"Kaiba, you..." Wang Yang's eyes condensed, I accept your power!

"And, because of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon in Kaiba's graveyard and the Blue-Eyes Light Dragon on the field, the Super Magic Swordsman's attack power will increase further!"

[Super Magic Swordsman-Black Magic Swordsman][ATK: 2900→4300][DEF: 2400→2800]

The Super Magic Swordsman stabbed the naginata in his hand into the ground fiercely, and the power of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and the Blue-Eyes Light Dragon flowed along the earth veins, raising his power to a whole new level! It's a pity that Tyrant Blast Wind Dragon was regarded as an equipment magic and no longer counted as a monster, otherwise his power could be further increased.

"My turn is over. Mediocre, it's your turn. If you are afraid, just surrender!" Kaiba glanced at Jonouchi, whose legs were shaking, and said sarcastically.

"Damn it, you bastard Kaiba, I won't surrender! I just... have diarrhea! Yes, I have diarrhea until my legs are weak!" Although anyone with eyes could see that Jonouchi was scared to death of the headless corpse opposite him, his dignity as a man still drove him to stand there. Although he couldn't run away now.

"I... I activate the Claw of Hemo!"

"Ahhh!!!" The second scarlet legendary dragon appeared, and the loud roar slightly dissipated the power of the Orichalcum's barrier. It seemed that the appearance of the legendary dragon gave him courage, and Jonouchi was not so timid.

"Hoshimi, you bastard, you are always playing tricks on us! Whether it's the previous duel or the current duel, I don't know anything!" Jonouchi said angrily.

"Ah, this..." Hoshimi Hitomi smiled awkwardly but politely.

"I don't want to hear it! I will definitely teach you a lesson after this duel! The effect of Hemo's Claw will send the Red-Eyes Black Dragon in my hand to the graveyard, transforming it into the Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword, and equip it to the Super Magic Swordsman!" Jonouchi raised his right hand, and the magic sword wrapped in raging black flames fell from the sky and hovered in front of the Super Magic Swordsman.

The dragon-slaying magician held a naginata in his left hand and a magic sword in his right hand. Behind him were dragon wings shining with unknown light, and his body was wrapped in surging black flames, looking extremely fierce.

"Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword's effect increases the equipped monster's ATK by 1000 points. In addition, the ATK and DEF will be increased by 500 times the number of Dragon-Type monsters on the field and in the graveyard!"

"Because Red-Eyes Black Dragon entered the graveyard, the Super Magic Swordsman's ATK is..." "Ah wait, I'll calculate that later."

Jounouchi slapped a card from his hand on the monster zone: "Normal Summon Tenshou God! Based on its effect, retrieve Ritual Magic from the deck, Red-Eyes Reincarnation, and activate!"

"Oh, is that monster coming? I know its effect very well." Hoshimi Hitomi waved her hand, and the corpse pressed on the duel disk, "Chain Red-Eyes Reincarnation, open the face card, Virtual World. Select 1 Field Magic from the deck to add to the hand or activate it on my field."

Orichalcum's barrier will not be affected by card effects, but the new field replacing the old field is not an effect, but a rule kill, so Orichalcum's barrier must also follow this rule. Originally... if Orichalcum was on the field, new field magic could not be activated. However, there was a card that was a different story.

"What... but you... there is already an Orichalcum barrier in the field area of ​​the corpse!" Kaiba was slightly stunned. What field should be activated that is worthy of replacing Orichalcum's barrier? Speaking of which field should be activated that is worthy of replacing Orichalcum's barrier? Speaking of which, if the barrier leaves the field, how should the eye monster placed in the magic trap area be handled... Adjust! Adjust it for me!

"Move the filial son cave... I'm kidding. Orichalcum's second barrier, activate!"

The card popped out from the corpse's deck storage board. The corpse took it out, sent the original barrier to the graveyard, and then activated the second barrier. Outside the hexagram barrier that wrapped the four people, there was an additional circle of magic circles engraved with strange words. The evil aura was even stronger, and the headless corpse of Dazi, who was the carrier, even twitched slightly.

"Orichalcum's... second barrier!?" Wang Yang's pupils shrank slightly. This evil barrier actually has a second layer?

"The second barrier of Orichalcum can only be activated when there is an Orichalcum barrier on the field. Strengthen the power of the Orichalcum barrier and further mobilize the power of the God of Orichalcum." Hoshimi Hitomi pointed to the snake head that was smashing a hole in the ground.

"But the sea snake is suffocated by the sleepy tea, so it won't react. Okay, let's talk about the effect. The second barrier of Orichalcum inherits the power of the original barrier and has other effects-"

"Once per turn, you can restore the number of monsters on my field × 500 LP. And, when the opponent's monster declares an attack, you can release 1 monster on my field, and the attack is invalid, and the attacking monster is destroyed. It's all fancy and useless." Hoshimi Hitomi shrugged.

However, an interesting thing about this card is that the "Orichalcum barrier" as the activation condition is not limited to "on your field". In other words, if someone uses the Orichalcum barrier against Dazi, his barrier will be swallowed by Dazi's double barrier and become Dazi's helper.

It seems that Dazi is not completely confident in his subordinates. Unfortunately, no matter how much he calculated, he could not have expected that when the human Internet was completely controlled by someone, it would cause such a terrible dimensionality reduction attack on Doma.

"Evil is rising, and we need heroes! I'll sacrifice the 4-star Ten Thousand Hands on my field, and exclude the 7-star Red-Eyes Black Dragon in my graveyard, and ritually summon! The warrior who fights evil with black flames, Red! King!" Jonouchi's whole body was inexplicably burning.

In the raging black flames, the armored dragon warrior landed in a classic superhero style and appeared on Jonouchi's field. The warrior crossed his arms and his eyes were calm and sharp.

[Red King] [Ritual]

[Race: Dragon] [Lv8] [Attribute: Fire]

[ATK: 2400] [DEF: 2100]

"End of turn! Red King is a dragon monster, so the attack power of the Super Magic Swordsman will be further improved with the blessing of himself and Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword!"

[Super Magic Swordsman-Black Magic Swordsman] [ATK: 4300→7300]

So far, the first round of the fight against the DIO group is over.

Wang Yang has 2 cards in his hand, with a 7300 attack card on the field, and 0 backfield.

Kaiba has 1 card in his hand, with a 700 attack card on the field, and a 3300 attack card on the field, and a Tyrant Blast Dragon that has been transformed into an equipment card for the Super Magic Swordsman.

Jonouchi also has only 1 card in his hand, with a Ritual Monster True Red King that almost always explodes 2 cards on the field, and an equipment card True Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword on the backfield.

"Then, it's the corpse's turn. Draw a card." Following Hoshimi Hitomi's order, the headless corpse stiffly drew a card from the top of the deck and placed it in front of Hoshimi Hitomi.

"Well, this is also fate." Hoshimi Hitomi sighed.

"Activate the third barrier of Orichalcum! Wait, don't think about activating the effects of True Red King or Super Magician. The effect of the third barrier, the opponent cannot chain the activation of this card with the activation of its effect and activate the effect of the card."

Then, the evil aura grew again, reaching a point that even the king was a little scared. The third circle of runes appeared again on the outer layer of the Orichalcum barrier on the ground.

"And... the third level!?"

"The first barrier is the barrier of 'man'. The second barrier is the barrier of 'earth'. The third barrier is the barrier of 'sky'. The process of activating the barrier is the process of 'man' touching 'sky'." Hoshimi Hitomi explained. This is what was recorded in Dazi's personal notebook.

With the activation of the third barrier, the souls in all the stone slabs in the entire temple turned into green light spots and were thrown into the sky. The gorgeous aurora, which gave people an extremely evil and ominous feeling, appeared in the sky all over the world.

A desert in Egypt.

"Crimson Fangjie God, catch him... No, kill that bastard!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!" Red lotuses are flying!

"It's useless, kid! I won't... Hmm? That aurora is..." The white-haired boy who was running raised his head and stared at the aurora in the sky. The arrogance in his eyes was gone, but he showed a little solemnity.

"I want to see the world fall into a sea of ​​fire. It's too boring to see nothingness... But why do I feel that guy seems to be weak and half dead?"

"Fangjie God!"

"Tsk! Damn kid, so annoying! Your name is Lan Shen, right? I will remember you and will repay you ten thousand times sooner or later!"

There was no time to take care of other things. The exciting battle royale started again. In the hands of the white-haired boy, the golden cube props reflected the dazzling golden light under the sun.


The sight returned to the temple in the Atlantic Ocean.

"The third barrier inherits all the effects of the first and second barriers, and on this basis, there are new effects." Hoshimi Hitomi said lightly. It seems that because the plundered souls are more than the original, the protection provided by the triple barrier is also stronger than the original.

Hoshimi Hitomi chuckled: "Hehe, let's talk about it later. Switch Gluttony to attack position and enter the battle phase."

"Huh? But the attack power of the Face of the Dead is lower than that of the Super Magic Swordsman. Enter the battle phase?" Jonouchi was stunned and couldn't help but look at his luxurious lineup, and then looked at the shabby monsters on Hoshimi Hitomi's field, "No cards to play? Do you want to attack the Demon Frankenstein on Kaiba's field? Or do you want to defeat the True Red King first?"

"Humph, idiot. Hoshimi Hitomi is considered a duel king, how could she do such a meaningless thing." Kaiba looked solemn, and it seemed that the mystery of the effects of Gluttony and the sea urchin was about to be revealed.

"Fight, Gluttony attacks the Super Magic Swordsman!" Hoshimi Hitomi waved her hand, and the listless Gluttony barely cheered up, flapping its short legs and rushing towards the Super Magic.

"Attack power 500, even if it has 20,000 health points, it will be severely damaged! Gluttony, what effect is it..." Wang Yang's face was solemn, and the Super Magic Swordsman was also ready, waving the naginata and black dragon sword in his hands tightly.

However, nothing happened until Gluttony was torn into pieces by the strong magic wave and sword energy.

"I don't activate the effect of Gluttony, so Gluttony is destroyed, and I will suffer battle damage." Hoshimi Hitomi pointed to the sea urchin monster on the corpse field, "But because of the effect of the sea urchin, the battle damage suffered by the holder will all become 0, and that part of the value will be absorbed by the sea urchin."

If there is absorption, there will be release... When will it be released, and how will it be released?

However, Hoshimi Hitomi did not leave so much time for everyone to think, and immediately issued another order: "Then the face of the dead will attack the super magic swordsman!"

So the face of the dead also launched a long-lived charge, following in the footsteps of the gluttonous beast. Of course, battle damage is also absorbed by sea urchins.

"Finally, use the sea urchin to attack the super magic swordsman! Look at nm, and then let me treat you to your favorite big mouth! Come on!"

Under the threat of the big golden figure behind Hoshimi Hitomi, which was made of gold and was four to five meters long and four to five meters wide, the sea urchin had no choice but to succumb and rushed towards the super magic swordsman with fear of death, and was pierced by a sword. eyeball.

"This battle damage is also absorbed by the sea urchin. Then, if the sea urchin is destroyed, you can special summon Oliha Steel's God Puppet from the deck."

As Hoshimi Hitomi's words fell, the sea urchin's body split open, and an evil and dazzling green light bloomed from it. The terrifying evil aura escapes.

The green God Doll tens of meters high revealed its figure in front of the brave man who came to challenge the Demon King. That is the follower of the Demon King. Unlike its funny appearance, the evil power will bring absolute despair to the world.

"The attack power of Oliha Steel's God Puppet is the total damage absorbed by the sea urchin."

[Oliha Steel's God Puppet] [Special Summon] (animated version)

[Race: Machine] [Lv10] [Attribute: Dark]

[ATK:? →16200】【DEF:0】

"Attack power... 16200!" The three of them raised their heads and looked up at the huge machine made of Oliha steel, and were so shocked that they were speechless.

"This is...ah, I see." Hoshimi Hitomi raised his eyebrows. This monster with the shape of a wild tyrant was different from what he expected, and he had no intention of resisting at all.

This is just a robot driven by the power of Oliha steel. Now that the sea snake is sleeping and the ball is dead, he doesn't even have the basic ability to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and he will listen to whoever summons him. Even less intelligent than sea urchins.

"That's easy to do. The effect of Oriha Gun's God Puppet. If this card is successfully Special Summoned, take 1 of Oriha Gun's left arm and 1 of Oriha Gun's right arm from the deck. Special Call."


The illustration function is under maintenance. If you want to see the picture of Baidu [Orichalcum Illustration]. It's a pretty salty thing after being turned into a real card, and the effect restoration is also very weird.

To do some random science, the prototype of this thing is a clay doll from the Jomon period in Japan, which was the god of nature worshiped at that time. It is also the prototype of the ancient mythical beast in the digital studio next door and the telekinetic clay doll in the Pokémon studio.

After the belief of this earth puppet changed several times, it probably became the god Huang Ba Tu worshiped by Yamatai Kingdom. After Emperor Jimmu conquered the Yamatai Kingdom eastward (myths and history are mixed, it is doubtful), the Shinto religion's Izanagi creation myth replaced Aragato's belief and became widely circulated.

In addition, although the appearance does not match at all, Aruba Tu is probably a snake god believer. The ancient Japanese word for "snake" is "ハハ", and the pronunciation of "ハバキ" in "Ba Tu" is similar to "ハハキ", which is "snake wood". Therefore, it is quite reasonable for the snake god Yi to be preceded by the snake god Huang Ba Tu. The scriptwriters and finalists of this animation’s original plot really worked hard to verify it! admire!

Chapter 88 54 A story that ends in light (a 7000-word chapter)

"The combined effect of Oriha Gun's God Puppet, if this card is successfully Special Summoned, special summon one of Oriha Gun's left arm and one of Oriha Gun's right arm from the deck." Hoshimi Hitomi glanced at the corpse. The copper-green rust spots continued to corrode the gold. I'm afraid the corpse wouldn't last long. Need to push further!

"Just now, I activated the effect of the True Red King to chain the sea urchin's effect, destroying the continuous magic card on your field, Soul Absorption." Jonouchi's fists suddenly clenched, "And just now, the God Puppet activated its effect. Therefore, I will activate the effect of the True Red King again to destroy the puppet!"

Following Jonouchi's order, the True Red King leapt into the sky again, releasing fiercely burning jet-black flames.

"Zan Nian, the effect of Oriha Steel's triple barrier. The monsters on my field will not be affected by the opponent's card effects."

The dark flames burned the round body of the Goddess of Harmony, but left no trace behind. Later, the left arm and right arm of the Gogami were separated from the main body, and each became an independent monster.

"Defense position summons the left arm, attack position summons the right arm."

[Oliha Steel's left arm] [Special Summon] (no real card)

[Race: Machine] [Lv2] [Attribute: Dark]

[ATK: 0] [DEF:? 】

[Oliha Steel's right arm] [Special Summon] (no real card)

[Race: Machine] [Lv2] [Attribute: Dark]

[ATK:? 】【DEF:0】

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