I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 60: Open the door and give me back to my husband

Chapter 60 Open the door and return it to my husband

  If a person does not serve himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth.

 What faction, what attributes, does it matter?

  Not important.

 The important thing is that I work for you and you don’t force me to die.

  If you insist on forcing me to die, then no one will be able to live well.

Xu Sheng has always lived a very clear life, so he knows very well what should be said and what should not be said.

"Okay, it's getting late, you should go back first." Seeing Xu Sheng's dazed look, Shi Shaojian's heart started to rise, and he said with an irritated face.

 Who is this person that the master is looking for? He is stupid, stupid, and a waste!

  Half an hour later.

 Xu Sheng had already gone far, and another Maoshan Taoist priest in casual clothes came to the top of the tomb mountain.

"Song Zhuo, have you ever discovered the weaknesses of Master and Disciple Lin Jiu?" Because the bad breath in his heart has not dissipated, Shi Shaojian's face is still ugly at this moment, and he has no patience for small talk.

The Taoist priest with slightly round cheeks and a mustache frowned, feeling quite unhappy.

You must know that he came here at a huge risk. When the result came, the other party did not ask him whether it was hard or not. Instead, he looked at him with a slumped face. Who else would not be angry?

Even though he already knew Yizhuang's weakness, he didn't want to say it anymore at this moment.

“Brother, how could it be so fast? If Master and Disciple Lin Jiu were so easy to deal with, Yizhuang would have been trampled by those monsters and monsters seeking revenge.”

Hearing this, Shi Shaojian felt even more uncomfortable. He was in no mood to say anything more: "Okay, go back. If you find anything, contact me as soon as possible."

 Contact your uncle!

He felt uncomfortable, and Song Zhuo felt uncomfortable too. He resisted the urge to curse and turned around to leave without saying a word.

“Oh, Master’s taste is really bad, what are you looking for!” Looking at Song Zhuo’s hurried away figure, Shi Shaojian couldn’t help but mutter in his heart.


 “Master, I’m back.”


Qin Yao walked into the courtyard of Yizhuang like a small mountain with big and small bags in his hands.

In the lobby, Uncle Jiu stood up subconsciously after hearing his voice. A smile appeared on his face unconsciously. He didn't return to normal until he walked out of the hall door. He asked with a surprised look: "What's going on with you?"

Qin Yao put the big and small bags on the ground and said with a smile: "These are the gifts I brought for everyone from Fucheng. There are still some on the carriage outside. Wait a moment and I will move them in."

With that said, he strode out and came in carrying a bunch of packages.

 “Master, this is yours.”

 “Senior Brother Wencai, this is yours.”

 “Uncle, here you go.”

“Senior Brother Song Zhuo, come and get it yourself!”

 “Strange, where did Qiu Sheng go?”


Shao Qing, watching Qin Yao, who was like a giant spirit and god, cheerfully handing out gifts to all the people in the courtyard, Song Zhuo's heart suddenly trembled twice, and he opened his mouth, but in the end, no sound came out.

It doesn't matter whether the courtesy is light or heavy, the key is that this junior brother has him in his heart!

Taking a deep breath, Song Zhuo held the two gift boxes tightly with both hands. His eyes scanned the group of fellow disciples and finally settled on Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng was happy when he received the gift, but suddenly he caught Song Zhuo's gaze, and his smile instantly froze on his face.


 Shouldn't show such happiness.

If this young man turns around and informs Shi Shaojian, there will definitely be more trouble.

Thinking of this, Xu Sheng's eyes suddenly froze.

After quickly distributing the gifts to his classmates, Qin Yao picked up the remaining two gift boxes and came to Uncle Jiu, and asked again: "Master, where did Qiu Sheng go?"

“His aunt who owns a rouge shop wants to introduce him to a date and is back in town on a blind date.” Uncle Jiu said with a smile. Now it seems that it is impossible to expect Qin Yao to give him a disciple, but Qiu Sheng is very hopeful.

This year's marriage will be married. There will be a baby in winter next year. Even the name does not have to worry. It is that the boy is called Dongsheng, and the girl is called Donghua ...

 Qin Yao raised his head and glanced at the night sky, and complained speechlessly: "You haven't come back since this time. Could it be that you tricked the girl into going to the inn?"

"Why are you worrying so much? If you have the ability, you can coax someone to go to the inn." Uncle Jiu glared.

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Could you please be more reasonable?

  Why are you attacking me if you have nothing to do?

“Bang, bang, bang.”

 At midnight, there is heavy frost and cold dew.

Qiu Sheng, who was thinly dressed, rolled and crawled to the gate of Yizhuang, beating the gate frantically as if there was a ghost chasing behind him.

In the side room, Qin Yao suddenly opened the wooden door, jumped several feet, and landed lightly in the center of the yard. Then he put his feet on the ground, jumped to the back of the door, and reached out to pull out the door bolt.

At this time, Uncle Jiu, who had put on cotton clothes, also rushed to the door with his sword in hand, and appeared with him and a group of fellow Maoshan disciples.

"Qiu Sheng, what are you doing?" Qin Yao raised his head and glanced outside the door. There was no ghost or strange thing, everything was quiet, and his eyes suddenly became dangerous.

Qiu Sheng rubbed his arms, which were numb from the cold, and said with a sad face, "Can you let me put on some thick clothes first?"

Qin Yao twitched the corner of his mouth, waved his hand, and asked him to go to the room to change clothes. He immediately turned around and bolted the door.

 “The situation is like this…”

After changing into cotton clothes, Qiu Sheng's face looked much better. He stood in the middle of the lobby and said to his classmates: "Didn't I go on a blind date? In the end, I didn't fall in love with the other party, but the other party fell in love with me.

 When I refused to continue contact, the other party’s follower knocked me out with a palm.

 When I woke up, a man came to the mountain. He was wearing the groom's clothes and looked like he was getting married.

Before I could react, the blind date came over in bridal clothes. I lied to her that I was going to the hut, and then I escaped from the village and ran all the way back to Yizhuang. "

“Bang, bang, bang.” Qiu Sheng had just finished explaining the situation in general, when someone knocked on the door of Yizhuang again.

"Nine times out of ten, they are chasing me..." Qiu Sheng shuddered and said hastily.

“Open the door and give it back to my husband!” As if in response to his guess, an extremely irritable voice sounded at the door.

Just by listening to this rough voice, Qin Yao roughly understood why Qiu Sheng refused.

"This kind of thing..." Uncle Jiu shook his head speechlessly and said, "Qin Yao, come and help your senior brother solve it."

Qin Yao nodded slightly and came to the door alone. As soon as he pulled out the bolt, the door was forcibly pushed open. A tall man came up and tried to push Qin Yao away, but was slapped hard by him. on the ground.

 “Are you polite?”

Lifting his foot to step on the other person's head that he wanted to raise, Qin Yao looked at the woman standing in the center of dozens of people. He saw that she had an average appearance and could not be said to be good or bad. She was tall and strong like a man. .

No wonder the voice is so bold.

 No wonder Qiu Sheng did not dare to agree to this marriage.

"I am Ge Lanqing, the left guardian of the Five Immortals Sect of the Miao people. No matter who you are, send my husband out immediately!" The woman didn't even look at her companion who was stepped on the ground by Qin Yao, and stared at Qin Yao's body eagerly. : "If you want to save him, come back with me on his behalf."

 Chin Yao: “…”

Is it so casual?

What the hell!

 Hold on.

 The Five Immortals Sect?

 Why does it sound familiar...

 (End of this chapter)

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