I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 139 139 The trapped mushroom man

Chapter 139 139. Trapped Myconid

The atmosphere in the hut was a little dull for a while.

The pit lord was waiting for Croya's answer, while Croya was thinking about how he could help.

To be honest, he really wanted to do this business.

Even if we don’t talk about the A-level soul solution for now.

The Yavanna Sacred Mine was inextricably linked to the victims like him, and he wanted to know some inside stories that outsiders didn't know.

For example, the real reason for the creation of these tortured people, and whether there is even the slightest connection with the etheric world and the Mother Earth.

Another very important point is: do these fungi... have anything to do with his ancient pasture fungi, blood pasture fungi, and even the Sky Obsidian Mushroom?

These were all things he wanted to know.

He really wants to cooperate, but the problem is... he doesn't know the mermaid song that awakens nightmares and soothes the soul!

The one I have learned now can control the magic of the ocean, but it has no effect on the soul at all.

The remaining……

He thought hard, hoping to find something useful.

I thought about it for a while.


He suddenly thought of something.

That's an ancient herbaceous fungus that grows on the bottom of the sea!

The gas they emit can make people unable to dream, and the dreams can be controlled by oneself. Does this count as destroying nightmares?

So will it work on these infected people?

The Pit Lord must have mentioned that those people would fall into dreams just now, right?

Thinking of this, he said directly: "Can you provide me with one of those mushrooms?"

"This...I must remind you that once a person or a monster is infected by that mushroom, it will spread at an uncontrollable speed."

The Pit Lord's expression was serious: "If you are infected, it will be very serious!"

"I know." Croya also nodded seriously: "But if I can't get this mushroom, I don't know if it will work."

In order to strengthen his persuasiveness, he directly brought out another one of his vests: "I know a master called Xingling, and I want to ask him for help."

"Master of Star Spirit?"

The name was indeed a bit unfamiliar, and he was a little confused.

"That's a great master."

Croya showed the holy spring emblem on his vest.

That's basically a status symbol.

The Lord of the Pit immediately checked with the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce to confirm that such a thing existed, and his emblem also contained the marks of two masters belonging to the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

A potions master, a golem master of puppets.

He couldn't help but be a little speechless.

You must know that the potion and golem masters of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce are much more powerful than the Mage Association and other forces.

With this kind of superpower behind him, the knowledge and real strength he possesses are certainly not of the same magnitude.

Being able to communicate with the masters of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce will leave such a mark, which is equivalent to the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce recognizing the identity of the other party.

Being able to communicate, isn't that the same level?

By the way, the emblem left by this kind of communication can be hidden or displayed.

After careful consideration, Croya chose to show it, in order to be able to use his "large size" to enhance his persuasiveness in this situation.

Obviously, this is quite convincing.

After thinking for a moment, the pit lord nodded and agreed: "Well, since you are connected with such a master, then I believe you."

"Go back and get it."

After saying that, he passed something directly to Croya, and he only needed to take it out when he went back.

"Okay, then I'll go back and take a look. If there are any results, I will notify you immediately."

Seeing that he had gotten the things, Croya's research heart was already burning, and he didn't stay too long. He said goodbye and left the illusion.

The remaining two mages looked at each other.

The pit lord sat on the chair and handed a new silver cup to the gray sand lord.

His body trembled, and the bat-like fleshy wings behind him were no longer hiding.

It stretched out instantly, covering the surrounding firelight.

His body suddenly became as strong as a rock, and his muscles bulged so high that his clothes almost burst.

A pair of curved horns also appeared on his head, with spiral traces like lava entwining on them, emitting a hot breath.

A tail like a steel whip grew out from behind, whipping on the ground, making a symphony of gold and iron sounds.

This posture, this aura... Even a stupid mage would know that this is a demon!

Although he is a juvenile demon and his horns have not been completely soaked in lava, he is still a demon.

He is one of the two bosses who destroyed the world in church legends - the other one is naturally the devil.

"Ah~" He took a long breath, and the breath he exhaled was filled with hot lava fire magic.

"It's still so comfortable. It's really uncomfortable to hide it for too long."

"..." Lord Gray Sand said helplessly: "You'd better not show this form. Didn't Archmage Aiou say that he won't let you do this?"

"You are recommended by him in the Mage Lords Alliance. If he were not there..."

Hearing this, the Pit Lord rolled his eyes.

"Then you listened very carefully to what the old man said."

"You can choose not to listen, but then you will be discovered by the church... hehe."


This time it was the turn of the Pit Lord to be helpless.

"Okay, okay, I only reveal my true form in the illusion of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, not outside.

Speaking of the Lord of the Reef... his aura is so special."

The demon's expression was a little confused.

"Why is it special?"

"His magic power not only has the boundlessness and vastness of the ocean, but also a kind of brilliance under the sun. Even I can't have any malice towards him."

"You like the sun too?"

"Nonsense, you should know that the ancient sun god is also the god of fire. It is He who gave the lava sea of ​​fire in the bottomless abyss the fire of the soul.

It's okay to say that He is the father of all our demons."

"I don't know, don't say this casually, if the church knows, it will be miserable." The Gray Sand Lord shook his head decisively: "And what do you mean by us?"

Speaking of this, the Pit Lord would not care about Kloya's affairs.

He stood up, his strong body blocked the firelight of the fireplace, and his eyes flowing with lava stared at the thin young wizard.

"You know the curse of the Gray Sand Sea better than me. Did the Mermaid God respond to you?"

"No." The Gray Sand Wizard's face was a little bad.

The demon grinned happily, and his words seemed to be filled with poisonous honey:

"Then you should consider what to do next. If you want to ask Leviathan for help... I will help you.

Anyway, our wizards are lawless guys.

Even if you really angered the church, the worst thing is to let them go to trouble the old man Io!"

The Gray Sand Lord was just silent.

Not saying a word.


The demon didn't say anything, just drank the hot lava in the cup one mouthful after another, and the only sound in the whole wooden house was his swallowing.


On the other side.

Kroya got what the Pit Lord sent him - it was a crystal bottle engraved with the church's seal, and a gray mushroom was placed in it.

It doesn't look special.

He didn't open it directly, but recalled what happened just now.

Although the deep blue illusion can hide the magic breath of people, it is not provided by the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce after all, it is equivalent to a free illusion.

In addition, the magic that Cloya originally learned is very special.

So he can barely feel a little bit.

It is a very strange breath, full of chaos, but there is also a sense of order, like magic bound by something.

"What kind of magic is it..."

He thought about it, but always felt that there was a layer of fog blocking the answer. In the end, he could only shake his head and give up, and looked at the bottle.

His eyes stayed on the mushroom for a second.

The star body engraving technique immediately gave the answer-

Mushroom Man Bitter Feast Mushroom.

"Mushroom Man? I remember that most of them are kind little things, how could they become like this?"

Cloya continued to check carefully, and it didn't matter when he looked at it. He actually found two different star bodies in this mushroom!

One of them was on the outer layer, which was exactly the same structure as the gray mushroom. It extended a strand of silk thread, entangled a light green star spirit body in the inner layer.

The appearance of the light green star spirit body was almost exactly the same as the mushroom man he had seen in the book "Fantastic Creatures"!

"Is it trapped?" He tentatively sensed the gray silk thread that trapped the mushroom man, and he actually sensed an extremely deep power on it.

It was as if facing it was facing a bottomless abyss.

After taking a closer look, he saw a boundless world covered by various fungi and mushrooms.

Fortunately, the power of the star spirit body engraving technique is extremely special. Even if he observes it closely like this, it will not touch the power inside.

He can even choose to bypass this power and communicate directly with the light green mushroom man star spirit body.

"Let me see what's going on." He tentatively transmitted a consciousness to the mushroom man.

The latter immediately seemed to wake up.

"Can you find me?"

Its consciousness was extremely clear, with unconcealable joy in it.

Then, before Kloya could speak, it sent out a long string of consciousness——


"The etheric crack in the mine will become the channel for Zugmoi to attack the main plane!"

"Don't worry about us, we can still hold on to the dream!"

The consciousness was full of urgency and anxiety.

Kloya's expression became serious after hearing this, and he said: "You are not in the Yavanna Holy Mine now, tell me now..."

"What's going on?"

He has taken out the magic chip that records information, intending to record this matter completely.

Thanks to Xueyue Fenghua for the reward and the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets from all the big guys. There are really too many today, so I won't go into details here.

But I still want to thank you for supporting me!

Thank you so much!

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