After speaking, the referee first signaled Wang Qingyan not to leave, then raised the white flag in his hand, and then called the staff on standby.

   After the referee said something to the staff, the staff nodded and then ran out.

   Seeing the white flag being raised, the audience in the auditorium started talking.


   There are three flags in the hands of the referee.

   Two flags representing players and a white flag representing an accident and need to be suspended.

   "White flag? What happened!"

   Zhou Jiang frowned slightly: "I don't know. The referee raised the white flag only after the killer Matt said to the referee. Maybe it was because of his injury just now..."

   The five people looked at Wang Qingyan and the referee worriedly, hoping that there would be no trouble.

   Not long after, the staff who ran out before came to the rostrum, muttered something with the principals and teachers of Shuguang School before leaving.

   "Well, ahem! Everyone, be quiet."

  "Everyone, stay calm, the thing is like this, before our Shamat player reported that player Wang Qingyan deliberately let the elves attack him, we are now going to replay the previous scene through the HD recorder.

  If it is really Wang Qingyan who maliciously attacked the Shamat player, we will disqualify Wang Qingyan from the competition and report it to the relevant authorities.

   Of course, if it is not what Shamat said, we will also apologize to Wang Qingyan. "

   After speaking, the principal put down the microphone, and then the audience exploded and there was a lot of discussion.

   "What! Dare to say that we Yanyan maliciously attacked him? Did he take the wrong medicine?"

   Jiang Shui was the first one to explode. For her, Wang Qingyan was her best friend, let alone that's right, even if she was wrong, she would support her!

   "But the killer Matt seemed to have been attacked before, and even his nosebleeds came out..."

   "What? Fatty Zhou, you actually helped that Killer Matt speak? Have you been itching lately and want to relax!"

   Looking at the angry river, Zhou Nan withered instantly, hurriedly comforting her: "Uh, that, don't be nervous, I'm not helping him speak, I'm just worried about Qingyan..."

   "Uh, don't you two quarrel, now you still worry about Cheong Yeon's importance?"

   "Yes, yeah, what are you two arguing about, when is it? If Qingyan really attacked each other, the league will probably strip her of her trainer qualifications!"

   "Ah, what should I do!"

   Hearing that he was going to deprive the trainer of his qualifications, Jiang Shui suddenly panicked.

   She knows how persistent Wang Qingyan is to become stronger, if she is deprived of her qualification as a trainer...

   Will she commit suicide?

   "No way, we can only pray here now.

   But I believe Qingyan did not maliciously let the elf attack him. "

"is it..."

   Cheon Yeon... must be fine...

   Just when everyone was worried, a replay of the previous game was finally played on the big screen.

   What is shown on the big screen is that Shuiyueyu started using the skill [Rockfall].

  Through the 20 times slow playback, everyone can clearly see the path of the rock flying.

   The little stone slowly flew towards Caracalla who was lying on the ground and trying to get up.

   Three small stones hit Caracalla in tandem, then Caracalla fell down and lost his fighting ability with mosquito coils in his eyes. After hitting Caracalla, the small stones continued to fly forward.

   One of them bounced toward the right, and two bounced toward the front.

   The two small stones that bounced toward the front collided again in the air, and then the two stones changed the direction of flight, and one of them flew toward the killer who was grinning.

   Well, seeing this, everyone also understands what happened before.

   was hit in the face and nose by a pebble that had been hit twice. do you think it’s an accident?

   After the video was played, the big screen redisplayed the scene on the field.

   The audience in the audience began to discuss fiercely again, and the teachers and principals on the podium also began to discuss.

   "Huh~ Looks like it should be all right? It's all an accident, right? I can only blame him for his bad luck.

   Xu Feng nodded: "Well, it would be too much to let the elves attack the trainer maliciously!"

   Zhou Nan and Li Linghui beside each other also responded, only Zhou Jiang looked embarrassed...


   "Hey, Qingyan, let me teach you a trick that is fun."

   "Huh? What?"

   Zhou Jiang smiled, in her curious gaze, she went to put a book behind a big tree not far away, and then sent a big needle bee to pick up three stones from the ground, and then signaled her to look good.

   gently tossed the small stone in his hand, and then the big needle bee waved the spear vigorously, and the three stones flew away in tandem.

   The two stones collided in Wang Qingyan's surprised eyes.

   The two stones that hit each other changed their directions respectively, and then hit the third stone together, and then changed the direction again, and the stone fell behind the big tree!

   After a while, Wang Qingyan quickly ran to the back of the big tree and found a small stone lying on the book!

   "It's amazing, I want to learn!"


   "After a lot of discussions with we feel that Wang Qingyan did not command the elves to maliciously attack the Shamat trainer. We hereby express our deep apologies for the wrongdoing of Wang Qingyan..."

   The principal stood up and Barabara said a bunch of things, which meant that Wang Qingyan did not commit any crime.

   Then, to the cheers of the audience, Wang Qingyan retracted the water leaping fish on the court, and then walked outside without a friendly bow.

  Wang Qingyan left, but Killing Matt was still there, and he didn't even hear the voice urging him to go down.

   Its mind has been echoing the previous principal's speech.

what? Was actually found not guilty? He was beaten and bleed, and he was judged to be accidental?

  Never even my parents beat me!


   So, after killing Matt was ordered by the unbearable referee, he was dragged down by two big boys.

   Killing Matt finally recovered when he was dragged away, and shouted at the referee and two security personnel: "You dare to do this to me, do you know who I am!"

   However, in the face of the incompetent rage of killing Matt, the referee pouted.

   I checked the family background of the two during the replay.

   If this matter is said to be big or small, it must be decided after understanding the background of both parties.

   And for parents who are just punks to kill Matt, the referee is certainly worthwhile.


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