I'm A Real Villain

Chapter 408 The Son Of Luck Was Exposed, And The Gongsun Family Quit...

When they heard Gongsun Dao's words, everyone's eyes widened and they took a deep breath.

At this moment, Tang Ruyi looked at Tang Yun and asked.

When looking at this figure, everyone's eyes were filled with surprise.

After Tang Yun said this, his figure moved and disappeared.

Figures appeared one after another, handing out secret letters one after another.

Even Tang Ruyi didn't respond.

"Let's go, the Gongsun family has a go."

At this moment, Jiang Hu really felt the crisis. Jiang Hu regretted it a little. He should have left, and he didn't have so many troubles. It's still strength. If he has a strong strength, let's see who dares to force him.

"In the future, my Gongsun family will withdraw from the Tang Dynasty."

Not long after Gongsun Dao left.

After hearing this sentence, Tang Ruyi's eyes were filled with astonishment. He knew before that the power of the Tang Dynasty was still strong, but he never thought that it was not as simple as what he saw.

The previous Gongsun Dao had a good relationship with his own father and emperor.

But at this time, Tang Yun said something.

Tang Ruyi and Jiang Hu disappeared.

Tang Ruyi looked at Jiang Hu with doubts in his eyes at the moment, if it doesn't work, this Jiang Hu is indeed deceiving himself.

But at this time, Tang Yun's face changed dramatically.

However, his own father had an accident and was no longer there.

But at this time, Tang Yun said something.

Seeing that Tang Yun's face was ugly, everyone was so angry that they didn't dare to take a breath.

At this moment, a vortex appeared in the sky.

When Jiang Hu heard this sentence, there was also a thought in his eyes. If the Gongsun family didn't forgive him, he would die this time.

The Gongsun family was full of peach and plum in the Tang Dynasty.


‘Dazhu Kingdom, how is Gongsun Hu? ’

"If I left before, I wouldn't care, but you didn't see today, do they have a trace of involvement with the White Tiger family? It's not that simple."

Tang Yun didn't speak.

But at this time, Gongsun Dao ignored Tang Yun.

"Not bad."

At this moment, Jiang Hu's head was spinning rapidly.

A light appeared in Jiang Hu's eyes.

As if it never appeared.

But the people in the Great Hall turned ugly.

After Gongsun Dao heard this sentence, he nodded and left.

"Dazhuguo actually knows the White Tiger family?"

Now, if the Gongsun family leaves, there will only be four people I add in the secret.

"Old Big Brother, this is the last Face I give you."

When Gongsun Dao finished saying this, the void in front of him opened.

"Lord Immortal, do I have something to say?"


Gongsun Hu, the person he had always hated, actually died. If Tang Ruyi said that this person died before, he would be very happy, but now Tang Ruyi knows this is a big deal.

"Daqin and Daming all have people from the sixth-step Realm. I don't know if there will be people from the seventh-step this time. Our Datang's strength is a few levels worse."

Even Tang Yun couldn't sit still.

Jiang Hu has a relationship with White Tiger, I don't know if it's true or not, but the Gongsun family has made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty.

At this moment, when Tang Yun brought Jiang Hu to the Gongsun family, his face became ugly.

There is regret in Tang Yun's eyes now. When he laid out earlier, he would not have so much trouble.

Even Tang Ruyi's face became ugly.

Looking at Jiang Hu, there was anger in his eyes.

At this moment, a figure appeared, and when he looked at this figure, Jiang Hu widened his eyes and was afraid at the same time.


When Tang Yun looked at these secret letters, his face was ugly.

But he did not expect that today because of this incident, Gongsun Dao actually let the entire Gongsun family leave and no longer serve in the Tang Dynasty.

'Father, there is no need to take it. The Gongsun family is strong, but if they don't hold office, it will have no effect on my Tang Dynasty. ’

Before Gongsun Dao asked himself and what Tang Ruyi thought about it, he just asked his own attitude.

After the person said this, a force of law appeared and then left.

Now this matter is really big, if the Gongsun family is not there, Datang will be paralyzed in many places.

"Father, what to do now, it seems that we can't get in the Gongsun family."

"If they had left before, I would have loved it. Now the Chaos Heavenly Realm is completely integrated, and the Spiritual Qi is ascending. In the Eastern World, with a few Immortals facing inward, our strength is the weakest."

"You've already said it, I won't take a look, otherwise my White Tiger family will be embarrassed."

At this time, Tang Yun, with an ugly face, finally reacted.

'Datang, the more you live, the more you go back, and you start to feel complacent with some achievements. ’

"If Gongsun Hu died, the current Gongsun family would not be so peaceful. Even with Lord Immortal, I am afraid that I am also dead. Now I am still alive. Is this their plan?"

Jiang Hu felt cold sweat broke out in his own tiger claws. At this moment, he felt that he had fallen into an abyss and could not get out.

Jiang Hu analyzed it.

When Di Tian appeared, even Tang Yun's pupils shrank.

At first glance, it does not want people to enter.

But Di Tian didn't look at them.

"Tsk tsk tsk, there are people who are valued by my White Tiger clan, I want to see who they are?"

"You came."

Especially what Gongsun Dao said.

"You mean?"

A figure came out.

"Di Tian."

But we Datang also have the means, that is, the Great Formation. This Great Formation can only be opened by five Supreme Realm people, and can fight against the Supreme Seventh Step.

Tang Yun looked at Jiang Hu, but wanted to see, what did Jiang Hu want to say?

After hearing this sentence, Tang Ruyi looked at Tang Yun with shock in his eyes, and found that his father and emperor didn't seem to be telling a lie.

If it is not handled properly, Datang will really be in chaos.

Jiang Hu couldn't help feeling chills in his heart.

When I thought of this, I was looking at the people of the White Tiger family who left.

Head down, like a quail.

This man couldn't see his face clearly, but the powerful Gengjin Law on his body split the void.

"Do you think there is a possibility that the Gongsun family and that person are united in order to persecute you?"

At this moment, the Gongsun family raised a terrifying Restrictions.

What Tang Yun didn't expect was that Gongsun Hu was actually dead.

Now let's see if I can get the Gongsun family's forgiveness.

"Looks like this Jiang Hu is lying."

"Tsk tsk tsk, a person who has obtained the inheritance of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Tiger Clan, inadvertently comprehended a little bit of Gengjin's law, and is actually shameless here."

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