The last two people also left. Eventually, the defensive group disappeared, and the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus no longer needs to run and be beaten. It only needs to take the eight rock group elves with peace of mind to practice skills.

In the morning, Zhou Jiang’s tyrannosaurus also had to run and be beaten when taking their two elves. This was because Zhou Jiang was afraid that their hearts would be unbalanced, so they let the tyrannosaurus do this. Still didn't keep...

Zhou Jiang shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, it is not him who is losing. On the contrary, if they leave, then the points will be saved. Originally, these points were lost, but they are still there. Is this equivalent to-earned? !

In the morning and afternoon, Zhou Jiang's elves took their elves to train. After dinner, Zhou Jiang didn't bother to take them and let them practice by themselves. If there were any problems, they would wait until the next morning.

Zhou Jiang will naturally not let them train again at night.

All day long, although they are teaching other elves, they often need to demonstrate to them with their own skills. Naturally, they are very tired.

Zhou Jiang simply massaged them one by one during lunch break, and now it happens to be a complete set for them at night.

One dragon sword, he is professional!

Although very tired, Zhou Jiang was actually quite happy looking at the elves' cool expressions, and he felt a sense of being recognized.

Although he basically didn't help the elves to become stronger, but at any rate it can be refreshing for them~

But when he gave the giant sword to the tyrannosaurus ironclad, he was in trouble.

The defense of Tyrannosaurus armor is not for nothing. The system adds some potions plus its own exercise. Its skin is thick to a certain extent, so at least now he can't massage it normally...

It doesn't feel a little bit when I press it down with my hand...

In the end, Zhou Jiang changed his mind and directly changed a blunt brush made of steel nails from the system, and then scrubbed it.

Finally, under Zhou Jiang's full effort, sure enough, the iron armored tyrannosaurus felt right now.

After finishing the final ironclad tyrannosaurus, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

He worked for more than three hours!

Although there was a pause in the middle, but it was really overwhelming. Fortunately, his physical fitness was good, otherwise he would really get tired.

Lying on the bed, Zhou Jiang sent a message to the group, which roughly meant that they should gather at eight tomorrow morning.

It started at 6 o’clock today. Tomorrow Zhou Jiang wants to stay in bed for a while...

This group is the apprentice group of this gym, including all the apprentices as well as the master Lu Feihang and the secretary Mr. Fei.

He was pulled in by Li Lili at noon.

Li Lili was the girl who sold rot with short hair and ears. She looked like a vigorous girl. She didn't expect that she would still have a hand when selling rot. She was really unsightly.

Although it is said that Zhou Jiang was pulled in by Li Lili, other people probably agreed, otherwise there would not be a large “welcome” brush when he came in.

The next day, Zhou Jiang leisurely walked towards the training ground after eating breakfast.

When he got there, he was still over fifty, but the apprentices were already there and sent elves to train.

Zhou Jiang doesn't need to be anxious. After all, it is impossible to learn skills in a short time. He only needs to do well and be popular.

Zhou Jiang is not in a hurry, they are different.

Zhou Jiang, the acting master of the museum, taught for three days.

Within three days, they should make the elves familiar with the skills as much as possible.

Not to mention learning, at least they have to know most of the concepts and the like. Otherwise, after Zhou Jiang leaves, they will still not be able to practice on their own, but they have some foundation. This is not what they want, only some foundation. Mao Yong, if no one teaches, those basics will be slowly forgotten over time, and that would be a loss!

And most importantly, some skills won't be available to others at all!

For example, the jet flame of Bibi Bird.

Other people, whose comparison series will do this?

Among the flying birds they can obtain, there is only the skill that the arrow eagle can spray flames. Other elves, even some trainers specializing in flying at the level of the king, their elves will not.

Now the opportunity lies in front of them. If it goes away in vain, they will be so heartbroken that they can't breathe!

Zhou Jiang looked at the well-trained elves, shook his head, and then released the elves.

After greeting a few apprentices who greeted him, Zhou Jiang went to other training rooms.

After releasing all the elves, Zhou Jiang sat down and rested at the last Bibi Niao venue.

After the day of contact yesterday, the apprentices who are good at communication have been able to talk to Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang himself was not a cold person. Even if he was cold sometimes, it was only pretended by him. After all, he always felt that he could be forced.

Although he would not take the initiative to talk to them, he still welcomes them to come and chat. After all, he can only watch them if they are apprentices watching them!

Although he thinks this is a bit unkind, but he really can't help much...

With these cheerful apprentices, chatting together, it would not seem boring.

Although he has a mobile phone, it is not good for him to lower his head to play with the mobile phone in front of so many apprentices.

"Brother Zhou, Brother Li came back in the afternoon. He will definitely challenge you then, what should I do then?"

Asked a man sitting by Zhou Jiang.

His name is Qian Long. He is the only three guys here who squeezed over to talk to him. There are also two men, one is Chen Jiahui, a tall and thin man with glasses, who looks a little gentle and quiet, but After Zhou Jiang contacted him, he discovered that he had a lot of poems, and the kind of talk that couldn't stop after opening the chatterbox.

The other is slightly fat and looks pretty simple, called Zhang Nian.

Chen Jiahui nodded when Qian Long said that, "Yes, Brother Li is estimated to be back at noon after finishing the mission. He likes to fight most on weekdays. He often makes appointments with other bigwigs. Now You come to be the acting curator, he must be here to challenge you, and I heard that Ye Ge and Chen Sister will also be back."

Zhang Nian also nodded his head and said, "Yes, yes, but Brother Zhou, your strength should be good? By the way, can you tell me, Brother Zhou, has your strength reached the quasi heavenly king?"

The three of them stared at Zhou Jiang curiously.

"My strength?" Zhou Jiang smiled softly: "You don't need to worry anymore, I'm just a little curious, who are you talking about Brother Li? What else about Ye Ge and Chen, tell me about them. The situation?"

Zhou Jiang looked at the three of them, somewhat curious.

Although he knows that there are still people doing tasks outside, experience and the like, and the strength is not weak, but he is still very curious about their situation.

Although the three Qian Long were a little bit disappointed about Zhou Jiang not to mention his strength, they still introduced the situation of the three "Brother Li" to Zhou Jiang.

The three of Li Ge are all elite high-level trainers. Although they are elite high-level trainers, at least they also have a quasi-king-level elf.

To advance to the next level, you need three elves equal to or higher than that level, so there are one or two of them that did not advance, but even so, it should not be underestimated.

Not to mention the few quasi-kings of the ranks, just say that those elite and high-level are actually close to the quasi-kings, so they can almost be treated as quasi-kings.

At their level, basic training is rarely useful, so they often go out to do tasks, in order to let the elves increase their knowledge and condense their roots.

Of course, they still need the guidance of the masters of the heavenly king level, so they have not left here. After all, how can there be any heavenly king level outside to give them guidance?

Although the owner of the museum doesn't have much time, and the time to point them is similar to that of others, it's better than nothing!

As for the tuition fees that must be paid each year, for trainers of their level, it is simply unnecessary. Doing tasks outside is not very fast, but it is not impossible to pay, so they did not leave. , But continue to stay in this museum.

After all, the gym is not something you can enter.

The number of apprentices recruited by the gymnasium is limited. Otherwise, based on the appeal of the master of the gymnasium, how can there be about two hundred apprentices in a gym?

Judging by the population of Huaxia and the number of gyms, if the visitors are not rejected, tens of thousands of apprentices in a gym will be easy.

After knowing some of their situation from the three people, Zhou Jiang stopped asking questions about them.

He knows that there are some very powerful apprentices, and his curiosity is still quite strong. He doesn't usually say it, if he has the opportunity to understand, he still wants to know.

And now that he knew it roughly, he wasn't interested anymore.

As for challenging him?

He doesn't care about this. If you want to challenge, he will come... What is he afraid of, and he is not defeated. If he is stronger than him, he is still a little reluctant. These trainers who are not the quasi-kings...

It's just a food delivery!

It's a pity that even the quasi-king-level elves can't get the original fragments, otherwise, it will make a lot of money, but without the original fragments, there are points.

Although he still has 17,000 points that are useless, he is not too much of this stuff.

I can’t buy a set of Arceus’ creation slabs at once. Is it rich?

Zhou Jiang didn't bother to listen to the news of those brothers or brothers. To him, they were all younger brothers, so he quickly pulled them to discuss other things.

For example, the curator, the beauties and so on.

Zhou Jiang doesn't want to discuss those anymore, and they won't continue to say, after all, they are now "faking" and "flattering" him, hoping to get more powerful skills in a good relationship with him.

After all, they are only allowed to release one elf training right now. If the relationship with Zhou Jiang is good, maybe the others can be released too?

So soon, they skipped this topic and turned to discuss the gossip news here.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon. After eating, when Zhou Jiang arrived at the training site, he saw three people sitting not far from a bunch of apprentices.

Three people, two men and one woman.

Although Zhou Jiang had never seen them, he still guessed them.

They are what Qian Long said in the morning.

Their identities are not difficult to guess. Zhou Jiang just identified them without thinking.

It was just chanting, Zhou Jiang let out the elves after entering generously.

If they want to come to learn, Zhou Jiang welcomes them, and he is not afraid of challenges.

After Zhou Jiang came in, the three people sitting there and talking looked over, and the apprentices with ordinary strength further away also watched over. For them, this is simply a big drama!

Soon, among the three people sitting over there, a taller man stood up and walked towards Zhou Jiang. Zhou Jiang was not worth it. As long as he was not a real person PK, he was not afraid...

In the end, the two came together and stood face to face.


The height difference was revealed at this time. Zhou Jiang had to raise his head to look at the opposite side. This made him a little uncomfortable. This is so special, the momentum will lose first!


"Hello, you may have heard of me. I am Li Han. I heard that you are now our acting curator. Then you must be very strong? Come and fight me!"

Looking at Li Han, whose eyes were bright, Zhou Jiang was slightly disappointed.

He thought that the other party would come directly and challenge him arrogantly. He asked in a somewhat provocative tone. As a result...

"Okay, no time wasting, let's fight now."

"Okay, I can't ask for it!"

Seeing Zhou Jiang's response, Li Han's eyes were filled with fighting spirit even more. He strode towards the opposite side of the venue, and Zhou Jiang also walked towards the other side of the venue.

Sitting in the position, Chen Ting looked at Zhou Jiang walking towards the court and asked, "Do you think Li Manzi can beat him?"

Ye Jiu shook his head, "It's hard to say."

Chen Ting looked back at Ye Jiu in amazement: "Do you think he also has the power of a quasi-king? He is a high school student!"

Ye Jiu glanced at Chen Can a high school student be an agent master? "


Chen Ting stopped talking.

They know what Lu Feihang is. It is impossible to let a related household be the agent of the museum owner. Zhou Jiang can come to be the agent. There must be something extraordinary, and they knew Zhou Jiang Dazhen before they came back. The thing about the bee killing the elves of the apprentices...

"Why is his elves so strong? It's just a high school student. This is too unscientific..."

Chen Ting was a little depressed.

She came here as an apprentice after graduating from university. Now, she has been here for four years. Her talent is average and her family is not very rich. Although she works very hard, she is only worthy of becoming a quasi-kingdom. It's just the degree.

And Zhou Jiang?

The Big Needle Bee directly killed the elite mid-level elves, at least it was a quasi-king!

Fortunately, they all just thought Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bee was a quasi-Uranus. If they knew that Big Needle Bee could hang and beat the mid-level Uranus, they might want to die?

Having worked so hard and never dared to slack in training for so many years, is he no better than a trainer who has just graduated from high school and received a wizard?

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