I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 73 73 Magical Power Interception (Please read on)

Chapter 73 73. Magical Power Interception (Please read on)


No, is this desire also considered evolution?

Doubt flashed through his mind.

If it cannot bloom, it cannot spread and exchange pollen, which is not good for its growth, nor for the population of the lily of the valley.

Why would he have such an idea?

He was very confused.

But he immediately realized that evolution is not only for the ability to spread among the population. If this lily of the valley is for its own magic power to not dissipate so quickly, and the flower will never wither.

Then is it also an evolution for this individual plant?

No need to consider reproducing offspring, just care about your own magic power and beauty... It seems that it can also be said to be a kind of evolution, and it is also reasonable.

If the magic power supplies more to the flower, its magic power of the lily of the valley will be enhanced, and the pollen and nectar will also be enhanced, which is also a kind of evolution.

For the first time, Kloya fell into a long contemplation.

After a long while, he began to think about how to achieve this goal.

To be honest, this desire is very novel, and he is really interested.

"It seems that it can be done this way..."

First of all, it is easy to not want to be picked by others. It is just a lily of the valley. If you don't want to pick it, then don't pick it.

If you want to keep the flower open for a long time, there seems to be a way.

According to the explanation of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

The flowering period of the lily of the valley is about two months from the time it is planted to the time when the magic power is accumulated enough to be picked. After picking the flowers, if you want to bloom again, you need to wait for half a year.

In most of the time, the magic power it accumulates will be gathered in the tuberous rhizomes at the bottom - the extra tuberous rhizomes are its method of reproduction.

In other words, if you cut off its instinct to accumulate magic power for the rhizomes and only let the magic power supply the flowers, in a sense, it can be kept open for a long time.



Kroya suddenly found a blind spot.

Yes, after this kind of magic plant has experienced two reproductions, in addition to purchasing the special materials and methods of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, there is only one way left, which is that it can't continue to reproduce.

But it can't continue to reproduce, but it still gathers magic power into the tuberous rhizome. Isn't this unreasonable?

If I can cut off its convergence towards the rhizome and let the magic power be supplied to the flower, then the quality of the flower will be significantly improved?

It's like castrating a pig and then improving the quality of pork.

Is it feasible?

He felt it was very feasible.

"Cut off the magic power."

He thought about the magic he currently controlled, and finally found that it seemed that no magic could be directly effective, but there was a way to make a magic circle.

In fact, it was the "magic locking magic circle".

He made this kind of magic circle at the coral magic pool.

It can prevent the magic power from flowing outward to the greatest extent. If it acts on a certain point of the magic plant alone, such as cutting off the place connected to the rhizome, it should be feasible.

"Try it."

Kroya bent down and reached out to touch the flower.

The spiritual consciousness extended in through the power of the quiet serenade, and passed on what he was going to do.

To be honest, he didn't know whether the Anshen Lily in front of him could accept his arrangement, and whether this arrangement was what Anshen Lily wanted as he guessed.

So he thought of asking.

As a result, Anshen Lily immediately responded to Cloya -

It was very willing!

That kind of desire and impatience were almost overflowing.

"Okay, I'll help you."

After getting the answer, Cloya began to reach out and dig it out of the soil, carefully not to damage its roots and rhizomes.

Then, using magic as a carving knife, he carved an almost invisible tiny magic pattern at the position where it connected to the rhizomes.

At the same time, the consciousness was also engraved at the corresponding position of its astral body, and the two-pronged approach was almost completed at the same time.

As the halo of magic began to flicker.

The prompt came as expected -

[Engraving successful, Anshen Lily (Magic Locking Array·Rhizomes)]

[It will not be able to let magic reach the rhizomes during its growth. 】

【It will lose the ability to reproduce, and all the magic will be supplied to the flower position. 】

【The quality of the flower will be improved. 】

In Kloya's sight, the position of its astral body representing the rhizome has gradually dimmed.

Being separated by the magic locking array is equivalent to the separation of the human limbs and meridians, and it will soon die because the blood (magic) cannot flow.

This part of the magic will naturally circulate to the second most important flower position.

"That's it." Kloya took the engraved soothing lily of the valley and planted it alone.

After planting this time, it almost immediately began to absorb the magic dripping from the earth and the magic field vines, and the tightly closed buds began to tremble.

In fact, it has already accumulated enough magic, but it just doesn't want to bloom. Now that the problem has been solved, it will naturally bloom immediately.

About three minutes later.

A bunch of particularly strange small flowers slowly bloomed.

At first glance, it is just pink and blue, no different from other flowers, but if you look closely you can see that its stamens and petals are sparkling with a magical halo.

The breeze caressed it, and its music... seemed to be a little more obvious than other lily of the valley.

The hypnotic effect seemed to be more obvious.

Even Kroya felt the urge to lie down on the ground and take a nap when he heard it.

He shook his head to drive away the sleepiness.

He gently held the small flower with his fingers and observed it, and saw the tiny pollen around its stamens.

Compared with ordinary lily of the valley, these pollens and light pink nectar revealed a magical breath, and the fragrance was more fragrant.

He nodded and said with satisfaction: "Sure enough, the quality has improved a lot."

If all the lily of the valley can be treated in this way, then a lot of high-quality lily of the valley can definitely be obtained.

It may be enough to make full use of its nectar and pollen without picking the petals to extract essential oils.

However, other lily of the valley must wait until their rhizomes grow to reproduce twice before doing so.

If you do it directly, it will be troublesome to expand your flower field.

As for how to make them willing to do this...

It still depends on this calming lily of the valley.

With a leader, the plants behind will naturally follow suit, just like those coconut trees, they all like the special magic of summoning.

After he completed the novel experience of performing "surgery" on the magic plant this time, he actually had a lot of feelings.

If this magic interception array is used properly, it will be very promising.

For example, you can cut off all the magic nodes of the extra branches of the magic tree, so that its magic can only supply the two or three most important branches.

Will the quality of their fruits and seeds improve?

In this way, the selection will continue from generation to generation...

Kloya is really tempted, and even a little eager to try it.

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