I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 288 Chapter 289 The Immortal Demons

Except for the hottest July and August, the top of Mount Fuji is covered with snow, which looks like an upside-down white jade fan from a distance, so literati often call it white fan and jade fan.

"The snow is like a silk, the smoke is like a handle, and the white fan hangs upside down in the East China Sea."

There are four climbing routes on Mt. Fuji. At the 6th station of the Yoshida route, which has the longest history and is the most lively, a frivolous but noble man among the crowd shakes his head and recites to Mt. Fuji under the night sky.

A young man with a serious expression followed half a step behind the uncle with an ambivalence that he wanted to stay close to him for personal protection, but did not dare to get too close regardless of his superiority or inferiority.

"Dian... the sun has already set, you should go back."

"This is the first time I've climbed the sacred mountain Fuji this year. It's a disappointment to have you all by my side!"

Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren glanced at the young man, and a disgusted expression appeared on his face.

Young people are submissive and dare not say a word.

"I heard that the shrine master of Asama Taisha Shrine is still cultivating at the Kusuga Shrine on the top of the mountain at an old age. His beliefs are really pious. I really want to meet him." Prince Akishino looked at the top of Mount Fuji, revealing a smile. The color of interest.

The young man turned pale immediately, and resolutely objected:

"Please don't make it difficult for us! Even if we die, we won't let you go one step further."

For this willful and free-wheeling Prince Akishino, the Imperial Household Office is also very troubled.

Just like today, when I want to visit Mount Fuji on a whim, I toss them enough.

Mount Fuji is divided into ten stations from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

With the development of the times, people who climb Mount Fuji no longer need to climb up from the foot of the mountain step by step.

The fifth station on the mountainside can be reached directly by car.

There are a large number of mountain huts on the Yoshida route, and the rest places are perfect. There are two rescue stations on the way, and there are special mountain roads up and down the mountain, so you don't have to worry about getting lost or accidents.

After the arrangements were made in the Imperial Household Agency, they reluctantly agreed to Prince Akishino's order to visit Mount Fuji.

But it is absolutely impossible to continue to go up.

Not to mention that it was already getting late, His Royal Highness could not be allowed to spend the night on Mt. Fuji anyway. As the altitude increases, the climate and air pressure may also bring potential hidden dangers.

Even if there is even the slightest risk, it will never be allowed. If something happens to His Highness, the staff of the Palace Department will really die.

"Tsk. It's really boring."

Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren twitched the corners of his mouth, knowing in his heart that this was already the bottom line of the palace hall.

Today's reigning Emperor Naruhito struggled to give birth to a daughter after eight years of marriage, and there was no movement in the next 20 years. According to the constitution and the royal model, only male members of the royal family can inherit the throne.

As a result, Prince Wenren of Qiu Xiaogong, who had been "studying with the prince" for most of his life, was forced to open his business suddenly when he was over 50 years old, and began to prepare for his ascension to the throne one day.

Prince Qiu Xiaogong Furenren was not dissatisfied with such a royal life that anointed the beams and brocades, but felt that it lacked a little bit of exciting embellishment.

After witnessing the shocking battle between Yamata no Orochi and Susanoo, Prince Akishino-miya Fumihito couldn't help being fascinated even though he was not young.

Even people with the ultimate in material enjoyment and power definitely want to have an immortal lifespan and the absolute power to change the world with every gesture.

At the moment when the myth is revived, the shadows of gods and Buddhas are looming behind the extraordinary.

And the Japanese emperor's bloodline, which is known as the eternal line, is inherited from the great god Amaterasu. Maybe there is also an incredible power of the gods hidden in his own bloodline.

In fact, not only Prince Akishino-miya Fumihito thought so, experts in the Metropolitan Police Department also agreed on this, but they did not dare to take the risk of doing a blood test for members of the royal family.

In order to maintain the purity of the bloodline, the Imperial Household Agency did not even allow the emperor to use the blood of civilians in the operation, and could only use the blood packs he kept from regular blood draws.

When Prince Akishino-miya Fumhito came to Mount Fuji, he also had a little bit of the idea of ​​seeking immortality in it.

When he is allowed to ascend the throne, he can only be a mascot in the Imperial Palace and wait to die. It is completely impossible to walk around like now.

If I can also have the power of the extraordinary person who appeared in Sapporo that day, maybe I can also make a great deal in the 21st century.

"The celestial guest travels to the top of the clouds, and the dragon dwells in the abyss of the old cave."

Prince Fumihito Akishino looked at the top of Mt. Fuji and let out a sigh.

"I don't know if there are immortals or dragons on Mount Fuji? Unfortunately, we don't have the chance to meet each other. Let's go down the mountain."

Before the words fell, the ground under the feet of Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren trembled violently, and Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren squatted on the ground in panic.

"Earthquake? Is Mount Fuji an earthquake?!"

"Oh, help! Help!"

"My God, what the hell, how could it be so unlucky."

The sixth station area suddenly jumped up and down, all kinds of screams, cries and shouts came from people's mouths, buzzing non-stop.

Among the tourists, seven or eight staff members of the Imperial Household Agency, who were dressed like ordinary mountaineers, appeared immediately, protecting Prince Akishino Palace Fumhito in the middle, looking around vigilantly.

There was only one wave of shock, which was fleeting, and the commotion from the tourists subsided immediately.

"Are you all right?"

The young man supported Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren, and greeted him in fear.

"It's nothing, just a small earthquake."

"Although this is the case, don't be careless. The way back may not be safe. I will call the helicopter to escort His Highness down the mountain..."

At this moment, the expression of Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren suddenly became extremely exciting.

From the crater of Mount Fuji, as if the artery of the mountain was cut open, a beam of bright red light shot up into the sky, and a huge blood-colored mask covering the sky and the sun covered the mountain body of Mount Fuji with just a few fingers.

All the tourists were dumbfounded, and their eyeballs almost fell out.

But this was just the beginning, and then a large swath of black mist sprang out from the crater like a volcanic ash eruption, and in an instant, it swept out like a hurricane, sweeping out in all directions.

Dark clouds overwhelmed the city, and the turbid waves emptied out, just like thousands of troops galloping forward, the momentum was extremely frightening!

The howling of ghosts and wolves kept coming out of the black clouds, making everyone terrified.

A flying centipede with a body length of over ten meters and three pairs of fleshy wings on its back rushed out of the dark clouds first, and then slammed into the big red barrier!


The big red barrier remained motionless.

But the flying centipede refused to let it go, let out a sharp and ear-piercing hissing sound, and launched another collision.

At this moment, an arrow dragged a streamer like a comet, directly piercing the flying centipede from the beginning to the end.

"Poof, poof—"

There was a bloody storm in the sky, and the blood and internal organs of the flying centipede splashed all over the tourists.

"Ah, ah—!!"

"A monster! It's a monster!"

Those tourists who were frightened by the majestic monster cloud and roaring sound, their whole bodies were stiff and dumb, suddenly woke up like a dream, screamed heart-piercingly, and then ran away without thinking about anything.

In the black mist, one after another, one after another, hideous and ugly monsters spewed out from the crater.

From the northwest direction of Mt. Fuji, several Demon-Breaking Arrows roared towards them, shooting down the monsters in the air with incomparable precision.

"Hurry up, escort His Highness to a safe place! Contact the Imperial Household Agency, Your Highness is in danger on Mount Fuji!"

A few staff members of the Imperial Household Agency, disguised as tourists, involuntarily grabbed Prince Akishino Palace Fumihito and evacuated backwards. The few around them simply pulled out their pistols to cover them from leaving.

After all the tourists in the stands dispersed, the fragments of meat splashed on the ground began to squirm like living creatures, gathering towards larger pieces of corpses.

"Gulu Gulu—"

Immediately, most of the flying centipede recovered, but it seemed to be made of clay, and it was even more deformed and ugly than before.

"Hiss hiss!"

The flying centipede with half of its body missing was crawling on the ground, and by coincidence, it rushed towards the direction where Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren was escaping.

This monster turned out to be immortal!

No, it's not just this monster, the other monsters shot by bows and arrows are also like zombies, their broken internal organs and limbs stick together again, and they stand up unsteadily.

Like a scene from a horror movie.

What a nightmare!

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