I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 69: Crushing bones and raising ashes (Second update, please follow up)

Chapter 69: Crushing Bones and Raising Ashes (Second update, please follow up)

"The first half of the night? What happened in the first half of the night?" the silver-haired woman asked blankly.


Qin Yao took two steps back and smashed the antique guardrail with a run-up. His huge body brought a fierce wind and hit the silver-haired woman hard.

The silver-haired woman gasped. This strong man was as big as a ferocious beast. Even if she had a pair of steel bones, she would be turned into scrap metal if he hit her. How could she dare to resist?

With a whooshing sound, he teleported ten feet away. He watched helplessly as a huge crater was made on the ground, and gravel flew out. The silver-haired woman ignored her fright and shouted hurriedly: "Men, don't worry, I'm not even here yet." You know what happened, there must be some misunderstanding!”

"Misunderstanding?" Qin Yao turned around in a cloud of smoke, stepped on the gravel, and walked forward step by step amid the creaking sound: "Do you think I look like Misunderstanding?!"

 Silver-haired woman: “…”

 I don’t think you look like a good ghost.

As he was walking, Qin Yao suddenly accelerated and started running. His iron hand roared like thunder and struck the opponent's face hard.

The silver-haired woman flew back, and with a flick of her finger, countless fine needles flew out from her sleeves, like a rain of light, rushing towards Qin Yao's face.

“Ding ding ding ding…”

Although these fine needles are small in size, they are incredibly powerful. When they hit Qin Yao's iron-like body, sparks flew everywhere and the sound was crisp.

The silver-haired woman was stunned for a moment.

Such a body...

It's either the legendary divine body or the immortal body, or it's a demon or beast.

 It can’t be a ghost anyway!


 How can we be distracted in a life-and-death fight? Qin Yao's hand was not ambiguous. He struck the silver-haired woman's face with an iron hand at a high speed, knocking her to the ground. The whole right side of her face collapsed. It was miserable and terrifying!

"You are looking for death!" The silver-haired woman let out a soul-shaking roar. The sound waves almost turned into substance, and the noise made Qin Yao's eardrums hurt.

  "The incompetent dog barks." Qin Yao raised his right foot and kicked the opponent in the cheek.

 There are only wrong names in this world, but there are no wrong nicknames. Whether it's a fight or a fight, Qin Yao's attack range is basically above the neck, with the face being the most severely affected area.

In short, regardless of whether you can beat him or not, as long as you don't encounter a master who can suppress him with a flip of his hand, you won't want to face him if you become his enemy.


At the critical moment, a pool of liquid... to be precise, a pool of dark red blood shot out from nowhere and rushed straight into Qin Yao's chest.

 Qin Yao immediately changed the direction of his kick, and volleyed the instep of his foot into the front of the **** water. He instantly kicked it away and stuck it on the roof with a bang.

On the ground, in the shadow, Xiao Wenjun secretly exclaimed: This is too fierce!

I can't imagine what I would do if one day I disobey and **** him off, and he beats me up like this.

  Xiao Wenjun didn’t think he was more resistant to being beaten than that pool of blood!

"Who are you?" The silver-haired woman coughed and stood up, asking with a look of fear on her face.

Qin Yao's blood roared inside his body, and the aura outside his body kept soaring, captivating people's hearts. He strode towards the silver-haired woman, raised his arm and struck out with an iron hand.

With no way to retreat, the silver-haired woman transformed and revealed her true form. She was a huge python as thick as a bucket, roaring and opening its **** mouth, swallowing Qin Yao's entire body.

Although snake swallowing elephant is most often used to describe greed, to some extent it also affirms the swallowing ability of snakes.

Qin Yao clenched his right fist and roared, his magic power overflowing from his body and turning into brilliant golden light on his arm.

 A violent coercion was released from his body, like a tiger, shaking the mountains and forests.

With a "boom" sound, Qin Yao's right fist hit the giant python's triangular face. The huge force knocked it from mid-air to the ground, smashing the floor.

The python's facial bones were cracked, blood flowed across the face, and the whole body was shaking in pain. The python's tail was like an iron pillar, rushing forward with a fishy wind.

Qin Yao shouted softly, jumped up like a tiger leaping through the forest, or like a tiger descending from the mountain, and punched the center of the python's tail. Accompanied by a dull sound, the python's tail flew up uncontrollably, smashing into pieces in the second-floor aisle and sending debris flying.


On the roof, the pool of blood expanded into a large blood net, covering it in the air.

Qin Yao frowned and raised his hand to grab the blood net. The net used his palm as a fulcrum to trap him.

The giant python was very happy. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it opened its mouth and bit Qin Yao's waist.

"Bang!" Qin Yao pulled his hands and broke the blood net in an instant, then hit the giant python with a stone-throwing hand in the air.

Scarlet blood gushes out from the top of the head and spreads across the corners of the eyes... The giant python does not dare to fight any more. It is sure that if it continues like this, its brain will be blown out.

"I remember you." The giant python quickly turned around and crashed through the wall. As it fled, it did not forget to say harsh words: "When I find my ancestor, I will repay you twice as much for today's revenge."

Seeing that he was about to be chased and killed, Qin Yao immediately reached into his clothes, took out a copper coin sword, poured his magic power into it, and threw it forward with all his strength.


With the dual blessing of mana and arm strength, the copper coin sword flew through the void at the speed of a flying sword. It arrived last, and instantly tore open the back of the giant python, passed through the chest, and pierced the ground.

The python's upper body froze in the air for a moment. It lowered its eyes and glanced at the blood hole on its chest, and it was so painful that it lost its voice.

Qin Yao jumped up and hit the back of the python's head, knocking it down from mid-air. Then he clenched his iron fist and punched the top of the python's head one after another, crushing the head like a watermelon... until the python His huge body stopped twitching and he stopped just now.

"Where are you going?" After wiping the blood that spattered on his face, Qin Yao stood up and turned to look at the pool of blood that had sneaked out.

Xiao Wenjun rushed out of the teahouse with an oil lamp, opened his mouth and blew on the flames in the lamp, and the flames suddenly turned into a raging fire, burning the blood on the ground.

The blood instinctively wanted to avoid it, but wherever it avoided, the flames followed, and in a short time it was completely dried and solidified on the ground.

Qin Yao put away the copper coin sword inserted into the ground, took out two fire talismans from his body, shook it lightly, and the fire talismans spontaneously ignited. One was still on the giant python, and the other was still on his blood after being dried. place…

 In his subconscious mind, when it comes to killing, he either doesn't kill or kills cleanly without leaving any consequences.

 Hit the younger ones to get the old ones, beat the old ones to get the ancestors... What about upgrading in this matter?

 The bones are broken and the ashes are thrown away, and the ashes are destroyed.

 Isn’t it good to get it right in one step and avoid future troubles forever?


Not long after, behind the Tombstone House by the Black Snow Bridge, the luxuriously decorated teahouse in front of me was also submerged in the flames...

“Qin Yao.” Under the surging flames, Xiao Wenjun turned his eyes and looked at him.

"What's wrong?"

 “What if one day I do something sorry for you?”

Qin Yao wiped the blood on his hand with his backhand and said lightly: "It doesn't matter."

 “No… doesn’t it matter?” Xiao Wenjun’s eyes widened.

Qin Yao said: "People's hearts are unpredictable, let alone ghosts and gods. So, it doesn't matter if you betray me, just don't let me catch you. Otherwise, if your head can still be attached to your neck, my name will be written upside down."

  Xiao Wenjun: “…”

What's the matter with the sudden trembling all over the body?

 Can ghosts also feel the temperature?

 (End of this chapter)

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