I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 165 Chapter 167 Who are you?

"Shirajiro's mouth is very picky. He likes to eat offal, but even so, he can't eat so many people's offal at once. That is to say, as long as you escape to the end, one or two of you may survive. "

"That is to say, the enemy of your slaves is not the invincible Shirajiro, but other slaves!"

The debtors in the audience looked at each other, their eyes flickering.

Everyone has heard such a story, when you meet a bear with your companions in the forest, you don’t need to run faster than the bear, as long as you run faster than your companions, you can survive.

"I don't die, you bastard! Sure enough, you still want to force us to kill each other!"

The young man before became furious, pointing at Chairman Hyoudou and cursing.

He picked up a samurai sword from the weapon rack, and threw it into the stands in a frenzy.

With a "bang", the bulletproof glass did not move at all, not even a crack.

"Hey, young people, don't think so badly of the old man. The old man just pointed out a way out for the lucky ones among you."

President Hyoudou pushed away two black-clothed bodyguards standing in front of him with his cane, sparing no effort to block his good show.

"Trash like you, it's really hard to kill a monster like Shirajiro. So I made an exception, and I will give you a big discount. As long as someone can survive to the end, there will be 10 million! Not only that, The other people's 10 million is also his!"

President Hyoudou urged with a devilish tone.

In other words, there may be a hundred million? !

"Bastard, you bastard!"

The young man gritted his teeth, then turned his head to dissuade other debtors:

"This is a closed arena, and with the monster's speed, we have nowhere to escape. So if we engage in internal strife now, we will die faster, and no one can guarantee that the monster will not kill people after eating enough! "

"Then what can you do?" Someone retorted.


The young man's face darkened and he was speechless.

At this time, Shirajiro had already finished eating the internal organs of the third victim, licking his bloody paw, and slowly leaning forward, staring at him, his eyes full of danger.

"Wow wow wow—!"

"You, don't come here..."

The debtors backed away in fright. Although the weapon racks around them were full of weapons, Shirajiro's hair was almost invulnerable, and they lost the courage to fight back.

Shirajiro opened his scarlet eyes, and his long white hairs danced like tentacles.

At this moment, Chairman Hyoudou took out another remote control and pressed it lightly!


The black collar on Shirajiro's neck suddenly burst out with a high-voltage current, and the hair on the monster's body exploded like an electric shock. Then Shirajiro let out a wail, and jumped to the other side of the arena in an instant.

The long white hair on his body turned into hard thorns again, protecting himself tightly.


Shirajiro licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked up at President Hyoudou on the high platform, his eyes were full of hatred.

But President Hyoudou didn't take it seriously, and shouted to the audience:

"This time, the old man just used the lowest electric current to scare Shirajiro away, but it only ate the internal organs of three people. It is still very hungry and will make a comeback soon. Next time, the old man will not do anything. Whatever you want to do, you can only take advantage of it now!"

"No, we can't do what that old bastard wants..."

The young man is still making his last effort, but this time no one is willing to listen to him.

Before the words were finished, an iron rod hit the young man on the back of the head, causing him to fall to the ground bleeding from his head, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

That one seemed to be afraid that the young man would wake up, so he put a stick on the young man's calf, the calf was distorted and deformed, and it was obviously broken. In this case, even if the young man woke up, he would not be able to escape.

"I want to live! I have to live, I have a wife and a daughter waiting for me—"

"Yamamoto, you rotten gambling dog, your wife left you and remarried long ago. This 100 million is mine! My life has just begun, how can I die here!"

Under the pressure of life and death crisis, as well as the astronomical huge bounty, under the coercion and lure, the few remaining debtors have completely lost their minds, showing their naked instincts like animals.

They picked up their weapons and put on their blades, and began to kill each other. From time to time, some people screamed and then fell to the ground.

"That's right, that's right! That's it. Only by stepping on other people's bones and climbing up can we survive."

President Hyoudou sipped fine wine while watching the life-and-death battle in the arena with relish.

It didn't take long to fight, and the winner was soon decided. In the end, there was only one down-and-out man standing on the stage with blood on his arm.

Others were either seriously injured and fell to the ground, or had died altogether.

"Survived, survived! There is still one hundred million!"

Before that person could break free from the joy of escaping from death, he saw Shirajiro approaching on tiptoe.

He limped away quickly.

There are so many fallen people here, enough to fill the belly of the monster, the monster should not bother to hunt him.

Unexpectedly, Shirajiro jumped up and jumped to the side of the survivor, the white hair on his body stretched out like tentacles, and tied him up.


The survivor struggled hard, but the monster's hair was so tough that he couldn't get rid of it at all. He looked at President Hyoudou in the stands with an incredulous expression on his face.

President Hyoudou shrugged and said with a smile:

"This old man is really stupid. I forgot to tell you something. Shirajiro likes to eat offal, but he doesn't eat it if it's not live food. So Shirajiro is not interested in those people you killed."

There was a "click", the sound of the neck being bitten off.

"After Shirajiro is full, clean up the scene. Those corpses are also twisted into meatballs and used as feed for octopus monsters. This can be regarded as waste utilization. Compared with pouring cement and sinking into Tokyo Bay, this can make people feel better. They contribute to this rubbish."

President Hyoudou ordered the men in black to clean up the scene.

Vice President Hosoda watched everything from beginning to end, seemingly indifferent.

The chairman's bad taste is really not flattering.

"President, you are really supernatural. You can even get two legendary monsters. I am also a little interested. I wonder if the president has a channel to introduce you?"

"You shouldn't ask, don't ask." Chairman Hyoudou's eyes turned cold all of a sudden.

"Yes yes yes." Vice President Hosoda's head was covered with beads of sweat.

At this time, a man in black came over and whispered:

"President, Master Junfu is here."

That little bastard came to the Palace of Bliss again to eat, drink, prostitute and gamble, and that trash Herosaki, how did I tell him to let Junfu go out.

Originally, time is running out, if Junfu can't maintain his body well, then his immortality will be compromised, so what will he do!

President Hyoudou's eyes were full of sullenness, but his expression was as gentle and kind as the grandfather next door.

A man wearing a low-key and luxurious handmade suit and a Patek Philippe on his hand came over with a blank face and eyes as cold as ice.

"This look... No, you are not a gentleman! Who are you?"

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