I'm A Real Villain

Chapter 199 Bodhi's Transformation, Changes!

Di Tian doesn't care whether these people are good people or bad people, as long as they are their own people, no one can bully them.

In the past, Bodhi sub-transformation would be hidden by those who have a heart. After all, every Bodhi sub-transformation person will become the existence of the great emperor if there is no accident.

Seeing the senior brother own asking this sentence, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhiyun's mouth.

But now the dragon clan is also there, plus, the people of the imperial family must have come, but they have not shown it.

The Bodhi child's metamorphosis is not the same as the Demonic Beasts' metamorphosis.

If Di Tian is alone, they are not afraid and secretly shoot, there is still a slight chance to grab it.

At this time, there are also rays of light facing here in the dark. After all, this kind of thing that is full of great wisdom roots may have a big chance to appear, especially for many people who cannot break through. Staring at the Bodhi child in the sky, for fear of missing something.

Strange rays of light began to radiate out, and many people began to close their eyes and began to perceive this breath.

Huangfu Feiyan knew this, and it was in a secret realm in the previous life, but these people didn't know it.

Just as the two were fighting, Zhiyun's body stopped immediately.

The old monk has lived for so long, and he has only seen the funeral emperor as the disguised form of Bodhi's son.

Wisdom has an incredible look in his eyes. After all, he knows how strong this junior brother is.

Moreover, the system found that every time Di Tian planned, it was not that simple, and he just had to follow Di Tian's footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a figure emerge from the inside.

This thing is really weird.

Looking at Zhiyun who has disappeared, these people are you looking at me, I look at you, after all, this matter is a matter of the Buddha's domain, and it has nothing to do with them.

Huangfu Feiyan looked at the Bodhi son in the sky, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. After all, in his own life, there was only one Bodhi son's transformation, the funeral emperor, why would there be another in this life.

"System, deduct the villain value, and the next thing is to do as I say."

At this moment, the Magical Item in the hands of the old monk suddenly radiated radiance.

Even the fiery breath in the dark was silent.

After all, this thing belongs to Di Tian.

Many people also closed their eyes again.

At this time, everyone also had doubts in their hearts. After all, these people did not particularly understand the affairs of the Buddha Domain.

"Senior brother, you still lost, you are a loser, a complete loser."

When Di Tian looked at these people's eyes looking towards the sky, Di Tian's eyes swept over the old monk inadvertently.

Many people began to have strange breaths coming out around them, obviously falling into a state of epiphany.

I saw that the Magical Item in the sky changed directly. After seeing this change, the system went silent.

Many people's bodies trembled directly.

At this moment, the monks in the sky also widened their eyes.

However, they also have some doubts in their hearts. After all, they have a grudge against their senior brothers, why do they still say it? Isn't it well known to everyone?

Every life has never heard that there are two changelings of Bodhi.

Wisdom's eyes calmed down after watching his junior brother vanish into ashes. At this time, he didn't feel like he was getting revenge.

At this time, the rays of light in the sky began to interweave continuously.

[Master, in fact, this half of the Bodhi can be cultivated into a complete one, as long as you grab the origin of the half of the Bodhi that buried the emperor. 】

"Especially when Zhiyun died just now, when he looked at Senior Brother Own, there was guilt in his eyes, and a hint of relief."


The terrifying details began to be revealed, and many people stared wide-eyed after seeing it. After all, this kind of scene is too rare.

Great Emperor, this is the existence of several realms of Megatron.

After hearing Di Tian's words, the system does not speak, after all, Di Tian is the master, and he only needs to obey Di Tian's orders.

"Master, I have done what I promised you, and my brother has become a Dharma master. I'm sorry, master, but I can't take revenge on you. Forgive my disciple for being unfilial."

"wow wow"

I saw half of the Bodhi in the Lotus flower seal, exuding golden light.

The system looked at the Ten Thousand Buddha Lotus flower seal in the sky.

It's time for a good show. Foyu, let you all keep your shorts this time.

The voice of the child in the sky stopped abruptly.

Demonic Beasts changelings can be seen everywhere, but Bodhi's changelings haven't appeared for a few epochs.

After watching the changes in the sky, the old monk took a deep breath. After all, such a thing is really rare.

Everyone was shocked.

Next, the Buddhas have 10,000 mouths, but they can't explain it clearly. After all, the current self, even the Dao, can't detect it.

At this moment, several realms were illuminated by a ray of light.

A child's voice sounded.

"It's not necessary, I can't bear to let the child catch the wolf, Buddha domain, this time, I want him to suffer the consequences. When the Buddha domain attacked me, I was very vengeful. In addition, these bald donkeys, I'm annoying."

Looking at the people in the Buddha domain in the sky, Di Tian inadvertently revealed a smile.

After Zhiyun finished saying these words, his own body ignited spontaneously, and after a while, he completely disappeared into the air.

"It is said that when people are about to die, their words are also good."

A smoky aura started to appear on his body.

Everything has its own luck, and the Bodhi son is not excluded. The funeral emperor is in the first place, and it is impossible for another one to appear in this life.

At this time, the old monk was a little confused. After all, what my brother and brother had been cultivating was magic power. This time, the magic power has disappeared. Who is behind this matter?

Wisdom's hand directly pierced through his brother's chest.

After seeing the Bodhi child in the sky about to transform successfully, many people began to move.

At this time, the projection in the sky changed again, but this time the change caught everyone off guard.

They were actually able to transform into Bodhi one day.

These people don't want to touch Di Tian's brows.

However, this old monk should not be a good person.

When they saw this figure, everyone knew that Bodhi's transformation was about to succeed.

Since this guy loves his master so much and loves his own senior brother, he shouldn't say these things.

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