I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 129: Continue investigation

As the eldest brother of Parker's four siblings, Peter still has certain privileges. For example, now, the other three younger siblings still drink milk-foamed cereal obediently, but Peter does not need to do this at all.

He can just drink milk.

After sitting down in his seat, Peter watched as she was standing in the corridor, chatting and laughing with Aunt May, and frowned: "Don't you think Aunt May and the agent seem to have a secret?"

Garfield was still listening to music with headphones on, and Holland was still drinking milk, neither of them ignored him. Only Gwen spoke: "Big brother, don't you know? Our building is finally going to be redecorated."

"What?" Peter was surprised. "After so many years, Uncle Ben has finally saved enough money for renovation?"

"What do you want? The decoration money has long been available, but my mother is stingy and reluctant to take it out." Gwen curled his lips. "The decoration cost was paid by Brother Xie Lun."


"Yeah, didn't Brother Xie Lun package up the third and fourth floors of our apartment? He wanted to make a big decoration, but my mother did not agree. As a result, Brother Xie Lun simply wanted to decorate the entire building and hired Uncle Ben. As a designer, my mother immediately agreed."

"Ha... Auntie's choice is really unexpected." Peter frowned suddenly and looked suspiciously at Gwen, "Brother Xie Lun? When did you have such a good relationship with that agent?"

Gwen spit out his tongue: "No, in fact, Brother Xie Lun is still very easy to get along with, not as scary as other police officers."

"Because of this?"

Peter Octavia felt something wrong, and stared at Gwen closely.

"Alright, there's this one too." Gwen curled his lips and showed his right wrist. "The children's watch that Qingguo Company just launched this month is a gift from Brother Xie Lun."

Looking at the square electronic watch on Gwen's wrist, but also the square electronic watch with the same sense of money, Peter swallowed hard: "What is he doing with gifts for no reason? Isn't it... my stupid? Sister, be careful if that guy thinks of you badly!"

Gwen pursed his mouth: "What do you think, brother. This is the joy of Brother Xie Lun's move. Besides, everyone except me has..."

She covered her mouth, and Peter's face was already pale.


Peter suddenly turned his head to look at Garfield who was aside. He didn't pay attention just now. Now he can see clearly that the second brother who wears headphones to listen to music every day, the headphones at this time turned out to be a brand new and the latest model of a big brand.

Peter looked at Heland sharply again, huh? This little brother doesn’t look much changed, there is no watch on his wrist, no earphones in his ears, and his clothes are the same... etc.

Peter opened the tablecloth and looked under the table. Before Holland retracted his feet, he saw that this kid was wearing a pair of brand new Jordan sneakers.

"You..." Peter looked at his brother and sister in disbelief, "You all received a gift from Sharon?"

Except for Garfield who is still immersed in his own music world, Gwen and Holland both nodded obediently.

"Then why is there no mine?"

Peter almost yelled.

"We asked Brother Xie Lun about this question for you." Gwen said seriously, "But Brother Xie Lun said, you have already got the best gift, and you don't need to give you a new one."

Peter frowned: "Why don't I know this? What gift did I get?"

Gwen and Holland looked at each other and said in unison: "Spider!"

"Spider? Are you kidding me, when did I..." Peter was so excited that he almost slipped off his chair and stammered. "Are you sure, he's talking about... a spider?"

Gwen and Holland nodded at the same time and looked at Peter who was pale. Gwen asked in a low voice, "Brother, you really received this gift? Oh my god, how scary the spider is, why would you want this? A gadget as a gift?"

Peter didn't know what to say anymore, and while pretending to be calm, he looked at Xie Lun who was standing at the end of the corridor with horrified eyes. When this guy said the word "spider", he definitely meant something, and he definitely knew his secret.

But how did he know?

Peter thought about it, and suddenly remembered that when he was just bitten by a spider, he fell stupefied at the door of the house, and it was the fellow Sharon who helped him in. I heard from Uncle Ben that he had a severe fever at the time, and it was Xie Lun’s opinion that he allowed himself to drink **** water to make his fever subsided.

At that time, he was unconscious. Perhaps during the time Xie Lun helped him into the house, he had said something unintentionally that made him discover the clues.

But this guy is too powerful, can he discover his secrets just by relying on this clue?

Sure enough, he was an NIA agent, much better than those police officers who only knew about issuing tickets.

Xie Lun didn't know that Peter had been scared and suspicious by a word of his own. After saying goodbye to Aunt May, he carried a bag of small cakes to the fourth floor. Still at 402, looking at Luke and others sitting on the bed or wooden chair, Xie Lun smiled: "The conditions are harder, you two insist on sticking to it."

Luke shook his head: "This is already very good. Without your letter of certification, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to the action team."

As he said, he turned his head to look at Chen Meimei next to him: "Also without you, the government would not allow me to adopt Meimei."

"Don't think too much, it's all you deserve."

Xie Lun put the cake on the small round coffee table in the middle, sat down, and smiled: "Okay, then let's talk about business. Do you know why I want you, and Mei Mei temporarily seconded?"

Luke shook his head, and Chen Meimei calmly said, "It's because of the female corpse in the Manhattan Hotel, right?"

"Smart!" Xie Lun nodded, opened the file that Tina handed over, and said in a deep voice, "After this rectification, the New York Police Department is very cooperative and has turned over the detailed information of the female corpse."

"Marina Vargas, psychological counselor, from Missouri, the day you found the body, she just arrived in New York. In other words, she was killed as soon as she arrived in New York."

"What is certain is that ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the victim came to New York not for work, but because of a problem with her marriage some time ago, so she temporarily decided to come to New York alone to play and relax. Whether it is her ex-husband , Colleagues, and telephone communication mailboxes and other information can be attached."

"In addition, the police visited and collected videos along the street, and confirmed the trajectory of Marina's actions on the day she was killed. After she came out of the airport, she took the subway to travel a lot and bought a lot of things."

"Finally, you can see her surveillance screen. At about 4:15 in the afternoon, she got into a taxi with a large bag and a small bag, and then completely lost track of it until you were in room 8011 of the Manhattan Hotel at night. Her body was found in her bathtub."

Just listening to Sharon's words, Luke felt confused and frowned: "How did the body enter the hotel? Didn't the hotel surveillance capture it?"

Xie Lun sneered: "It's weird right here. At five o'clock in the afternoon, the Manhattan Hotel suddenly went out of power for five minutes. During that period, all electronic equipment in the hotel was shut down, including surveillance. After the incident, the hotel did not find any problems after investigation. , Because it’s not long, I didn’t take it to heart."

"In addition, other monitoring can prove that the victim has never been in the Manhattan Hotel, and no one has ever entered or exited room 8011 that day."

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