I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 82: Brother-in-law?

   Two years ago, on the edge of a snowy cliff.

   Two young girls with almost exactly the same facial features are arguing loudly in this cold and windy place.

   In the end, maybe it was because of the quarrel that she was dizzy. One of the young girls in a yellow down jacket, covering her face, ran towards the cliff.

   Another girl in a pink down jacket was in a hurry and rushed forward to pull the other party.

   However, it was too late. Snow covered the true edge of the cliff. The seemingly safe place was actually fragile ice and snow.

   Accompanied by screams of horror, the snowfall collapsed, engulfing the two girls in a flash.


   time, now

   On the highway to Montana, Sharon was on the phone with Moni: "How is the background investigation of the helper?"

"Mona Chris lives in Montana with her sister Dana Chris. Her parents died of illness five years ago. Then Dana quit school and started working to help her sister Mona go to school. Na is a sophomore..."

   Listening to Monica's description, Xie Lun frowned and asked in a deep voice: "How did Dana disappear?"

"The town where they live is surrounded by virgin forests, and there are often backpackers exploring the mountains. In her free time, Dana acts as a tour guide and guides those backpackers into the mountains. But just over a week ago, her group of four He didn't come back either."

   "Did the police investigate?"

   "Because they entered the restricted area, the police suspected that they were attacked by a bear. Although they deployed manpower and helicopters, they finally gave up the search because they did not find any clues."

   Xie Lun sighed: "I understand."

   It seemed that Xie Lun was in a bad mood. Monica did not speak immediately, and paused for a while before asking, "Should I inform the Montana branch so that they can send someone to assist you?"

   "The specific situation is unknown, wait until I get there to investigate."

Seeing Xie Lun hung up the phone, Tina, who was sitting in the passenger seat, unceremoniously raised her feet in front, exposing her slender and straight legs, and lazily said, "I’m hungry, are we? It's time to eat?"

   "Hungry?" Xie Lun gave her an angry look. "In two weeks, the crime rate in Wyoming has reduced your food intake by 30%. Are you not enough?"

"It's boring, I have to let people eat those guilty guys. Those guys are stinky and don't taste good. Okay. Oh, I really miss the life in Mexico. At that time, I just wanted to be hungry and just drag someone from the side of the road. ..."

As she said, Tina stretched out her scarlet tongue, licked the corner of her mouth lightly, turned her head to look at Xie Lun, and laughed idiotically: "There are others who are empty and lonely and cold...Boss, see you are young, strong, and handsome. It’s a long time... and I don’t look bad, and I’m good at technology. Why don’t we both try?"

   Xie Lun shouted in a cold voice without expression: "Little grass!"

Before    spoke, a scarecrow with his whole body covered in a tattered cloak appeared in the back seat of the car out of thin air.

   "Empty, lonely and cold? Okay, Xiaocao has nothing else, but has many tentacles, I promise to satisfy you, do you want to try?"

   Tina looked at the eerie scarecrow and the tentacles that slowly stretched out from under the cloak. She shuddered all over her body and quickly turned into a cloud of red blood into the car.

   Xie Lun disdainfully snorted: "If you don't fight three times, you will come to the house to reveal the tile!"

   That's right, Xiaocao, who was struggling, is finally resurrected again. I hope Xie Lun can use it a little bit this time and don't cheat him again.

   Just as Sharon was driving towards Montana, it was in an office building on Wall Street in New York, in a closed secret room.

   A blond white male sitting at a computer desk, knocking Erlang's legs, was quite cynical, and talked with someone on the screen: "Boss, don't our company usually take orders involving the police?"

   There is only one fuzzy face on the computer screen, and I can’t see the other person’s face at all, and the sound coming from it is also frustrating, I can’t distinguish between male and female:

   "There is no way, the other party gave too much this time. Five million, buying the life of an ordinary agent is too cost-effective."

   "But the boss, that's a NIA agent."

"so what?"

   The man curled his lips: "It's nothing, you are the boss, you are the master. But I want to know who is so fierce, dare to find our killer company to assassinate a NIA agent?"

"According to the rules, you can't say it, but who made you an old man in our company. It's also called Edward King in Los Angeles. The guy was so shameless by the agent that he almost broke in Los Angeles, so he hated him. It's into the bone."

   "It turned out to be a personal grievance," the man nodded suddenly, "Then where is the goal now?"

   "According to the latest information, the target is driving to Montana."

   "Okay, I take this list."

   After closing the video call, the man pressed the shortcut button on the landline: "Mrs. Beacon, please help me book an express flight to Montana, thank you."

   An aging voice came from the landline: "Received, Mr. Smith."

   The man nodded, then picked up his cell phone and dialed a number. After a while, he squeezed a smile on his face: "My dear, the company is in a hurry. I'm going on a business trip for a few days... Yes, you know, those investors are very troublesome... Don't worry, I will rush back. On the wedding anniversary."

   Hanging up the phone, the man lay weakly on the seat, and let out a long sigh: "Marriage, it really is the grave of love..."

   One day later, Montana, the small town of Fall Mountain.

   Looking at the young girl with a double ponytail in front of him~www.NovelMTL.com~Xie Lun showed her ID: "You are Mona? I am Xie Lun."

   "Sister..." Mengna looked at Xie Lun's ugly expression and quickly changed her words, "Thank you agent, please come in."

   Xie Lun walked into this small bungalow. Although the furniture is a bit shabby, it is very warm and tidy. There are a few pots of flowers and plants on the windowsill, revealing a positive attitude to life everywhere.

   "Thanks agent, tea or coffee?"

   "Don't be busy, let's talk about business."

   The two seated separately, Mengna handed an old but obviously well-preserved notebook to Xie Lun, and whispered: "This is my sister's diary. It remembers everything about you."

   Xie Lun took the notebook, opened the first page, and stuck the photo of himself and Dana. Xie Lun sighed silently as he looked at the fuzzy and immature face in the photo due to the long time.

  The beautiful font records the bit by bit of the acquaintance between Xie Lun and Dana. Even after the two separated, Dana was also paying attention to Xie Lun.

  Some news reports, or articles and reports in gossip magazines involving Sharon, are carefully cut and glued in a notebook.

   The current Xie Lun, after all, has merged the soul of another world. Looking at this notebook, although there are many emotions, there are not too many children's loves.

   After a long sigh, and after returning the notebook to Mengna, Xie Lun asked in a deep voice, "Tell me carefully about your sister's disappearance."

  Mengna nodded vigorously: "Thank you, agent, my sister was definitely taken away by the savages in the mountains."

   (PS: This story is adapted from the third episode of the first season of Evil Force, the horror stand-alone game "Until Dawn", the character story settings have been changed, and everything is subject to this book.)

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