I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 802: Family dinner

But after hearing this, Mei Yihe snorted coldly:

"Dad, why are you looking for him? He loves to come back and not come back, and die outside! Today we came out of the hotel, Mei Xinchang and Mei Youlian surrounded him with so many luxury cars, you Shen Fei that trash tell me What? He even let me take a taxi!

That's a waste of money. I can't even afford a car. The house is still ours. I feel sick when I think of him! "Mei Yihe said angrily.

The bet at the banquet failed today, and Mei Yihe is about to give Mei Xinshang and the others 80,000 yuan.

This 80,000 yuan is not a small sum for Mei Yihe now. Where did this 80,000 yuan come from?

Mei Yihe counted all this account on Shen Fei's head.

Across the door, Shen Fei heard clearly outside the door. Originally, Shen Fei wanted to go home. Now, Shen Fei thought about it, but let it go.

Next Monday will be Mei’s banquet. During this time, I’d better avoid it. If something like this happened today, Mei Yihe’s mother and daughter must still be angry with them, and now it’s going to be another **** storm. .

Simply wait until the Mei's banquet next Monday, let them know their true identity.

Thinking of this, Shen Fei returned to Yu Canghai's villa.


"Mom, I decided, I want to sell this thing for money.

At night, only Tang Fengzhi and her were in Mei Yihe's room.

"Daughter, you really want to sell this pendant"

Tang Fengzhi looked at Mei Yihe holding a pendant in his hand. The color of this pendant was very special, not ordinary emerald green, but blood red. The color was very pure, as if it were condensed from blood.

Under the sun, this pendant will become sparkling, changing from dark red to positive red. This is a rare blood red pendant in the world.

"Mom, I can't help it anymore. I can't do anything. I lost a bet with Mei Xinshang and the others. They have to pay them 80,000 yuan. If I don't return the money to them, they will definitely be brazen. Torture me!

Mom, I really have no other way now. Where can I get 80,000 yuan? Now I can only sell it, praying for a good price, and quickly return the money to them. "

"Asshole! It's all the **** of Shen Fei, daughter, you let Shen Fei fool you, he caused you a lot of hardship! He caused us a lot of hardship! Shen Fei was the one who suffered a thousand swords , I cursed him to die!"

Tang Fengzhi gritted his teeth and said.

However, no matter how much she scolded, it would be of no avail. Since the girl married Shen Fei, the Mei family has no status at all. The old lady has already made it clear that since she married out, everything in the Mei family has nothing to do. It has nothing to do with the girl.

Before marrying Shen Fei, Mei Xinshang and Mei Youlian were very affectionate when they saw their daughters. They thought of Mei Yihe for any good things. If the Mei family was good for anything, it was all too. My daughter got it first, and then Mei Xinshang and the others.

But now, everything has changed. Mei Xinshang and Mei Youlian don't put their daughter in their eyes at all now, and everyone is stepping on their own family's head to show off their power.

"Mom, there will be a family banquet next Monday. There will be a big banquet in the family every year. All the big families in Wulingxi will come, and that day the rich young men will appear."

Having said this, Mei Yihe suddenly became sad, looking weak.

"This time is the first family banquet since I got married. I can now predict what I will be like that day. How will Mei Xinshang and Mei Youlian laugh at me, ridicule me, I have never After being so afraid of family banquets, I was really scared."

Hearing this, Tang Fengzhi's face instantly turned pale.

Yes, next Monday is the family banquet!

In the past, Tang Fengzhi's favorite and most anticipated family banquet was the family banquet, because on this day, Wulingxi would have big people with faces and faces, and it was precisely because of this that some small families were also attracted to attend.

Because Mei Yihe is Jin Ruliu’s favorite granddaughter, Tang Fengzhi’s family is more noble than others. She always wears gorgeous dresses. Sheng Zheng is present. People who come naturally know that this is the family that Jin Ruliu loves. People, therefore, everyone will rush to please Tang Fengzhi.

Some small households always hope to be taken care of by the Mei family, so on this day of each year, Tang Fengzhi will receive a lot of gifts.

Of course, the family banquet was once Mei Yihe’s favorite event, because Mei Yihe is a famous beauty in Wuling River. She was beautiful and, coupled with her prominent family background, won the fascination of many wealthy young masters.

Among the granddaughters of the Mei family, Mei Yihe is the most popular. Of course, the gifts received are also the most. On that day, Mei Yihe will always be surrounded by all kinds of rich young masters. , Mei Yihe will attract everyone's attention on that day.

After each family gathering, Mei Yihe can always receive countless gifts.

But to this day, things have changed, and things have long been different. This year's family gathering Mei Yihe is unlikely to have the glory of the past.

Mei Yihe is now married and has become Mrs. Shen. Although Jin Ruliu still recognizes Mei Yihe as his granddaughter, he has no right to speak in the Mei family.

Mei Yihe has completely lost her advantage with Jin Ruliu, and Mei Xinshang and Mei Youlian are now the most favored granddaughters in front of Jin Ruliu, and they don’t know how they will deal with them when they come to the family gathering. .

"Mom, even if we are too miserable, we must go to family gatherings. If we don’t go, grandma will definitely be unhappy. So I plan to sell this pendant, hoping to sell it at a good price. Mei Xinshang paid back their money, and then bought some clothes and some jewelry.

Mom, our life is very difficult now, but I will try my best not to give Mei Xinshang and Mei Youlian a chance to laugh at us. "Mei Yihe lowered her head and muttered.


Tang Fengzhi hugged her daughter in his arms, how could he not understand Mei Yihe's mood at this time? No one knows how uncomfortable Mei Yihe feels at this time better than her.

No matter how irritable Tang Fengzhi is, Mei Yihe is also her own daughter. It doesn't matter if she has a bitter life, but now Lian Mei Yihe is suffering with her, and she has fallen from the dignified Miss Meijiashan to this point. How can Tang Fengzhi Not heartache?

This was all because of that kid, Tang Fengzhi thought of this, and became even more resentful towards Shen Fei!

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