I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 233 Chapter 234 Penglai is Mount Fuji?


"Nami-ryu, I'm sorry, I was at work just now and had no time to distract. You called me so many times, is there something urgent?" Uchiha Senmen's gentle voice came from the phone.

"Brother-in-law, I'm in Kohama City, where are you now?" Sakaki Nami Liu asked with a trembling voice, holding back the emotional agitation in her heart.

"Well... I haven't finished the work at hand, and now I have to leave for another place. You and Ah Ming are visiting the Mermaid Festival in Xiaohama City, I'm sorry I can't spare time to go with you, can you Going to have fun with my share."

"I'm sorry, brother-in-law, I'm too willful..."

Nami Ryu Sakaki couldn't help sobbing a little, with guilt in her tone.

She doesn't know how to talk to her brother-in-law now, should I say that I finally understand your difficulties?

Brother-in-law, he is actually a hero behind the scenes, engaged in top-secret work in the Metropolitan Police Department to fight monsters and weird things, but he has been nagging brother-in-law because he doesn't know good or bad, because brother-in-law doesn't talk to me very much and doesn't answer his phone. Sulk, make petty temper.

Thinking about it now, it is so ignorant!

After all, it is true that the work involving the mysterious field that my brother-in-law is engaged in may have a higher level of secrecy than military operations. wander around.

There is some doubt in Uchiha Xianmen's tone: "Nami Liu, your voice...is there any grievance? Is there something that needs brother-in-law to stand up for you?"


There was an impulse in Sakaki Namiliu's heart, and she wanted to say something more, and poured out all her inner feelings regardless of the randomness, but Grace snatched the phone by surprise.

"Uchiha Police Watch, it's me, Grace."

Grace picked up Nami-ryu Sakaki's cell phone and waved her hand while replying.

"What are you doing, a foreign woman? You are a robber. Give me back your phone!"

A few black suits from the fifth class formed a solid wall and stood in front of the jumping Nami Ryu Sakaki.

"Investigator Grace, why are you? Why are you by Namiliu's side?"

There was a bit of astonishment in Uchiha Xianmen's voice, obviously this situation caught him unexpectedly.

"Officer Uchiha, your countryman relative accidentally got involved in the extraordinary incident that happened in Xiaohama. I am the investigator at the scene." Grace laughed.

"Then my son Ah Ming, is he okay with my sister-in-law?!"

"Don't worry, they are all safe and sound." Grace reassured, then asked:

"Inspector Uchiha, as I remember, you have been searching for the whereabouts of Hero Tosu in Shizuoka City for the past few days. Do you have time now? I have something I want to consult with you."

"I found some clues. Hero Tosu may have left Shizuoka City. I'm going to track him in the car now. It's still a while before I reach my destination. Please tell me directly."

"Then I'm not going to be polite. Uchiha Police Watch, it's about the supernatural event I encountered today..."

Before Grace finished speaking, she was interrupted by Uchiha Xianmen, who only heard Uchiha Xianmen ask cautiously:

"Cough... Investigator Grace, I haven't heard any rumors about your operation in the fifth class. It should be a confidential mission. It's not appropriate to tell me such an outsider who searched the fourth class."

Uchiha Xianmen is also quite politically sensitive. Knowing that Section 5 is now a country within a country in the Metropolitan Police Department, it is not good for him to be involved in the search of Section 4 too deeply.

"The Uchiha Police Department is not considered an outsider. After all, Section 5 is also affiliated to the Metropolitan Police Department. If such a big accident happened, a report must be submitted to the Metropolitan Police Department afterwards. Sooner or later, it will reach the ears of you front-line personnel. It's not important to reveal something with the Uchiha police now."

Grace frowned, with a look of indifference on her face, and then roughly explained the ins and outs of what happened in the police station today.

Suzuki Junhui, the extraordinary person who claims to be a pharmacist, Penglai Yuzhi, the blood of monsters...

And the most important elixir of life!

Although Grace is a foreigner, she also knows the importance of the elixir of life in East Asian countries. One stone will stir up a thousand waves, and I am afraid that the whole of Japan will be stirred up.

"The elixir of life? Maybe I'm a little sensitive. The elixir of life also appeared in "The Tale of Bamboo Tori." Police Uchiha pondered for a long time on the phone before speaking solemnly.

At the end of "Bamboo Tori Monogatari", Kaguya Ji was welcomed back to the sky by the heavenly beings, and presented an elixir of immortality to the emperor before leaving.

Seeing things and thinking about people, the emperor refused to take the elixir, so he arranged for military officers to send the elixir to Mount Fuji and throw it into the crater for destruction.

The word Fuji is pronounced the same as "Immortal" in Japanese, so Mount Fuji is also called the Immortal Mountain.

"Huh? That's right, I remembered. The jade-like branch that the extraordinary man held in his hand, could it be the Penglai jade branch, one of the five treasures?" Grace recalled belatedly.

"Bamboo Catch Tale" is now also one of the required readings for the fifth and fourth investigations of the Metropolitan Police Department.

In the ghost doctor incident, one of the gains of the Metropolitan Police Department was the stone bowl in front of the Buddha.

A Fei from the Akatsuki organization who appeared on the stage threatened to temporarily leave the stone bowl in front of the Buddha in the hands of the Metropolitan Police Department before collecting all five treasures.

Although I don't know what is the use of A Fei's collection of five treasures, but now there is another legendary treasure Penglai Jade Branch.

It's just in the hands of Mr. Pharmacist. Does that mean that Mr. Pharmacist will also be targeted by Ah Fei?

The enemy's enemy may be a friend, and Mr. Pharmacist's approachable and friendly attitude is by no means the kind of transcendent with obvious malice from the Akatsuki organization. Maybe he can win over to the Metropolitan Police Department?

After all, Mr. Yaoshi's amazing medical supernatural ability and the elixir that saved Suzuki Maixiang from dying are of great value.

"Mr. Pharmacist, he said that he is going to go to sea to find Penglai, so he is looking for the blood of the mermaid. But, what is the connection between Penglai and the mermaid?"

"Mermaid and Penglai..."

After a moment of silence, Uchiha Xianmen was on the other end of the phone, reciting a passage in cadence:

"Lingyu people's face, hands, feet, and fish body are in the sea. The big scorpion lives in the sea. The Ming clan lives in the sea. Fenglai Mountain is in the sea. The city of adults is in the sea."

Grace could hear it like a cloud, and although she was fluent in Japanese, she didn't know anything about classical Chinese, which even the Japanese struggled to master.

"I think of a passage in the "Shan Hai Jing" Hainei Beijing. Lingyu is undoubtedly a kind of mermaid, and the same passage also mentions Penglai, which may imply that Lingyu lives near Penglai. In this way, the medicine master It makes sense to search for Penglai by looking for traces of mermaids."

"Warrior Uchiha, you really have great knowledge and memorization! You are even better than those folklore scholars." Grace praised sincerely.

"This is just my whim, maybe it's just far-fetched. For the specific situation, you should consult Professor Changshan, who is the authority in the field of folklore."

After explaining the matter at work, Uchiha Senmen asked again very uneasy:

"My sister-in-law has an impulsive temper, so I'll ask Investigator Grace to take care of her."


After finishing the call, Grace threw the phone to Nami Ryu Sakaki, whose eyes were about to burst into flames.

"You disgusting woman! You actually interrupted my conversation with my brother-in-law!"

"I am sorry."

With a half-smile on Grace's face, she apologized without sincerity, and said, "After all, Uchiha and I are colleagues, and we have more important matters to discuss at work, so I can only wrong you."

"Damn it!" Sakaki Nami gritted her teeth unwillingly, always feeling that this foreign woman was showing off her power and showing off her relationship with her brother-in-law.

But that's a thing of the past!

Even if you and your brother-in-law are both colleagues in the mysterious department, and keep the same secrets with each other, it seems that your relationship is closer than those who don't know, but now her sister-in-law knows this secret, which is equal to one point!

When Nami-ryu Sakaki thought of this, she cheered up again.


For the sake of the Uchiha police, Grace decided to ignore this generously.

She greeted the black suits who came to the fifth class, and began to deal with the aftermath.

Although they were already familiar with this method, the destruction of the Xiaohama City Police Station in such a state could not be fooled by a gas explosion. Also, when Lu Xingyu landed, many tourists saw it, and it was troublesome to deal with public opinion.

However, things have to be prioritized, and these tasks are handed over to the subordinates to complete. Grace's top priority is how to deal with Suzuki Maika, a hybrid descendant of a monster.

"Miss Suzuki, please go to the hospital with us for an examination. Although you don't seem to be in any serious condition now, you will be in trouble if you leave behind some hidden injuries." Although Grace's tone was polite, it contained an irresistible stern.

Suzuki Maika's eyes flickered, obviously a little uneasy.

"You don't want to do something bad to Maika, do you? I want to go with you too." Nami Sakaki said with a hint of hostility on her face, worried.

Grace disagreed and nodded in agreement.

Unlike some people with persecution paranoia, the Metropolitan Police Department will not conduct an autopsy as soon as it comes up.

Instead of looking at the monk's face and looking at the Buddha's face, Suzuki's sister, Suzuki Junhui, is not dead yet.

He was also taken away by Mr. Pharmacist. Maybe there was another chance. The Metropolitan Police Department can't do too much, but a blood test is essential.

Whether it is the blood of monsters in Suzuki Maixiang's bloodline, or the possible drug residues after taking that magical elixir, they all have great research value.


"Go out to sea from Wakasa Bay to find Horai?"

In a black car on a national highway leading to Osaka Prefecture, Uchiha Senmon sat in the back row, closed his eyes and muttered silently.

"Ran れ ば main number は Immortal Mountain なりしを. The name of the county に せ せ て. Fuji の mountain と は Shen す な り. It is Penglai の, fairyland たり."

Uchiha Senmen gently patted his thigh with one hand, accompaniment to the ballad he sang.

Uchiha Senmon's hometown is in the countryside of Shizuoka Prefecture, where you can overlook Mount Fuji from a distance. There is such a ballad that calls Mount Fuji the Horai Wonderland in his hometown.

The Yamato Dynasty in the Heian period was influenced by culture from the mainland. The island of "Horai" had fairy mountains, and the concept of fairy mountains in fairy mountains gradually spread in Japan.

In the middle and late Heian period, Japan called many spiritual mountains Horai, such as Mount Kumano and Mount Atsuta, but the most famous one is Mount Fuji.

After all, Mount Fuji is a sacred mountain known as the Immortal Mountain, and its religious and cultural image is closer to Penglai.

"Perhaps Penglai is not on the sea, but on land, which is actually Mt. Fuji?"

Uchiha Xianmen is whimsical.

After all, Penglai Yuzhi is one of the five treasures that Kaguya Hime seeks in "The Story of the Bamboo Cutter", and "The Story of the Bamboo Claw" ended in Mount Fuji.

In the ghost doctor incident, the stone bowl before the Buddha and the fire mouse coat appeared, plus the Penglai jade branch, so the five treasures requested by Kaguya Ji are short of the dragon head jade and the swallow Anbei.

What will happen after all five treasures are collected?

Could it be Kaguya Hime descending from the moon to the world?

"There is also Hero Tosu... who was reborn in Aokigahara at the foot of Mt. Fuji. What secret does Mt. Fuji hide?"

Under the full operation of the Metropolitan Police Department, after Tosu hero disappeared, he was seen wearing the masked hero suit at the foot of Mount Fuji.

The recent extraordinary events may all be related to Mount Fuji, with a sense of oppression that the mountain rain is about to come and the wind is overwhelming!

Shaking his head, putting aside his troubled thoughts for a while, Uchiha Xianmen began to sort out the clues at hand.

His task now is to bring the hero Tosu to justice!

"Sure enough, Hero Tosu wouldn't just die in Abe Chuanuchi that easily. He escaped from his shell and feigned death. But, what did he do in Osaka?"

Uchiha Xianmen took out his mobile phone and opened a video.

This was filmed yesterday morning on the Shinkansen near Osaka Prefecture. In the picture, a man with a knife was arson and was subdued by a young man with a quick fist. The man seemed a little cautious, facing the camera that came up, he covered his face and fled in despair.

This video was on the hot search list that day and became a hot topic of discussion, and some fans were asking for the name of the brave person.

These few videos caught the attention of the Metropolitan Police Department. Through big data comparison, it was found that the face of that person turned out to be one of the members who were burned to death in the Matori Group!

The dead involved in the case came back to life, and somehow appeared in Osaka Prefecture?

Experts in the Metropolitan Police Department, through gait recognition technology and the walking posture of the young man, judged that it was 70% similar to Hero Tosu.

In other words, the dead man of the Matori group may be the Tosu hero in disguise!

"Uchiha Police Watch, Osaka Prefecture is here."

Police Uchiha nodded slowly.


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