The transparent haze hit the thunder light, and the sharp and sharp haze shredded the thunder light in an instant, and continued to move towards Cantello.

Because Lan's attack method is to squeeze the air attack, it is transparent and invisible under no special circumstances, and with the extremely fast speed, it is estimated that only the elves can find and avoid it.

From a distance, it was as if thunder and lightning broke automatically.

Ken Tello frowned when he watched his 100,000 volts dispersed by the strange attack.

Feeling the weirdness in front of him, Catello didn't dare to push it, and directly blasted it with a hundred thousand volts wrapped in energy.

Although Cantello is an elves of the general element, it would be difficult to transform the origin into the attributes of other elements and then bless it to the skills, but even without the enhancement of the element origin, the element itself is not simple!

With the blessing of the origin, when Thunder and Lan collided together, after the two sides stood in a stalemate for a while, Thunder broke through Lan and flew towards the distance.

Since the big needle bee is no longer in its place, other things have no effect on it.

After the Big Needle Bee left its original position, he used Lan once again.

Lan this thing, although it is a long-range attack, does physical damage, and it is still invisible!

It's really amazing.

Cantello felt that something was wrong, and then another one-hundred-thousand-volt attack was directed towards the second shot of the big needle bee. The golden current and the stalemate for a while, this time the current did not break through the lan, and finally the two sides dissipated at the same time. .

The big needle bee is worthwhile, and following Zhou Jiang's command, after changing the direction, he fired another shot...

This is really unsolvable.

The big needle bee itself relies on flapping wings to fly in the sky. There are many skills that have no effect on it. In addition, it is extremely fast, has a small body, and is not generally strong. Its melee ability is very strong, and its long-range output is still physical. Hurt...


It was really disgusting, anyway, Ken Tiro was a little disgusting.


Centero roared, and then a lightning bolt stronger than before flew out from its forehead.

But this time it was no longer Lan, but the big needle bee that flew away from the original place and planned to change positions!

Zhou Jiang glanced at Ken Tiro, but he did not expect that he was also a reckless master who likes to exchange injuries for injuries.

Is it the same as King Nido?

The physical body resists the haze, although it has the original protection, but it will definitely make it uncomfortable if it hits it. On the contrary, the big needle bee is different.

Understand the guardian!

The invisible "bullet" rushed towards Centello. After blocking the "bullet" for a while, the "Essential Armor" on Kentero's body was drilled out of a hole, and then the "bullet" penetrated Among the flesh and blood of Cantello.

Fortunately, the drill is not very deep, only about three centimeters.

Although this wound is already very heavy for humans, it can only be said to be a trivial wound for the elves, especially for giants like Cantello.

Cantello looked at the big needle bee, wanting to watch the annoying mosquito be killed by its lightning.


The thunder and lightning did smash up, but when the thunder and lightning approached the big needle bee within five meters, a touch of emerald green ball protective cover appeared around the big needle bee.

Cantello has never seen protection. After all, the skill of protection is not something that any elves can learn. Although he has never seen it, when the membrane appeared, a bad premonition emerged in his heart.

Sure enough, when the lightning swallowed the queen bee, the bee made no sound. When the smoke from the lightning and the explosion dissipated, an intact green film appeared in front of it.

Obviously it looks like a thin film, but it is so tough that it can't be broken!

Of course, it's not thinking about this now, and now its only thinking is-this injury is in vain...


Centero's eyes reddened and he roared, his front body was raised high, his two sturdy hooves kept kicking.


The venue vibrated slightly, and then, in Zhou Jiang's incredible gaze, Ken Tiro was surrounded by sandstorms!

Zhou Jiang quickly used the systematic identification technique to see, only to see three words lying in the pile of skills in its skill bar-sandstorm!

The skill of Sandstorm is also considered a weather skill. It is extremely difficult to learn. Even with the skill jade, it is difficult for the elves to learn, but now an elves in the wild can? !

Well, Zhou Jiang reacted in shock for a while.

He himself is a traverser! There are still systematic traversers! Shocked wool...

It’s easy for his own elves to learn weather skills. They only need two hundred points to bring the weather skills home...

The sandstorm was okay at the beginning, but now the whole body has grown bigger, but Kentello's body is completely covered by the sand, and he can't see where his body is.

But this doesn't matter to the current big needle bee.

The previous words were difficult to handle. After all, the dust storm was not small. If the big needle bee wanted to attack, it could only fight melee and could only go in and fight with it, but now...

The big needle bee flicked over again.


Lan hit the top of the sand wall. There was a big hole in the wall. Then it was quickly filled up by the flying sand, and the sand that was scattered by the impact continued to be driven by the wind and flew again. stand up.

The big needle bee frowned slightly when he saw this.

Although I just learned it not long ago, the skill Lan is used without any disadvantage.

The result was a little lost this time.

The sandstorm tornado on the opposite side is huge, and it has been coming towards it at a slow speed. Its haze can only blast a large hole in the past, and that hole can be made up very quickly.

The range of the sandstorm tornado is about ten meters in diameter, and the small hole it blasted out is only less than half a meter...

If you want to hit Centero like this, it really takes luck.

Although Big Needle Bee has enough strength and a lot of physical strength, it still takes a lot of effort to fight Lan.

After all, just listen to its introduction to know this skill is not a simple skill.

Compress and hit the air to cause damage to the "air blade" ~ ~ What if the strength is not enough?

How many shots can you send even if you have enough power?

Fortunately, this skill exchanged by the system has skills to use.

With the skills, the required power is greatly reduced, otherwise, it would be good if the power of the big needle bee alone could make three shots.

In the past, Zhou Jiang also asked Big Needle Bee to try this way. The best case was to launch an ultra-short air cannon... and the damage was not high...

In order to save energy, the big needle bee did not bother to continue attacking.

It will definitely take physical effort to maintain the sandstorm tornado, and the speed of the sandstorm tornado is relatively slow, so it only needs to evade.

Be a wizard trainer in a parallel world


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