I'm a priest in North America, and I'm my own god.

Chapter 96 William’s eloquence is similar to that of an art student who failed (please vote for 15 m

Chapter 96 William’s eloquence is similar to that of an art student who failed (please vote for 1/5)


Just after Chen Yuan opened his mouth to accuse the two old white men of being devils, several land gods also banned the Morgan family and the two old men from Brinksga who had deliberately entered the house under his order.

Just when Chen Yuan was about to kill him, William on the side quickly spoke up to stop him.

For no other reason than the intercom in his ear came out with an order to save these two old men.

It’s not about the high status of these two old men in the two forces that control America.

Even if one of them is from the Wasp Consortium and the other is from the Jewish Consortium, they are just choices thrown out as test subjects.

But test items must be brought back to complete various experiments to be valuable. Even if they die or die, they will die in the laboratory.

Rather than die here now.

This death is worthless.

This was something William had to stop.

The sword in Chen Yuan's hand just pointed at each other sideways, but the two test subjects, whose faces were full of evil energy and had blood-red eyes, felt like mountains were above their heads, and they were suppressed to the ground, unable to move or dare to move.

It seemed as if any movement of resistance would be crushed to pieces by this mountain-like force in the next second.

Looking back at William who stopped him from killing him, Chen Yuan's face was as dark as water, but he did not speak, but his meaning was very clear, that is, to listen to the other person's reasons for stopping him.

"Mr. Ryan, do you want to kill both of them?"

As a representative who can be sent out, William is mature enough in his way of dealing with things and has a smart and flexible mind.

Chen Yuan glanced at him in surprise: "I remember what I said just now, they failed to seal it and suffered backlash.

If you don’t become a god, you become a devil!

If they are not eliminated now, they will become extremely powerful when they become demons and swallow human flesh and blood or negative emotions such as fear and despair.

If they are allowed to leave, it will be a catastrophe for the people of America. "

"No no no!"

William waved his hand quickly: "Mr. Ryan, this is just your definition of them, but it is not necessarily the truth."


Chen Yuan looked sideways. Of course he could see that this guy or the person behind him wanted to take the two old men in front of him back.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s research or offering.

It was impossible to bring myself to kill them anyway.

Chen Yuan had no intention of actually killing these two.

After all, the people behind William wanted to play chess, so why not play a game of chess with them himself.

But you always have to put on a show of attitude, so you look sideways and wait for the other party's explanation.

When William saw that the priest in front of him could still listen to his defense or explanation, he knew that he was a reasonable man.

Or someone who tells the rules.

In this world, as long as the other party is a rule-based and reasonable person, you can always find a way to target him.

The most fearful ones are those who regard the rules as nothing and are so lawless that you can't even guess what they are going to do next. They are the most difficult to deal with.

In a flash of thought, he had already found an excuse.

“Even if they are animals, there is no reason for humans to get rid of them before they harm people.

What's more, this is the soul of a person who once existed in this world, and there are also their relatives, friends, and everyone who is familiar with him in this world.

He is not just a soul that has nothing to do with this world.

Mr. Ryan, are you right? "

Chen Yuan listened to him numbly and did not refute. He acted more like he could not find a way to refute.

Seeing this, William continued to defend.

"If we say they are devils, then how do we define devils?

Hurt someone?

Or maybe he has evil intentions and plans to use vicious means to harm people on a large scale?

Or have you used extremely vicious methods to hurt a large number of people?

What kind of evil deeds must he commit to qualify this person as a devil?

Even if they break any of the rules, they can be called devils, but the problem is that the souls of these two people in front of them have done nothing!

They have just been resurrected and have done nothing. Why are they already defined as devils without doing anything or even having any plans?

This is not fair!

Mr. Ryan, this is America, a democratic world.

What we should guarantee most is the rights of every person or life, even if they are just souls! "

William vowed that if he ran for president, the speech he just gave would definitely win the votes of many supporters.

Although he thinks that his words are a bit unreasonable, or a bit blunt, which is not enough for people to understand.

But he can only perform to this level in a hurry.

The priest in front of him seemed unmoved, and he did not withdraw his magical spear.

It can be seen that the magical spear has special power. Just holding the spear with one hand and pointing it at the two souls, the two souls he said were demons were already overwhelmed and collapsed under the invisible pressure. On the ground.

So William decided to continue to use emotion to enlighten him, move him to reason, and suppress him with righteousness.

"Mr. Ryan, it's not just because one person thinks another person is the devil that that person is the devil.

In the Middle Ages, many witches were burned to death, but history has recorded how many of them were unjustly accused. It can be said that more than 90% of them were unjustly accused.

As long as someone falsely accuses the other person of being a witch, he or she will be burned to death without even checking.

Could it be that the tragedies of the Middle Ages will happen again in the twenty-first century? "

It was an explanation, a question, and even a bit aggressive. After finding the key point, William became more and more confident.

“When we judge whether a person is good or evil, we must judge based on what he has done.

Instead of defining him as soon as he showed up and did nothing.

This is not fair!

Mr. Ryan, you are a great and wise man, and you also have magical abilities. Are you still afraid of these two newly resurrected souls? "

Sometimes he uses words to bully people, not necessarily because he is trying to bully people, but also because he can use words to bully the crowd, so his voice is a little louder.

What happened here would have attracted the attention of the entire small square, idlers, or everyone who came specifically for this matter, if that person was not blind yet.

Especially when the gods were consecrated just now, many people gathered around.

Even though many people have temporarily moved away to take shelter due to the outbreak of a ghost disaster in Brooklyn, it does not mean that there will be no one watching the excitement in this small square in a neighborhood far away from the center of the disaster.

In particular, it also involves the mysterious ritual of apotheosis of gods in the East.

Real gods also appeared.

Therefore, there are many people watching, and the current onlookers are William’s help.

Use the witch who was burned to death in the Middle Ages as a breaking point to open up the entire situation and win the sympathy of everyone around you.

Because witches in the Middle Ages were also promoted by the Holy See as women contaminated by the devil. Only if they were contaminated by the devil could they possess magical powers. Therefore, the propaganda at that time was that all witches would be burned to death. As a result, many witches who were not witches were also burned. die.

William used this as a breakthrough to force Father Ryan in front of him to give in.

If Father Ryan was an unreasonable person or someone who did not follow the rules, he would definitely not have the courage.

But Father Ryan is a priest!

He wants to follow rules, he wants to be reasonable, and he also wants to pay attention to the reputation of his church.

There is a saying in the East that a gentleman can be bullied, that is, good people are easier to bully, and William bullied this good person today.

Thinking about it this way, it seems to be quite a sense of accomplishment.

Chen Yuan saw a slightly complacent look in William's eyes. These two souls were originally intended to be handed over, but they couldn't be handed over casually. There had to be an excuse. Now isn't the excuse coming?

A good person, a good person who followed the rules, was squeezed out by others, and then reluctantly handed over the devil he was supposed to destroy.

This seems to make sense.

However, if he wants to make it more realistic, he has to struggle a little.

"These are souls, and souls that have a tendency to become demonic. Ordinary people have no way to deal with them, and there is no way to eliminate them.

Does your so-called respect for the rights of all life mean that you allow them to harm others and damage other people's right to survive?

Or do you have any way to restrain such an extremely aggressive soul state?

If not, then I have given these two souls to you, how can you ensure that they will not harm others? "

William suddenly waved back, and following his greeting, a van drove over.

"Father, in fact, in the face of the huge changes in this world, we have not done nothing!

Based on the information, the cases found, and the ghosts inside, we made a finished product targeting the characteristics of the soul as quickly as possible!

This is the car!

Although there is no way to mass-produce against ghosts on a large scale, we finally have a direction! "

Chen Yuan's eyes flashed. Sure enough, you should never underestimate the upper-class elite of a super powerful empire.

Even if the outbreak of the ghost disaster catches them off guard at first, as long as they are given time and rummage down the mountain of accumulated human knowledge, they can always find some solutions.

For example, this car...

Scanning his eyes, he suddenly felt a little funny for no reason, using this thing to trap the two test subjects in front of him?

I'm afraid that if the birthday boy eats arsenic, he will live longer!

However, now that we have talked about this, what else can we say?

With a wave of his hand, the earth gods removed the restraint of earth energy, and then they stared at the two test subjects and climbed onto the van with fear.

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