I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 218 Chapter 219 Tailed beast suit? Half-tail Beastization!

What turned over on the seabed in front of me was a twelve-meter-long small yacht.

It has been several years since the yacht sank in Wakasa Bay, and a thick layer of dust and sand has accumulated on the sunken ship.

Shipwrecks like this offshore often become a paradise for underwater creatures. Barnacles and corals will settle down on the ship, attracting various small fish and marine predators and becoming part of the underwater ecosystem.

But the strange thing is that with the sunken ship as the center, there is a bare area in a radius of tens of meters.

It is in stark contrast to the surrounding colorful and vibrant underwater world.

Naruto Uchiha hid in the belly of Toad, and had a panoramic view of the situation outside.

"This is the 30th year of Heisei. A yacht sank in Wakasa Bay due to a storm. One of the seven passengers on board died unfortunately. It has been five years since now."

Naruto Uchiha held a confidential document copied from the Metropolitan Police Department in his hand, and slowly flipped through it.

"When the local government was salvaging the bodies of the victims, they discovered a horrible scene. The frogmen who went down died one by one. After three people died in a row, people panicked. Rumors were that 'mermaids' were responsible, and the salvage operation had to be stopped. .”

"Wakasa Bay was originally famous for the 800 nuns. The theory of the mermaid was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it caused a lot of trouble. It attracted the attention of the Metropolitan Police Department. After investigation, it was found that there was no mermaid in the sunken ship, but an evil spirit. , later officially designated as Type B-07!"

Naruto Uchiha took out a resume with a color photo from the file bag.

The deceased was a woman named Junhui Suzuki.

Junhui Suzuki in the photo has thick and beautiful long black hair.

He just glanced at it and didn't pay much attention.

After becoming an evil spirit, they have already lost their reason and humanity, and they are all existences that should be eliminated.

Naruto Uchiha will not be merciful, and naturally he does not need to understand the life experience of the evil spirit before his death.

Jianshi Toad kicked his legs and swam a few laps along the dividing line between the barren land and the coral reef around the yacht.

The essence of the evil spirits is formed by Yin escape chakra, cold and cold, coupled with the instinct of the evil spirits to attack living things indiscriminately, making the surrounding area of ​​the yacht a forbidden area of ​​death.

There are only a few protruding artificial reefs standing near the yacht.

Naruto Uchiha knew that there was a camera hidden in the hole in the reef.

Among the only sixteen cases of type B so far, this is also a very special one.

Suzuki Junhui's evil spirit is located tens of meters below the surface of the Wakasa Bay, so naturally there is no way to talk about human tracking or isolation.

What the Metropolitan Police Department can do, apart from erasing all news on the Internet, is to place underwater cameras.

Instruct the local fishery administration to send water patrol planes to conduct regular patrols in the surrounding waters.

Fortunately, all evil spirits have the nature of earth-bound spirits, and this sea area is also deserted, so the danger is almost equal to zero.

This level of evil spirits can be destroyed by Uchiha Naruto, even in the sea, he can also blast the evil spirits and the yacht into pieces.

It's just that, wouldn't it be too much of a fuss...

It's still unnoticed, it's better to eliminate the evil spirits.

Naruto Uchiha was hesitating, and Toad was keenly aware of the vibration from the sea.


Seeing the World Toad spread his feet to push away the sea water, swam back hundreds of meters, raised his head, and was covered by the shadow cast by a large steel ship.

"It seems that one of them is a warship?"

Naruto Uchiha murmured, hesitating in tone.

After all, it was just a glimpse from the bottom of the sea, and the angle of view was different, which was very unreal.

"Forget it, let's go up to the surface of the sea and have a look."

He opened and closed his hands a few times, made a few seals, and said in a low voice:

"Spiritualization technique!"

In an instant, Uchiha Naruto's soul left his body and rose above sea level, and his body could be placed in the stomach of Toad without any worries.

Naruto Uchiha flew into the sky, looking down at the two ships, one big and one small below.

The big one is a scientific research ship, and the other one is a warship equipped with naval guns.

It's a pity that with Naruto Uchiha's military technology knowledge, he still can't tell what kind of warship it is, but the Stars and Stripes are flying on the deck.

But it looks a bit small, and the displacement may only be two to three hundred tons, which is completely incomparable with huge monsters such as destroyers.

The two ships were obviously aimed at Suzuki Junhui's evil spirit.

Menacing, comers are not good.

What the hell are they planning, is it to deal with the evil spirits in Wakasa Bay?

They should have also tested it. Physical attacks such as cannonballs are ineffective against the evil spirits whose nature has changed.

Naruto Uchiha couldn't help being a little curious. At this moment, he saw a dark face appearing on the deck of the scientific research ship, which looked somewhat familiar.

Isn't this the head of Lesson 5?

He gave himself a big gift.

Naruto Uchiha landed on the deck silently, and floated past as if there was no one else around.

The technique of spiritualization is used to infiltrate, it is like entering the land of no one.

The scientific research ship rides the wind and waves, the bow of the ship divides the sea, arouses piles of snow-white waves, and countless water droplets splash up and return to the sea.

Mr. Mori stood on the deck, looking at the endless blue sea in the distance, and narrowed his eyes slightly.


Two hundred meters away from the yacht sinking, the research ship and the gunboat behind it stopped.

"Although according to the experimental data at the beginning of the year, the furthest moving distance of the type B-07 is 45 meters away from the sunken ship, but for safety reasons, it cannot get any closer."

Next to Section Chief Mori, a scientific researcher in a white coat with thinning hair said.

"Dr. Misawa, I understand."

The sea breeze with a fishy smell blew over, Section Chief Mori looked around, with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Wakasawan, the last time I came here to perform a mission was fourteen years ago."

"Huh? That was the 16th year of Heisei. The evil spirit in Wakasa Bay was only discovered five years ago. Section Chief Mori was already a member of the Fifth Division of Public Security at that time, right? What mission did you come here for?"

Professor Sanze is a little curious. He is in charge of the research on the evil spirits of Wakasa Bay and has been stationed in Xiaohama City all year round.

"Sorry, Mr. Mori. If it involves confidentiality, just pretend I didn't ask."

"It's been more than ten years, and of course it's not a secret."

Section Chief Mori thought about it, and felt that it was not a big deal, and there was no need to keep it secret, so he simply told the truth.

"In the 16th year of Pingcheng, it was less than a year since the first case of supernatural existence was discovered. At that time, the Metropolitan Police Department was conducting a large-scale investigation of shrines, temples and folklore across the country, trying to find clues related to the supernatural." Mori the principal recalled.

"Wakasa Bay, isn't there a legend about 800 nuns?"

Legend has it that in the ancient city of Wakasa in Kohama, someone caught a mermaid. The shape of the mermaid was so ugly that no one dared to eat it. Only a little girl tasted it curiously.

The girl who ate mermaid meat lived forever until she was 800 years old. She lamented the impermanence of the world and finally became a nun.

This is the Yabaichuni, which is well-known in Japan.

"Ohama City not only has a mermaid festival that has been passed down for centuries, but also a mermaid specimen with a history of more than 150 years is hidden in the local mermaid shrine. I was ordered to investigate the authenticity of this matter at that time."

"The mummy from the Mermaid Shrine, that's a fake." When Professor Sanze heard this, he lost interest immediately.

"That's right, that mermaid mummy was pieced together from the mummies of macaques and carp!" Mr. Mori couldn't help but feel a little annoyed when he talked about this old story.

"I spent a lot of time trying to find out the source, and found that this mermaid mummy was a mass-produced fake sold to Europeans from Sakai City, Osaka!"

Sakai City in Osaka was the window of trade between Japan and Westerners at that time.

In the Middle Ages, the church used the mermaid, a monster whose singing voice is charming and deceptive, to allude to the temptation of women.

Because of religious reasons, Western Europe was extremely obsessed with mermaids at that time, and superstitiously believed that there must be mermaids somewhere in the world.

Although there are no such things in Western Europe and the New World, they might really exist in the Far East!

Businessmen in Osaka resolutely seized this business opportunity and began to produce various specimens of mermaids and kappa for sale to Westerners, and even formed a complete industrial chain.

The Leiden National Museum of Ethnology in the Netherlands, as well as the British Museum, still preserve the forged mermaid and kappa specimens of that era.

The spirit of Japanese craftsmanship can be seen.

"Ohama City got a fake mermaid specimen from Osaka, and enshrined it in the shrine as a gimmick for the mermaid festival." Mr. Mori said angrily and amusedly.

"Except for Xiaohama City, there are all kinds of kappa, mermaid, and even dragon monster specimens all over the country. The Metropolitan Police Department investigated them one by one and found that they are all counterfeit goods, wasting a lot of manpower and material resources."


Professor Sanze couldn't help laughing. After laughing a few times, he said, "Speaking of which, tomorrow is the mermaid festival in Xiaohama City. Is Section Chief Mori interested in visiting it?"

"Mermaid Festival?" Mr. Mori seemed indifferent.

"There will be young girls dressed as mermaids and showing off."

Mr. Mori changed his mind, changed his mind, and agreed:

"For this experiment, I was approved for three days. If the experiment goes well, it's not a bad idea to visit the Mermaid Festival."

"Then it's settled. I'll be the host to entertain Section Chief Mori. I also prepared a young girl for Section Chief Mori in the evening."

"When I get back to the shore, I must relax." Mr. Mori said with a smile.

"It's not too late. We can start the experiment while the wind and waves are calm now."

A few Fifth Class staff in black suits rolled out a square water tank with a diameter of more than two meters.

In the water tank, there was a sluggish little octopus monster. It bared its teeth and opened its mouth to spit out something, but only a trace of ink floated out of its mouth.

Section Chief Mori looked at the little octopus monster in the water tank, with a strange expression on his face.

President Hyoudou of the Black Emperor Society is really insane.

After President Hyoudou was attacked by a transcendent in the Palace of Bliss, the Metropolitan Police Department, based on this clue, pulled out a carrot and took out the mud, digging out a lot of black material.

This is one of the monsters excavated from the ruins of the Palace of Bliss.

If President Hyoudou was still alive, he would have to walk around without food.

But people died like a lamp went out, and it was discovered that the top leaders of the Black Emperor Society were killed in the Palace of Bliss.

"This time, our experiment is to observe the reaction of type A and type B after contact."

Monsters with flesh can be eliminated through physical means, but for incorporeal evil spirits, the Metropolitan Police Department has tried its best to do nothing.

Scientists are very curious about what kind of chemical reaction there will be when monsters and evil spirits collide.

Can evil spirits kill monsters?

Can monsters resist the attack of evil spirits?

However, the samples of monsters have always been scarce. It was not until this year that the number of captured living samples increased greatly, and the situation became more and more treacherous, that this experimental project was put on the agenda.

"let's start."

Section Chief Mori and Professor Sanze, commanding the staff, took a lot of effort to load the water tank on the unmanned remote control submersible, and slowly sink it into the sea through the cable winch.

After the underwater robot landed on the seabed smoothly, it started its crawlers and approached the sunken ship.

Section Chief Mori and Professor Sanze opened their eyes wide, observing images in the sea through the multiple cameras mounted on the submersible body.

After crossing the death line, the little octopus monster seemed restless, swimming back and forth in the water tank, bumping into the thick glass from time to time.

The command console continued to steer the submersible forward, forward.

Forty meters, thirty meters, twenty meters...

Finally, about fifteen meters away from the sunken ship, a white phantom floated out of the yacht.

Today's Wakasa Bay has no wind or waves, and the sea water under the sun is clear and transparent. The staff on the scientific research ship can clearly see what is in front of the submersible's camera.

The extremely pale woman's face, the emotionless eyes are black and white, and the thick black hair flutters in the water like seaweed.


The operator's scalp suddenly went numb, and his hands on the console froze.

"Don't stop, there's nothing to be afraid of!"

Mr. Mori scolded:

"Previous experimental records have shown that as long as we don't invade the territory of evil spirits, we will never be attacked. We are very safe!"

The operator swallowed, and tremblingly controlled the submersible, moving towards Suzuki Junhui's evil spirit.

Professor Sanze watched this scene intently, wishing to put his eyeballs on the screen.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer!

The submersible ran over to the evil spirit in Wakasa Bay.

The evil spirit directly penetrated the submersible and the glass wall, and got into the body of the little octopus.

At this moment, mutants are born!

The body of the octopus monster began to twist and swell, becoming as tall as a person. The upper body became a woman, with bumps and convexities, a pretty face, and below the waist were octopus tentacles full of suction cups.

Dark red and unknown energy gushed out, covering Suzuki Junhui's face, and continued to spread downward!

"Tail beast suit? No, it's more like a half-tail beast!"

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