"No, I didn't hide it." Ji Yang said stubbornly.

"No? Think about it again." She sat on the bed, glanced at him sideways, and said word by word, "Classmate Ji, think about it carefully and seriously."

Ji Yang instantly turned into a coward.

He is still very afraid of his wife.

"Well... I also lent Li Wei five hundred yuan. We didn't have any money at that time, but he was in more difficulty."

"When did you borrow it? What did you borrow it for?" Ruan Xin asked casually.

Ji Yang talked for a while. As for the reason, he was a little embarrassed to say it, so he gritted his teeth and said, "His girlfriend got pregnant unexpectedly and he didn't want it, so..."

Before he finished speaking, Ruan Xin's face turned dark.

At that time, they had just started working, and their money together was not enough. She snorted coldly, "You are more interested in friendship. At that time, your salary was less than mine. Are you borrowing my money?"

"Did you come back?"

She didn't like Li Wei very much. He was a playboy who talked about sex, and he was still so irresponsible, which made people even more unhappy.

"I haven't paid it back yet. It's next month. Xuhui still owes me eight hundred yuan. I'm going to add a little more to buy you the skirt you like." Ji Yang has already made plans.

"Don't buy it, give me the money." Ruan Xin interrupted him and said with a straight face, "Get every penny back."

"We're not short of money now. We couldn't afford it before, but now I want to buy you everything you like." Ji Yang was a little stubborn in this regard.

Spending money a bit vindictively, trying to make it up to her.

"No, eight hundred plus five hundred, one thousand and three, give it back to me every cent, do you hear me?" Ruan Xin did not back down, and even said, "If you don't get it back, I will never let you go. "

If he is not careful, he will buy something that is not worth it.

There are nearly two thousand dresses. They are beautiful, but they are too expensive.

"young married woman……"

"I'll be angry if you don't give me money." Ruan Xin felt that this sentence would become her mantra, and she was a bit coquettish and willful, "Will you give it to me?"

It was not easy for her to try her best to transform herself into a little money addict. She didn't catch him last time and lost tens of thousands.

Her heart ached so much.

Ji Yang hesitated for a moment, sighed, and finally agreed, "...here."

That look was a bit aggrieved.

"Don't buy useless things. I told you, I don't like it. I like luxury cars and mansions." She reminded again, and said slowly, "Can you save your money to buy me luxury cars and mansions?"

The original intention of saying this was to stop him from spending money indiscriminately. She couldn't afford these luxuries now.

Ji Yang thought for a moment and nodded, "Yes."

"Then you save it carefully, it's very expensive." Ruan Xin emphasized.

"I can make money too, I'm still young anyway." He said wildly, with full confidence in his eyes.

Ruan Xin couldn't bear the blow. Young people always felt that they were the center of the world and could do anything. Plus Ji Yang was about the same age as her, so boys always matured later.

"Daughter-in-law, I will buy it for you." He came up to her, hugged her and continued, kissing her and saying, "I will buy you a luxury car. I know you women all like these little animals, BMW, Hummer, Jaguar..."

Ruan Xin was amused by him.

"If you buy a high-rise building, you can see half of the city's high-rise buildings. You can go wherever you want, buy whatever you want, and send it to any kindergarten you want." He said, already pushing Ruan Xin down and half-pressing her.

"You fooled me again." She put her soft and slender hands against his chest and pursed her lips, "You fool me like this every time."

It clearly felt unbelievable, but I couldn't help but believe it.

"Really." He promised as before, "I will definitely let you live a good life. How can I bear to wrong you?"

While she didn't speak, he continued, "I definitely can't let it go. Why can't I let it go?"


Ji Yang didn't give her another chance to speak.


"It's a meeting."

At 8:58, Team Leader Dai shouted, and everyone walked to the conference room. Chen Ye and Zhang Shanshan were still staring at the time.

Ruan Xin has not resigned yet, but he has to clock in. Once he arrives at nine o'clock, he will be late.

Everyone came to the conference room one after another and sat down. It was already nine o'clock when Li Ming came in.

He raised the back of his hand and looked at his watch, then glanced at the people below, "Has Ruan Xin clocked in today?"

"No." Zhang Shanshan replied quickly.

She was watching and didn't come at all.

"Xu Xiao, if she is late, she will be included in the salary calculation." Li Ming looked to the other side and said to the administrator.

Their company has strict regulations on lateness and absenteeism. Twenty yuan will be deducted within ten minutes, and forty yuan will be deducted if the delay is over 10 minutes. If it is Level 2 or above, it will be doubled.

If Ruan Xin doesn't come to check in within ten minutes, he will be deducted 80 yuan today.

"Whoever wants to resign in the future, please inform them in advance. Don't cause trouble for everyone like Ruan Xin. Everyone has to clock in before their wages are settled, otherwise they will be treated as late or absent from work." Li Ming said to the people below, He was scolding Ruan Xin both inside and outside his words.

After talking for a few words, I started to arrange today's work.

During this period, Zhang Yi also quietly sent a message to Ruan Xin, asking him to come over. The other party said that he had no time to come over today.

She thought she was looking for a new job and didn't say much.

Zhang Shanshan came out and was a little happy to see that Ruan Xin hadn't come yet. After waiting for a whole day, Ruan Xin didn't come, so she was even happier.

He urged the administration to record him as absent from work.

A day's absence from work costs hundreds of dollars. She now treats herself as the boss's wife, which is saving herself money.

Zhang Shanshan started to act arrogantly. Even Chen Ye and his group were scolded several times, but no one dared to resist.

Li Ming is the boss, unless they don't want to hang around anymore.

then what should we do?

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