Xie Lun stood in the darkness where he could not see his fingers, only within a meter of his side, exuding a faint white light. Snowflakes the size of fingernails fell one after another, falling on the body, hands, face, and neck. He stretched out his hand and found that the snowflakes were not white, but gray.

For a while, Xie Lun was a little confused, whether the sky was falling snow or gray...

Xie Lun knew very well that he was in an illusion, but what confused him was that he had no way to break this illusion and let himself leave here.

There was darkness in front and back, and Xie Lun dared not act rashly under the premise that he couldn't distinguish the direction. Who knows what is hidden in the darkness, if you lose your way, it may be more difficult to get out.

He can only stand in place, use the "shroud" ability to sense the surroundings to see if he can find a way out.

Strips of black linen stretched out from Xie Lun, shaking like a snake letter in the air. Suddenly, the cloth strip seemed to sense something, and suddenly shot out in one direction. After a while, it suddenly straightened and stayed in mid-air.

Xie Lun frowned and walked forward with this cloth strip.

The wind seems to be getting stronger.

Following the wind, the gray snowflakes hit Xie Lun's body with head and face, making him even more unable to recognize the direction. In desperation, he could only hold the linen strip suspended in mid-air with one hand, while blocking his eyes with the other hand, struggling to move forward.

Just like this, I don't know how long I have gone, let alone how far I have gone. Anyway, Xie Lun's body is covered with gray snowflakes, and from a distance, it looks like a snowman. Knowing this time, Xie Lun saw that a small white spot finally appeared in the darkness ahead.

Xie Lun regained his spirits and walked forward quickly. The white spots gradually became clear. It was a round of circular discs. After approaching, Xie Lun saw that there was a tall white man standing in front of the white disc.

He has a shawl with long golden hair, a face full of golden beard, a pair of dark eyes, and he is wearing a linen robe, standing bare feet in the snow.

And that round of white discs hovered behind that person's head.

Seeing that he walked in, thanking him like a snowman, the other party smiled, released his hand holding the linen strip, and a soft male voice spit out: "Sorry, kid, I can't move, so I can only bother you to come over by yourself ."


Xie Lun shook the gray snow on his body and looked at the man who was three heads higher than himself. Although most of his face is hidden by his beard, he can still see that the other party is not very old.

"Who is your Excellency? Why is it in my spiritual world?"

The other party spread his hands: "Look at my look, don't you still see it?"

"Uh..." Xie Lun blinked, "Chris Evans? (Note, here is Tucao Chris likes to keep his beard outside the scene

"Well, considering that you are not my believer, it is normal not to recognize me. But my form, should you be familiar with it?"

The person stretched out his arms, and the white disc floating on the back of his head suddenly turned scarlet, a huge cross appeared behind the person out of thin air, and then the person's overall aura changed.

From just warm and upward, it turned into dark and horrible.

Xie Lun looked at the man with blood all over his face, his expression remained unchanged, but he suddenly realized: "Holy Son?"

"To be precise, it's just a small afterimage of the Son of God."

The other party still kept the appearance of being nailed to the cross, with blood on the corners of his mouth, only the voice of Chapter 511

Still soft and beautiful.

Xie Lun frowned and said hesitantly: "Shroud?"

"Strictly speaking, that drop of holy blood is more important." The remnant of the holy son said calmly, "Of course, this is still not enough to wake me up. I was awakened by the impact of the massive dark power. I didn't expect me to be. In the body of an unbeliever."

Xie Lun shrugged: "No way, people who don't ask God to worship Buddha these days are often much stronger than believers. What's more, those who believe in you, I am afraid that you least want you to appear."

Shengzi nodded: "This is true."

Xie Lun frowned and said, "But, my Royal Highness, can you change your posture? You hang on the cross like this, I always have the illusion that I am praying."

The Holy Son didn’t have any opinion, and he quickly transformed into the kind of peaceful form that I met at the beginning, smiling and saying: “Xie Lun, although you are not my believer, but the Shroud and the Holy Blood have chosen you. It means that you must have advantages that I cannot see. Then while I am still conscious, you can make a wish and I can satisfy you as much as possible."

"Send me out of here."

Xie Lun said without hesitation.

Shengzi smiled and said: "Are you sure it is such a simple wish? Since ancient times, countless mortals have prayed to gods, but most of them are for the power of money, beauty, immortality, and you just want to leave here?"

Xie Lun nodded: "I am very realistic, His Royal Highness. Money, although I am not too much or not too much. Beauty? Haha, let alone. Longevity? I always believe that there is no perfect immortality in this world, otherwise Where did those gods go."

"As for the power of power? Your Royal Highness, you should be able to see that I am already much stronger than most of my peers. So I have no extravagant desires, so I can only leave this unlucky place so that I can continue to live a life of beauty and beauty. ."

Shengzi looked at Xie Lun quietly, and Xie Lun's eyes stared at him, without any movement. After a while, Shengzi smiled and said: "Very well, you didn't lie. But what if now?"

Suddenly in the darkness around, there was a familiar cry: "Dad, Mom, where are you? Brother, where are you..."

Xie Lun's body stiffened, and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the voice: "Shelley?"

Shengzi smiled and said: "I can feel that this girl is finally in your heart, even more important than your uncle and aunt. Then this girl is trapped in the dark now, how do you choose?"

Xie Lun looked bad and said coldly: "Suzi, I see your old face, so I will give you some face and call you Shengzi. Don't put your nose on your face, you want to trouble me. Don't. Forget it, this is my spiritual world, and I can die with you if I die."

Shengzi still has a peaceful smile on his face: "It doesn't matter ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ Anyway, it's just an afterimage, which will dissipate sooner or later, and it's an accident to be able to wake up now."

Xie Lun suddenly raised his hand, and countless straw tentacles spurted out of him, but the saint child seemed to be transparent, and the tentacles passed through him without any effect at all.

"Fuzzy, Xie Lun, this is the spiritual world. I am an illusion. What is the use of attacking me?"

Shengzi smiled and said: "You have this time, so think about it, your next choice. Because that little girl's time, I am afraid that there is not much time."

In the darkness, Shelley's cry for help became more and more rapid, and she should have started running. And around, there was a faint roar of some kind, and it seemed that there was some terrifying monster tracking her.

Xie Lun suddenly sneered: "As you said, this is just an illusion. What should I worry about?"

Shengzi smiled: "Are you sure?"

Xie Lun was silent, his eyes fixed on the squinted Son, his teeth gritted, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and said: "Tie Sun, do you think I really can't deal with you?"

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