I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 828: Humph 2 generals (on)

After Megan rushed into the house, he didn't even change the slippers, so he rushed to the attic and began to search through boxes and cabinets. Her father died unexpectedly when she was a child, and her mother remarried. For so many years, Megan lived alone.

Although he moved frequently, but fortunately, all his father's relics, Megan, are well preserved because of the miss of his father. When they moved to this new home, they were all placed in the attic.

"It's not this...nor this...ha, I found it."

Megan pulled out an obviously worn cardboard box and opened it. It was full of old video tapes.

There are also paper strips pasted on them, with names and dates marked on them.

"Da Vinci... Donatello... Raphael... Michelangelo," Megan picked up the tapes one by one, her voice trembling, "and... Sprint!"

In an instant, a long-buried memory fragment flashed in her mind...

The white room is full of various instruments and equipment. Among them are a few huge glass boxes with four small tortoises and a **** mouse...

Megan shook his head vigorously, picked up the cardboard box and ran down the attic. I wanted to turn on the TV and check the tapes again, but only now did she remember that she didn't have a video recorder to play such old video tapes at all.

After hesitating for a while, Megan took out his cell phone and dialed a number he hadn't contacted for a long time: "Mom, are you still in New York?"

Garfield stood in front of the mirror, looking at the blue and white tights with a huge spider print in the middle, and said helplessly: "Harry, your kid is prepared, even the uniform is ready."

"Of course." Harry smiled triumphantly in the dressing room. "This is a big price for me. It is designed exclusively by an Italian designer. Isn't it more handsome than that super Spiderman uniform? "

Garfield put on a few looks and nodded gently: "It's really good."

"How old is it now, and I still use red for uniforms. Vulgar, too vulgar, it's simply unbearable. Now I pay attention to the cool color, Garfield, I promise you to wear this suit to go out, you will definitely catch everyone's attention."

"I'm subdued like this, what about yours?"

"Oh, I just don't care."

As he said, the locker room door opened, and with the sound of metal gears rubbing, an emerald-green metal robot appeared in front of Garfield.

Garfield: "..."

Harry: "How is it? Isn't it handsome? Look at you, I'm speechless in surprise, really handsome, wow hahaha..."

"Uh..." Garfield stepped forward hesitantly, and reached out to touch the metal armor on Harry, "Where did you get such a outfit?"

"From my dad's vault, I thought it was handsome, so I secretly took it out." Harry took off his hideous helmet and grinned. "It's just that it was black. I painted it green again."

"Why?" Garfield asked suspiciously, "Do you like this color?"

"Because my code name is ‘Green Devil’!" Harry put on a vicious expression, "Since it’s called the Green Devil, of course his armor should be green."

"Hehe...then your hair should also be dyed green."

"good idea."

"...Forget it, when I didn't say anything."

Garfield knew what "green" means through his eldest brother Peter, but Harry didn't understand it.

Garfield shook his head: "Why are you called the'Green Devil'? It doesn't sound like the name of a superhero."

"Who said I'm going to be a superhero?" Harry rolled his eyes. "There are so many superheroes. I can't get ahead no matter how hard I try."

Garfield's eyes widened: "You keep saying that you want to be a superhero, why have you changed your mind again?"

"Oh, what are you excited about." Harry gave a small expression of "I'm good for you", "You want to be a superhero, and I'm a super villain, so you come to catch me, understand?"

Garfield shook his head innocently: "I don't understand."

"Why are you so stupid, you deserve to be unable to catch up with Mary Jane." Harry explained politely, "Think about it, if you are a superhero, you will soon catch a famous super villain, is it right for you? The benefit? Is it attractive enough? Is it immediately famous?"

"The famous super villain? Who?"

"Idiot, it's me."

"First of all you are not a super villain, and second, you are not famous either."

"Oh, I'm going to make you mad." Harry roared, hating iron and steel, "I said, I can be a famous super villain."

Garfield suddenly realized: "You mean, we are acting?"

"Almost." Harry put on the hideous helmet again. "The first task for both of us now is, what evil should I do to be famous?"

"It's not easy, go grab the bank."

Garfield replied without hesitation.


"Because... it's like that in the movies. All bad guys go to rob banks or jewelry stores."

"Idiot, can the movie be like reality? I don't want to be shot."

"As a super villain, how can you be afraid of bullets?"

"What you said is simple. Although my armor is bulletproof, it hurts to hit my body. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is also scared when I hear gunshots."

"Are you afraid of pain and gunfire, what kind of a super villain?"

"You said it is light, or we should change our identities."

Garfield was stunned for a moment: "Who is afraid of whom."

Harry also froze for a moment: "No, the uniform size is all set, it doesn't fit."

"You said I'm stupid, I think you're stupid." Garfield chuckled, "Don't change your uniform, just change your acting status. You're a superhero, I'll be a super villain."

When Harry heard this, he was immediately excited: "Spiderman who does bad things, Green Goblin who is a man of justice, this is a bit interesting."

The two looked at each other and smiled, like two weasels planning to steal the old hen.

"Then go back to the previous question, what bad things can you do to become famous?"

Harry frowned.

"That's definitely a bad thing that no one has ever done before, and it has to be a big bad thing, such as..."

Garfield was suddenly afraid of his thighs: "For example, I got into the sewer and blocked the drains of all toilets in New York City!"


Harry looked at Garfield blankly as if looking at an idiot.


Megan looked at the mansion in front of him with some restraint. A middle-aged beautiful woman who looked a little like her came out of the mansion and hugged Megan gently: "My dear daughter, you finally figured it out. , Do you want to move in with us?"

Megan broke away from the arms of the beautiful woman uncomfortably, and whispered: "No, Mom, I just want to ask Eric some questions. After all, he and Dad were colleagues back then."

Yes, Eric and Megan’s father are colleagues. After the death of Megan's father, he married Megan's mother and has now become the owner of a small well-known biopharmaceutical company.

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