I'm A Fantastic Beasts Master At Hogwarts

Chapter 85 Fantastic Beasts That Shouldn't Appear In The Forbidden Forest (Please Subscribe, Pl

Li Xuan caught Grindylo in the Black Lake, or stole it. After all, the Grindylow in the Black Lake was tamed by the mermaids, so they could be regarded as owners.

Generally speaking, Grindylow will attack humans, whether they are ordinary people or wizards.

But in Hogwarts, naturally no Grindylow would dare to do this, especially if he was tamed by a mermaid. Otherwise, if he dared to attack the little wizard, no matter whether he won or lost, he would lose his life.

This is what Li Xuan saw on the lake when he came back from the Forbidden Forest one night, that is, there were no little wizards at night, and these Grindylos would come out to let the wind out a little.

If there are still little wizards meeting by the lake, it is impossible for these Grindellos to appear.

In fact, Grindylow's danger level is not high, only XX, but his appearance is more ferocious. His whole body is light green, with horns on his head, even his teeth are green, and their fingers are very long.

Although these slender fingers made Grindylow a lot stronger when grabbing things, they were also very easy to break, which became their weakness.

These Grindylos are easy to arrange, as long as they are placed in the lake, and they feed on small fish and will actively prey on their own. The super large lake in Li Xuan's small world will definitely meet their survival needs.

As for why he specifically caught Grindylow, as mentioned earlier, Li Xuan now has no aquatic magical animals in the small world.

And Li Xuan is a landlubber, so if there is a water battle, Li Xuan will suffer a lot, and even have to hide in the small world, or let it go.

Li Xuan has always wanted to fill the small world with some aquatic magical animals, but he didn't see any in the magical animal shop in Diagon Alley. After coming to Hogwarts, "there are indeed many in the Black Lake.

But the only ones that often show up are the giant squid, and the others basically hide at the bottom of the lake. Li Xuan can't dive into the bottom of the lake now, otherwise there will be a lot of noise.

The second is that he still can't swim. Although there is no need to worry about breathing problems with the bubble head spell, the bubble head spell may still be broken or invalid.

Of course, Li Xuan would not put his life on these possibilities. The only safest way is that there are aquatic magical animals in the small world, so that Li Xuan will not have this trouble at all by relying on the power of magical animals.

That night, the young Grindylo couple was also 'unlucky'. Seeing that there was no little wizard left, they said they were looking at the stars and the moon on the surface of the water, and then you and I would talk about each other.

Unexpectedly, I happened to meet Li Xuan who came back from the Forbidden Forest with nothing to gain, and was directly put into the small world by a stun spell.

But maybe it's not bad luck, but their good fortune is not certain, otherwise they will continue to stay in the Black Lake, and if it goes well, they will spend this life in such a muddled and safe way.

Otherwise, with all the disputes, future Goblet of Fire, Voldemort's invasion and other incidents, the future of Hogwarts is not safe.

Entering the small world, not only is it safe, there is enough food, and you can even fly into the sky in the future, just like birds and snakes!

If Grindylow was expected by Li Xuan, then Kaba, no, it should be said that Kappa was unexpected, and that was after Grindylow was captured.

After all, Grindylow has long been targeted by Li Xuan, but it's just a matter of time before Li Xuan catches him.

But it's not normal for a magical animal with a dangerous level of XXXX to appear here in Hogwarts. After all, this kind of magical animal basically lives on the side of the neon

How did you travel thousands of miles to the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts?

Later Li Xuan thought about it for a while, and after a brief exchange with the kappa, he knew that this was the 'wealth' left by the seniors and sisters.

Anyway, never underestimate the Hogwarts students' ability to make things happen, well, after learning of this result, Li Xuan didn't seem surprised at all.

After all, Li Xuan was not surprised by what the Hogwarts students did. Compared with what happened at the college after Harry Potter entered in the past few years, Tom Riddle released the basilisk.

The only Kappa was not living well when Li Xuan found it. "If it wasn't because it lived in a non-foaming pond, Li Xuan wouldn't have been able to find it.

...asking for flowers...

After all, the kappa's habit is to suck human blood, but here in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts, not to mention sucking human blood, few people have been here.

So this kappa had to change his habits, sucking animal blood, and he couldn't survive just by sucking animal blood. After all, it is difficult to catch animals every day with its strength.

Later, it evolved into eating animal meat, so it can be seen that the reason why the kappa's danger level is so high is because it sucks human blood and hurts people.

Kappa looks like a water monkey, but with fish scales all over its body, webbed palms, and a hollow at the top of its head, which is filled with water [these waters provide the kappa with an energy zone for action.

But this has also become a weakness of the kappa, that is, if someone tricks him into bowing, the water on his head will flow out, and his whole body will be weak.

That is to say, he understood that this kappa does not suck human blood, otherwise Li Xuan would not have planned to keep it in the small world. After all, Li Xuan does not have so much human blood to feed such a picky creature.

It can only be said that if the kappa didn't change his habits and would rather starve to death, he wouldn't have met Li Xuan, after all he was brought into the small world.

This kappa must have a bright future!

"Li Xuan, can I have meat now?"

Li Xuan was thinking, but Hermione's voice over there interrupted his thoughts suddenly, Li Xuan looked at the copper pot, it was already gurgling and rolling.

I took a look at the clear soup pot, and it will take some time for the bones over there. In this case, let's put some boilable meatballs on the spicy pot first.

"Wait for a while, the bones are not yet cooked, but you can put the meatballs on the side of the spicy pot first."

Li Xuan ordered some mushroom meatballs, beef balls, and hand-made fish balls, especially the fish balls, which are truly handmade. Both Hermione and Penello like to eat them

By the way, there are also shrimp rolls, which are also shrimps in the lake in the small world. Like fish balls, they are all made by Li Xuan himself. The taste is much better than what Li Xuan ate in hot pot restaurants before. The real ingredients Xi!.

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