"Could it be those new recruits who just turned 1 did it?" a priest muttered quietly.


Li Yong was the first to object.

"Our three teams came here from the intersection, and we didn't see any other people along the way, so how could it be them?"

One of the thieves thought for a moment and said:

"Is there a possibility that they chose another path and came here first to kill the BOSS?"

The others thought it made sense.

But when they thought about the difficulty, they were a little uncertain.

"The end of the other road is the bottom of the cliff. It takes at least 10 minutes to climb here from the bottom of the cliff. Besides, there are so many monsters on the other road. How could they come from that road?"

Li Yong still didn't believe it.

But the fact in front of him was that the boss was killed.

The equipment was also picked up.

But who did it?

These people had no idea.

These people looked at each other and decided to move forward.

They wanted to see who killed the boss first.

"Ah Yuan, I told you that you were the mastermind, but you still didn't believe me."

Just now, after Zhang Fan and his team killed the BOSS, Lin Yuan took the initiative to ask to touch the corpse, wanting to challenge himself.

Then he took out two bronze equipment from the BOSS.

【Priest Gauntlets] (Cloth Armor - Bronze) lv20

Attributes: Armor +120, Intelligence +30, Stamina +30

【[Wild Boar Power Sword] (One-handed Sword - Bronze) lv20

Attributes: Attack +300, Agility +20, Strength +20

Wild Boar Power: Strength +50

When Lin Yuan took out these two pieces of equipment, his confident smile suddenly froze. He was not in a good mood all the way.

He kept asking himself in his heart, am I really the mastermind!

After this experiment, Lin Yuan doubted his life again.

Damn, it's really infuriating.

Continuing forward, everyone saw a wild boar camp.

From here on, the monsters changed their appearance.

【[Wild Boar Man Thug] lv27

HP: 400000

Attack Power: 12000

Meteor Hammer Smash: Swing the meteor hammer in your hand to strike the target within 3 meters, causing 180% attack damage.

Thugs are different from minions.

They have started to get dressed.

The wild boar man thug wore a brown leather jacket.

His body was not entirely fat, and traces of muscle could be seen faintly.

These monsters were still left to Zhang Fan and his team to deal with.

It took more than 10 minutes for several people to clear all the monsters in the camp.

Then they walked forward and walked into a dark cave.

After entering the cave,

Zhang Fan shouted in a loud voice:

"It's too dark, let's use something to illuminate it."

After hearing Zhang Fan's words,

Wang Xue was ready to cast the light spell, but Zhang Fan's shout caused trouble.

Dense red dots began to appear in front of the eyes of several people, and then these red dots began to fly towards Lin Yuan and his group.

It was not until Wang Xue cast the light spell that these people realized that these red dots were actually monsters.

【Cave Bats] lv26

HP: 100000

Attack Power: 800

The bats have very little HP, but there are a lot of them.

There are nearly a thousand of them.

Lin Yuan felt a little annoyed and released a war gale.


-3500000 for one skill, the dense damage numbers flashed before my eyes instantly.

It was dazzling to watch.

【Kill the cave bat, increase experience by 80】X968 gives very little experience,

Lin Yuan is a little disgusted.

After killing the bat, the group continued to move forward.

Zhang Fan wanted to practice skinning, but gave up after thinking about it.

There is nothing valuable on the bat, so it is better to touch the two BOSS corpses with that time.

Just now, after Lin Yuan touched the BOSSS corpse,

Zhang Fan made a bet with Lin Yuan, betting on whether he could touch the gold equipment from the next BOSS.

The loser cannot touch the corpse in the future.

Lin Yuan agreed.

While chatting and laughing, the group came to the second BOSS,

【[Aseros] (Elite) lv28

HP: 1100000

Attack Power: 40000

Rage: After HP drops to 50%, attack speed increases by 100%.

Blood Boiling: Silences a target, reducing its HP by 500 points per second for 10 seconds.

The second BOSS did not have minions like the first one, but its HP was much higher than the first one.

Aseros was holding a huge mace in his hand, patrolling back and forth in front of a stone door.

In order to save time,

Lin Yuan used an absolute zero directly on the BOSS, and the BOSS was frozen into an ice sculpture.

-1800000In just one second, the BOSS's health bar was emptied and it fell to the ground

"Look at me."

Zhang Fan came to the BOSS's body, rubbed his hands, and then blew a breath on his hands.

When he touched them, he smiled happily.

【Bloodstained Mace] (Gold) lv25

Attributes: Attack Power +1200, Strength +100, Stamina +100

Tear: There is a chance of causing bleeding when attacking the enemy, reducing health by 50 points per second for 15 seconds, and can be stacked up to 10 times

【[Boiling Blood Belt] (Gold) lv20

Attributes: HP +500, Strength +30, Stamina +50

Boiling Blood: Silence a target, making it unable to cast spells within 3 seconds.

The attributes of the two pieces of equipment were posted, and

Lin Yuan seemed to be affected by the Boiling Blood effect and was silent.


The highest level of equipment that can be dropped from the difficult Peaceful Abyss is gold.

Zhang Fan actually found two gold equipment from a BOSS.

In contrast, he only found two bronze ones.

It was clear who was behind it.

The bet was lost, which meant that Lin Yuan could no longer touch corpses.

He was very sad.

Seeing Lin Yuan's low mood, Zhang Fan came over to comfort him:

"It doesn't matter if you can't touch corpses anymore. You can't find any good equipment anyway."

Hearing this,

Lin Yuan's heart felt like it was stabbed.


After solving the second BOSS, several people twisted the mechanism beside them, and the stone door behind them opened with a bang.

After walking in,

Lin Yuan felt that this place was out of tune with the cave outside.

If the cave outside was a primitive society, then this place was already a modern society.

The walls around were painted with various colors.

There were some stone utensils placed around.

The wild boars inside were wearing clean clothes, like the nobles among the wild boars.

【[Wild Boar Deacon] lv29

HP: 450000

Mana: 10000

Attack: 15000

Unity: When there are wild boars around, attack and defense are increased by 10%.

What are these wild boars doing?

They are minions, thugs, and now there is a group of deacons.

Are they developing a club?

I am the enemy of evil.

Just when Zhang Fan and his friends were clearing monsters, the other three teams just passed by the wild boar camp and were about to enter the dark cave.

""Don't go in yet!"

Wang Ping stopped the others.

Although the monsters in the boar camp were all killed,

Wang Ping was not sure whether the bats in the cave were killed.

It was better to be cautious.

Wang Ping took a torch and walked carefully to the entrance of the cave.

He threw the torch into the cave, and what appeared in front of Wang Ping was a ground full of bat corpses.

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