I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 621: Old Versailles

Crisp gunfire sounded one after another in the woods. Seeing the teammates get headshots one by one, the number of people talking in the radio headset is getting less and less, but he didn't even notice the shadow of the enemy, and the militants ambushing in the woods panicked.

Like headless flies, they began to retreat in a panic. While running, while shooting indiscriminately behind, in a vain attempt to hinder the enemy's attack.

It's a pity that Sheren is much more terrifying than the predator.

The predator is an alien with stronger physical fitness and more advanced weapons, but Xie Lun is basically like a demigod now.

Under "telepathy", Xie Lun quickly unearthed the information he needed from the memories of these enemies.


The fluttering words, like a demon whispering, whispered in the ears of all enemies. These enemies suddenly opened their eyes, and the hands holding the guns trembled slightly, as if they wanted to fight that whisper. But in the next second, everyone turned their guns and pulled the trigger at their own.

"Boom boom..."

Fierce gunfire sounds like fried soybeans came from the woods, but only ten seconds later, the fierce gunfire stopped abruptly.

Norman carefully poked his eyes out from behind the rock and looked carefully in the direction where the gunfire was coming from. Deathly silence, I don't know how the battle is going.

The corpse was lying in the woods, and there were still people alive. Scarlet blood kept pouring from his mouth, looking at Xie Lun, who was walking slowly in front of him, in horror.

"Weird... monster!"

The man exhausted all his strength and slowly raised the pistol in his hand.

Xie Lun smiled: "Swallowing bombs and committing suicide!"

The man's hand holding the pistol shivered violently, and began to turn the muzzle slowly, and in his astonished eyes, the muzzle was stuffed into his mouth. But before he could pull the trigger, his arm sank sharply and his head tilted to the side, completely losing his breath.

"Is the quality of the soldiers trained by Cobra so weak? How can you compare with the Cyclops agents?"

Sharon, who didn't realize that he was too strong, shook his head with regret.

With one mouth, it was old Versailles.

Suddenly there was a roar of aircraft engines in the air, and three supersonic fighters passed through the air and flew towards the mushroom cloud that had begun to slowly drift away.

The Brazilian military's fighters finally arrived.

In this way, the speed must be accelerated, after all, he and Norman sneaked in. If discovered by Brazilian officials, then this explosion must be counted on oneself.

Xie Lun immediately returned to Norman's side. At this time, Norman was still hiding behind the rock and looked around carefully. Xie Lun appeared from behind him silently, almost frightening him to death.


"What do you say?"

Norman gave Sharon a thumbs up and ran out quickly. To Xie Lun's surprise, he did not come to the blood orchid for the first time, but first ran to the oval spaceship and observed it carefully.

"You can't take this thing with you." Xie Lun followed. "The movement caused by the explosion is too loud. Military fighters have already arrived. We must hurry up and evacuate."

"I know, but... this is a spaceship." Norman's eyes glowed, and his body was almost attached to the cockpit window of the spacecraft, trying to look inside. "The level of technology contained in this is beyond us. How many times the earth."

"No, in a few years, the level of science and technology on the earth will catch up... No, to be precise, the level of other weapons on the earth is equal to or even stronger than that of other civilizations in the universe, except for the fact that spaceships cannot be built."

Xie Lun muttered in his heart.

Think about it in Avengers One, Loki brought a group of aliens who could travel across the stars, but was destroyed by a nuclear bomb.

This shows what?

This shows that in this world, the science and technology of other cosmic civilizations are mainly focused on space flight, while the earth focuses all the science and technology on killing weapons.

Norman turned around and said to Xie Lun: "I know we have no way to take this entire spacecraft away, but please help open the cabin. I only need to take a little thing or two to see."

Xie Lun shrugged, and walked forward. In Norman's surprised eyes, he stretched his hand into the gap between the cockpit. Accompanied by the "creaking" metal rubbing sound that made the teeth sour, the glass windows of the cockpit were slammed open by Xie Lun abruptly.

"Okay, you can go in and flip it yourself." Xie Lun patted his palms and looked at the dumbfounded Norman. "But you'd better move faster. I think more people will come here soon. ."

"Don't worry, it won't take too long."

Norman looked reluctantly away from Xie Lun, and vowed again in his heart that he would develop a better potion after he went back, and that he would become stronger than Xie Lun in the future.

This spaceship is naturally the one that the predators came, because it is a model prepared for individual combat, so the internal space is very narrow. And most of the weapons have been taken away by the predators, and nothing of value is left in the spacecraft.

In the end Norman only took out a mask and a silver-white metal plate from the inside, crawled out of the spacecraft, and said to Xie Lun: "Okay, do you have a grenade or bomb on you? Blast it."

It's okay, you can't use it for yourself, and you can't leave it to others.

Xie Lun raised his eyebrows, took out a grenade, and threw it into the cockpit. Within a few seconds, there was a muffled sound, and a puff of black smoke rose from the spacecraft.

Norman was also prepared, squatting next to the puddle with a dozen blood orchids, and after careful observation for a while, he took off his backpack and carefully connected the dozen blood orchids with the roots and flowers with a shovel. Tucked into the backpack.

Xie Lun just watched indifferently. He knew that even if Norman digs out the roots of the blood orchid, it cannot be cultivated successfully. He guessed that the blood orchid might be formed by the blood essence flowing out of the "heart of God". The essence descended along the river and gathered here, so a dozen blood orchids were produced here.

But now the "heart of God" has fallen into Xie Lun's hands, and there will be no more blood orchids in this world except him.

After Norman installed it, he didn't feel too heavy. He carried everything on his back and said to Xie Lun: "Let's go quickly."

The two discerned the direction ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and left in a hurry. Not long after walking, a figure suddenly jumped from the tree in front, it was Billy.

Billy frowned and said, "Boss, are you all right?"

Norman nodded vaguely, and said solemnly: "It's okay, let's leave here quickly."

Looking at Norman's swollen backpack, Billy didn't say anything any more, nodded and said: "The captain went to search in another direction. I will take you to find him."

He led the way, and after walking for more than an hour, suddenly there was a rush of bird calls in the rain forest.

Billy turned around suddenly, pointed his pistol at Norman and Sharon, and whistled like a bird at random.


Looking at the muzzle of the black hole in front of him, Norman widened his eyes.

Xie Lun sneered: "So you are the traitor in the team."

It sounds like he just knew it.

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