In the face of the menacing shadow ball, Lucario was too lazy to be tough, took a step forward, and was about to run into the hole that had been sunken in the previous games.


As if its time has been slowed down, it feels that its legs can't move at all. No matter how hard it is, the speed will not go up, just like a slow motion video playback!

Before he could think more about what happened to him, Lucario instantly condensed a bone stick with a waveguide, and then smashed it towards the shadow ball that came in front of it.

At this time, it can only be thankful that the energy can be used normally, if it can't be used... it's really cool.

However, it hasn't waited for a few more emotions...


The bone rod collided with the super-large shadow ball, and the two sides resisted for a while, then the shadow ball became bigger and bigger, and then exploded directly, engulfing Lucario!

"Lucario!" Jiang Tianyi instantly became nervous and shouted.

‘Master, I’m fine...’

A weak voice was transmitted to Jiang Tianyi's mind through the waveguide. He breathed a sigh of relief. Although the voice was weak, there should be no major problem.

It's just...Why doesn't Lucario not avoid... Obviously he can avoid it at its speed...

Jiang Tianyi didn't understand this, and he liked the things he didn't understand the most. As long as he didn't understand things related to elves, he would try his best to understand them!

It stands to reason that Lucario would dodge, and Lucario seemed to have planned to dodge before, but in the end he did not dodge and instead stopped to fight back.

This is not right... Lucario can't be like this, the only explanation is that Lucario doesn't want to hide, but can't hide...

Could it be... Is it Kirulian's skills before? !

But what kind of skill is that...

What is the effect of that skill? Imprisoned? paralysis?

It's not like numbness, but it's possible to imprison it, but...I haven't heard of any skills that imprison an opponent like this...

New skills developed by yourself?

But I seem to have heard the description of any skill that is similar to this...

what is it……

On the field, the smoke dissipated, revealing Lucario inside which was scarred.

The source was too late to let go. Lucario only suffered such a small injury. It was considered good. If it hadn't been used to offset a lot of damage with a bone rod in the end, it would have kneeled.

Lucario was standing there, the bone rod had long since disappeared, and when he lifted his hands, a shiny sphere appeared in his hands, and he was holding it in both hands now, slowly growing it.

This is... to treat the human body by the human way?

Is it silly?

Looking at Lucario, Zhou Jiang was slightly stunned. Why, no matter how big your missile is, you can get Cirulian?

Not to mention that Kirulian herself can move instantaneously and drag her to fly with her thought force, even after the transformation of the fraud space, she can run fast!

Fraud space is a really awesome skill.

Acting on the two elves, the speed of movement of the two elves is reversed.

Lucario himself is a thief who runs fast, and Cirulian hasn't even ran a step, plus his physique is dying. After switching between the two, it is really incredible.

Have you seen Kirulian running fast?

It's not Eluleidor, or the magician Kirulian!

If Zhou Jiang were to use a vivid image as a metaphor, Zhou Jiang would definitely say-Billy Coriander?

It didn't take long for a huge wave of missiles to form in Lucario's hands. During this time, Kirulian didn't attack it either. She wanted to see what killer the opponent had.

Of course, although she likes waves, she still has to be prepared to wave again.

She directly created a block of light walls in the distance and made them overlap.

After Lucario fired the wave missile, she left her original position and went to hide elsewhere. If the wave missile could track, she would hide behind the light wall.

Zhou Jiang’s elves didn’t learn anything else from Zhou Jiang, the only thing they learned was a "one-word truth"-counseling!

Perhaps others would say that counseling is a timid and cowardly behavior, but Zhou Jiang does not think so.

Only when you are alive, you are gone, hero or coward, do these titles have anything to do with you?

Anyway, you are gone, even if there is, you don’t know anymore.

Live, there will be a future!

Especially on the battlefield, you can only be considered a victory if you stand. No matter what method you use, as long as it is not against the rules, if you win, you win.

This is tactics!

And counseling, that is also a tactic!


Lucario waved his hand vigorously, and the wave missile flew quickly towards Cirulian.

Cirulian looked at the wave missile curiously and then dragged her away with her thought force. Although her back was facing the wave missile, she could clearly "see" the wave from her mind power perception. The missile and its trajectory.


Unlike what she had imagined, the wave missile hadn't changed and flew straight towards where she had stayed before!

Is it to numb me and then turn around?

Kirulian did not dare to look down at the Bo missile and continued to stare at it. However, the huge Bo missile continued to shoot far away after passing the position where Kirulian was before, flying to the top and hitting it. On the protective cover that protects the buildings or people outside the site...

Cirulian looked at the wave missile that gradually dissipated after hitting the protective cover, and she was a little stunned. She turned to look at Lucario below, and Lucario was also a little stunned...

Kirulian: I was really blind who believed the other person...

Cirulian doubted that Cario might be hurt by her...

Otherwise, why would it consume so much energy to do this...

If it uses a small wave missile, it's fine. If it uses such a large missile, the result will still be the same as before, all rushing straight forward...

Except that the other party's brain is broken, she can't think of any reason for the other party to do this.

"Don't be careless, the other party is a mid-level elf of the Heavenly King, there must be some reason, please pay attention, don't get hit" Zhou Jiang was also a little confused, but he quickly reacted.

My family knows my family affairs.

Kirulian was a little crispy, and he didn't want to capsize in the gutter.

It's better to remind her decisively.

On the opposite side, Jiang Tianyi was still thinking about what skills Kirulian used before.

His thoughts are about to explode... memories, memories, memories... his brain is going to be hollowed out, but he just can't remember what it is.

What is it exactly!

What is it!


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