I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 223: 221. Mysterious Age

  Chapter 223 221. Mysterious age

   "What are you going to do after that?"

  Xu Xin asked while holding the freshly served cold bamboo shoots.

   "Do you have a plan for your career?"


  Zhang Jiao shook her head slightly:

   "I said my plan is to take one step at a time, do you believe me?"

   "Believe it. Why not?"

  Xu Xin was not surprised at all:

   "How can a person be able to see clearly all the things that he encountered, encountered, or happened unexpectedly in his life when he was young? Don't many people take one step at a time and see one step at a time?"


  Hearing this, Zhang Jiao seemed to agree very much, and continued:

"So I didn't think too much about it. Anyway, I was working at the time. Although my family spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for me to go to college... After I came out, I could only get a salary of a few thousand dollars. Except for food and drink, I wanted to use the rest of my salary Filling up the hundreds of thousands of gaps is simply a fantasy... But now I can only take one step at a time. If there is no accident, maybe in three or five years, I will be able to set up my own small Fuhuadao studio ...If I can get to know some relationships...such as Director Xu, if you give us some orders when filming the movie, I can live well."


  Xu Xin couldn't help laughing.

   This is not a big deal, let's start to pave the way for the relationship first.

  This girl...

   However, he didn't say "no".

  In fact, strictly speaking, each crew is a "mine".

  Don’t worry about the benefits of this mine, Party A of the mine is the investor, and Party B is the director and crew. After taking over the mine, if the mine is to be built, a contractor is needed. The Fuhuadao companies mentioned by Zhang Jiao are actually equivalent to Party B working for Party B.

   Belongs to the bottom of the interest chain.

  Can you make money?


   But if it is destined to not be the best in the industry... then it will not make a lot of money.

  Of course, the "big money" Xu Xin said was calculated in hundreds of millions.

   Zhang Jiao really thought of a way out.

  If you want to get a project from Party B, you must rely on relationships or profits.

   As for talent or something...

  There are more talented people in the market, but also more underappreciated talents.

  These people can kill people just by involving themselves.

   Talent is **** until you succeed.

  Guo Degang's famous quote.

  So, what a company like her needs is all kinds of network resources.

  From this point of view, the little girl has heard clearly about the prospects of her current career, and the planned route is reasonable.


   "You really don't plan to go on?"

  Hearing this, Zhang Jiao was a little surprised.

  Looking at the handsome guy who is looking at him inch by inch with his eyes...

  In fact, she has to admit that people like Xu Dao are quite lethal to women.

  Maybe it's because of the hairstyle? Or is it because of those eyes that look like frowns and cold faces when they look at others seriously?

   Or maybe it's the kind of... inexplicable temperament exuded by the whole body.

  Director Xu is particularly like the kind of person who, just by looking at him, will feel that this person seems to have very low desires and feel very cold. But after leaving this impression at first glance, it will make people have an urge to try.

  I really want to see the contrast between this kind of indifferent person with a face of "low desire" who is crazy because of "self".

   Nothing to do with the flesh, nothing to do with lust.

   Zhang Jiao doesn't understand what other people think.

  But she felt... If Director Xu were her boyfriend, what she wanted to see the most was his indifferent obsession with her...

   This is a man who can arouse women's desire to win and possess.

  Do not touch, do not see.

  You can feel it when you touch it.

  The more soberly he keeps a rational distance from you, the more you will have the urge to make him crazy about you, and even surrender.

  So, sometimes she envies Yang Mi.

   But more curious...

  What is so amazing about Yang Mi? She is able to see the man in front of her with a frigid face, but she has been in love with her for more than two years.

  After all...even the circles of small actors and extras are in such a mess.

  She really didn't dare to imagine what the circle that a person like Yang Mi who has gained fame and popularity in the past two years has come into contact with is like.

  However, these curiosities and speculations did not affect her answering Director Xu's questions.

   On the contrary, it made her willing to open her heart. Just in this small shop, she had a chat with Director Xu.

   "What is Director Xu's imagined life as a group performer?"

   In her eyes.

   Director Xu is a dragon.

   Fly very high.

  He can look over the mountains and look down on the earth.

  But I can't see how the insects in the mountains and forests live.

   Sure enough.

  After hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Get up early every morning and find the group leader to pick up the job. Sometimes it ends quickly, and the job ends in the morning. Sometimes it ends slowly, or if you are unlucky, you can only stay at the same time as "Golden Armor" at that time. Waiting in the crew. When it’s hot, find a cool place to hide from the sun, and when it’s cold, shiver with a hot water bottle next to it.

  Then...Looking at those stars, big names, holding dozens, hundreds, or even tens of millions of remuneration in front of the camera, everyone is watching, and behind the camera are shouting and hugging. In my mind, I fantasize about when I can live this kind of life... and then I can be desperate for this kind of life. "

   As he spoke, he waved his hand:

"Of course, not all ensemble performers are like this. If you leave aside some interests, intrigues, etc., to sum it up, let's talk about it according to the normal work and rest. Work during the day, come back from work at night, whether it is to go to an acting training class It’s okay, I still think about it by myself with a book, watch a movie and imitate it. Busy until eleven or twelve o’clock, sleep. Day after day.”


  Hearing his two paragraphs of discussion, Zhang Jiao nodded:

   "Director Xu, you are right. Leaving aside those off-site factors, these are indeed the lives of many group performers. In fact, they are no different from office workers... Then when do you feel the most tired every day?"

   "At work, of course."


   Seeing her purse her lips, Xu Xin tilted her head in surprise:

   "What? Am I wrong?"

  "...It's not wrong, let me tell you this. Of course, I'm only talking about what I saw and heard. I don't know if everyone is like this."

   "Well, you said."

   "For me...huh..."

  Suddenly, Zhang Jiao took a deep breath, took a sip of Coke, then shook her head and said:

  “The most difficult thing is actually the time after get off work.”


  Seeing Xu Xin's puzzled look, Zhang Jiao said directly:

   "After the shooting of "Golden Armor", Baozi went to Suzhou and Hangzhou."


   "Then I followed Sister Chen..."

   "Sister Chen?"

   "Our group leader."

"oh oh."

   "During the time I followed Sister Chen, it was just because of "Golden Armor". Although it wasn't popular, there were scenes every day. And they were all paid hundreds of dollars..."

   "Well, then?"

"Then I joined a group once. It was nothing at first, I got paid for the work... But after it was over, when I got home, Sister Chen called me out and told me that the director of the crew had dinner with several directors... I need to call a few beauties to liven up the atmosphere. Sister Chen wants me to go..."



  Zhang Jiao nodded:

"At first I thought it was an opportunity. If I could get to know a few more directors, maybe there would be a suitable role for me. So I went... Maybe I haven't experienced this before. I felt something was wrong when I was eating, just that kind of... Shoulder to shoulder, you understand?"


"In the beginning, I thought it was just a matter of acting. I just ate and drank with these directors. Not to mention that the contacts would be useful immediately, but at least I got to know each other. Although I didn't like it, I really drank a lot that day, and they cheered me up. I'll do it! I thought it was over after drinking, but the director asked me to get in the car with him after the dinner... Then I saw the female extras who got in the car, and I realized it... The following What's the show."


   "And then I ran away..."


  Amidst Xu Xin's speechlessness, Zhang Jiao smiled awkwardly:

"At that time, I drank too much, and my mind was stuck. I just... didn't want to go, so I found an excuse to go to the toilet, went back to the restaurant and left through the back door. The phone was also turned off, because I was afraid that he would find me. Then I I went to sleep... I turned on the phone after dawn... and then I received a few text messages. What Sister Chen meant... I didn't want the opportunities that were given to me in vain, and because of me, Sister Chen offended the crew. I don’t have to go anymore.”


"Then you know, the group leaders are all connected. They all have their own communication circles. After I couldn't go, Sister Chen, I thought about changing the group leader. When I found a group leader, the first sentence he asked Me: Are you the one who Sister Chen said was running away?... Before I could react, he asked me: In a word, I want you to drink with me, do you want to accompany me? After I said no...he kicked me away gone."


"I found a few people in a row, and they all know my name... This girl named "Zhang Jiao" is not sensible, she doesn't drink with her, she doesn't sleep with her, and she will let others go. If you accept me, you will offend the crew at any time. No one would dare to take me... I still didn't give up, so I decided not to use my real name, but to use my stage name... I just got a photocopy of my ID card and changed my name to Zhang Ai instead of Zhang Jiao... Xiao Ai is actually my nickname. Anyway, the money given by the group leader is also a daily cash settlement, and I didn’t say that I was a replacement for "Golden Armor", so I added a school beauty resume to my resume..."


  Xu Xin was stunned:


   "School flower resume. Just say what kind of school flower you are~... In fact, this is also an unspoken rule here."

   Zhang Jiao was a little embarrassed, and whispered:

"Go and look through the resumes of the group performers. Ten or nine are school beauties of XX University. The thin-skinned ones are the school beauties of a certain performing arts school... The thick-skinned ones are the school beauties of Beijing Film Academy, China Opera, and Shanghai Opera, and XX has a good relationship with the artists, and they have roommates of stars and so on. You don’t need to believe it when you see it in the future, ninety-nine resumes of one hundred people are all fake.”


   It was Xu Xin who had really gained knowledge and then nodded:

   "What an exaggeration..."

"Well... Anyway, after changing the name, I can take on jobs normally. But... the person who likes me has changed from the level of director, producer, and assistant director to a certain scene manager, or prop... or what to do Well..."


  Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

   And Zhang Jiao herself was also happy.

"Anyway, it's quite an exaggeration. Of course, Director Xu, I'm not saying... how beautiful I am, but... this is a process that must be experienced. Do you understand what I mean? I use Zhang Ai's name. If I don't I was discovered by Sister Chen's people, and the group leader who asked me to follow kicked me away... Actually, I can continue to work in this line of work. But... every group performer with a little bit of beauty has to go through this process.

  People will ask you whether to accompany or not. With you, the chance is definitely greater than others. I'm talking... this place is actually quite difficult. When I came here, the filming was short for a month, and the time was two or three months longer...Don't talk about men, women are also lonely...I won't mention the names, but at least I met a few during that time...Lushui couples, Do you understand what I mean? "

   Speaking of this, she seemed to have discovered something wrong with her words.

   Quickly added another sentence:

   "Of course, there are still many people who can stand loneliness...there are not all bad people here."

  Xu Xin took this as farting.

   I didn't think she was alluding to anyone, but just nodded:

   "So don't do it?"

"Yes. Because...it's too difficult. Sometimes I'm afraid of answering the phone after work. You may not understand my feeling. I'm afraid when the phone rings. I'm afraid that the group leader will suddenly call and ask me to put on makeup , dress coquettishly... just like my roommate who shared the room after Baozi left. After being played for nothing for a few months, after the crew patted their **** and left, she even laughed at the salary of this small role It’s better to go out and sell it yourself and make more money.”


"Anyway... seeing, seeing, experiencing... I feel... I don't like it. Then Baozi also came back, and we lived together again. She is covered by Huayi... although I don't know how it will be in a big company. There won't be such a situation... But I think even if there is, the big boys of Baozi's level are not interested.

   At most, she can be regarded as a "reserve force"...

   Of course, just my guess. But I'm also afraid that she will encounter my situation in the future, so I asked her not to put all her hopes in the company, but to run one by one by herself... No matter how big or small the role is, I will take on everything... It's okay, at least now it seems that the way is going Quite right.

  She is very down-to-earth, Director Xu. Although sometimes it seems unreliable, but he is very kind, enthusiastic, and righteous. And it’s very down-to-earth, I’m really working **** my acting skills, I’m taking acting training classes, and I’m especially able to endure hardships..."

   "Stop stop stop."

  Seeing that she started to talk endlessly and promoted Zhao Liying again, Xu Xin waved his hand speechlessly:

   "I know you two have a good relationship, but you don't have to flatter her here. She has Hua Yi as her backer, so you might as well think about yourself instead of thinking about her... What? Put your acting dreams on her?"


  Zhang Jiao's face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

  But it can't be denied...

   Indeed... After seeing Gong Li's acting skills, the dream of becoming an actress has never been extinguished in her heart.

And the same... After seeing Yang Mi, who was almost unknown before playing Jiang Chan, after "Golden Armor", she became famous overnight from "Moving Girl" to the popularity of "Sculpture" and "Secret" Ascension, and the explosion after "Wulin Biography"...

  After witnessing the birth of a star with her own eyes, looking at Yang Mi today, the fire in Zhang Jiao's heart is burning like never before.

  Want to go back?


  How can I return?

  Can you go back?


Give me a break.

   It would be nice not to meet a scumbag who doesn't pay after playing...

  Thinking of this, she unconsciously stirred the barely moving wontons...Suddenly she gave a wry smile:

   "I said that I once had a dream, dreaming that Baozi was on fire, and then I gave her the dream of being a manager, do you believe it?"



"I dreamed that Baozi suddenly became... a very popular artist. And then I was her manager... or an assistant? Anyway, that's what it meant. Then she made a lot of money, and I shared it equally. half each…"


  Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

  I thought to myself, could this dream of yours be in broad daylight?

   Looking at Xu Xin's expression, the wry smile on Zhang Jiao's face turned into an awkward smile:

"Director Xu, don't laugh, I'm just dreaming. I really dreamed of this, and then I dreamed that I bought a big house in Yanjing and Magic City, and it was next to Baozi. We have a very good relationship, and even the children They were born at the same time... Not to mention being a lifelong friend, I will be by her side for everything.

  I accompanied her to win all the awards, including the Oscars... that kind of famous. Wherever I go, everyone knows that I am Baozi's manager, and they are very respectful to me, because everyone knows that I have become famous for Baozi, including those artists who nod and bow to me... I have a lot of money and bought a lot of luxury goods, There is also a very handsome husband... Do you think this dream is a dream or a nightmare? "

   "It should be a sweet dream..."

  Xu Xin pondered for a while and said:

"You have a reputation that is not weaker than that of the stars, and it makes the stars flock to you, wanting to become the next Zhao Liying. This is a symbol of identity and status, and it is also a manifestation of ability. In addition to those luxury goods, a lot of money, etc. The symbol of money, and the yearning for love of a particularly handsome husband... This dream is a beautiful dream no matter how you look at it.”

   "But I cried."


   “I woke up crying. My pillow was wet when I woke up.”

   "...Are you sure it's not saliva?"


   Zhang Jiao was speechless.

   Your old man also asked this question?

   Shaking her head speechlessly, she sighed:


   "So, it's a nightmare, right? Because..."

  Xu Xin thought about it, and asked tentatively:

"Not reconciled?... Regret? Regret that Baozi's role is not you?... I think the latter should be more? Because all your selfish desires have been satisfied in the dream. Money, status, love, career... and the only one The one that is not fulfilled is probably the dream of becoming a star? So, sorry, isn't it?"

   "...you are amazing, really."

  Zhang Jiao nodded sincerely:

"Yes, after waking up, I told Baozi about this. Baozi was very happy and said it was a good omen...but I didn't say I was crying because I couldn't figure out why I was crying. Until...she hugged Me, Jiaojiao, don't worry, I'm going to be a big star, what's mine is yours!

  ... I also said, I said forget it, you like money so much, you will go crazy just for a 55 cent account.

   Then Baozi was also a little embarrassed... In fact, I could see that she also felt that this request was impossible. Because the positions of managers and artists are different, right? But... also since then, I actually know. I'm not talking about asking Baozi to raise money, even if I become a big star and Baozi is my manager, I can't get half of it. I just realized one thing at the time, and that was…”

   "It's better to have your own if you have your father and mother."


  Hearing Xu Xin's final conclusion, Zhang Jiao was speechless again.


   Director Xu is right.

  From the joy of Baozi, she still understood... She wants to stand in front of people more than her manager.

  Girls are all vanity.

  What the agent is doing is destined to be just the planner and payer behind it.

  The only ones who can really stand in the spotlight are artists.

  At this time, Xu Xin's words reached her ears:

"Since you are so unwilling, why don't you listen to me, systematize your acting skills, and then go another way? I don't want to be a group performer, I feel that this circle is chaotic. I also want to make connections and continue to stand in front of people...Then Why don't you systematize your acting skills and move on?"

   "Because of time, Director Xu."

  Looking at Xu Xin who was munching on the delicious meatloaf, Zhang Jiao shook her head helplessly:

   "Director Xu, how old are you...?"

   "Eight six."

   "...what month?"

   "August. I am one month and a few days older than Yang Mi."

   "...you are two months older than me."


  Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, and asked:

   "Didn't you just come of age when you filmed "Golden Armor"?"

  The maids in "Golden Armor" have to corset their breasts.

   Regardless of whether there is any suspicion of selling meat, before filming, Zhang Yimou specifically required that all group performers must be over 18 years old.

  Otherwise it will definitely cause trouble.

  The production crew was stuck in this aspect.

   When she was selected as a replacement, Xu Xin also read her profile, and it showed that she was 88 years old, and she was already an adult.

   But now she said that she is two months older than her?

   After being stunned for a while, he reacted:

   "Did you fake your age?"


   Zhang Jiao blushed...

  But still nodded:

   "Well... because I decided to become an actor, I thought that the younger the better, so I changed it to 88 years for myself."

   "So... you're 23 this year?"

   "No! 20!"

  Don't talk about false age, even her real age was two years old.

  Xu Xin was speechless after listening:

   "Can you be more real?"

   "The real point is also 20! I am 88! I have an ID card! ~"


  Although I don’t know why this sister is so sensitive to age, Xu Xin just let her go:

   "Well, then what? What are you trying to express?"

   "I'm twenty years old now, if I listen to Director Xu..."

   "Don't talk nonsense, I told you in 2006, weren't you only eighteen?"

  Xu Xin was even more speechless.

   After Zhang Jiao was stunned for a moment, she also reflected...

   Then nodded quickly:

   "Yes, yes, yes, yes."



  The two looked at each other for a while, Zhang Jiao let out a long sigh:

"So... one wrong step, one wrong step. If I could have realized that I was only "eighteen", I would definitely have followed what you said. Save some money and take the Beijing Film Academy... But at that time... I forgot. "


   This "I forgot" is very essence in Xu Xin.

  Seeing Zhang Jiao wryly smile:

"At that time, after you finished speaking, I went to check and found that the enrollment of Beijing Film Academy in the second half of the year has ended. If I want to take the exam, I have to wait until 2007. At that time, I was thinking, in 2007, I was 21. After 4 years of study, I was 25. Sui...won't he continue to do group performances when he comes back? Why was he wasting that time?...It's so naive. Sigh~"

   With a long sigh, she shook her head slightly:

"I just thought about overtaking on a curve, but I didn't succeed and I was the one who wanted to deceive. But I didn't go back then, Director Xu, how do you think I will go now? Even if I was really in 1988, I am 20 years old now. Wait. In two years, I will be 25 years old again... In memory of actresses eating youth meals, I, a 25-year-old aunt, will fight with those 18-year-old girls... How can I fight?"


  Hearing this, Xu Xin was really speechless.

   "Who stipulated that actresses only eat youth food? What do you think of acting skills, movies... these?"

"I did not mean that."

  Zhang Jiao quickly shook her head:

"I mean…"

   "Star, right? A star's best years are those few years."


  Seeing that he didn't blame herself, Zhang Jiao breathed a sigh of relief.

   Then the eyes were full of bitterness:

"Do you think I don't want to be someone like Miss Mi? In my early twenties, I can stand on the red carpet that attracts everyone's attention and be admired by everyone. Sister Mi has worked out step by step year after year, how about me? I'm going to Beijing Film Academy now... I don't know if I don't pass the exam, but what happens after I pass the exam?

   Like this year. I went to school in September this year, but four years later... I just graduated in 2012, and then I stood next to a group of 20-year-old "children". If the actor is okay, how can I compete with them for an actress ? After a lot of fighting and fighting, people are in their prime in their 25th and 60th year, and I will be thirty in the new year. "

  Speaking of this, she waved her hand in dismay:

   "So, don't fight, don't grab. I don't regret my choice... Slow down, do this first, and then see if there are any other opportunities for development. Acting?... Heh."

  The faltering interest turned into a bitter smile again:

   "This dream is too expensive, I can't afford it."


  Hearing this, Xu Xin didn't continue the chat.

  He is not qualified to make decisions for other people's lives.

  Maximum suggestions.

  So, the two began to eat quietly.

   Soon, Xu Xin's wontons and meatloaf bottomed out.

   Wiping his mouth and drinking the Coke, he nodded secretly.

   Not to mention, it tastes pretty good.

  Bring her here to eat at night, she must like it.

   Zhang Jiao hadn't finished eating yet, but in order not to embarrass Director Xu waiting for her, she asked:

   "Director Xu, you came here today... just to find a wonton shop?"

  She still didn't give up, she wanted to push the bun...

  But who knows that Xu Xin shook his head as soon as he finished asking:

   "On the one hand, it's because of this. On the other hand, Yang Mi asked me to come to you."


  Zhang Jiao was taken aback for a moment:

   "Sister Mi looking for me? Looking for me...why? What's the matter?"


  Xu Xin responded, and glanced at the boss sitting on the table next to him, smoking a cigarette and reading the newspaper...

  He also wants to smoke.

  But in front of Zhang Jiao, other people are eating and she is smoking, which is not appropriate at all.

   then dismissed the idea, and then came a sentence:

   "She thinks your clothes are good, and knows that you are studying fashion design, and wants to ask you to follow her as a clothes assistant... Oh no, it's image design. I want to ask if you are interested..."


  Zhang Jiao was dumbfounded.

  (end of this chapter)

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