Now, that small world has been rebuilt. That piece of land that is completely isolated from the human Internet and seems to be far away from the world of utopia - the pure land of the electronic world monsters in Avalon, can be completely called the "electronic world".

Originally, that was the escape pod that Alai reserved in case of emergency, to take Xing Jiantong away when things go wrong. But now Xing Jiantong has become the most powerful person in the world - the President of the United States and the Secretary-General of the United Nations all have to act according to his mood, and they have to be brainwashed if they disagree. Xing Jiantong can use the electronic world as he likes.

Anyway, his enemies have been polarized by now. Either he can be crushed to death with one finger, or Paradis can't save him. Therefore, Xing Jiantong thought about it for a while and decided to open the shallow area of ​​the electronic world as a public area.

Xing Jiantong is also a person, and it is impossible for him to do everything by himself. For example, the grassroots of the Doma organization, hundreds of thousands of people, even if they are all vegetables, Xing Jiantong can't catch hundreds of thousands of pigs even if he is exhausted, right? That's why he sought external help, with the help of the duel master hired by Bekas, the bodyguards of Kaiba Corporation, the intelligent AI taken over by Fire Dragon, Malik and others.

Although they were not good, they did help Hoshimi Hitomi a lot, otherwise the plan would not have been so smooth. Hoshimi Hitomi, who tasted the sweetness of this action, dueled - trained the duelists of this world.

The card masters in this world are really bad, even Mr. T, who is so bad that he can beat the duelists all over the world, and no one except the 20th generation has the power to resist. Although it may be due to the erosion of the dark power, the strength of the duelists must be improved.

Therefore, Hoshimi Hitomi decided to build the shallow area of ​​the electronic world into a global platform "LV" as a public area for duelists. Card masters from all over the world can communicate face to face here, compare card skills, and play tricks.

As long as Hoshimi Hitomi gives a little guidance, he will definitely be able to give birth to ruthless competitive guys, entertaining acrobats and other card players, just like the world before he crossed over, and collide with brilliant sparks!

This will take a long time, but fortunately... the time between DM and GX is still long. Hoshimi Hitomi has enough time to train the duelists in this world to become card players!

Then, with the 11th phase of strong fake cards launched by Paradis. When Mr. T comes to attack in the GX era, his expression will definitely be quite exciting when facing the army of card players all over the world.

Hoshimi Hitomi took the LV mirror and the matching LV special duel disk from the department head, and the dress was completed.

"Into the Vrains." Hoshimi Hitomi said lightly.

The mirror and duel disk flashed a blue light and started to work. The world in Hoshimi Hitomi's eyes began to change and reset, and came to a floating platform.

The platform was surrounded by a dark abyss up and down, left and right, front and back. It was like an isolated island floating on the boundless ocean.

As if sensing Hoshimi Hitomi's displeasure, the project manager's voice sounded with a hint of panic: "I'm very sorry, BOSS. It's still under debugging, and the scene hasn't..."

"Get it done as soon as possible." Hoshimi Hitomi said lightly. He turned his perspective and found that the gap with reality was still quite large - just like an ordinary VR space. After all, the time in the DM world is only the end of the 20th century, and the technology cannot be compared with the world of V6. To reach that level, at least... yes, it will take a year.

Just one year?! ? (Shocked)

That's what Takahashi set it up~

"Then, let's experiment with human-computer battles." Hoshimi Hitomi reached out to call up the menu and clicked a few times on the translucent screen.

Considering that some people are socially afraid or like to practice decks by playing against human-computer, Hoshimi Hitomi asked to embed the human-computer battle function into LV. The battle AI is also the top military-grade AI, and its strength even once put the national champion Rafiru in a difficult battle. However, Hoshimi Hitomi felt that it had nothing to do with the AI. No matter who played the alien in the first round, Rafiru would be able to fight hard.

"Then the player deck is set to 'Battery Man', and the AI ​​deck is set to 'Yoyo'. Okay, let's start. Let me dream back to the first generation and experience the fun of you clap and I clap." Hoshimi Hitomi moved her hands with interest.

However, at this moment, mosaic-like things flashed around Hoshimi Hitomi, making a noisy noise. The panicked voice of the department head sounded: "How, how could it be! The system was hacked... It was a hacker! This monster-like speed and input volume... It was Nidhogg! Chairman, please get out urgently!"

Nidhogg, this is the title given to the world's strongest hacker by people all over the world. She is the super hacker who invaded the nuclear arsenals of the United States and the Soviet Union and caused a tsunami in the Atlantic. As long as she wants, she can make human civilization regress to the Stone Age in an instant.

Her existence is like the dark evil dragon in Norse mythology that gnawed the world tree and caused the twilight of the gods. Therefore, she got the title that was feared and regarded as a taboo: Nidhogg.

"Oh, Nidhogg... you really deserve this title." Xing Jiantong waved her hand to stop the department head and secretary, and inserted the still warm Thunder Dragon deck into the LV duel disk.

Duel AI, start.

Nidhogg, take over.

Difficulty: Pie chart level.

Deck selection: Code Talker strikes hard.

Duelist number 0, ID: Jianxingzhitong.

Duel request confirmation.


Deck selection: Heaven-shaking Thunder.

[DUEL, START! ! ! ]

【See the Star LP: 8000】

【Nidhogg LP: 8000】

Hitomi Hoshimi drew 5 starting cards from the top of the deck, and the feeling in his hand told him that these were real cards and not electronic data. The duel plate that comes with the LV sight glass is used for this purpose. If you don't buy it, you can only use the default deck, and you won't be able to use the cards you hold in real life. Selling one product in two pieces is truly a giant dark enterprise.

Five cards also appeared in front of the display screen of the strange instrument opposite. Preparations for both sides have been completed.

The words [Your second move] are displayed in front of Hoshimi Hitomi. This is a random selection made by the LV mirror. There is no Internet at all, and there is no possibility of cheating.

"Then I'll attack from behind. Code language fist..." Xing Jiantong looked at the hand card and narrowed his eyes slightly. Code Language Fist is a strong attack deck that is better at updating and accessing OTK later than attacking first, and has a kill line as high as 10,600. Thunder Dragon is a suppression deck that relies on Super Thunder Dragon and Thunder Dragon to suppress it. Although playing second fiddle is a disadvantage in most cases,... nothing is absolute.

His starting hand is pretty good. After all, he has 3 Thunderbirds and 3 Golden Cabinets. If he can get stuck with these, he really needs to wash his face.

The display screen of the instrument opposite flickered a few times and a card was played.

[Card drawing stage. Preparation Phase. Main stage 1. ]

[Normal summon, debug Ladybug. ]

[Monster effect, activated. ]

"No, slap me!"


As the title says, resurrect with full health.

Because the unit time is adjusted to daylight saving time, the update time will be changed to 6 p.m. every day starting from July 5th. We hope you will know.

Section 92 3 Suggestion to be changed to: Suggestion to be changed to: Pie Chart Current Situation

[Normal summon, debug Ladybug. ]

[Monster effect, activated. ]

"No, hit me psy!" Hitomi Hoshimi slammed a card in the monster area of ​​the duel board, "Special summon Skeleton Driver from the deck, and the effect of Ladybug is invalidated and destroyed!"

The 6-star mortal bones that have almost always been on the shooter since time travel have finally made a contribution. A bald man with greenish skin stepped on what looked like a very high-tech magnetic levitation vehicle and slammed into the Ladybug girl who had just appeared, turning her into a meteor in the electronic world and disappearing into the darkness.

Driving irregularly, relatives...ah, it's nothing. Code Language Fist is a deck that can use the monsters in the hand as materials, but that requires at least ****2. Therefore, we must try our best to cut off the monsters on the Code Language Boxing Field so that the opponent has no way to attack.

Then, let’s see how much the other side can dig out...

[Magic card, the talent of three battles. This can only be activated when your opponent activates a monster effect during your main phase. Select 1 monster on the opponent's field and gain control until the end phase. ]

"Grass (plant family)!" Hoshimi Hitomi's mouth twitched. The opponent did not choose to draw a card but chose the Minotaur, which means that the opponent must have supplementary points in hand! That ladybug picture was a fake move, a test!

Hoshimi Hitomi glanced at the card and saw that she could no longer prevent the other party from connecting. Then... just summon it!

[Acquire control of psy skeleton equipment·γ. ]

As the effects of the three battles took effect, a Japanese general in armor waved the token in his hand. Baldy's beloved little skateboard changed hands and became the opposite party's plaything.

[If there are no monsters of your own in the extra monster area, the Sigma from the hand can be specially summoned. ]

The data of 0 and 1 are intertwined and turned into flames. Zhanji, holding a sword of fire, appeared on the AI ​​field and nodded slightly towards Hoshimi Hitomi. That was exactly the prototype of Final Sigma.

2! Xing Jiantong counted silently in his mind, but there was no expression on his face.

[Connect arrows, confirm. The conditions for summoning are 2 monsters. Build a connecting circuit. ] The electronic synthesis sound sounded, and the small skateboard and sigma on the AI ​​field turned into data, lighting up the two arrows connecting the loop.

[Use the psy skeleton equipment ·γ and the slashing machine Sigma as materials to connect and summon. Link-2, Security Dragon. ]

The safety dragon known as Little Fireproof emerged from the connecting circuit and slowly landed in the AI's extra monster area. Not only the effect, but also the appearance is 70% to 80% similar to the Fire Dragon.

【Safety Dragon】【Connect】

[Race: Electronic World] [LINK-2] [Attribute: Light]

[ATK: 1100] [Arrow: ↑↓]

3! Transcode, hurry up! Why Security Dragon and not Code Talker, though? Although Safety Dragon has a bullet-card effect, it is a one-speed activation effect and cannot be activated during the opponent's turn?

[Connect arrows, confirm. The summoning condition is that there must be 2 or more Electronic World monsters with different attributes. Build a connecting circuit. ]

This summoning condition... damn, be careful! Looking at the meteorite in her hand that was destined to rot, Hoshimi Hitomi couldn't help but smack her lips.

I saw the Safety Dragon and 1 hand card on the AI ​​field rising up, turning into energy and lighting up the arrows on the connecting circuit.

[If you use the Cyberspace monster on your field as the link material for the [Code Talker] monster, the Microcode Coder in your hand can also be used as the link material. ]

[Use the Security Dragon on the field and the Microcode Coder in the hand as materials to connect and summon. Link-3, Decoder Whisperer·Fiery Soul. ]

As the three arrows above, below left, and below right light up, the flaming Decoder emerges from the data and raises his weapon towards Hoshimi Hitomi on the opposite side: Even in the past... No, it won't change now or in the future. But even if it's the master, if we meet on the battlefield, we should go all out!

[Decoder · Blazing Soul] [Link]

[Race: Cyberworld] [LINK-3] [Attribute: Fire]

[ATK: 2300] [Arrow: ↑♦♦]

4... Unfortunately, it's destined not to be achieved for the fifth time!

[Microcoder can only be activated when the link material of the [Code Talker] monster is sent from the hand or field to the graveyard. Add 1 [Computer Network] magic/trap card from the deck to the hand. I choose to counter the trap, [Computer Network Conflict]. ]

"... Tsk, the family counterattacks!" Hoshimi Hitomi frowned, and the hand pit in his hand only had Psy and Meteor. And the Fire Code allows the opponent to draw 2 cards and replenish resources. If he can't jump the opponent's hand pit and counterattack in the next turn, he will be "Be obedient, let me visit!".

[The effect of the second effect of the decoder · Fiery Soul is activated. The effect of the second effect of this card name can only be used once per turn. Pay 1000 life points as the cost. Draw 1 card from the deck. ]

[Nidhogg LP: 8000→7000]

[Cover 1 card, turn ends. ]

"End phase, except for Skeleton Driver." Hoshimi Hitomi frowned as she watched the bald man on her field open the dimensional channel and disappear.

At this time, the AI ​​has 2 cards in hand, the front field is the decoder · Fiery Soul in the Extra Monster Zone, and the back field is 1, which can basically be confirmed as the main counterattack [Computer Network Conflict].

This is good news, at least the opponent does not have something like Bubble. The bad news is that the opponent still has 2 cards in hand, and it will become 3 cards in his turn. Because the card draw effect of Fire Code can also be activated during the opponent's turn.

"Tsk... My turn." Hoshimi Hitomi drew a card from the top of the deck. The essence of playing cards, in addition to the compatibility of the deck systems of both sides, is to see who can dig out more!

[Draw phase. Decoder·Fiery Soul's ② effect is activated. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. Pay 1000 LP and draw 1 card. ]

[Nidhogg LP: 7000→6000]

The AI ​​draws another card to replenish the number of cards in hand to 3. After that, a large number of green 0s and 1s suddenly flashed on the display.

... Is something coming? Hoshimi Hitomi frowned.

[Draw phase. The effect of the ancient relic-Holy Lance is activated. ]

"Grass (Plant Family)! Grass Grass Grass (Giant Plant)! If you pass it, something will happen!" Hoshimi Hitomi's pupils suddenly contracted and she could no longer remain calm. Holy Lance, its effect is--

[During the opponent's turn, you can activate it by releasing this card in your hand or on the field. This turn, both sides cannot banish cards. ]The electronic synthesized sound resounded clearly in the unfinished LV space, like the devil's hideous grin.

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