I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 748: How strong is he?

Chapter 748 How strong is he?

"In ancient times, there was a monster with a snake body and nine heads, which could eat countless people. It was named Xiangliu. Wherever it went, it ravaged the entire country and brought great disasters to the world. The ancestors of the Onmyoji went through hardships and forged the Tushan Sword. He killed Xiang Liu's physical body, but failed to kill his spirit.

These things are not secrets in themselves, so he said it very straightforwardly.

 “Thank you, Great Elder, for clarifying my doubts.” No. 93 bowed and saluted.

Xican waved his hand: "Do you still have any questions?"

The Onmyojis looked at each other in shock, but no one said a word.

"Since there is no doubt, I will take you to your residence first, and we will talk about other things tomorrow." Xi Can waited for a while, but when no one spoke, he moved forward.

Everyone followed him and quickly arrived in front of a five-story wooden building. He pointed at the wooden building and said: "When I was explaining the Yin and Yang Lao to you, the Yin and Yang masters who had been removed from the establishment by you guys had already been vacated. After entering the house where you previously lived, you can each hold your waist badge and go to the corresponding room. "

 “Yes.” People responded in unison.

Xi Can waved his hand and disappeared in a bright beam of light. When the remaining light of the light beam dissipated, Qin Yao, who was among the crowd, suddenly found that everyone's eyes seemed to be focused on him...

 “What are you looking at me for?”

 Colleagues who were standing in front of him moved out of the way and said respectfully: "Sir, please come first."

 Chin Yao: “…”

 The privileges belonging to the powerful Onmyoji were instantly reflected after Xi Can left.

 And this privilege is only an insignificant aspect of it, and the title of senior brother is another aspect.

Although colleagues in the Yin and Yang dormitory do not have a common master, because they study in the same dormitory, they are treated as brothers and sisters.

 At present, he is the head of the ten elites and the senior brother of all his colleagues. All kinds of benefits and treatment are only under those of the chief executive and the elders.

After a while, Qin Yao climbed up to the fifth floor with greetings and opened the door to the largest of the three rooms with his belt card. When he saw it, he saw an empty space.

It can't be empty. There are only three rooms on this floor.

Room No. 1 is the largest, and the two companion rooms are slightly smaller. After Tadayuki has emptied all his belongings, this room is like a spacious hall.

“This is why the onmyojis work so hard to climb up.”

Qin Yao came to a row of windows and reached out to open the window in front of him. Using the height of the fifth floor, he looked down at the entire Yin Yang Residence and found that the most eye-catching thing was the golden light released from the forbidden area.


Suddenly, he heard a strange voice coming from somewhere. After carefully sensing it, he couldn't figure out where the voice came from.

Qin Yao's heart moved, and he guessed that the voice was most likely coming from Xiang Liu, so he did not dare to respond easily, lest he cause panic when he first arrived.

 Inside the Golden Pagoda.

  In scale stone.

The monster with a snake body and nine heads floated on the black pool, looking at the figures on the fifth floor from the distance, its eyes flickering.

Trying to suppress its eager emotions, it dived into the black swamp and never appeared again.

That person looks unfamiliar, he should be a newcomer who has just entered the dormitory. If you contact him rashly without being sure of the other person's likes, dislikes and needs, I am afraid that the other party will turn around and tell the top management of Yin Yang Liu.

 Wait, wait, wait.

He has been waiting for so many years, and the seal has been loosened in just a few days.

 It was a peaceful night.

 The next day.

Qin Yao was meditating on a futon when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

 “Sir, are you up?”

Shortly afterwards, Tadayuki's voice sounded outside the door.

Qin Yao slowly finished his work, stepped to the door of the room, stretched out his hand to open the wooden door: "Is something wrong?"

"I'm here to call you for a morning meeting." Zhongxing saluted.

 “Morning meeting?” Qin Yao looked surprised.

Tadayuki nodded and said with a smile: "The Onmyoji of Yin Yangliao will gather in front of the main hall every morning to listen to the great elder reading out today's tasks. Those who are interested can take on a certain task and get certain rewards. This is the morning meeting. the main content.”

 “Do I have to go?”

"It's not necessary. If you have nothing to do, you can go listen and see if there are any interesting tasks." Zhongxing said.

 “That’s it.” Qin Yao raised his hands in thanks: “Thank you so much, Junior Brother Zhongxing.”

 “You’re welcome, Senior Brother.” Zhongxing said respectfully.

Yesterday's battle really defeated him.

Soon, the two of them gathered in the crowd and followed many Onmyojis to the main hall. They saw Xi Can, wearing a short black crown and a dark robe, already waiting here. When the time came, no matter whether anyone came or not, Qi, opened his mouth and said: "Thirty miles outside the eastern suburbs of Pingjing City, gangs with shikigami appeared. They robbed and cut off official roads along the way. The Jinwu Guards could not control them, so they sent word to us. Who is willing to stand up and wipe out the gangs?"

 “I do.”

"I come."

 More than ten people responded immediately.

At this time, Qin Yao gently pulled Zhong Xing and asked secretly: "Yesterday, when Elder Xi Can took us past the library, he said that we can freely browse the books in the library. Is there any Yin Yang magic in these books? "

Zhongxing nodded slightly and said in a low voice: "Of course there is. It can be said that most of the books in the collection are Yin and Yang techniques, but there are no secret techniques in them, only some very common techniques. I personally feel that they will not be of much help to you, senior brother."

Qin Yao: "I know, but I still want to see it."

Since the relationship wasn't that great, Tadayuki didn't give much advice and ended the topic with a slight smile.

After burning the incense, more than half of the colleagues in front of the main hall left. Xi Can glanced at Qin Yao, who remained unmoved, and said to the remaining people: "That's it for today's morning meeting. Let's break up!"

With an order, the crowd dispersed. Qin Yao walked slowly in the slightly gloomy Yin and Yang House, and finally stopped in front of the library.

 “Senior brother, waist badge.” The colleague guarding the third floor bookstore said respectfully.

Qin Yao untied the wooden sign from his waist, handed it to the other party, and asked casually: "Are there usually many people reading books?"

The young guard carefully checked the waist tag and handed it back respectfully: "Not many, it can even be said to be very few. Because currently, the brothers and sisters in the dormitory do not need to lay the foundation. Most of them lack secret skills and unique skills, but this There is no such thing in the East XZ Book Pavilion.”

Qin Yao held the waist badge, nodded and said, "Thank you."

 “You’re welcome.” The young guard was flattered and said quickly.

Qin Yao smiled at him and strode into the library...

 A few days later.

Lian Xisheng called Xi Can to the small building in charge of the desk. He stood in front of the stone railing on the third floor and looked at the sea of ​​clouds: "What has Qin Yao been doing these days? Why do you feel that his presence is so low?"

Xi Can stood upright behind the desk clerk and said respectfully: "On the second day after entering the dormitory, he stepped into the library and has not come out until now."

Lian Xisheng said in surprise: "With his strength, can he still compare to those Yin and Yang arts in the library?"

Xi Can: "I heard from the patrolling disciples that he looked at it very seriously."

 Lian Xisheng: “…”

“He is in charge of the case, do you need to keep an eye on him?” Xi Can asked proactively.

Lian Xisheng shook his head: "That doesn't have to be the case. Maybe his unique skill is to integrate the best of hundreds of schools of thought, or maybe he lacks some foundation..." In the blink of an eye, it was the end of the month.

Lian Xisheng summoned Xican again and asked, "Qin Yao is still in the library?"


Xi Can looked a little weird when he mentioned this slightly mysterious elite disciple: "According to the patrolling disciples, he practices in the library, and he seems to regard the library as his own practice room."

 Lian Xisheng: “…”

 Is this guy working too hard?

“He must be present at the first month of the month.” Shaoqing said in an unquestionable tone.

Xi Can nodded: "It has been arranged. Tomorrow morning, Zhongxing will go to the library to call him."

Lian Xisheng pondered for a moment and said, "How strong do you think he is?"

Xi Can recalled the scene of Qin Yao's victory over Zhong Xing, and said hesitantly: "You should have the strength to become an elder in the liao."

 “Which number?”

"Tenth, or ninth, Yi'an is still very strong, Qin Yao may not be able to beat him." Xi Can said.

Qu Yi'an, the eighth person in the dormitory.

 Lian Xisheng shook his head: "You underestimate him too much."

Xi Can was startled: "Do you think he can be in the top five?"

"I don't think you can beat him." Lian Xi said.

 xican: “…”

 Are you serious?

Looking at Lian Xisheng's face carefully, Xi Can found in depression that the person in charge of the case seemed to be extremely serious.

 On July 1st, there was a big competition in the liao. Qin Yao was practicing as usual in the library pavilion.

 "Thing thump, thump thump, thump thump, thump thump."

Like a gust of wind, Tadayuki ran up to the third floor and shouted to the figure sitting cross-legged by the window: "Brother, do you know what day it is today?"

Qin Yao was so focused on practicing that he didn't care about the passage of time. He immediately asked, "What day?"

 “It’s a big competition in the house!” Zhongxing was speechless.

Qin Yao was not very happy to go, so he asked, "Is it okay if I don't go?"

"I'm afraid it won't work." Zhongxing spread his hands and said: "The big competition in the dormitory and the morning meeting in the dormitory are not the same concept. If you don't go to the morning meeting, no one will say anything. If you don't go to the big competition without a valid reason, you will be regarded as war-shy."

Qin Yao sighed and stood up slowly: "That's fine, I hope I won't just watch after I go."

 Zhongxing: “…”

 Stop watching...you still want to meet the challenger.

  Later, the two of them arrived in front of the main hall of the liao one after another. This time it was Qin Yao's turn to stand at the head of the second to last row. In front of him were the eight elders, and in front of him were the chief elder and the chief clerk.

Like last time, Lian Xisheng's opening remarks were still very concise. After two sentences, the disciples in the sect turned to look at the challenger. The battle was about to break out, and there was a sense of solemnity that a storm was about to begin.


Qin Yao glanced at this month's challengers and couldn't help but yawned.

It’s no wonder that the sunshine today warmed my soul, bringing out the tiredness from days of hard work.

If he wasn't suspected of showing off, he really wanted to stand here and sleep for a while.

 In the blink of an eye, the whole morning passed by.

There is no strong person in the challenger team this time. Among the top ten elites, only the tenth place was challenged by the tenth place last month. The key is that they have not won the challenge, so the entire challenge seems very boring. taste.

 In fact, this is the norm in life.

 “Aren’t you going to take action today?”

Lian Xisheng quietly appeared beside Qin Yao and asked softly.

Behind him, the great elder Xi Can and the elder Luo Jie’s eyelids almost jumped at the same time, and their hearts slowed down by half a beat.

What the First Elder wanted to do was to say that Qin Yao was stronger than him. If he hit the mark and the other party challenged him, wouldn't his status as one person and above the whole community end?

What Luo Jie thought was that even if Qin Yao did not challenge him, if he challenged any one of the eight elders, he might be eliminated.

 Just like the poor guy who was squeezed out of the top ten elites.

 After thinking about their respective situations, the two of them had the same understanding of the current environment: taking charge of the case was just making trouble.

  No, to be precise, I am doing it to myself!

"He is in charge of the case." Qin Yao saluted first and then said with a smile: "I am very satisfied with the title of the head of the ten elites."

Lian Xisheng said with a smile: "Although he has a great name, he is still a subordinate. How can he be comfortable as an elder?"

 He finally gave Xi Can some dignity and did not mention the issue of the chief elder's position.

 Qin Yao paused slightly and said in a gentle voice: "I come to Yin Yang Lao not for fame and wealth, nor for freedom and ease, but to practice and study the Eight Classics of Zheng'er."

Lian Xisheng: "When you talk about practice and study, do you mean soaking in the library and practicing the most basic onmyoji?"

Qin Yao chuckled and said: "A friend of mine told me that there is no such thing as onmyoji that is useless. It just depends on how people use it and whether they can use it."

Lian Xisheng looked at him thoughtfully, and his body disappeared in an instant.

Qin Yao also wanted to leave, but the nine elders were all watching here, so he could only watch his eyes and nose, his nose and heart stayed in place, his mind wandering to the sky.

 Staying up until evening, the competition finally came to an end as the night fell. Qin Yao thought, and countless white lights suddenly appeared around his body. The white light formed a beam of light, taking him away through the air and flashing into the library.

 The combination of space escape technique and hexagram positioning is really easy to use...

 Many times better than I expected.

Three years later.

Tadayuki took his two children into the main hall of the Yin-Yang Lao, bowed to Lian Xisheng who was standing in front of the statue of the sages of the Yin-Yang Master, and said, "Meet the Master."

 “Meet the master.” The boys and girls who came with him saluted.

"Who are they?" Lian Xisheng glanced at the two children and sensed a demonic power in the boy.

“They are the two children I rescued during this mission. They are homeless and have nowhere to go. In order to survive, I had to bring them back,” Tadayuki said.

Lian Xisheng said quietly: "You know, Yin Yang Liu is not a charity house and does not support idlers."

Zhongxing lowered his eyes and said, "I support them."

Lian Xisheng: “Don’t you want a future for yourself?”

Zhongxing sighed: "There is no charity hall in Pingjing City. I can't just watch them become thieves, beggars, or even die somewhere."

Lian Xisheng thought for a while and said: "Maybe... you can ask Qin Yao to help you."

Zhongxing's heart moved: "Yes, I will take them to the library right now!"

 (End of this chapter)

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