I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 1 An abnormal world

"The Takada family seems to be here."

Dong Yeyu stretched his neck and looked into the yard while comparing the photos given by the system.

It was a somewhat yellowed old photo, taken in the early morning.

The background of the picture is a small yard planted with some flowers and plants, a grape vine trellis is set up, and the cherry blossom trees are also in full bloom.

An old woman in her fifties sat on the edge of the courtyard. She grabbed a large handful of wooden fish flowers and stuffed them into a bowl filled with rice. She faced the gray-looking fish under the edge. The thin little fox showed a kind smile and seemed to be saying something.

"Don't worry, it's almost done."

Dong Yeyu stared at the photo, his eyes blank, and this sentence naturally appeared in his mind. Along with the old lady's gentle laughter, his memory seemed to return to that time.

At that time, I was less than one year old and had not officially started practicing. I was wandering while avoiding monsters.

It is no exaggeration to say that I was hungry for six meals in three days - the remaining three meals were spent on garbage.

If this old lady hadn't fed him regularly, he would have grown up eating garbage, and his health would have been a problem, let alone cultivation.

If one day he takes rat poison, he will probably become the first time traveler to die from it.

After sighing for a moment, Dongyeyu was sure that this was the old woman's home, but thinking about Xiuji's words, she still felt a little worried.

I don't know if the old lady is still alive.

Xiuji is Dongyeyu's follower-a pigeon spirit with no climate.

After he rescued the cat from its mouth, he has always regarded himself as a follower. However, because the demon power is weak, he can only serve as a messenger.

In this regard, Higashino Yu often felt that this pigeon spirit lowered his standard.

The monsters in the legend either cause havoc in the heavens or eat living people alive, and even Xiao Zhuanfeng can patrol the mountains.

Why did it turn into precise feeding of cats when we arrived at Xiuji?

Because he was worried that it would die in the mouth of some predators, Dong Yeyu did not use it often, and only occasionally let it check on the people who had helped him.

Yesterday, it suddenly came to report that the old lady who made me fish and rice with rice when I was almost starving and paralyzed was invaded by a demon.

Dong Yeyu then asked for leave from his head teacher and came here to see what was going on.

His eyes first fell on the house in the yard, filled with evil spirits.

Then he looked at the people at the entrance of the courtyard. They seemed to be performing an exorcism ceremony.

The host of the ceremony is an old man, wearing a hunting coat, with white eyebrows and beard, like a priest. He is squatting at the door of the small courtyard and placing a dish of salt and a dish of water on a wooden tray with a serious expression.

Then he took out a piece of white talisman paper from his arms and put it on the tray in a low voice. The white talisman paper had a spell written in Chinese characters.

Seeing that he was so solemn and dignified, Dong Yeyu thought for a while, then quietly knelt down and hid behind the fence.

After the ceremony was completed, the old man stood up, took the white towel handed by the attendant, and wiped his hands.

The middle-aged man standing next to him probably felt that the ceremony was a little too simple, and his bloodshot and tired eyes were blank for a moment.

"Is that all it takes?" he asked in disbelief.

The old man turned his head and glanced at the house, his expression as usual.

"I have exorcised the evil spirits in the house. This barrier is just to prevent them from coming back. It doesn't need to be there for too long. It can be removed in a month."

"That's good." The middle-aged man nodded doubtfully and sighed in his heart.

Although he was still a little suspicious, there was nothing he could do.

Even the hospital couldn't find out what kind of disease his mother had, so turning to these clergymen for help was just a dead horse.

Then he asked: "Onomiyaji, may I ask my mother when she will wake up?"

Ono Shozo was also surprised that after he had done such a trick in the past, people affected by monsters should wake up soon.

He pondered for a second: "Your Majesty is already old and has been attacked by evil spirits. I'm afraid it will take some time to take care of him."

"That's it"

The middle-aged man was a little disappointed, but he still politely presented the money in the envelope with both hands.

"Thank you for your hard work, Onomiyaji."

Ono Masako nodded slightly, and the entourage behind him stepped forward, bowed to express his thanks, and accepted the gift.

Dong Yeyu, who had been watching for a long time, saw that they were done. After carefully feeling it and confirming that the ceremony was to bluff the demons, he stood up generously and walked forward.

"Excuse me, is this the Takada family?"

The middle-aged man answered habitually when he heard the voice: "Yes, I am Takada Hiroshi."

When his eyes fell on the visitor, his expression showed a little surprise.

The person who came was a young man whose age seemed a little hard to distinguish, but judging from his temperament, he was probably still a student. He was not wearing a student uniform and was dressed in clothes. It was hard to tell which school he came from.

His appearance is extremely outstanding, his facial features are like the perfection pursued by Western classical sculptures, but also have the softness of the East. His jade-colored skin shows a healthy ruddy look, and his starry eyes show laziness and alienation, with the brilliant afterglow of dusk settling in. The strange thing is that it gives people an inexplicable feeling like fox eyes.

Just looking at the appearance makes people feel admirable.

Not only that, his figure is also rare and tall and strong. He is about 1.85 meters tall. You can vaguely see the beautiful muscle lines under his shirt, but it is not as offensive as the exaggerated muscles of those bodybuilding champions.

Although Takada Hiroki is already in his forties and is an older man, standing in front of this young man feels like his momentum is being suppressed.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Higashino Yu." Higashino Yu bowed slightly and introduced himself briefly.

After careful observation, Takada Hiroki could not remember that he had ever met a young man with such outstanding body and appearance.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you, Higashino-kun?"

Higashino-yu took out the prepared speech and smiled approachably.

"Your mother once helped me when I was in the most difficult time, but I never had the chance to repay her. Recently, I heard that she had encountered a bad thing, and I thought that maybe I could be of use, so I came to visit her."

Takada Hiroki nodded thoughtfully. His mother was enthusiastic and kind. She had indeed helped many people over the years. In addition, there were strangers who came to visit her from far away recently, so he did not find it strange.

He asked again: "Excuse me, Higashino-kun is a student?"

"Yes, a high school student."

High school student? So well developed?

Takada Hiroki was first surprised at the age and figure of Higashino-kun in front of him, and then he sighed at his visit.

Although the young people of the Reiwa generation are not very polite, this young man is quite good and can be said to be grateful.

But it is a bit rude to visit without bringing souvenirs.

But the problem that has troubled him for a long time has been solved. He is in a good mood and does not want to care about it, so he bows slightly out of courtesy.

"I am really sorry that you came here specially."

"But thanks to this Ono Miyaji, this matter has been solved."

"As for visiting. My mother is old and needs to rest. It is not convenient to see guests. You can tell me what you want to say. I will convey it to my mother after she wakes up."

"Solved?" Dong Yeyu was a little confused, and his eyes fell on the wooden tray at the gate of the courtyard.

Salt plays an important role in many civilizations, so some folk legends about salt have been born.

In the folk customs of Neon, salt has "spirituality" and "divine power", which can drive away evil and pray for peace.

Therefore, it is often used in funerals, exorcism, and rituals of worshiping gods.

As for its effect.

Dongye Yu is not a folklorist, nor is he an exorcist. He only judges by his own feelings. Salt is not very useful.

Maybe it has some effect on some weak monsters, such as Xiuji, who can't even beat a cat.

But it is obviously not enough to drive away the monster hiding in the courtyard in front of him.

"Yes, the monster has been exorcised."

Ono Masazan, wearing a hunting robe with wide sleeves, has a calm expression, and has a kind of momentum of hiding merit and fame.

Dongye Yu turned his eyes and looked at Ono Masazan, and asked seriously: "Are you sure?"


The boy's eyes were like a sharp sword, piercing people's hearts, and the sandbag-sized fist seemed to hit his face in the next second.

Ono Masazan swallowed his saliva, and saw that he did not doubt the existence of monsters, but suspected that the monsters had not been driven away, and several guesses flashed through his mind.

Although he had no spiritual power and could not see those so-called monsters, he knew that this world was far from being as normal as ordinary people saw.

This world has monsters and ghosts.

Ono Masazo's father was a serious demon exorcist, and there were a few exorcism spells that ordinary people could use among the techniques he passed down.

Although he was unwilling to be a crappy priest when he was young and was thinking about cultivation, as he grew older, such thoughts faded.

Life always has to return to the daily necessities of life, not to mention that he has to support such a large shrine.

In the past exorcism commissions, since he couldn't see the demons, Ono Masazo couldn't judge whether there were really demons causing trouble, so he always took out the ancestral exorcism spells to exorcise the demons seriously.

Relying on this serious attitude of playing two shots with no results, coupled with outstanding speech therapy, it is quite effective.

He has been in villages and towns for decades, with few defeats, and he is also well-known in the surrounding towns.

At this time, seeing that the young man was of good character and was sure that there were demons causing trouble, Ono Masazo hesitated.

But he is old and wise. He has lived for decades, so how could he be frightened by this question? He was only panicked for half a second, and then he calmed down after observing the boy in front of him.

Most demon hunters have family inheritance. Although not everyone is noble, they are not as cheap as the boy in front of him.

They are all imitations of old styles from several years ago, probably all discounted products.

In addition, Mizuho Town, a small place close to Tokyo, has not had any evil ghosts or demons for decades.

Even if something happens, there will be priests from Mizuho Grand Shrine to solve it.

Even if this kid is really a demon hunter, at most he can accuse me of being incompetent, but he can't say I'm a liar.

Ono Masazō quickly figured this out in his heart. His thoughts were clear and he didn't reveal any flaws. He kept a straight face and suppressed him with the majesty of the head of a shrine.

"Boy, are you questioning me?"

Dongye Yu squatted beside the wooden tray, picked up the white talisman paper pasted on it and felt it carefully, and found that it might not be as useful as salt.

"Your magic is only effective against weak monsters, but it can't do anything to the monsters in this house."

Ono Masazō remained calm: "It seems that Higashino-kun knows a lot about exorcism. Do you know the name of the magic I use?"

"I don't know." Higashino Yu shook his head. He really didn't know anything about Shinto magic.


Hearing this, Ono Masazō felt more confident. He waved his sleeves gently and pointed to the wooden tray with talisman paper pasted on it at the gate of the courtyard.

"This is called Yuguan. It is a kind of exorcism barrier. It is a very common Yin and Yang technique. You don't even know this and you dare to talk nonsense?"

Recently, my dear granddaughter said that urban ghost stories are quite popular among young people, and there are also clubs such as psychic clubs in schools.

This guy is probably the kind of psychic enthusiast my granddaughter mentioned, right?

Might know something about monsters, but not much.

Ono Zhengzang shook his head.

"Exorcism and exorcism cannot be learned by reading some random books on the Internet. Most of the techniques and tips recorded there are fabricated. If you just rely on those fabricated knowledge to rashly approach demons, you will encounter danger sooner or later."

"Young man, I advise you to take care of yourself."

Dong Yeyu ignored him, stood up and squinted his eyes to observe the sky.

At this time, the setting sun has half-set into the horizon, like a bright gem embedded in the horizon.

The blazing red light burned half of the sky, but the momentum was no longer the bright sun. The light only spread to the sky and began to gradually turn into light blue. Later, it used indigo as the background color, and the crescent moon gradually rose, dotted with Starlight like broken diamonds.

It's dusk, the so-called time to encounter the devil.

The time of encounter is the time when ghosts and gods are most likely to appear except midnight, and it is also the best time to exorcise demons - provided you can fight them.

Higashino Yu didn't want to waste time, so he walked straight into the courtyard. After finishing this job, he had to rush back to Tokyo before the last train.

Takada Hiroshi subconsciously wanted to reach out to stop him, but looking at the young man's serious face, and thinking of Ono Shozo's previous exorcism ritual that seemed a bit too simple, he accidentally allowed him to enter the courtyard.

Then he turned his attention to Ono Shozo.

"Onomiyaji, look, this"

When Ono Masako saw Higashino Yu being so rude to him, he looked calm and waved his hands in a condescending manner.

"It's okay. Young people are arrogant and like to be noticed. It's understandable that they will fantasize after reading some stories about gods and ghosts and want to do something sensational."

"It's just that he doesn't know that such a field can be entered by ordinary people."

"Well, as a practitioner, I still want to give you a few words of advice. Such nonsense will really cause trouble for you, Mr. Takada."

Ono Shozo asked his entourage to wait at the entrance of the courtyard, and then followed Higashino Yu into the courtyard.

So this guy was just messing around?

Takada Hiroki frowned. He also came from Higashino Yu's age and knew that there were many anthropomorphic boys in their teenage years.

After realizing that Dong Yeyu might be faking it, he walked into the yard angrily.

My mother is still unconscious, and I don’t have time to play tag with such a brat!

"Sorry for bothering you."

Dong Yeyu whispered something at the entrance, took off his shoes, and walked deeper into the corridor with a clear goal. The dull sound of footsteps echoed in the dim corridor.

This house is a bit old, with a layout from the Showa period. After entering the corridor, there are shoji doors on both sides, hiding the Japanese-style room behind it.

The light in the corridor was surprisingly dim. Only some glass shoji doors at the end of the corridor facing the yard shed some light, and there was a faint smell of moldy wood in the air.

Higashinoyu stopped outside a shoji door with a half-open door.

This is a living room with old furnishings. The electric lamp hanging on the ceiling is struggling to release a dim light, reflecting the person lying in the center of the room.

It was an old woman with silver hair, lying on the tatami covered with a thick quilt.

He looked to be about seventy years old, with his eyes closed and a kind look on his face, but his appearance was a bit haggard and he looked like he was seriously ill.

"Long time no see, old lady."

Dong Yeyu looked at it for a moment, but he breathed a sigh of relief. He was not too late.

At this moment, the light bulb in the room flickered, and the weak light immediately went out, leaving only the ticking sound of the old clock.

The blackness dormant in the shadows quickly spread throughout the space at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Something began to flow slowly, and there were several black arthropod-like shadows swaying in the dim light.

"Hey! Boy, my house is not a place for you to mess around!"

On the other side of the entrance, Takada Hiroki walked towards Higashi Yeyu, followed by the calm Ono Shozo.

The contract may be signed tomorrow, so the big guys can invest early.

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