"Hmph~~~ You are quite open-minded. Don't you have any resentment after being played like an idiot by me until now?" Xing Jiantong raised her eyebrows and asked curiously. If you ask yourself, if Baron is replaced by him, his mentality will collapse to the sky. Don't even think about communicating without using dirty words like Baron now.

"Ah, it was true at the beginning... But this world is the law of the jungle. I was deceived because I was too naive, not your fault." Baron smiled and put down his hands. "Think about it carefully. Even if there is no Dazhi and Doma, this world will still be destroyed in the distant future. We don't need to revive any gods... Everything in this world is meaningless."

"What about Peacock Dance? Does he have no meaning to you?" Xing Jiantong asked suddenly.

"..." Baron opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he couldn't say anything. He smiled helplessly: "Really... I have become naive too."

"Life and matter are all lies. They have no meaning in themselves." Xing Jiantong raised his empty right hand and gently tapped his temple, "The things that give meaning to this world are here."

"I don't think you are hopeless, so I said that. That bastard Dazi has accumulated a lot of wealth relying on human society since ancient times. He has achieved his current status relying on human society, but he said that human beings have no meaning - don't you think he is a fool? That's enough."

Listening to Xing Jiantong's words, Baron also fell into deep thought. These thoughts were something he had never thought of before, and no one had ever told him. This runs counter to Dazi's nihilistic theory, but... it seems to make more sense!

"By the way, the church you live in was set on fire by Dazi's people. Really, there is a memo in Dazi's personal computer."

"...Huh?" Baron's first reaction was disbelief. He was psychologically traumatized by Xing Jiantong.

"Believe it or not. Advance to the battle stage, fierce bird, zero type, silver bullet, direct attack!" Xing Jiantong waved her hand, and that was all she said!

The next moment, a hail of bullets submerged Baron's body, and the roar of heavy weapons and the flash of bullets decorated this remote alley like a battlefield in the Middle East, and spread far away.

The passers-by and residents nearby were particularly calm. As soon as they heard the gunshots, they all lay on the ground with their heads in their hands, crawled to find the nearest shelter, and curled up their bodies. Because of the remoteness of this place, many gangs like to fight in this alley, and everyone has long been accustomed to it.


[Baron LP: 8000→0]

[Winner: Xing Jiantong]

[Congratulations on winning the duel, and reward dp1000 points. I hope you will continue to work hard. 】

[Current dp: 6300]

[Side quest: Three Musketeers of Doma]

[Quest progress: 2/3]

[Main quest ③: Orichalcum Assault. 】

[Quest progress: 40/80]

Hiroshi Mitsuki glanced at the system panel casually and didn't care anymore. It was nothing more than the same old stuff. dp and ten-ticket vouchers are not useful for the time being. He has already spent all the money in the Abyss Pool, and the ordinary pool is full of people with low cost performance. He doesn't plan to draw cards before the new pool opens. There are about 72 hours left to refresh, which is not too far away. It should be too late before the decisive battle with Dazi.

And before killing Ameruda, the progress of the main quest increased by 30 points. This time, killing Baron only increased by 10 points. It should be because of the special nature of Ameruda. Baron said before that when they were carrying out the mission, Ameruda basically planned the action. He was similar to a commander, so he was more important.

As for the maximum value being reduced from 100 to 80, it should be because the Doma grassroots was completely wiped out. Although he indirectly contributed, the executors were still his pawns, so it was reasonable not to count on him.

"Okay, next... um?" Xing Jiantong walked to Baron, who fell to the ground after the gold transformation was released, and was about to throw the soulless body into the time capsule. But he found that Baron's right hand was in his shirt pocket, and he seemed to be holding something.

Xing Jiantong pulled out Baron's hand, only to see that he was holding a mobile phone tightly in his hand, and the screen of the mobile phone was the interface for sending messages.

[Recipient: Wu]

[Content: Be careful Xing Jiantong]

[Send failed, licking dog can't get house]

[Praise me praise me (,o ? o,)——by the big sister of the electronics industry who loves her master the most]

"Oh my... He is really a man who can't relax until the end." Raising an eyebrow, Xing Jiantong held the flip phone with both hands and broke it into two pieces with reverse force, "But I don't hate this persistence."

The broken mobile phone was thrown on the ground casually. Xing Jiantong raised his foot and stepped heavily. After a sound like crushing plastic, he lifted his foot, and only the gold parts that were crushed and melted into the ground were left.

"Okay, there are still... 4 to deal with. Tonight is really busy." After complaining casually, Hoshimi Hitomi and Baron's bodies sank into the shadows. In the remote alley, only the golden ground was left to tell what had just happened. This gold will become a gift to the homeless tomorrow morning, and a new urban legend will be born, right?

However, that has nothing to do with Hoshimi Hitomi.


"Activate the magic card, Harpie - Phoenix Formation -! Destroy the True Red King and give you the damage of that attack power!" Peacock Dance inserted the card in his hand fiercely into the magic trap area, "Destroy it, it's ugly and tasteless, it's simply someone's incarnation of a ritual monster!"

She used the Screen Mirror Wall to easily defeat the Meteor Black Dragon before, but then Jonouchi ritually summoned a monster that looked very much like himself, the Red King, and activated the effect to destroy her Screen Mirror Wall and her ace monster Harpy. Pet dragon, turn on the offensive.

Peacock Dance's deck relies on magic traps and the number of monsters to suppress the opponent. The True Red King's steady explosion of cards twice every round makes her very uncomfortable. Now that I have finally gathered the three [Harpy Girl] monsters needed for the Phoenix Formation, I can finally get rid of that annoying and tasteless True Red King!

"'Ugly and tasteless' is too much! He's obviously very handsome!" Jounouchi complained, and then clicked on the duel plate, "Activate the quick attack magic, I will act as a shield! Pay 1500 LP, Phoenix Formation's Invalidate and destroy!"

"I knew you were hiding something. So what about this? Counterattack trap, God's declaration! Pay half of the LP, and the activation of my shield will be invalid and destroyed!" Peacock Dance raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and opened her lid. card. In the last round, she covered 2 cards, one of which was destroyed by the True Red King, and the remaining one finally lasted until this round.

"Ha, this is also expected - I also counterattack the trap, counterattack! The activation of the counterattack trap is invalid and destroyed!" Jonouchi clenched his right fist and launched a counterattack against the Oracle!

The chain was reversed, God's Declaration was invalid, Phoenix Formation was also invalid, and with the loss of 2 cards and half of LP, Peacock Dance's situation became precarious.

"This card was prepared for Hoshimi Hitomi, but it was used on you first, Mai." Jonouchi rubbed his nose and showed a smile that was optimistic and even silly, "I am also getting stronger, toward you. Move forward towards the goal!”

"Wu, you are also one of my targets! Falling into darkness is nothing like you. Wake up!"

“You understand me again——!!!”

"Can you please put aside the couple's quarrel? You have nothing to do here." Hoshimi Hitomi appeared from the shadow, grabbed Peacock Wu's neck, and threw her into a nearby convenience store, smashing it. Door glass.

"Then I'm in a hurry, within the city. The orichalcum barrier is activated."

I want Kang Fire Prevention Dragon Seed Picture (tremor sound)

Chapter 78 44 This is the legacy system (forcing truth), please restrain yourself.

"Then I'm in a hurry, within the city. The orichalcum barrier is activated."

Perhaps because the duel has not yet reached the critical moment, Peacock Dance did not activate the barrier of Oriha Steel. Therefore, Hoshimi Hitomi easily broke in, defeated her in a physical duel, and then opened the monkey version of the barrier to prevent Jonouchi from running away. There is no reason why pirated copies are inferior to genuine ones!

Jonouchi didn't react at all, and the situation on the field had changed drastically. Peacock Wu was thrown into a nearby building by Hoshimi Hitomi. Her life and death were unknown. Opposite her was her longing friend, but at her feet was the evil Oriha Steel...huh? Orichalcum barrier?

Hitomi Hoshimi uses the pronunciation in Japanese. Specifically, the pronunciation is probably "San To No Barrier" instead of "Oriha Steel's Barrier". Although Orichalcum = Oliha Steel, a high school student in the city whose grades have repeatedly jumped between passing and failing all year round does not have that much knowledge reserve to equate the two.

Moreover, Hoshimi Hitomi did not have a reduced version of the dark green six-pointed star appearing on her forehead, nor did her eyes glow red.

"Hoshimi, what are you doing!? I haven't been able to contact you in the past few months. Where have you been!? Moreover, the game said that you joined the Doma organization..." Jonouchi seemed to have a lot of questions.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I'm in a hurry. I'll explain it to you later." Hitomi Hoshimi rubbed the 4 cards in her hand, her tone was very perfunctory, "Just fight and lose to me. Let's Go and raise the ashes of the mastermind behind this.”

"...Huh?" Jonouchi was completely confused.

"Oh, you're here too. Come together, it just saves me the trouble." Hoshimi Tong glanced at the shadows aside and snapped her fingers. The six-pointed star barrier under his feet expanded again, covering another person hiding in the shadows.

"Hai...Kaiba!?" Jonouchi opened his mouth wide. Kaiba's appearance here is really unexpected. He used a helicopter to drop Wang Xiang and Jonouchi in Florida before leaving without saying a word. He didn't expect to appear here.

"Hmph... Sure enough, you are planning something." Kaiba walked to Jonouchi's side with a calm expression, as if he didn't mind that his peeping was discovered, "However, a true duelist will not refuse any challenge... No matter what you are planning, you must defeat me first."

"This time, the blue-eyed dragon won't turn into a ridiculous 8-star monster!" Kaiba sneered as he drew 5 cards from his hand.

"...Alas! I don't know what's going on now, but it's a duel anyway!" Stomping his feet, Jonouchi sorted out the cards he had used in his previous duel with Peacock Mai and stuffed them into the cards. Group storage area. The duel plate is automatically shuffled, and then Jonouchi draws 5 cards.

"bring it on--"


[Hoshimi Hitomi LP: 8000]

【Jounouchi \u0026 Kaiba LP: 8000】

"You all share 8000 LP and the area. The order of playing cards is me → Castle → Me → Kaiba → Me." Hitomi Hoshimi said to himself and set the rules, "Because of the field magic and the effect of the orichalcum barrier, I Monsters cannot be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck."

"What? Does the barrier of Orichalcum have such restrictions?" Jonouchi was stunned for a moment.

"My version is the monkey version, so it is understandable that it is different from the original version." Hoshimi Hitomi tapped the hand card lightly. Although he locked his extra, he did not mean to let it go. On the contrary, he wanted to go all out to bring smiles with the duel. The reason for doing this is just to do a side quest.

[Activate side quest: This is still an old-fashioned system on the surface, please restrain yourself a little]

[Task description: In a duel, win without using special summons. Unlock temporary cards, duel like an old-fashioned old man, and experience the original fun of Yu-Gi-Oh! ]

[Task progress: 0/1]

[Achievement reward: temporary cards become permanent cards. ]

It looks like a challenging task, right? There have been tasks where the system gives temporary cards before, which are a bunch of deadly salty slimes, and only the magic slime is a pleasant surprise.

Hoshimi Hitomi thought this task was similar at first, giving a bunch of deadly salty cards. He originally wanted to ignore this side quest. He didn't like to make it more difficult for himself. He would crush it if he could.

But when he glanced at the temporary card thrown to him by the system, he was speechless. You call this a relic? Or a dignified one? The original fun?

The fields of this deck were not seen by Hoshimi Hitomi when she traveled through time. If it wasn't DIY by the system, it should be a new card in the real world. I just don't know if it is 1106 or SD.

With this deck, the side quest can be easily completed. So what is the price for the system?

Become a person in the underworld (answer immediately).

What? Isn't this completely free of cost? (laughs).

Although he has been using mainstream recently, this is not his intention. After all, he is playing with the villains, and his soul will be sealed if he is not careful. But now his opponents are Kaiba and Jonouchi, so he should relax a little and find the original fun of shuffling cards!

"Activate magic card, Pot of Desire and Gold. Randomly exclude 6 cards from the inside and draw 2." Hoshimi Hitomi threw a pot first to replenish the hand to 6 cards. Looking at the card he drew, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. Not good, my hand is stuck!

"Magic card, Pot of Greed and Modesty! Turn over 3 cards from the top of the deck, choose 1 to add to your hand, and return the rest to the deck. I can't Special Summon a monster this turn." Hoshimi Hitomi put her right hand on the top of the deck and swallowed.

Jounouchi and Kaiba also stared at Hoshimi Hitomi's right hand, trying to determine which deck Hoshimi Hitomi used, was it Half-Dragon Maid? Was it Slime? Was it Unbounded and Bad Beast?

"The first one - Macrocosm!" No, there is already one in my hand! I don't need you!

"The second one - Pot of Greed!" Because of the effect of Pot of Greed and Gold, Hoshimi Hitomi cannot draw cards until the end of the turn, don't come over!

"The third one -" Hoshimi Hitomi's heart was in her throat. Could it be that this deck's first show will be stuck? Is there really no bond with the new card?

"--Windbird x Bald Eagle!" Yoshi!!! (Cracked voice)

"It's a monster I haven't seen before!" Jonouchi's face was serious. Hoshimi Hitomi's deck was extremely powerful except for the slime. What deck would she use this time...

"Hmph... Don't hold me back, mediocre." Kaiba said with a sullen face. The card called Macrocosm gave him a bad feeling, but he didn't know what effect the card had.

"Add Wind Bird x Bald Eagle to your hand." Hoshimi Hitomi put the other two cards back on top of the deck, and the duel disk was automatically shuffled. "Activate the magic card, Sealed Golden Cabinet. From the deck, banish Wind Bird x Robin. After this card is activated, in my second standby phase, the excluded cards are added to my hand."

A golden box that looked very familiar to Jonouchi appeared on Hoshimi Hitomi's field, sealed a lower-level monster in it, and sank into the ground.

"Will it come back after two turns..."

"No, I will use it this turn. Normal Summon Wind Bird x Bald Eagle!" Hoshimi Hitomi slapped the monster she had added to her hand into the Monster Zone.

The breeze blew, bringing a breath of fresh air to this street full of decadence. 3 birds with beautiful blue feathers, dressed like travelers, hovered over Hoshimi Hitomi's head.

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