I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 238 Chapter 239 Kamen Rider, revive!

Outside the ICU emergency room in Osaka General Hospital, the pale Lizi was waiting anxiously accompanied by a police officer.

Suddenly, the door of the ICU emergency room was opened, and a doctor with blood on his white coat came out.

"Doctor, how is my daughter Mamiya doing now?" Reiko asked anxiously.

"Although the rescue was still successful, the patient's head was severely injured, and the situation is not optimistic. The next half month will be a dangerous period. If we can survive it, maybe..." The doctor shook his head and said to the nurse beside him. With a wink, he left in a hurry.

"How did this happen? How did Mamiya slip and fall from the window?"

Unexpectedly, she just heard about the whereabouts of Shoubu Mamiya, who had just run away from home, and it might be an eternal separation, Lizi really couldn't accept this fact, and her body was on the verge of collapse.

"Maybe it wasn't an accident."

Talk to the police officer near Reiko.

"Before, the Dotonbori Police Station received a report from Ms. Moribe, saying that someone was following her recently. And in Ms. Moribe's room, there were also traces left after the fight. Ms. Moribe may be resisting the law. When it was violated, it panicked and fell from the window."

"Stalker!?" Lizi turned pale in shock.

"Unfortunately, the monitoring of Muyue Apartment has failed recently."

The police officer took out a printed surveillance blueprint: "However, the night before Ms. Moribe fell from the building, we found this man wearing glasses sneakily following Miss Moribe through the cameras on the street. Behind him. Do you have any impression of this man?"

"It's him! He came to my house yesterday morning!"

Reiko still had a fresh memory of the young man who came to her door yesterday and said that she was a classmate from Moribe High School.

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, he told everything that happened yesterday in detail.

"Is that man the criminal?"

The police officer shook his head: "It can only be said that there is suspicion. We will investigate from this line, ma'am, if you have any clues, please contact our police station."

"We will definitely do our best to bring the criminals to justice!"

Although this is what he said, even the police officers have no idea whether or when the prisoner will be caught.

It is Golden Week now, and because of the influx of tourists, the police force in Osaka Prefecture is stretched. Although Miss Shoubu is in danger, she is not dead after all, as long as no one is killed, it is not a big deal. Under such circumstances, the police force could not be mobilized to interrogate for a while.

It may have to wait until after the Golden Week before the Dotonbori Police Department can be free.

The police officer said a few innocuous words and left.

The nurse, who had been staying by the side, waited for the police officer to leave, and stepped forward a few steps:

"Are you Miss Moribe's mother? Please go to the front desk to pay the bill, as well as the follow-up medical expenses."

"Many, how much?"

Hearing the number reported by the nurse, Lizi's originally pale face lost even a trace of blood.

"It cost a lot of money to treat Zhengong's younger sister. I don't have that much money now... Can it be later..." Lizi hesitated.

The ICU ward burns money every day, even if it is a mountain of gold and silver, it may burn out. Lizi herself is unemployed now, so she can't raise this huge sum of money at all.

"Our hospital is also in a difficult situation. Please prepare as soon as possible, otherwise Miss Moribe's treatment may be delayed." The nurse said politely.


Reiko buried her face in the palms of both hands, crying bitterly.

"As for the money, I'll figure it out."

Suddenly, a young man wearing plain glasses quietly turned out from the corner of the aisle and said to Lizi.

"It's you! Did you kill my daughter!"

Like a shrew, Reiko rushed forward to scratch Hero Tosu's clothes, but Hero Tosu grabbed his neck with his backhand.

"Shut up and keep your voice down!"

Hero Tosu looked directly into Reiko's eyes with a frosty face, and there was bottomless anger burning in his eyes.

"Shoube Mamiya had an accident, I feel more uncomfortable than you, but this matter has nothing to do with me! Do you understand?"

Terrified by the terrifying aura emanating from the Tosu hero, Reiko's face turned red when her throat was strangled, she couldn't speak a word, she could only nod her head repeatedly.

"Tomorrow, I will send you the medical expenses. In addition to taking care of Mamiya Shoube, you are going to take over the children of Mamiya Shoube." Hero Tosu let go of his hand and ordered.

"Child? Since when did Mamiya have a child?" Reiko coughed a few times with an expression of disbelief.

"Didn't Moribe Mamiya have a three or four-year-old child? You should know."

Hero Tosu frowned. According to what he had heard, it was only a year ago that Moribe Mamiya ran away from home, so it is impossible for Reiko not to know.

"No, there is no such thing at all."

Reiko blinked her eyes in bewilderment, and it took a while before she remembered something, and tentatively said;

"Three or four years old, are you talking about Yujiali? But she is my youngest daughter, she is three and a half years old this year, and she is Zhen Gong's younger sister..."

Hero Tosu also recalled that when he was at Moribe's house, he indeed heard the cry of a child.

"Whose child is this Yukari? Is it the cowboy named Hanyu?"

Three and a half years old, this delicate age, gave Hero Tosu a flash of inspiration, and hurriedly asked.


Reiko looked dodgy, and said without confidence.

Hero Tosu knew that the woman was lying when he heard it, and he unceremoniously opened his sleeves, revealing the extremely conspicuous stitch marks on his left wrist.

"Ah!" Lizi covered her mouth in surprise, in her perception, only Yakuza had such a wound.

"Tell me the truth! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Hero Tosu was full of disgust for this flirtatious woman who betrayed Moribe-kun, and threatened Reiko without any psychological pressure.

He clenched his fist, and under the skin of his left arm, the dense veins popped up, and they were still wriggling, looking extremely hideous and terrifying.


Hero Tosu raised his left palm and pressed it against the wall in the hospital corridor, directly pressing down on the well-defined palm print.

What a strange force! ?

Reiko closed her eyes in fright, and said uncertainly.

"I don't know either, maybe it belonged to my former husband, the Ministry of Defense."

Under the constant threat of the hero Tosu, Reiko reluctantly confessed everything.

After Moribe-kun disappeared, Reiko found out that she was pregnant. Reiko didn't know who the father of the child was. She had several concubines at the time, and one of them was the general manager of Osaka Shinhei Industry.

After the whereabouts of Shoubu's big boss disappeared, Lizi was also eager to find a new big boss, so she lied that the child in her stomach was the general manager's child.

Uh, it's not a lie, after all, there is a one-third or one-fourth possibility.

The old and childless general manager was immediately ecstatic, and said on the spot that as long as the child was born, he would divorce the yellow-faced woman in the family and marry Lizi as his wife, and Lizi could be considered as married into a 'rich family'.

But even if Lizi's calculations were sound, the plan did not change quickly. Lizi's second daughter was born and was diagnosed with a certain rare disease. The general manager also found that the child's blood type did not match his during the diagnosis and treatment, and he was furious and walked away.

As for the other concubines, their whereabouts are also unknown at this time.

"So, are you all relying on the money sent by Shoubu Mamiya to treat Yukari?" Hero Tosu asked with a blank expression and a tone without a trace of warmth.


Although the environment in the hospital was originally deserted, but now the air was filled with some inexplicable chill, and Lizi was trembling with fear.

Although Hero Tosu tried his best to keep calm, a cavity of anger still surged to Tianling Gai, and the murderous look on his face almost solidified.

There were rustling noises under the clothes, black lines appeared on the body of Hero Tosu, almost unable to suppress the black tentacles in his body, he rushed out and stabbed Lizi into a hornet's nest!

Although Lord Shoubu and Mamiya Shoubu are not related by blood, they are both kind-hearted and good people. How can there be such a wife and mother who are as shameless as they are?

In an instant, Hero Tosu had the urge to hang the woman in front of him.

But thinking about Moribe Mamiya and another daughter, Tosu Hero could barely resist the killing intent.

"If you still have a bit of conscience as a mother, take good care of the sisters Zhen Gong, and get rid of those concubines."

Hero Tosu dropped a word in a stiff voice, got up and left.

"Qian, I will prepare it tomorrow, and you will listen to my call then."

"Sir, you say you know Moribe? Where is he now?"

Seeing that the figure of Hero Tosu was about to disappear in the corridor of the hospital, Reiko dared to ask.

"Shoubu-kun is gone, but I am the incarnation of Shoubu-kun!"

Walking out of the Osaka General Hospital, the angry Hero Tosu walked aimlessly around the street a few times, and gradually calmed down a bit.

Although he can't wait to smash the stalker who forced Moriya Mamiya into pieces, but in Osaka, where he is unfamiliar, Hero Tosu has no way to find the murderer.

The top priority is to make money, make a lot of money!

Moreover, the ICU may cost 100,000 yen a day, as well as follow-up treatment expenses, and even the medical expenses of Mamiya's sister. Hero Tosu thinks that at least eight figures will be barely enough.

To get so much money overnight, other than robbing the bank, there is only...

Unknowingly, Hero Tosu followed the flow of people and came to the flower street in Toda Shinchi.

The curtain of night slowly fell, and the paper lanterns on the shops in Toda Xindi began to shine brightly. The wrinkled mother Sang began to solicit customers in an Osaka dialect. There was an endless stream of tourists from all over the country.


Staring at the brightly lit Toda Shinchi for a long time, Hero Tosu cursed in a low voice, then turned back and walked into a Kamen Rider peripheral shop in Dotonbori Commercial Street.


In Ai Lin 2-chome, which is just across the street from Feitian Xindi, there is a store without a signboard.

On the stage, Master Kagawa and his partner, dressed in leather suits, are doing all they can, interjecting and playing subjects, performing the most popular mancai play in Osaka, "Who Is Important, My Wife and Me".

But at the dining table under the stage, the audience didn't care to watch Master Kagawa's performance.

The two sat on both sides, and there were a few younger brothers standing behind them. Everyone was serious and had a fierce look on their faces.

"Come, come, brother Tsuruoka, let's have a drink first."

A man rolled up his sleeves, revealing his colorfully tattooed arms, and poured a full glass of beer for the strong man with a scar on his forehead.

"Okano, don't come here for nothing." The man with the scar snorted coldly with disdain.

"When will the stores of your Hongdao Club in Xintian enclave be handed over to me? According to the agreement of our two cadres, it's our team's turn to take over in the second half of the year."

The flower-armed man smiled, but did not reply positively.

Instead, he grabbed a piece of steak on the dining table with his bare hands, and his white teeth tore off a large piece, dripping with juice.

There are only more than 200 restaurant kiosks in Torita Xindi so far. Due to the pressure of public opinion at home and abroad, the Osaka government has long stopped issuing licenses, which means that every restaurant kiosk is a non-renewable resource.

The daily turnover of these kiosks is extremely high, and the decoration cost can be invested in one-time, and the wages of working women and mothers are all based on commission, so the cost is not worth mentioning.

It can be said that the small restaurant in Feitian Xindi, which is less than ten square meters, is like a hen that lays golden eggs!

In this era when violent gangs were suppressed and weakened day by day, the few kiosks owned by Hongdao Club had become an indispensable capital flow.

"Brother He Gao, it's not the appointed time yet, you guys are too impatient." The flower-armed man chewed the delicious roast beef in his mouth, his mouth was full of oil, and said vaguely.

After tasting the sweetness, Hongdao would not be willing to spit out such a large piece of fat, and secretly instructed the man with the flower arm to delay the time as much as possible.

After seeing the full flow of people in Feitian Xindi during the golden week, the violent group that the scarred man was in was also very hot-eyed, and urged him to come and hand over the flower-armed man before the time came.

"You Hongdaohui, do you want to go back on your word?!"

The man with the scar slammed the table hard and jumped up. The two younger brothers behind him also glared at the man with the flower arm.

The younger brothers behind the flower-armed man were not to be outdone, their faces showing threats.

The air was suddenly filled with a tense atmosphere!

Master Kagawa, who was performing Mancai on the stage, was also frightened by the solemn atmosphere, and even interrupted the performance.

"Don't stop, keep talking, keep singing!"

The flower-armed man showed dissatisfaction at the two Kagawas on the stage, waved his hands, then got up on the spot, and pressed the oil-stained palm on the shoulder of the scarred man, forcing him down .

"Brother Hegang, don't be so angry, there are things to discuss. What age is it, do you still want to engage in such a thing? Harmony makes money, and harmony makes money!"

The man with the scar barely sat down again, and said:

"Then how to solve this matter?"

"Brother Hegang, those stores are not as profitable as you think."

The flower-armed man began to complain bitterly: "Now that the economy is in a downturn, more and more women are going to sea. They have everything from schoolgirls, good families, and office workers. Many women think that as long as they are willing to go all out and lie down, they can make a few casualties." Billion, it's just a daydream!"

"Even the custom business doesn't make money anymore, what kind of world is this!"

"What the hell do you mean!?"

Seeing the face of the flower-armed man pushing back and forth, the scarred man's anger was also stirred up again.

"So, for the sake of the friendly relationship between our two groups, we should let Hongdao Club manage the stores in Toda Xindi in the second half of the year."

The flower-armed man said with a hippie smile: "Of course we won't treat you badly, and we will give you a large dividend. You can make money while sitting, and save the trouble of management, isn't it wonderful!"

"you wanna die!"

Scarface was furious, and was about to turn his back on the spot.

At this moment, only hearing the chaotic sound of ping-ping-pong-pong outside, and the screams of the janitor boy, the faces of the flower-armed man and Scarface changed.

Could it be that the Osaka prefectural police came to the door?

I saw a masked knight wearing a helmet with horns and a black windbreaker, walking in with his head held high.

"Justice is enforced! Hand over all the money!"

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