I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 596: Jump into the abyss

The vibration was so strong that cracks appeared in the surrounding walls. A wisp of dust fell from the sky. Xie Lun took the red cloth as a rag, slapped it on his body, and said with a smile: "It looks like the one below can't hold it anymore."

X was still steady, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "I don't know what is the use of your analysis of these. Even if you say everything is correct, you won't continue to seal it?"

"That's right. Sometimes you know it's appeasement, but you still have to keep it as it is. There is really no way." Xie Lun shook the red cloth. "By the way, do you know what this is? It seems that it is with you. I have a grudge, it helped this girl destroy the entire base before I took action."

"To be honest, I don't know. There is no record of this thing in the system." X stared at the red cloth in Xie Lun's hand, his expression serious, "I thought at first that the Chinese-style dressing mirror was the one. The main body, now it seems, the key is the red cloth covering the dressing mirror."


Xie Lun held a horn, shook the red cloth vigorously, and smiled: "An unknown monster wants to destroy the prison and release the prisoner. As for the prisoner himself, not only did he not want to leave the prison, but he assisted in the early warning to continue to imprison him. This is listening. It seems to be a joke when you get up."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, young man." X took a step forward and reached out his hand, "I have answered your question, now it is your turn to fulfill your promise. Give this to me, and then complete the whole ceremony. , Then you can leave."

"What's the panic? We've finished talking, but I haven't talked to this one yet." Xie Lun raised the red cloth in front of him, "I said it's been a long time, you should show up too, right? If you can’t speak, or can’t give me a satisfactory answer, I can only hand you over to the ancient gods."

The red cloth, which had always been particularly honest, was like an electric shock and twisted crazily. Xie Lun let go and watched the red cloth fly up in the sky, flying over the abyss at the edge of the square, and then kept going up and down.

As if to signal, Xie Lun jumped from here.

"It looks like it wants you to meet the ancient gods in person." X sneered disdainfully, "If you have the courage, you can go down and have a look. Of course, after you go down, what attitude will that person treat you? I'm afraid to pack a ticket."

Xie Lun groaned and didn't speak. He quietly looked at the red cloth moving up and down like a convulsion. After a while, he turned his head and smiled at X: "Okay, then I'll go down and take a look."


X's face changed, and he looked at Xie Lun like a madman.

Xie Lun rose into the air and fell into the abyss with the red cloth.

X ran forward a few steps suddenly, ran to the edge of the square and looked down, watching Xie Lun's figure engulfed by the dim yellow haze, twitching the corners of his mouth a few times, and raised his head to look at the mural on the wall. .

Three of the five frescoes have been covered with scarlet blood, and the remaining two frescoes representing the Fool and the Virgin remain unchanged.

"What are the wastes above? I have delayed for so long and haven't killed that idiot?" Ding Na, whose eyes fell into a drowsiness, murmured, "Forget it, let this girl act as the Virgin. "

She turned and walked to the entrance, took the red phone hanging on the wall mountain, and dialed a number. After a while, the call was connected, and a low and hoarse voice came from the microphone: "X, what's the situation in the US branch now?"

"Black alert, strike it according to the predetermined plan."

"are you sure?"

"Relax," X said in a deep voice, "In the deepest part of the base, there is a girl who can act as the Virgin. As long as everyone else is killed, this ceremony can be considered complete."

"If this is the case, then start the three-level pre-planning plan, and it is expected that the strike will arrive in 1 minute."

"OK. That's right. In addition, I have to report one more thing." X took a deep breath. "A senior NIA inspector named Xie Lun needs the attention of the committee. If it can't be absorbed, It must be wiped out."

"Xie Lun? I seem to have heard the name there. Is he also in the base?"


"Is there a threat to the base?"

"Not for the time being. After all, he didn't want to break the seal. He just asked some old things." X sneered, "Not to mention that he jumped off, and maybe he won't be able to come back."


"He jumped into the abyss."


A shooting star lased from the distant sky. Because of the power outage, the light curtain that blocked the entire area had failed, so the shooting star accurately landed on the wooden house.

There were no earth-shattering explosions, no fireballs rising into the sky, but the black shock wave swept in all directions in the violent ground shaking, and all objects near the wooden house were flattened in the blink of an eye.

X held on to the wall, feeling the violent shaking, and said solemnly: "It should be over. I will start the cleanup process. When everything returns to normal, I will submit a detailed report to the committee."

"Thanks for your hard work, Dr. X, everything is for all mankind."

"Yes, everything is for all mankind."

X just wanted to hang up, when a terrible heart palpitations came, she couldn't help covering her heart, and fell to the ground along the wall, groaning in pain.

And when she fell, the same painful moan came from the telephone receiver.

"This...what is going on?"

X strives to look up to the edge of the square~www.NovelMTL.com~ Is it Xie Lun's ghost?

How can it be!

At this moment two figures appeared in front of her, Christine and Martin, covered in blood and ashes, stood in front of her, looking at her weirdly. Christine squatted down, held X, worried and asked, "Are you okay?"


X opened his eyes wide, staring blankly as if they were supposed to be blown to death, but now Christine and Martin, who were standing in front of him alive, didn't come up at once, and because their heart palpitations were getting worse, they rolled their eyes and passed out.

"What's wrong with her?" Martin asked suspiciously. "It seems that she was surprised to see us, as if she had something to say to us."

"I don't know." Christine stretched out her hand to test X's nose, and breathed a sigh of relief. "It looks like a heart attack, but I'm not dead, and I still breathe."

Martin pushed Christine a little, and pointed at Ding Na in the square. The two looked at each other and walked carefully towards Ding Na. But they had just walked to Ding Na's side, and they hadn't squatted down to check each other's situation. Suddenly the square at his feet trembled, and before they could react, the square shattered.

Accompanied by the screams, the three of them fell to the bottom along with the broken pieces, and was swallowed by the dim yellow mist in a moment.


Stepping on the big red high heels, Tina walked out of the darkness, standing at the entrance next to X, looking at the dim yellow mist underneath a little speechlessly: "I managed to save these two, but they died like this. NS?"

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