Seeing the young man turning away without hesitation from his back, not only Zhou Jiang was stunned, but also the referee and the crowd eating melons below.

What kind of fairy operation? !

"Fuck! He abstained?"

"what's the situation?!"

"What happened, are my eyes and ears broken?"


The crowd below suddenly boiled, and then Zhou Jiang and the referee also recovered.

Seeing the back of the young man walking under the ring, the referee suddenly became anxious: "Wait, wait, contestant Wang Hao, you said you want to abstain?"

Hearing the referee's voice, the youth, that is, Wang Hao, paused and looked back at the referee: "Yes, I abstain!"


Listening to this indifferent tone, the referee didn't know what to say.

This arena is an event organized by this hotel.

If you win 30 games, you will get a generous gift. These 30 games don’t matter how many games you lose. In addition to this, winning 10, 20, and 30 games in a row will also have a very generous gift package. .

And if there is a ring with these rewards, then the referee who presided over that ring will also get some rewards. This is also the reason why their referees are very hard. As a result, now they finally have a big hand that won seven games in a row. As a result, you just abstained. ? !

How did Lao Tzu's reward fly? !

Wang Hao was stunned when the referee was there, and did not stay anymore.

Although he can't beat Zhou Jiang, there are so many arenas here. He only needs to challenge other arenas and defend the arena again.

Anyway, he doesn't have the confidence to defend 30 consecutive matches. He is not greedy, as long as he has the reward of winning 30 matches.


After Wang Hao left, the referee reacted. He turned around to find his back, but he had already disappeared into the sea like water flowing into the sea.

It was noisy before, and the crowd who watched Wang Hao's speech calm down became noisy again.

"This shouldn't be a trust..."

"Yes, I think it looks alike!"

"You guys are fools, who can play like this..."


There was a quarrel below, and the noisy situation here also attracted the attention of other people next to the ring. They all came over curiously to check and inquire, and then after listening to the explanation, they all went with them in a daze." discuss".

Zhou Jiang listened to the noise that kept penetrating into his ears, glanced at more and more people under the ring, sighed and looked at the referee: "I said the referee, don't you call someone to start? If I say this is a win. Right?"


The referee opened his mouth and finally nodded.

Seeing the messy crowd under the ring, the referee Khan was startled.

The referee not only has to preside over the game, but also simply maintain the order of the court, at least not to make it chaotic here, otherwise he will not say extra bonuses, even his salary will be deducted!

People are creatures who shirk their responsibilities. No matter what, as long as something bad happens, they will put the cause and responsibility on others, so that their "conscience" will be better or more at ease.

Although he knew he was deceiving others, he never corrected it.

Now this referee is the same, staring at Zhou Jiang fiercely.

'it is all your fault! ’

Although he cannot curse, he can curse in his heart that he lost early...

Of course, he can't waste time now, he must quickly quiet down the people below.

The referee quickly picked up the microphone and began to appease the work. After the people below calmed down, they began to ask if anyone came up to compete and challenge the ring.

There are many trainers below, and there must be a lot of pretentious people. After hearing that the referee wants to pull people up to the game, they quickly raised their hands to sign up.

Seeing someone wanting to play, the referee naturally started to order someone quickly. As long as the game started, the people below would always be quiet.


Finally, a tall and strong man came up.

The big man looked at Zhou Jiang and grinned, revealing a big reflective golden tooth...


Zhou Jiang's eyes narrowed, he was stunned...

The referee's eyes were also squinted, and he was stunned!

The referee squinted his eyes to look at the big man, a trace of badness flashed in his eyes.

Are you showing off your wealth?

Although unhappy, the referee is the referee. To do this is a fair heart.

At the beginning of the game, Zhou Jiang let the big needle bee flying next to play, and the big man released his elf-King Nido!

Zhou Jiang glanced at King Nido, feeling that he was indeed a rich upstart...

This King Nido only has more than twenty ranks...

Really a nouveau riche dog.

However, the nouveau riche is the nouveau riche. If you have Nitorino, you will buy the Moonstone, and if you have the Moonstone, you will use it, and will not consider the potential of the elves.

If normal elves do not need evolution stones to evolve, except for stimulus caused by anger and other excitement, the earlier they evolve, the better, because if they are cultivated normally, the earlier they evolve, the better the elves are.

What about the evolutionary stone?

That needs precipitation and accumulation.

This needs to look in the eyes of the trainer. This is also a bit more troublesome. The elves that can evolve without the evolution stone, if they have signs of evolution, it means that they have accumulated enough, so there is no need for the trainer to think about it. These ones.

And like the current King Nido...

Although it has evolved into King Nido, its potential has been greatly wasted. In the future, it can only reach the peak of the elite and when it will arrive is still a question.

Although it can be better than the elves of the same stage now, but compared with the king Nedo who has waited until the normal level of King Nedo to evolve, it was not enough at that time.

But this has nothing to do with Zhou Jiang.

There are thousands of elves in the world.

There are so many good elves ruined by the trainer that he can't manage them.

Anyway, he just needs to make sure that his elves can develop well, other people's?

It's my shit!

"King Nido, poison needle!"

After the referee called the start, the big man immediately gave an order to King Nido.

Afterwards, King Nido lowered his head and pointed the long horn on the top of his head towards the needle bee. After the venom had condensed on the horn, he strode towards the needle bee.

Seeing King Nido's performance, Zhou Jiang shook his head disappointedly.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang was really stunned by it. He didn't expect that King Nido was such a dish!

After the trainer called out the order, it was executed one second later, and then it was a bit slow to gather the venom on the long horns of the head.

From these two points alone, we can see how terrible King Nido is.

I'm afraid it's almost the same as the ordinary pets raised by those families, right?

"Big Needle Bee, poison blow!"

Facing this kind of King Nido, Big Needle Bee does not need any other fancy moves. It can be overturned by ordinary attacks. Zhou Jiang's use of poisonous blows on Big Needle Bee is just to give the opponent a face. Except for the big golden tooth, everything else is fine.

Of course, this is in comparison with the melon-eating people who are now watching below.

Everything depends on what it compares to!

Compared with the people below, this big man felt much better for Zhou Jiang.

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