I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 246 Chapter 247

"Really, really dancing?"

The passers-by who had previously clamored for the parabolic to jump down to apologize, saw the few corpses on the ground whose brains had been smashed to pieces, and their faces turned pale with fright.

It's not a big deal to parabolic in the sky. I bowed and apologized, and the soil seat was exposed. Is it possible to apologize with death? !

Oops, I won't be an abettor of suicide, will I?

Thinking of this, the passer-by got sweaty on his brow, simply rubbed the soles of his feet with oil, sneaked into the crowd and slipped away.

But the tragedy at the window on the thirteenth floor of the shopping mall was not over yet. There was only one man in a black suit left, who bent down to look at the several corpses on the street in panic, and then turned his head to look again.

"No, don't come here!"

He howled hysterically, even took out a pistol from his waist, turned around and fired wildly at the inside of the mall.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Gunshots rang out a few times, and under the eyes of everyone, the body of the man in black suit seemed to be pulled into the interior of the mall in the blink of an eye, leaving only an extremely shrill dying cry floating down.

Passers-by on the street looked at each other in disbelief.

"Just now, was that a gunshot?"

"It looks very serious. Is it a kidnapping or a terrorist attack?"

"I have already called the police! The road police said they will come soon."

No one knows what kind of horror is there on the thirteenth floor of the shopping mall. It can force these people to jump from a height of more than 20 meters without even dying, even using guns.

Even the dullest of people realize the magnitude of the problem.

But it is human nature to watch the crowds. Even so, there are still a large number of people looking up from the bottom of the mall, and some people take out their mobile phones to shoot and live broadcast.


Another black corpse was thrown down from the window.

But the sound of the corpses falling to the ground was not as heavy as those who jumped from the building before, nor was it bloody like a rotten watermelon, which was horrible.

"How did this corpse become like this?!" Several people leaned over to take a look, and suddenly their bodies trembled, their faces full of horror.

The corpse was that of the man in the black suit from before, but the corpse was haggard and emaciated, shrunk to just over one meter, and wrinkled like a mummy, but the despair and pain before death could still be vaguely seen.

It hit the ground, the right hand and foot were shattered, and there was no bleeding from the fracture, as if all the body fluids and blood in the body had been sucked out.

This weird corpse is even more creepy than the ones that fell to death before.

Some of the spectators screamed in fright and passed out. The rest of the people also felt that things were getting weirder and weirder, and they were developing in some incomprehensible direction and began to commotion.

"It's not quite right, it's not like a fire or an indiscriminate attack. So many people would rather jump off the building than turn around to resist, even guns are useless, and this horrible mummy..."

Someone calmly analyzed it and came to a conclusion that even he felt absurd:

"It can't be a supernatural event!?"

Some Sapporo natives in the crowd were startled, as if they remembered something, and said uncertainly:

"I often come to the commercial center. The 13th floor of the mall has been closed since the year before last. I seem to have heard people say that it is because it is haunted."

"Is this from the thirteenth floor of the shopping mall?"

"Impossible? Isn't the thirteenth floor locked? Why are there so many people?"

Panic began to spread among the crowd.

At this moment, sirens sounded loudly, several teams of police cars stopped at the corner of the road, and a group of police officers escorted the two wings to separate the crowded flow of people, and rushed to the scene headed by a senior police officer in his fifties.

"This is the head of the Hokkaido Police Headquarters. Such a big man is here!"

"With so many people dead, can you still drink tea in peace in the headquarters?"

The Hokkaido Police Minister with a dignified expression looked up at the thirteenth floor, his brows twisted like twists, he turned his face away, and ordered thunderously to his subordinates:

"What are you doing standing there stupidly! Immediately evacuate all the people, and pull off the cordon, immediately implement traffic control, and no one is allowed to approach!"

"Arrange a group of police officers to enter the mall and evacuate all the customers."

"There are also ambulances and fire trucks, and arrange them immediately! By the way, prepare the life-saving air cushion."

"Yes, I'll do it now."

The subordinate saluted respectfully, and then retreated.

The police immediately moved the corpses who had jumped off the building to one side. The Hokkaido Police Minister glanced at them, and finally his eyes stayed on the mummy in the black suit, his face livid.

"Shimono is only a police officer. Is this someone from your Metropolitan Police Department?" The Hokkaido Police Minister asked a bearded middle-aged man behind him who looked a little dejected.

"That's right, even though it has become like this, it can still be seen that this is the Kawakami police department of the surveillance team." Shimono squatted down, not disgusted, poked the mummy's head with his hands, and said in a deep voice.

"What's the matter? The surveillance team is not on the twelfth floor to prevent people from breaking into the thirteenth floor. How come you are trapped in the thirteenth floor?"

"This... I'm not very clear, and all the people in the surveillance team have lost contact."

Shimono only looked at the police a little embarrassed, but also very puzzled.

The Metropolitan Police Department and the Hokkaido Police Headquarters have long sealed off the elevators and stairwells leading to the center of the mall, and even arranged a surveillance team on the twelfth floor to prevent innocent people from breaking into the thirteenth floor.

"There is a bad news, the last message sent by the monitoring team, saying that there may be dozens of people on the thirteenth floor..."

"Oh shit!"

The Hokkaido Police Minister couldn't help but swear, and just stared at Shimono of the Metropolitan Police Department and spit wildly:

"What the hell is your Metropolitan Police Department doing? Is the surveillance team a bunch of smugglers, and you can let so many people break into the thirteenth floor!?"

Shimono only watched with a calm demeanor, not arguing, and calmly said:

"Mr. Maeno, now is not the time to pursue anyone's fault. The top priority is to rescue the survivors on the thirteenth floor."


Minister Qianye snorted coldly, but he didn't have any more attacks. He pursed his lips and said:

"I have put the Hokkaido Police Mobile Team on standby, and I can break into the thirteenth floor to rescue people at any time."

"I'm afraid...it won't work!"

Shimono only frowned, the well-trained and well-equipped mobile team, whether it is dealing with general violent terrorist incidents or dealing with ordinary Type A, is a sharp sword out of its sheath. But it is not so easy to deal with type B without entities. Previous experimental records have proved that guns and ammunition are ineffective against type B.

In the worst case, the mobile team will go into the sea like a surveillance team and never return.


Police officer Shimono continued to observe the twisted and deformed mummy of the Kawakami police department, with an extremely dignified expression.

Type B-16 was only registered in the second year of Reiwa. It is the evil spirit at the end of the number. The Metropolitan Police Department investigated the five victims who encountered Type B-16. None of them were in danger of life. The Kawakami Police Department may be the first Maybe even a dead person.

No, judging from the situation, it is very likely that Type B-16 is killing people inside.

How did Type B-16 become so crazy overnight?

Moreover, the Metropolitan Police Department is strictly guarding the 12th floor, and the surveillance team has completed the task very well in the past two years. Why did a large number of people break into the 13th floor like headless chickens for no reason?

There are more and more things that I can't figure out, and Shimono only has a headache.

Suddenly, Shimono only had a flash of inspiration in the police, remembering the official document sent to them overnight by the Metropolitan Police Department yesterday.

Could it be that the rampage of Type B-16 is related to the spectacle of the blood moon last night?

It is indeed possible!

Shimono only watched and felt that he had caught something. While thinking, he told the Minister of Police of Hokkaido his concerns.

"This won't work, and that won't work! With your hands and feet tied up like this, can you just watch dozens of people being chased and killed by the evil spirits?"

Minister Maeno was sweating profusely. If so many people died in Sapporo, it would definitely cause a sensation in the whole country, even the whole world, like the Wujiashan incident last month!

At that time, he, the head of the Hokkaido Police Headquarters, will definitely apologize at the press conference, and maybe the position he finally got now will be smashed to the end.

Wait, the head of the Saitama Police Headquarters, where the Mujiashan incident occurred, did not receive any punishment, just bowed and apologized.

After all, the Zhengxinhui was destroyed by the supernatural master Ji Lu, and the local police headquarters could only do nothing. This time, the large-scale supernatural incident in Sapporo City also involved the supernatural.

With the lessons learned from the Saitama County Police Minister, the punishment should not be heavy.

Thinking of this, Minister Maeno's uneasy expression also relaxed a little.

"I was impatient just now, so let's do what the police department said. After all, your Metropolitan Police Department is an expert in dealing with extraordinary incidents, and we laymen will not do it for you."

Do less and make less mistakes, and it’s good not to do anything, a professional bureaucrat like Minister Qianye quickly adjusted his mentality, said lightly.

Shimono only vaguely guessed some of the minister's thoughts, but he nodded calmly and said:

"I'm going to contact the Metropolitan Police Department!"

The Metropolitan Police Department is not what it used to be now, and it controls more than one extraordinary person. It's not helpless for evil spirits, which can't be killed by physical means, to be weird.

It's just that with the preciousness of an extraordinary person, I don't know if the Metropolitan Police Department will send Sapporo for support?

No, it's the same whether you come or not. When the supernatural beings from the Metropolitan Police Department arrive, the dozens of people trapped on the 13th floor of the commercial center and the surveillance team will probably be wiped out.

Shimono only sighed with a somewhat unbearable expression on his face.


At this moment, at the smashed window in front of the thirteenth floor of the commercial center, a mother holding an infant baby poked her head out with tears streaming down her face. The color of fear on the body has increased a bit.

"No, don't, don't come close! Help, help me!"

The mother holding the child screamed for help to the police below, but they were powerless now, and there was no time at all.

It seemed that there was some monster inside that was constantly approaching, and the mother backed away again and again, with half of her body squeezed out of the window, and there was no way to retreat.

This scene made the police on the street and the people who had not been evacuated watch with fear.

"Damn, hasn't the rescue air cushion arrived yet?"

"Helicopters! Why are there no helicopters?"

"Why haven't these bastards from the Hokkaido road police rescued people yet! My taxes have been embezzled!"

The mother kissed the baby's face with tears on her face, gritted her teeth, hugged the baby tightly, and jumped down from the thirteenth floor, which was more than 20 meters high.

Everyone's hearts suddenly raised their throats and eyes.

Even though he had prepared for the worst, Shimono only looked at this scene, and still couldn't help but tear up his eyes.

He could tell at a glance that the mother wanted to make a meat pad to protect the child, but at this height, they must be smashed into minced meat together.

At this moment, everyone saw a blurry figure dragging a long cyan streamer in the howling wind.

The green streamer flashed across the ground, and in an instant, it rushed to the downstairs of the commercial center. The speed was astonishingly fast, even faster than Bolt's full sprint on the track and field!

When the streamer stopped on the street of the commercial center, everyone could see clearly that this was a petite girl.

She stretched out her hands, as if she wanted to hug the mother and child who fell down the stairs.

No, impossible!

The mother and son jumped from the thirteenth floor, and their weight was accelerated by gravity. Even if an adult man tried to pick up his arms, he would definitely break his arms, and even his life was in danger.

Let alone a girl like this.

I'm afraid it will be three lives!

Some people couldn't help but closed their eyes, not daring to watch the tragedy that happened next.

So they also missed, Petite's amazing and perfect leap.

I saw the petite girl jump up and down five or six meters lightly and gracefully, catch the mother and child who fell from the building, and land smoothly on the ground.

The world seemed to stand still. After a brief silence, there was thunderous applause!

Whether it was the police or the onlookers, they all applauded and cheered in unison.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba looked at the mother and child in her arms. The mother was so frightened that she closed her eyes tightly, not knowing that she had been saved, while the baby in her arms looked at her curiously with ignorant eyes.

Smiling lightly at the baby, the next moment Tsukimi Inaba hugged them and walked towards the nearest policeman, carefully handing the mother and child over to him.

Shimono only surrounded him with complicated expressions.

This girl wearing a single blindfold, whether it is the speed of chasing light and electricity, or the lightness of catching the mother and child who fell from the building, all show that she is different.

Another Transcendent?

"Excuse me, you..."

Shimono only opened his mouth subconsciously, and a whirlwind blew up in the flat ground. The girl galloped like the wind again, and rushed into the entrance of the commercial building in the blink of an eye.

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