and explained to the people around them.

"Higashino-kun comes from a very poor family and came to Tokyo to study alone. It is normal for him to have no money to buy a sword bag."

"How about giving him my sword bag?"

"Then I'll give you the bamboo sword."

Several girls said jokingly that most girls who join the kendo club don't really like this sport.

If you are tired from regular training, it is easy to make your slender and beautiful arms strong.

During the duel, you have to wear thick hakama, face armor, trousers, etc. Spring and winter are fine, but summer and autumn can be extremely hot.

What’s even more outrageous is that during the upcoming rainy season, bamboo sword protective gear must be cleaned every day.

Most students at Tachibana High School join clubs to consider their future careers.

The female students in the kendo club were talking about a different topic, from the tense kendo battle to the romance of high school students, and Higashino Yu became the center of the topic of course.

Higashinoyu didn't know that he was gradually becoming a star in his first and second years of high school.

Someone has already compiled information about him on the school forum - of course, the information on the top twenty names is actually available.

However, detailed information about him ranks among the top three in terms of reading volume.

The other boys in the kendo club said somewhat sourly after hearing this.

"The pretty boy from the country has a better face."

"If you are so poor, you will probably have to pack up your things and go to college in another city after finishing high school."

"Can a man who can't even afford a sword bag really bring a good life to his girlfriend?"

There were not many girls in the kendo club, and there were many monks but few monks. The man was carrying a wooden sword, and he was probably going to join the club after finishing the fight.

This is good, no one has to snatch it away, and all the girls have to be attracted by this little bit.

A short girl who heard these words sneered,

"These words only show that you don't understand Higashino-kun. He is the sixth-ranked freshman in high school. He has received a scholarship and a free student quota. In the future, as long as he promises to graduate and work at the Tomorrow Meet Group, he will receive funding."

"And it seems that you are not even among the top 100 in your grade, right?"

Top six in grade?

Private Marseille, sorry to bother you.

Many boys retreated upon hearing the sound, sighing and flashing their eyes.

Their grades may be considered excellent in other schools, but they can only be considered mediocre in Tachibana High School.

Compared with the monster-like existence of the top six, it can only be said that there is no way to save someone who is determined to kill the thief.

Tachibana High School students also have differences.

The short girl looked down at the retreating boys and snorted, "No one knows Higashino-kun better than me."

The laughter was gradually replaced by the voices discussing Higashino Yu. After hearing this, Sugaya Tetsuya looked at Higashino Yu in surprise.

But he didn't say anything else. He had nothing to do with Higashino Yu. He just used him to attack Arima Norimune.

At this time, he found that many male students in the dojo were suffocated by the six students in the grade. He felt helpless. Such a big kendo club didn't even have the top 30 students in the grade.

So he stopped while he was ahead and looked at Arima Norimune in a deep voice.

"Since everyone is here, can we start?"

Arima Norimune nodded, and the referee was the club leader and two other students.

They sat in the referee's seat and saw that both sides agreed to start the fight, so they asked both sides to go to the locker room to change their protective gear.

Not long after, two people wearing thick kendo protective gear walked out of the locker room, holding bamboo swords, and squatted in front of the starting line drawn in the dojo.

Seeing that both of them were ready, the referee shouted, "Salute!"

Both parties saluted, and when the referee shouted "Ready", both parties took a balanced mid-section stance.

This is a kind of opening stance in kendo, which is a panacea stance, just like pepper, which can be put in any dish and can deal with various situations.

The referee looked at both parties and shouted start.

Arima Norimune and Sugaya Tetsuya both used their right foot as the front foot, slightly raised their left foot, and approached with a common swordsmanship step called sending foot.

But neither of them attacked rashly, and the sword tips touched each other, as if they were testing.

The two circled and tested for about a minute, and Sugaya Tetsuya attacked first, stepped forward, and stabbed straight at Arima Norimune's mask.

At the same time, they shouted, "Face!"

The reason for shouting is, first, to boost momentum and boost one's courage, and at the same time, to make the opponent lose his mind or divert his attention with the shout, which has a deterrent effect.

In fact, it is more than that. It is said that shouting when attacking can increase muscle strength.

The second is the rule of modern kendo.

Although Higashino Yu had never learned swordsmanship, he had lived in the island country for so many years, and even if he had not eaten pork, he had seen pigs run, so he still knew the rules of kendo duels.

Modern kendo uses bamboo swords, which have little lethality, and naturally the winner cannot be judged by life or death or injury.

Pay attention to the consistency of gas and sword. In simple terms, it is necessary to attack the effective parts protected by protective gear, and call out the position at the same time when hitting.

At the same time, after the attack, you must maintain the residual heart-that is, stay alert or make additional attacks to prevent the opponent from counterattacking before death.

Facing Sugaya Tetsuya's thrust, Arima Norimune nimbly used his sword to block it, and at the same time, he lowered his body and quickly and accurately cut across with the bamboo sword in his hand.


Sugaya Tetsuya quickly stepped to the side and dodged Arima Norimune's move, and at the same time, the sword in his hand fell to his hand, which he had no time to retract.


Arima Norimune controlled the sword and swung it upwards diagonally, performing a standard kasaya slash, avoiding Sugaya Tetsuyo's attack and slashing at his chest.


Tetsuyo Sugaya was unable to dodge and was slashed. Arima Norimune followed the reverse kasaya slash and cut cleanly, then retreated quickly with his remaining heart.

As a killing technique, the ancient swordsmanship is indeed better than the more ornamental modern swordsmanship in actual combat.

The three people in the referee seat nodded slightly, which was considered a score.

Although Arima Norimune was arrogant, he also knew his disadvantages and tried to avoid a head-on sword fight with Sugaya Tetsuyo.

But this is always unavoidable in a kendo battle, and you can't kill others with one sword,


Arima Norimune soon ran out of energy in a sword fight, the sword was knocked off, the torso was hit, and Sugaya Tetsuyo added another stab.

The stab was quite heavy, and Arima Norimune fell backwards and fell to the floor with a thud.

The students watching the fight were shocked, but Arima Norimune quickly stood up in an ugly but methodical posture, and the score was tied.

Higashino Yu watched for a while and found that the two were fighting back and forth.

Sugaya Tetsuya's swordsmanship seemed to be much worse than Arima Norimune's, but relying on the huge advantage of height and weight, he still tied with him steadily.

After discovering this, Higashino Yu looked at Imagawa Kashiwagi with some doubts.

If Arima Norimune had such strength before, he would not have been beaten and humiliated.

After all, although there is a physical advantage in a kendo duel, if the swordsmanship is not good enough, it is actually not very face-saving to win the game by relying on the physical advantage.

It is a win, but it is not a fair win.

The two continued to watch, and gradually, Arima Norimune's movements began to slow down.

Higashino Yu, who had a keen hearing, could even hear his breathing becoming increasingly rapid, and his heartbeat like a heavy drum.

Arima Norimune seemed to be running out of strength.

It could only be said that it was due to the fight.

Sure enough, Arima Norimune's physical strength had seriously declined, whether it was dodging or the speed of the sword.

In the next few fights, the bamboo sword was opened several times, and the middle door was wide open, and he was hit repeatedly.




Sugaya Tetsuya was not a good guy either, and he specifically hit the face.

The last blow directly knocked Arima Norimune to his knees on the ground. He seemed to have completely lost his strength, lying on the ground struggling and unable to get up.


Imagawa Kashiwagi sat up straight and sighed. He had expected this scene, but he was also a little regretful. Arima Norimune was not defeated in swordsmanship, but in his body.

"Red side, Tetsuya Sugaya wins!"

After the referee shouted this, the students of the Kendo Club cheered. Although the victory was not glorious, it was a win after all.

Tetsuya Sugaya put away his sword, saluted the audience around him, and then knocked on the head of Arima Norimune who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

"Arima Norimune, you have lost two games in a row. If I were you, I would have rolled up my bed and rolled out of the Kendo Club. You will apply for resignation later, right? Or-"

He smiled and took off his helmet. Although there was some fine sweat on his forehead, his breathing was still steady, and he looked energetic.

He first smiled and waved to his girlfriend. The senior sister Ofang who was coveted by Arima Norimune was indeed beautiful, with skin as white as jade. Just kneeling there, her buttocks had already outlined an amazing arc, and the kendo uniform was held up by the pair of breasts.

You can tell at a glance that the child will not starve.

She trotted towards Sugaya Tetsuya with a towel and wiped his sweat carefully, without even looking at Arima Norimune who was lying motionless on the ground.

Sugaya Tetsuya hugged his girlfriend and kissed her amid the booing of the audience, then looked at Higashino Yu.

His eyes fell on the sword beside him, and he sneered: "Or do you expect that friend who can't even afford a sword bag to help you out."

"Does he really have the money to learn swordsmanship? He runs around with a wooden sword he picked up. Who taught him to use toilet paper and tape to hold the wooden sword?"

"Hey, that Higashino-kun--"

He smiled brightly and shouted at Higashino Yu: "Do you want to avenge your friend?"

Higashino Yu frowned slightly, straightened up, and wanted to stand up to fight.

As a normal man, it is normal and reasonable to be angry or even beat someone up when his girlfriend is coveted by someone.

Higashino Yu also knew that Arima Norimune was not right, and was ready to come over and embarrass himself together.

But now the opponent is so aggressive that he has to fight.

Imagawa Kashiwagi saw that Higashino Yu was going to fight, so he quickly grabbed him and persuaded him in a low voice.

"Higashino-kun, we have not learned swordsmanship. If we fight hastily, we will definitely lose. Be patient for now. It will not be too late to challenge after we have learned swordsmanship well."

Kendo competition is indeed not about height and strength. People who have practiced swordsmanship and those who have not practiced swordsmanship are two different concepts.

If you rashly fight, you may be fooled by the opponent, and the result will be social death and embarrassment.

After Imagawa Kashiwagi persuaded, without waiting for Higashino Yu to answer, he said to the other party: "We have not learned swordsmanship, let's fight later."

This kind of words that are like hanging a sign to avoid fighting cannot convince others, and the students watching sighed and shook their heads.

There is one more chapter, and today is a 6,000-word update! Brother Meng, please vote for me. I am so strong now. I will finish this paragraph today and enter the monster plot!

Thanks to my brother Meng for his monthly subscription and recommendation tickets (ω)

Please give me monthly tickets, subscriptions and recommendation tickets (╰╯)

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