I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 161 161 Knowledge is also magic?

Chapter 161 161. Knowledge...is also magic?

"How interesting."

"It seems that I will be able to meet this person named Git soon. I don't know how he can help me."

After watching the drama of the apprentices fighting the devil, Croya picked up the mixed drink of coconut milk and goat milk on the side with great satisfaction and took a sip.

The sweetness of coconut milk and the mellowness of goat's milk are mixed together, plus a little bit of soothing lily of the valley essential oil in it. It's really mellow, and your whole body will feel warm when you drink it.

"You also take it very seriously."

After finishing the drink, he suddenly found that the silver dragon and the tower spirit on the side were staring at the screen closely, their eyes motionless, as if they were fascinated.

When they are just born, they are just like babies, curious about everything.

The little dragon among them would occasionally pull out some moonlight from the sea water next to him and gnaw on it like a snack.

It looks really comfortable.

The Shark Tower Spirit was not so pleasant. It floated pitifully in the pool, far less spacious than Xiaolong's place.

Croya glanced at it a few times, thoughtfully.

"Can you let the shark tower spirit also enter the moon sea? At least the consciousness can enter..."

He felt that it would be much better if this little dragon and the dolphins, astral crystal turtles, owl sunflowers and other magical plant monsters that appeared in the Moon Sea from time to time could be educated.

After all, even children need contact with the outside world.

After glancing at the screen and confirming that there was nothing interesting, he stood up and came to the Shark Tower Spirit.

Theoretically, as long as the Shark Tower Spirit establishes a spiritual link with him, he can freely enter and exit that special moon sea.

But what Croya wants is to let the shark tower spirit enter in a physical form, so that he can help him manage the moon sea in the future.

Let's see if there are any special changes.

"Give it a try."

He asked Mu Yaoqu Vine King to call for the Star Realm Crystal Turtle, and waited patiently for half an hour before the latter finally walked over slowly with heavy steps.

The astral crystal turtle, which originally looked quite energetic and full of magic power, seemed to be drained dry now, its steps were heavy and sluggish, and its head was turning pale.

Even the astral crystal mines carried on his back looked a bit pale.

After coming over, it lay down directly on the ground.

"Master... why did you call me here?"

The voice was weak, like those who had been exhausted by drinking and staying up all night for several days and nights.


"I think you'd better take it easy."

Croya warned it: "The physique of Warcraft cannot ignore the consumption of energy. You can eat one of these."

After he taught the other party a lesson, he took out a crystal-clear ruby-like candy and threw it in front of the astral crystal turtle.

The crystal turtle opened its mouth weakly and ate the candy. After chewing it for a few times, it felt uncomfortable... but it had a familiar taste.


After chewing the "candy", it looked up at Croya suspiciously.

The latter leaned towards the sofa calmly and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "This is the shell of a mature sea turtle. It should have some effect on you, right?"


The pupils of the crystal turtle suddenly shook.

How should I put it, although cannibalism is a very common thing for Warcraft, even gray wolves and black wolves will fight to the death.

But the Crystal Turtle had stayed with Archmage Eurydice for so long and boasted that it was already a "civilized" race, so it instantly felt very painful.

What makes it even more painful is that this thing is actually effective. Its current state should be like those guys who took the little blue pill and suddenly gained strength.

Now it is shouldering the great responsibility of allowing the astral crystal turtle family to thrive. It is estimated that it will often eat candies made from these turtle shells in the future.

This desire, this longing...

Croya was stunned for a moment, narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at the astral crystal turtle——

"I want...more lasting!"


This short sentence immediately made Croya unable to hold back. This, can this also be requested? No, can this also be said?

It stands to reason that the desire to reproduce offspring and the desire to expand the tribe are shared by the vast majority of Warcraft. But strangely, Croya has not felt that the monster has made such a wish to him so far.

And is there really a way to do this...?

For the first time, he felt at a loss as to what to do, because even omnipotent magic could not significantly increase energy and... endurance in this way.

In the final analysis, this is still a physical problem.

Maybe some magic can temporarily improve persistence and durability, but that's basically fishing in a dry lake. In the end, there won't be a single tadpole left.


Croya suddenly had a bold idea.

Similar to a highly intelligent monster like the Astral Crystal Turtle, can this desire be extended - from directly making long-lasting magic to making long-lasting potions?

He has always felt that knowledge should be regarded as a kind of inheritance. It is not the kind of simply imprinting and changing the form of Warcraft, but instilling knowledge into their minds.

In fact, he has this kind of magic.

That is a fourth-level magic, called: Canned Knowledge.

Generally speaking, it is used by high-level mages to instill knowledge into low-level mages.

But generally speaking, this kind of magic is used for smart and highly-anticipated apprentices, not for magic beasts.

Because they cannot learn it, and there are many restrictions, including elemental attributes and body structure. Although this thing instills knowledge into the mind, in the end, you still have to learn and understand it yourself.

A long time ago, he wanted to try whether this kind of magic could work on magic beasts and magic plants, and he was eager to try to engrave it on the shark tower spirit.

But because of worry, he didn't do it.

Now the Star Crystal Turtle has provided him with an idea: although magic cannot be absolutely omnipotent, the knowledge derived from magic can be.

If it really works, then...

Can magic plants and magic beasts in the future also make their own-for example, bees make nectar with specified potion effects, and magic plants absorb corresponding elements to grow natural potions?

It's even more than that.

Smelting and forging, building houses, and even swordsmanship and meditation...

Just thinking about it, he felt that he had discovered a new world.

His eyes suddenly sparkled, looking at the Star Crystal Turtle, as if he had seen some rare treasure, which made the latter shudder.

"Master... you... I, I am a male crystal turtle!"

It took two steps back cautiously.


"What the hell are you talking about." Kloya was immediately dissatisfied and said: "I thought of a way to help you. Don't you want to last longer? Then make the potion yourself."

"Ah?" The crystal turtle was stunned, "But I, I can't."

Warcraft makes potions? Isn't that a special method that only humans have? Even smart warcraft can't do it, let alone this stupid crystal turtle.

"No." Kloya said seriously: "You can, you have to think about it. After you learn to make potions, you can swallow potions at will without asking me."

When saying this, Kloya used an extremely obscure hypnotic magic.

The crystal turtle listened to Cloya's words and murmured to himself: "Learn potions, learn potions and you can..."

After a while, its astral body really sent out a voice-

"For endurance! Learn potions!"

Well, although it feels strange no matter what, since there is a desire, Cloya can start to imprint.

However, the imprinting process this time is much more difficult than he imagined.

First of all, the magic of canned knowledge needs to be composed entirely of the mage's mental power, and then the knowledge to be imparted is put into it, and then put into the mental power of the imparted.

That is to say, if Cloya simply wants to teach the astral crystal turtle about the magic of "canned knowledge", just imprint it directly.

That's the problem. He wants the astral crystal turtle to learn the knowledge in the canned knowledge, not the canned knowledge itself.

He struggled for a long time.

In the end, he felt that he needed to successfully establish the spell model of canned knowledge in the astral body of the astral crystal turtle's brain, and then put all the methods and steps of making sea magic turtle shell candy into it.

This is quite troublesome.

The steps for making sea turtle shell candy are not troublesome, that is, grind the fresh sea turtle shell and add some other auxiliary materials to shape it.

The key is that it also involves basic magic potion grinding and magic shaping methods. The latter is also an independent magic, a special magic for sea turtle shell candy.

It is not possible to engrave it alone.

Alchemy itself is a skill that requires extremely high magic control, perception, and techniques.

Even simple sea turtle shell candy is the same.

If it were an ordinary magician, even a fool, he could learn it easily.

But the Star Crystal Turtle can't do it.

Kroya can only add magic specifically for sea turtle shell candy to the already complex knowledge and techniques.

This is too complicated at once. He has to consider the fluency and smoothness of knowledge, as well as the magic spell model.

In order to complete it, he spent a lot of energy, which is even more troublesome than engraving the confinement chain for the wind-eroded sandworm group.

Time passed by minute by minute.

After about three hours, he barely managed to complete this spell imprint. Even he felt a little exhausted.

[Imprint completed, Star Crystal Turtle (Canned Knowledge·Sea Turtle Shell Sugar Making)]

[This magic imprint requires sufficient comprehension and intelligence to work. ]

[Due to the extreme desire to breed offspring, this magic beast will learn magic about strengthening its own breeding ability. ]

[This magic beast can gradually learn how to make sea turtle shell sugar. In the long-term production process, there will be a certain probability to improve this magic knowledge. ]

[The offspring bred by this magic beast will have a certain probability of inheriting "Canned Knowledge·Sea Turtle Shell Sugar Making". ]


This is the second kind of spell imprint that can be inherited after those atavistic magic plants-or knowledge.

Although there is only one special case, the Star Crystal Turtle, but Kloya's sixth sense tells him: I am afraid that after this magic is completed, it can be inherited in most magic beasts.

This was the first time he created a magic that could be passed down, except for those atavistic species.

This meant that it was not a unique miracle, but a huge special group that could be continuously passed down, developed from this astral crystal turtle.

The meaning was of course completely different.

He was very satisfied with his engraving this time, and looked around, but did not find an angel appear to give him a kiss or any reward.

"Is this not in line with His concept?"

Kroya was puzzled, and simply asked the Wood Yao Qu Teng King to switch to the scene at the bottom of the lake.

As a result, he saw that the angel he was waiting for was still lying on his back, using his wings as a quilt to cover his body, sleeping soundly.

He didn't even change his posture.


This is indeed a pure natural down quilt, which looks comfortable, and he also wants to try what it feels like.

"Still sleeping."

He shook his head helplessly and told the Star Crystal Turtle: "Try to make one."

As he said that, Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang kindly presented a set of materials for making sea turtle shell candy and placed it in front of the Star Crystal Turtle.


"Of course it's you, I believe in you, don't let me down, if I'm disappointed... hehe."

Kloya smiled slightly.

The poor turtle trembled, blinked, and excitedly used his claws to pick up the exquisite beaker and crystal rod.

Those extremely exquisite magic instruments are like toys to it.

The Warcraft took these things to conduct experiments, to be honest... it was a little funny, but its face was very serious.

Even Kloya felt that this guy was really good when he was serious.

The Star Crystal Turtle went from clumsy to skilled, thinking about the "tutorial" in his mind while making sea turtle shell candy.

Grinding, stirring, filtering, solidifying and shaping...


A red candy that looked like a ruby ​​was held in its claws, and its face was full of unbelievable ecstasy!

"Pa pa pa!"

Kloya clapped his hands with satisfaction.

"Very good!"

Have you ever seen a turtle that can make potions?

"Thank you, Master! It's all because of you that I was made!" The Star Crystal Turtle was very grateful to Kloya, and contributed a lot of loyal music.

"Yeah." Kloya waved his hand casually: "It's not a difficult task for me."

"By the way..."

He remembered the reason why he called the Star Crystal Turtle, and just wanted to ask, he suddenly felt the vibration of the Holy Spring Crystal Card.

He took it out and saw that it was Estner who sent him something.

Kloya hesitated for a moment, and first asked the Wood Yao Qu Teng King to prepare more materials for the Star Crystal Turtle to study in the room next to it.

Then he chose to accept the things sent by Estner.

"Very soon, it was delivered so quickly."

"Let me see..."

Kroya took a quick look and found that Estner actually sent him 3,000 sunflower seeds, 5 white mist sunflowers, and 300 ice rabbits.

And one... daffodil?

He looked at Estner's message in confusion, which said that his potion was sold at a high price of one magic crystal per bottle, and the purchasing department of the Mage Association said that he would take as many as he could.

Among them, after deducting the money for the ice rabbits and sunflowers, the remaining magic crystals were 70 pieces - this price was obviously a discount. After all, sunflowers are also first-level magic plants. Three thousand seeds must be about ten magic crystals per piece.

Three thousand pieces would be 300 pieces.

As for those ice rabbits...

"They also gave the ice rabbits' favorite ice clover, so it's a little more expensive."

Kroya certainly had no objection to this.

He just wanted more magic plants of different categories, and giving some ice clover was just right.

"This sunflower is really beautiful."

He first took out the white mist sunflower to admire it. It was really white as jade and extremely beautiful.

To be honest, he couldn't wait to see what kind of scene it would create after absorbing sunlight.

So, he took out the seeds of the sunflowers and waved to the outside, "Come here!"

The sunflower elf flew in with a "whoosh" and lay on Cloya's body "Yaaaa".

"Good boy~good boy."

Cloya stroked the sunflower elf, put the pile of seeds and the white mist sunflower into the clock golem, and then let it take the golem to plant sunflowers.

While the sun is still good now, plant them quickly, and then use magic to assist growth, so that you can be prepared for the cold winter.

Maybe some of these new sunflowers will freeze to death, but after experiencing the test of wind and snow, Cloya believes that they will definitely become purer.


After feeling so many seeds and special sunflowers, the sunflower elf could not wait to ride the clock golem away.

The bigger the sunflower colony grows, the stronger it becomes.

These three thousand seeds are definitely enough to plant a large area.

After solving the problem of sunflowers, Kloya took out an ice rabbit and watched the rabbit, which was at most the size of a palm, jumping in front of him.

It must be said that this thing is indeed cute, petite, pure, furry and soft, and it really meets the definition of a pet.

After watching it jump for a while, Kloya took it in front of him with his magician's hand and carefully observed the ice crown between its two ears.

This is made of pure ice magic.

It is an elemental creation.

But it is very strange. Logically, this low-level magic beast should not have such an exquisite creation, because this thing is of no help to its survival, but it will consume a lot of magic to maintain it.

With curiosity, he activated the Star Body Imprinting Technique and looked at this ice magic rabbit. At first, there was nothing unusual, but when he saw the place where the crown and its head were connected.

His eyes widened instantly.

In it... there is a chain filled with ice.

It tightly imprisoned the communication between the crown and the rabbit's star body, like a seal.

Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, there are still a lot today... I won't go into details. It's the end of the month. Considering my update of 10,000 words, please give me monthly tickets!

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