I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 151 151 Eternal Hymn, Level 4 Mage (5K)

Chapter 151 151. Eternal Hymn, Level 4 Mage (5K)

From the time this knight appeared to the time the flames gradually died out, less than ten minutes had just passed.

Before this, of course, Kloya had no intersection with him, he was just a passerby, but he felt sorry for this knight.

He was imprisoned by Ilister, and then used as fuel and burned by the flames after thousands of years.

It was quite unlucky, but if he thought this was the best choice, then there was nothing to say. In any case, what he thought was good was the most appropriate.

Kloya looked down at the golden note in his hand.

This note was very hot.

It was like a small sun, floating in his palm.

He could feel that this note was definitely related to "Golden Tune". It not only contained the happiness of the knight, but also... firmness.

Unwavering firmness, until eternity.

This is also a kind of power, a power that can be visualized.

"This is a great gift."

"With it, I should be able to get a glimpse of the golden melody in advance."

He put the note away temporarily. When he got it, Cloya felt that he had a little understanding of the golden melody.

Maybe if he studies it carefully later, he can really comprehend it thoroughly and learn something.

But now he still has to deal with the Baron's affairs.

He looked at the Baron, and the latter looked at him.

"Master Mage... I, I feel very strange."

The Baron's expression was a little confused: "Just now, it seems that someone told me about the use of these thorns and left me some power."

As he said this, he seemed to review something and stretched out his hand to make a fist.

As a result, the magic power in the air gathered towards his palm, and a long sword made of magic power appeared, but it looked like a thorn-wrapped sword.

It exudes powerful magic fluctuations and a very strange power.

Cloya blinked.

This, is this an elemental sword? Magic similar to the Water Sword?

No, this kind of magic is above level 5, which can control the free elemental magic in the air and control it. Different elements will produce different effects.

It is specially learned by those mages who want to play close combat. After all, they have to learn swordsmanship, so it is unpopular. Even he couldn't learn it, and you just learned it casually?

"I know..."

Staring at the sword in his hand, the baron muttered to himself.

"This is the swordsmanship passed down to me by my ancestors. It is a combat skill that can only be performed by relying on thorns."

His expression suddenly became fanatical: "Yes, yes... Not only combat skills, but also the cultivation method of fighting spirit."

"Everything is fair... The fighting spirit cultivation method that can transform all magic power into thorn power!"

He waved the long sword in his hand, as if something suddenly transmitted the sword skills, and it was vigorous and peaceful, opening and closing.

The more he danced, the smoother it became. In the end, a sword blade storm composed of sword energy and magic power formed around his body.

The poor bed and table were all cut into pieces by the sword energy, but the gopher wood stood still, as if the sword energy could not affect it at all.

‘Very strong. ’

Kloya looked at this sword skill and silently calculated how to break it with magic, but found that there was really no good way.

The good thing about the neutral and peaceful sword skill is that it must be dealt with head-on, whether it is attack or defense, it is watertight.

If it were him, it seemed that he could only break the rhythm of this sword skill through the violent suppression of the magic barrage.

‘The thorn sword skill, it hurts to look at it. ’

He squinted his eyes and looked at the baron, actually looking at the justice thorns in the latter's armor - they took root in the baron's flesh and blood, absorbed the baron's power and the surrounding magic power, and gradually transformed into a special power.

These powers penetrated through the surface of the thorns, and the thorns themselves were gradually melting.

But even if they were melting, they were rooted in the baron's flesh and blood, and the pain... was unimaginable.

But Baron Kemoye became more and more excited. Even though the blood seeped out of his armor due to such actions, he remained unmoved.

After performing a set of sword skills, he looked very happy. If you ignore the blood dripping from the gaps in the armor, he was like a child who got candy.

He couldn't wait to say to Cloya:

"Master Cloya, I got the fighting spirit training method and sword skills of my ancestors... I am willing to share them with you."

"Hmm?" Cloya was puzzled: "This is your ancestor's, are you sure?"

In this world, the control of things like fighting spirit training and sword skills is more rigid and strict than imagined.

Especially family heirlooms, there are all kinds of strange traditions that cannot be learned by non-direct blood, passed down to men but not women, and passed down from generation to generation.

Generally speaking, unless you are really down and out and can't hold on, you will never take out the family secrets.

Just now, Cloya had a moment of heartbeat, but considering the cooperative relationship with him and the soul of the knight, he still didn't do it.

I just left you a treasure, and you turned around and started to exploit my descendants... Even someone as shameless as Cloea couldn't do it.

"My ancestors have told me that this kind of thorn must be suppressed by a powerful enough magic power, otherwise even I will be swallowed up.

He said... you have this ability. "

The Baron knelt down on one knee in front of Croya: "I know you have always wanted me to do things for you. As long as you can help me, I am willing to be your sword and shield forever!"

He was not stupid, but the memory left by Adam's ancestor told him that the mage in front of him had very terrifying power, and this was the only way to suppress the Thorn of Justice.

If he can suppress the Thorn of Justice, he can practice the mysterious fighting spirit and sword skills. This is an ability given by the legendary god himself.

In order to climb to a higher position, surrendering to the strong is not an unacceptable thing.

After all, even the ancestors bowed to Master Eliste at that time.


Croya did not refuse: "Then I agree."

“You just stay here first, I will study them and then suppress them for you.

I'll take the Gopher wood away first. "

With that said, Croya picked up the Gopher wood on the side, called the astral crystal turtle, got up and left.

The baron was the only one left in the room and finally couldn't help but fall to the ground in pain. This power was indeed powerful, but the pain it caused was indescribable.

After a brief moment of excitement, he couldn't bear it any longer.

I just hope that Croya can think of a solution quickly.

The other side.

Croya first settled the astral crystal turtle, and then quickly reached the bottom of the lake with the Gopher Wood.

The pace is quick and a bit impatient.

On the way, he had already thought of how to suppress the Thorn of Justice, and he probably needed that golden note.

The knight should have been able to help the baron suppress it, but he did not do so and instead handed it over to Croya.

This gift really cannot but be returned.

Then he needs to quickly control the Gopher wood and the golden notes. Otherwise, it is unknown whether the Baron will die from excessive blood loss.

"You came."

The angel was the first to speak out. Surrounded by countless fireflies praying for light, he smiled at Croya.

"I have created magic for you, you must learn it."

As he said this, his body appeared directly in front of Croya, and just like the previous times, he kissed his forehead gently.

"May you succeed."

Accompanying the cool kiss was an almost terrifying force that washed over Croya's body.

Croya only felt that his body was changing, his hands and feet, and even his body and head were changing under the wash of this force.

"What are you going to become?"

The angel said: "What do you want to become? Please decide quickly."

What do I want to become...

Croya thought for a moment, and his body suddenly became rounded. Orange and red halos surrounded his body, emitting a warm light.

He... turned into a ball of light!

A sphere that radiates endless light and heat.

Magic power rises on the surface of the light ball, like a wave of fire, and two colors of light illuminate the bottom of the lake.

After the transformation, Croya looked down at the angel. The magic power in his body was radiating out uncontrollably, just like the light of the sun shining on the earth.

The angel looked at the sun that Croya had transformed into, and the wings behind him slowly spread out, as if basking in the sun.

I thought to myself: 'He has indeed seen the sun... How can a human being who has never traveled in the star realm know the full picture of the sun? ’

Gopher also spontaneously moved in his direction, longing for and admiring him.

Croya didn't know what Angel was thinking, he only knew that the feeling he felt now was wonderful.

Even after dissipating all the magic power, he did not feel weak, but instead felt extremely powerful.

The light representing the orange song and the red song turns into tangible notes, beating around the golden notes.

The golden notes appeared on their own, surrounding the sun that Croya had become, and the music was clear.


It spreads with the light emitted by Croa, and the music flows.

It is helping him understand the third chapter of "Poetry of Rainbow Colors", "The Golden Melody"!

The usually incomprehensible handwriting changed in his eyes, gradually forming words he could understand.

That is...a chapter praising the eternity of the sun.

The name is...

"Eternal Hymn".

There are only two stanzas in the whole "Golden Melody", one is this, and the other is still silent and cannot be seen.

'What a powerful magic. ’

After he understood these words, he was immediately shocked. This thing... could make his soul and magic power "constant" forever.

In other words, even if he is dead now, as long as he has enough magic power, he can resist the pull from heaven or hell.

His magic power will not be affected by other magic powers. No matter how powerful the magic power is, it can only overwhelm him with quantity, but cannot overwhelm him with quality.

And there is also a very powerful ability: if Croya is willing to use his golden magic power to bless a certain kind of magic, unless this magic collapses on its own, it will be in a constant state.

As long as the sun exists, it will remain constant forever.

However, it has high requirements for magic power, and it seems that it must have the magic power of eternal hymns to cast it.

If you want to engrave ordinary magic plants or magic beasts... I guess you can only simplify it.

Seeing this, Croya can basically confirm that this "Poetry of Rainbow Colors" is definitely an extremely special method of applying magic power.

There is no fixed application method and it is extremely powerful.

This is exactly what magic is: it can extend to infinite possibilities.

After Croya learned this magic, the golden note was supposed to dissipate, but Croya took it by force.

He cast the magic he just learned.

The magic power belonging to Croya stabilized the golden notes that were about to dissipate, and the small notes blended into his magic power, which was both independent and harmonious.

"Phew, I'll keep you here."

Croya nodded with satisfaction. It was a gift after all and could not be allowed to dissipate casually.

Then he continued to be immersed in the world of magic.

Just when Croya was immersed in this new magic, the angel couldn't hold it any longer.

He worked hard to maintain this magic called "True Transformation" and couldn't help but remind him: "Lucky friend, you have to learn it quickly... I can't hold on for long."

After being reminded like this, Croya quickly recorded the "Eternal Hymn" that he had basically learned, and then concentrated on studying the magic patterns surrounding him.

He was quickly immersed in the extremely complex magic patterns and spell models. Fortunately, he had enough mental power and magic power, and it took him two hours to barely learn it.

The body changed from the sun to the human form again and fell to the ground.

At this time, the angel had weakly returned to the mushroom, and even the mushroom had become dim, as if it would weather and dissipate in the next second.

"It doesn't matter to you, right?" Croya frowned.

"You're done." His voice was weak: "Please let Gopher wood learn this magic, and use its power to help me recover."


Croya didn't waste any time and communicated with Gophermu's consciousness.

Gefimu didn't know if he had just felt that he had transformed into the sun, and was extremely close to his consciousness.

His request was quickly agreed to.

Croya hurriedly engraved it. This time the engraving work was very complicated, because this magic was very strange, and even he had to be cautious.

After half an hour, the engraving was almost completed.

[Engraving completed, Gopher Wood (True Transformation)]

[After the current magic plant casts this magic, it can transform into almost any item, but depending on the transformed object, the magic power consumed will also be different. 】

[Note: This magic consumes a lot of mana! 】

The magic power consumption is huge, this is the first time I have seen it.

Croya poked the Gopher wood: "Become a harp!"

The latter's body was flowing with a halo of magic, and in the next moment it transformed into an emerald green, like a harp made of emerald.

There are green pine needle-like leaves growing on the piano body, and the piano body has the wood grain of trees, which looks very beautiful.

But strangely, it has no strings.

The angel reminded: "My friend, use your magic power to form the strings, so that it can adapt to your magic power and completely leave your mark."

"I want my magic power to form the strings." Croya picked up the harp and gently stroked its body with his fingers, injecting magic power into it.

The moment it was injected into it, Croya felt a very terrifying magic power - although this Gopher tree looked like a seedling, it had actually been growing for thousands of years.

The magic contained in it is simply massive.

And Croya also felt that it was continuously attracting the magic power spreading around it, growing almost every moment.

If Croya hadn't learned the "Eternal Hymn", he would have been lost in this huge magic power.

But he learned it, so he spent some energy and effort to deeply imprint his three magic powers into its body and the astral body.

[Engraving completed, Gopherwood (Eternal Croya’s magic mark)]

[This magic mark will not dissipate. 】

After the prompt of successful engraving sounded, the Gopher Wood Harp suddenly grew three strings, which were red, orange and golden.

The three-color strings shone brightly, seeming to urge Croya to play faster.


Croya took a deep breath, stretched out his fingers and gently played with the red strings, and at the same time poured into all his understanding of the red song.


The crimson magic power mixed with the original magic power in the Gopher wood, turning into an extremely sweet, yet extremely magnificent music.

It penetrated the lake in an instant and directly enveloped the entire Hanjiao Island.

This magical power flows through the magical plants on Hanjiao Island, including monsters, people, land, stones, wind and snow...

It seemed to be dissatisfied with the current situation and headed directly towards the sky, like a crimson light pillar inserted into the dark clouds in the sky.

Like a sword blade rising from the ground, it pierced through instantly.

These dark clouds are composed of the mermaid clan's forbidden spells and secrets. It stands to reason that even the legendary mage cannot easily shake them, but Gopher wood has accumulated thousands of years of magic power, Croya's magic power...

It is simply a nemesis for dark clouds.

It extremely domineeringly destroyed the magic power inside the dark cloud, which trembled crazily and disappeared in the next moment.

Warm sunlight shone down.

It shines brightly on the white snow.

For thousands of miles, even the entire northern border of the Kingdom of Norant and the sea, only this place is illuminated by the sun.

It is like a golden gem shining in the gray world.

However, even the most powerful people cannot see or feel it. Only Hanjiao Island and a little sea area nearby can see it.

All people and creatures raised their heads at the same time.

"It's the sun!"

"The sun is out!"

"It must be the master wizard!"

Not only did people come out of the houses, but those magic beasts and magic plants were also cheering.

In the surrounding seas, countless schools of fish swam towards this place quickly. No fish fought, they just wanted to swim to the range of Hanjiao Island as soon as possible.

At this moment, the second music sounded.

It was gentle and cheerful, pouring into the hearts of all creatures, amplifying emotions without limit, and then combining them.

Joy, shock, curiosity, happiness...

The sounds of these emotions constituted a symphony that resounded through the sky within the range of Hanjiao Island.

Finally, it was golden magic.

It came silently, like an everlasting light, making everyone remember this moment in their hearts, and it would never fade no matter how time passed.

As early as when the first music sounded, the light in the sky became brighter and brighter, and it seemed that platinum-colored clouds were gathering towards the back mountain of Hanjiao Island.

There was a huge figure in the clouds, which suppressed all the magic fluctuations outside Hanjiao Island, just like the iris ring on Cloya's finger.

After completing all this, it disappeared silently.

As if it had never been here.

In the lake in the back mountain.

Cloya played the gopher wood harp, surrounded by clear and pleasant music, and his magic power was also increasing layer by layer, and finally, the fourth cyclone was formed.

The red, orange, and golden cyclones were shining.

Each one was a three-color cyclone!

Four, which means that at this moment, he is already a fourth-level mage.

But the surprises are far more than that.

Thanks to Tianbianyunxurisheng, I won't charge money even if I jump down from here, Book Friend 20210301106549978252, Meng Zhaizhai, Insomnia Xiaochong, Book Friend 20220906181317684, Lingguang1973, Book Friend 20211007111203562, Chongguannufa, Penguin Tangfei, Book Friend 20240215211141715, Mengxiu Tianling, PlST for their monthly tickets and recommendation votes.

Thank you!

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