I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 104 Go and coax Yuzi into submission

It seems that there are quite a few people who have died in the hospital. How about starting to develop the salvation business from here?

But wouldn’t this be good?

Someone had just passed away, and the family was still immersed in grief. The children were wondering why their father didn't get up. The mother threw herself on the hospital bed and cried bitterly, and then came to inquire.

"Your husband just died? I have to say that your husband's luck is really good. Our company has now launched the latest salvation service. The salvation immortal Dong Yeyu personally chants sutras and obtains the sutras from Taiyi Suffering Heavenly Lord. Right, all rights reserved, absolutely authentic! Chanting for one hour only costs 50,000 yen!”


Dong Yeyu imagined that scene and felt it was a bit too hellish.

So I suppressed this immature idea for the time being and went to the nurse's station.

There are four nurses on the night shift, three of whom are older and look to be in their thirties, and the remaining one is younger, with short ear-length hair, probably in her twenties.

She was getting up holding the medical record, probably preparing to go to the ward for inspection. Several other nurses glanced at her and showed strange smiles.

"Nami, are you going to see that handsome high school boy again?"

"Why do you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air? I was just patrolling the ward as usual."

"But you have gone there several times today, and I saw you secretly tucking him in before."

"Isn't it normal for nurses to take care of patients?"

Then came the nurse's job, thinking about patients, etc., which made several nurses at the nursing station laugh.

Nanami, who was holding the case book, glared at them: "Don't you often run over there after your shift?" After saying that, she left the nurse's station angrily.

"Nami-chan is so cute."

The remaining nurses laughed and chatted for a while.

"It's really strange. Dr. Handa said that Higashino-kun's physical indicators are very good and he is very healthy, but he is unconscious and he doesn't know why."

"Maybe there's something wrong with his brain? Or maybe he's too stressed? Looking at his uniform, it looks like he works part-time in a Western restaurant."

"Don't you know? That's Higashino-kun from Duke Kobayashi's residence, a handsome high school boy who suddenly appeared on the Internet recently. It is said that if you order a lot of dishes at that restaurant, you can chat with him."

"Hey, if I pay a lot of money, can I-"

The women's tacit laughter came from the nurses' station.

Shrimp-headed girl.

Dong Yeyu was a little speechless, why did he always attract these middle-aged women while working on his own?

Most of the diners in the restaurant before were this kind of people, and dealing with them was more tiring than killing monsters.

He turned around and followed nurse Nami, feeling that he couldn't do this job for too long.

Just make enough to make one million.

Now I have almost 600,000 yen. I can work for another month. If my plan to become a demon slayer goes smoothly and the income is considerable, I can prepare to resign.

Otherwise, the reputation of Tokyo's handsome demon slayer may be overshadowed by the reputation of Tokyo's handsome cowherd.

Does this make sense?

Dong Yeyu followed the nurse to the ward where he was. There were two patients in the ward.

In addition to myself lying on the hospital bed by the window, there was also a cute-looking female middle school student with twin tails.

It looked like nothing was wrong, and he was playing NS while being given an IV drip. Next to the hospital bed was a woman in her thirties.

The nurse first checked the infusion status of the female middle school student and found that the infusion had been completed. After asking briefly, she pulled out the needle and wrote something on the notebook she held on her chest.

Then he came to Dongyeyu's hospital bed and checked the infusion situation first.

Seeing that he still didn't wake up, he hesitated for a while and wanted to sit down and stay for a while. The female student who was playing Link next to him glanced at him.

"Sister nurse, you should be visiting other wards, right?"

"Yes, yes." Nanami stood up as if she had been electrocuted before her butt touched the stool, and left the ward stiffly.

The female middle school student looked at her back, secretly happy that the prank had succeeded, and then carefully got out of bed with her cell phone in front of her mother's stunned eyes.


She whispered her daughter's name, but Ayumi Shinosaki just waved her hands impatiently.

She ran barefoot to Dong Yeyu's bed, sat on the stool next to the hospital bed, held her mobile phone and struck a pose towards herself and the handsome guy lying on the hospital bed.


Any white prostitutes will eventually be brought to justice!

Seeing this, Dong Yeyu immediately came back to his senses, opened his eyes and stared at the mobile phone in the girl's hand, smiling in cooperation.

Ayumi Shinosaki had just finished taking the photo. She looked down at the photo and found something seemed wrong.

She was stunned for a second, then turned around suddenly and met Dong Yeyu's smiling eyes.

"Taking a group photo, Chenghui is two thousand yen."

Dong Yeyu spread his hands towards her and said.

From the corner of his vision, he spotted a somewhat bewildered young mother who was bowing and apologizing to her. She nodded to her and said that she didn't care - who would refuse to take photos and make money.

As for image rights, I don’t even have the savings to live in Tokyo for three months, so I’m not qualified to worry about image rights.

From now on, I can only say that I believe in my own wisdom in the future.

Ayumi Shinosaki twitched the corner of her mouth, but after a second thought, her clear eyes lit up, and she took 10,000 yen from her wallet and handed it to Higashino Yu.

The mother sitting beside her hospital bed looked helpless.

Dong Yeyu was getting up to take out the indwelling needle and wanted to leave. He saw her running back and then running back with 10,000 yen in her hand. She bent down and handed it to him with both hands.

I took it subconsciously and then realized something was wrong.


"Five photos taken together."

As she said that, she took out her mobile phone and said, "Counting once this time, there are four times left. Add a line and I will come back to you when I need it."

Dong Yeyu: Your abacus has hit my face.

And why do I always feel that my friend status was sold at a low price? I hesitated for a second, but still added her as a line friend - if she dared to harass me, I would block her!

Her line avatar is Zelda. As soon as she added a friend, she sent a message saying hello, which was just a normal hello.

People here in the island country don’t seem to like to use emoticons very much. If it were a Chinese girl, the first thing she would do when adding a friend would be to post a cute emoticon.

Seeing that she was about to reach the line so easily, the girl suddenly smiled. She leaned on Higashino Yu's hospital bed with her hands and propped up her chin: "My name is Shinosaki Ayumi, what's yours?"

"Higashi Yeyu. Sorry, I have to change clothes, please step aside."

Dong Yeyu said as he closed the curtain and changed the hospital uniform back into the waiter's uniform.

Then he looked at his phone. It was early ten o'clock. If he ran faster, he might be able to change into his school uniform and get his schoolbag back before the restaurant closed.

Otherwise, I would have to wait until nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and I would definitely be late for school.

Although being late is not a big deal to me, it probably comes from the habit of going to school for many years in my previous life, and I always try to avoid being late.

After changing his clothes, he opened the curtain and prepared to leave. Ayumi Shinosaki's eyes lit up at first, so handsome!

Then I saw him walking out of the ward, and I was a little surprised, "Are we leaving now? But the doctor hasn't agreed yet—"

"It's nothing serious, it's an old problem."

It is indeed an old problem, and it will happen whenever the Yin Shen leaves the body.

Higashinoyu smiled and put away the 10,000 yen, left the ward, walked out of the inpatient department under the surprised eyes of the nurses at the nursing station, and went to the hospital lobby to pay the medical bills.

It was already six or seven o'clock when I was sent here. Although the doctor did various preliminary tests, many expensive tests were not done yet, so it only cost more than 10,000 yen.

Coupled with the 10,000 yen he just earned, rounding off, he had no loss on this trip.

When the nurse handed over the medical bill, Dong Yeyu was also surprised after reading it.

Generally speaking, ambulance + first aid + examination will cost a lot of money even in China.

The nurse who paid the fee saw that he seemed to be confused, so he enthusiastically introduced the medical expenses.

Dong Yeyu has never been sick in the past ten years since he started practicing medicine, so he is quite unfamiliar with hospitals.

After listening to the nurse's explanation, I now have an understanding of the medical treatment on the island country.

According to what this nurse said, the medical care on the island country is indeed quite affordable for civilians.

The ambulance here in Xiaozhi seems to be owned by the fire protection system, so there is no charge for calling an ambulance - or taxpayers pay for it.

As for medical expenses, as long as you have medical insurance, the expenses are not too high. The treatment of the same disease is even cheaper than in China.

In my previous life, I heard that many Chinese people who settled in island countries would take their family members to the island countries for medical treatment when they were seriously ill.

I used to think it was because of the advanced medical treatment there, but now it seems that there may be another factor in the cheap medical treatment.

First, Xiu Ji, who was standing on the telephone pole, was asked to go back, and then Higashino Yu ran at full speed to Duke Xiaolin's residence.

At this time, the clerk had finished cleaning and was about to close the door. He was quite surprised to see Higashino Yu running over in waiter uniform.

"Higashino-kun, are you okay?"

"Thank you, the doctor said there's nothing serious."

Dong Yeyu answered politely, then went to the employee changing room to change clothes, put on his schoolbag, said hello to the restaurant clerk and left.

At this time, the subway had not stopped running after get off work - the subway in Tokyo did not stop running until twelve o'clock in the evening.

There were rarely any people in the carriage. There were girls in gorgeous clothes, high school dropouts who were working part-time, and a few middle-aged people carrying plastic buckets and fishing rods. They were probably going to the Tama River for night fishing.

After returning to Ayase Town, Higashino Yu first went back to the apartment to put down his schoolbag, asked Suiyoshi to look after the house, and then went to the Inari Shrine in Ayasezaka.

The dilapidated van was still parked in the small parking lot outside the shrine. Higashino Yu walked over and took a look. The cat inside was gone.

It was probably Mr. Tadamichi Iori who arranged them properly.

The Inari Shrine late at night does not look as gloomy as expected. The night breeze blows from time to time and rustles the leaves. There are a pair of stone lanterns at regular intervals on both sides of the stairs, with electric lamps inside, emitting warm yellow light.

There was no one in the shrine, so Higashino Yu went to wash himself at the water house before going to the worship hall.

I first threw in a five-yen coin and thanked Inari God and Haruhara for helping me.

Then he took out the Phoenix-winged Golden Bu Yao that Chunyuan lent him and put it on the box with the money written on it.

At the same time, after all the cats in need of treatment were properly placed in the pet hospital, Iori Tadamichi was walking tiredly through the shrine when he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a familiar figure on the other side of the worship hall.

The lights in the worship hall were a little dim and he couldn't see clearly for a while, so he walked over and asked tentatively.


Hitano Yu turned his head when he heard the voice and saw that it was Iori Tadamichi. He bowed and said, "I am sorry for visiting you so late at night. But I really care about you, so I have to come. Mr. Iori, are you and Miko okay?"

After hearing this, Iori Tadamichi walked over quickly and looked at Hitano Yu. He looked relieved, fortunate, and grateful, and said with emotion.

"Today, it was all thanks to Hitano-kun's timely action that those evil people did not succeed. Miko is the most precious treasure for me and her grandmother in this life, and it is also the treasure of the Iori family!"

"If it weren't for Hitano-kun's help, those thieves would succeed. I am afraid that the Iori family, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, would be cut off in my hands. This great favor will be remembered in my heart. If Hitano-kun needs it in the future, the Iori family will repay the favor!"

He bowed deeply and solemnly, and Hitano Yu turned aside to accept it, and then bowed down with him.

"Please don't be so polite. You and Uncle Masato are close friends, and you usually take good care of me. I remember everything. And Miko is sensible and cute. I treat her as my own sister and will never allow anyone to bully or hurt her."

He then explained in a low voice: "This matter was actually caused by me."

Hitano Yu explained the whole story, and then smiled: "Now the instigator is dead and his soul is scattered. Please rest assured."

This matter was caused by me in the final analysis. I have already received the reward for repaying my gratitude. I am really embarrassed to accept other people's gratitude.

Iori Tadamichi nodded thoughtfully. He was not surprised by Higano Yu's cruel means of revenge. Instead, he felt that this was right.

If Miko was really killed, if he had the ability, he would have to skin and dismember the instigator, and catch his soul to the shrine to light the soul lamp.

He didn't say anything after hearing this. He didn't get angry with Higano Yu because this matter was caused by him, or his gratitude was reduced.

This matter is not to blame for Higashino-kun at all. It is purely the bastard psychopath surnamed Rixia. He has been pampered for a long time and is used to looking down on others. He will hold a grudge in his heart if they do not go his way.

If you block his way, he will kill you.

How much can people who hope to marry into the family achieve in the future? If you are used to taking shortcuts, you will definitely not be able to bear it when you encounter setbacks.

Fortunately, the result is not bad. The good people get good rewards and the bad people get punishment.

Iori Tadamichi almost encountered a disaster tonight and was exhausted. At this time, he suddenly heard that the instigator was killed by Higashino Yu and even his soul was burned to ashes. For a moment, he was in a good mood and pulled Higashino Yu's sleeve to turn to Iori's house.

"Why don't you stay at Higashino-kun tonight? I'll ask Grandma Iori to make some good snacks, and we'll have a drink."

"It's plum wine made two years ago. Those green plum trees were planted when Miko's parents got married."

At this point, Iori Tadamichi became a little sentimental, sighed, and turned to look at Higashino Yu, with a smile on his face.

"In addition, since this matter is caused by you, Miko is frightened and sad about the death of those loyal cats. I have no way to deal with it. You have to be responsible for coaxing her."

Higashino Yu couldn't get over the old man, so he reluctantly agreed and glanced back.

The incandescent lamps hanging sporadically in the corners of the temple reflected the outline of the shrine. The buildings with vermilion lacquer and blue tiles stood quietly in the night, as steady and peaceful as when they were first built hundreds of years ago, giving people an indescribable sense of security.

In the distance, a shrine maiden in white clothes and red hakama and a fox mask was walking on the shrine road, followed by a group of cats of different colors.

The wind chimes hanging on the eaves made a crisp sound, the night wind wrapped the maple leaves and the hairpins on the offering box were gone.

There is still one chapter with 2,000 words, don't wait, I guess I will have to code until late at night. In addition, I want to tell you something, I will move the updates to the evening in the future, otherwise, although there are so many updates every day, it will be unstable. Alas, the deadline of the groove is really an excellent efficiency accelerator.

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