"Not good, we..."

Sakaki suddenly felt his eyelids very heavy, and then he realized that he was hit. Before he could finish speaking, his eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

At this time, Qianye Feng was sitting on the back of the Overlord King Yan, looking expressionlessly at the scene in front of him where Sakaki and others fell into the sea with their flying elves.

The one who could cause this situation was naturally Darkrai. After leaving the protection of the spaceship, Darkrai's power could already affect them.

If Nancy was in her prime, she would definitely not be hit with her terrifying mental power, and even under her protection, Sakaki and Manori would not fall into a coma.

Unfortunately, Nancy had been seriously injured in the previous battle, and coupled with the forced use of her mental power to help Sakaki and others teleport, she was in an unprecedented weak state at this time, and had no spare energy to resist the influence of Darkrai.

Looking at Sakaki and his men floating in the sea, Qianye Feng finally felt relieved, and Darkrai's figure also emerged. It was it that attacked them secretly just now, and directly hit the three people.

Looking at the three people who were about to be swallowed by the sea, Qianye Feng just watched coldly, and his heart was very calm.

The same actions as Qianye Feng were also made by Moltres and Darkrai. They originally lived in their own territory peacefully, but they did not expect that a large number of Team Rocket members would break into one day.

These Team Rocket members not only used despicable means to subdue them, but also wantonly captured various elves under their protection.

"Young man, it seems that you have solved the problem!"

At this moment, a figure came to Qianye Feng from a distance.

Because the visitor appeared suddenly, the phantom elves who were still in a tense state of mind directly locked him, and once they felt his hostility, they would attack him at the first time.

"Relax, I'm not an enemy!"

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, Genji tried to comfort him.

"It's Genji Tenno, long time no see!"

Genji Tenno, wearing a captain's hat and a bold outfit, rode on his Tyrannosaurus, looking exhausted.

The reason why Genji Tenno came here was because he received a request for help from Dr. Odamaki.

After he learned from Dr. Odamaki that Chiba Feng might be attacked by Sakaki, the leader of the dark organization, he rode his Tyrannosaurus directly to Chiba Farm regardless of being overseas.

But when he passed through Kaina City, he found that there were many thugs smashing, looting and burning here, so he had to spend some time helping Miss Junsha restore order and rescue the injured.

After Genji Tenno controlled the order of Kaina City, he saw a huge aircraft flying overseas.

Knowing that things had changed, he hurried over on his Tyrannosaurus, and then saw a scene that surprised him.

"Xiao Feng, let's get them out first. Sakaki, as the leader of Team Rocket, has many secrets. Team Rocket has done many things that are outrageous to both God and man over the years. He is needed to end it."

After learning the whole story, Genji Tianwang pondered for a while and still advised.

For the hateful King Genji Tianwang, he actually doesn't care about the life and death of Sakaki and others, or he hopes that they will die in this sea.

But the countless Pokémons sold by Team Rocket over the years, and the many excellent trainers from various regions secretly detained by Team Rocket still need him to provide clues to rescue them.

Not to mention that Team Rocket's power is now spread across various regions. If there is no cooperation from the leader Sakaki to uproot all the hidden forces of Team Rocket, it may not take long for Team Rocket to elect another leader to continue to do evil.

So in Genji's view, getting rid of Sakaki is not very practical, and it doesn't make much sense if Team Rocket is not uprooted.

After understanding Genji's thoughts, Qianye Feng also fell into thought, and he thought a lot in an instant.

Even if Sakaki and the other two died in this sea, the successor of the Rocket Team might still find trouble with him under the banner of revenge.

After all, he has phantom elves such as Diancie here. This kind of creature that surpasses the power of ordinary elves is a temptation that these dark organizations can hardly resist.

"Moltenzog and Darkrai, what do you think?"

After all, there are still two victims, and Qianye Feng cannot unilaterally decide the fate of Sakaki and others, so he asked.

"Well, let's do it according to what this old man said, but we have to save all the elves I protect!"

After thinking for a while, Moltres still felt that compared to taking Sakaki's life, the fate of the elves under his protection was the most important.

Similarly, Darkrai also hopes to find the elves living in his territory.

Compared with the pleasure of revenge, Moltres and Darkrai both chose to save their companions enslaved by the Rocket Team.

"If that's the case, Genji, please take them away, but I don't want to be attacked by Team Rocket for the third time!"

Finally, Qianye Feng still chose to believe Genji, after all, what he wanted was to solve the problem.

"Xiao Feng, I guarantee with my personality that the thing you are worried about will definitely not happen, and Sakaki and the others will not be able to escape the trial of the alliance in the end. I guarantee it with my personality!"

King Genji knew that after Nancy's revenge on Chiba Feng after being rescued, the other party must have developed a sense of distrust towards the alliance, so he said very seriously.

Looking at the three people taken away by King Genji, Chiba Feng was also a little disappointed. He didn't know whether this could really solve the problem once and for all.

However, since he had made a choice, Chiba Feng would not keep holding on to it. After King Genji disappeared in the sky, he also planned to return to Chiba Farm.

After all, there were still many members of the Rocket Team and their elves in the farm at this time, and they needed to contact Miss Junsha to take them away.

As for the aircraft that had completely sunk into the sea, Chiba Feng ignored it directly.

Although there were still many members of the Rocket Team in the aircraft, they dared to come to Chiba Farm to cause trouble, and they had to pay the corresponding price.

"Celebi, thank you so much this time!"

After returning to Chiba Farm, Chiba Feng thanked Celebi again who was happily flying in the air.

If Celebi had not arrived in time, the consequences would have been disastrous, so Qianye Feng was naturally very grateful to this great hero.


Celebi waved his hand nonchalantly, and then played with Diancie and Shemy, and made an appointment to go to the terraced garden.

As for the aftermath, it was naturally left to Qianye Feng and his elves.

After this battle, many places in Qianye Farm became bumpy, and many houses were seriously damaged, including the house where Yuri Terada lived.

As for the injured Rocket Team members and their elves, Qianye Feng packed them up and gave them to Miss Junsha.

Miss Junsha was also very surprised to see so many seriously injured Rocket Team members.

However, Miss Junsha had received instructions from the Hoenn Alliance before she came, asking her to cooperate with the aftermath of Qianye Farm, so she did not ask too many questions and took these people away. (End of this chapter)

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